Freelance Artist

Chapter 201 Three New Variety Shows

February 3rd.

Aurora platform.

As Chu Ci entered the ranks of fourth-tier stars, his number of followers also broke through the tens of millions mark in one fell swoop, and everyone in the comment section is congratulating!

"Fourth line!"

"Is the third line still far away?"

"Congratulations to Chu Ci!"

"The new song "Listen to the Sea" is great!"

"Sure enough, the serious Chu Ci is the scariest!"

"Although the songs created on-site in the Chuci live broadcast room are also very good, the quality of "Listening to the Sea" is obviously higher than that of a work that took time and painstakingly polished."

"Now Baidi fans have nothing to say!"

"The fans next door have always said that Baidi is the fourth line, but Chuci is the fifth line. My ears are getting callused."

"Isn't it because his debut was two or three months earlier than Chuci's?"

"Don't say two or three months earlier, even a day earlier Baidi is a senior!"

"Why do Baidi fans come to our Chuci place!"

Chuci fans are not happy, but Baidi's fans just like to come and make trouble. In fact, Chuci fans often leave messages under Baidi's Aurora account to pick things up. Lin Zhibai can testify, but Lin Zhibai is serving the bowl Master, as long as the two vests of Chuci and Baidi do not have rhythm, the fans on both sides will fight over who is stronger, and there will be no real grievances.

I glanced at the trending topics.

A lot about myself and Kunpeng.


What # Kunpeng 3c has company shares # What # The mysterious boss behind Kunpeng # Etc., etc.

The news is also very lively.

"Chu Ci advances to the fourth-tier star, and fights against Baidi!" "

"Chu Ci's new song won the first place in the season chart again! "

"Interview with Han Yueshuang: I still have a new song written by Teacher Chu Ci in my hand. "

"In this year's battle of the gods, Zhou Hanjin came second, this is the third time he lost to Baidi. "

Who is the boss behind Kunpeng? "

Lin Zhibai logged in and opened Baidi's account to check, and the number of fans also broke the tens of millions mark.

Watching Bu Ye Hou again, because of the explosion of "Conquer", the number of fans has caught up, and it has reached 8 million. Although there are gossips about Jiangcheng's explosion, considering that there are several new dramas in the future of Bu Ye Hou To be honest, Lin Zhibai felt that the influence of this vest would not be worse than that of Baidi and Chuci in the future.

It is worth mentioning that.

Come February.

The first episode of the second season of "I Am a Singer" on Shinhwa's side has also officially aired. Of course, the producer of the second season is still brother Lin Shengtian. Basically, the gameplay of the first season is still used, and only the singers who participated in the second season The position has become higher, but the overall evaluation of the second season on the Internet is not as good as the first season.

Think about it too.

There were too many surprises in the first season, and there was a dominant singer like Zhang Xiyang, but there was no dominant singer like Zhang Xiyang in the second season, so it is normal for the influence to decline. When the novelty has faded, The upper limit of this variety show ultimately depends on the performance of the participating singers. Fortunately, the second season was broadcast on Shinhwa TV. The ratings were very good, and it didn't seem to be affected by the decline in word of mouth.

Watching the news.

Lin Zhibai received a call from Su Chan, and she immediately asked, "Why do you have shares in Kunpeng?"

They are also supported by Kunpeng.

Why is Lin Zhibai treated so much better than himself?

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "Because I'm using the Chuci vest to work for Kunpeng."

"Is that so?"

Su Chan seems to think this is a more reasonable statement, after all, she can't work for Kunpeng in a vest like Lin Zhibai.

"Then why did Jiangcheng say that you knew Junlin and Buyehou..."

She watched the show on Jiangcheng.

"After all, I was the first support object selected by Kunpeng, but don't try to find information about those two."

This woman is sharp.

Lin Zhibai didn't want to reveal too much.

Su Chan didn't ask any more questions, but her mood sank a little, and she said softly, "My grandfather's health may be failing, and now the company's infighting is getting more and more serious..."

"I understand what you mean."

Lin Zhibai spoke a few words of comfort, and then said, "I will help you speak well in front of Jiang Cheng."

"We are allies, right?" Su Chan said.


Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "The League of the Frustrated."

The industry has long been rumoring that the old man Tianguang's health is about to die.

Now that even Su Chan said that, Lin Zhibai reckoned that the situation was really serious, and it seemed that more support would be given to her so that she could gain more voice in the company.


Lin Zhibai originally planned to provide Su Chan with a new variety show, so just after hanging up the phone, he made a customization with the system.

"Ding dong."

Scarlet's voice sounded, "Congratulations to the host for winning the variety show "Where Are We Going, Dad?"."


It turned out to be this variety show?

Blue Star's first variety reality show, huh?

Because Lin Zhibai knew about Blue Star's variety show, there was no reality show in this world.

It might have happened, but Lin Zhibai didn't find it, which at least shows that the world hasn't realized the variety show market of reality shows.

Unlike previous lives.

Various reality shows emerge in endlessly.

Dazzle the audience.

It was another blue ocean, Lin Zhibai smiled, and immediately began to write a plan.


that night.

The plan is completed.

Lin Zhibai sent it directly to Jiang Cheng and asked him to pass it on to Su Chan.

"Where is Dad going?"

Jiang Cheng subconsciously said that it felt weird after he finished speaking, but fortunately Lin Zhibai didn't answer.

After accepting the variety show project, Jiang Cheng said one more thing, "Boss, we have more money in our account now. I wonder if you are interested in an investment?"

"What investment?"

"There is a game company called MG, which is the company that developed "Reverse War Glory". It is considered the most first-class game company in Qinzhou."


Lin Zhibai's interests are average. His current career is mainly in music and film and television, and he doesn't even write novels.

"They are making a new game called "Rivalry". The gameplay is probably like 5v5 pushing towers or something..."

Jiang Cheng introduced.

This game company bought the song copyright of "Reverse War", and Jiangcheng also got to know the senior management of the other company. After learning that the new game they were developing lacked funds, he wanted to tell the boss.

Lin Zhibai was not interested at first.

Listening to it, I suddenly felt a little familiar, and then the memory of the previous life penetrated a ray of light.

Good guy.

Isn't this game the way "League of Legends" is played?

He immediately said: "You can show me the game introduction later, and say that we can consider investing..."

There has never been a MOBA competitive online game in this world.

Perhaps this game has the potential to become a hit!

The influence of "Dota" and "League of Legends" in the previous life was quite terrifying.

However, this Jiangcheng is worthy of a financial background, and he never forgets that Kunpeng is essentially an investment company.

The investment vision seems to be pretty good.

"The boss is interested?"

Jiang Cheng was just talking casually, he felt that the boss's thoughts were mainly on the entertainment industry.

I didn't expect the boss of this game to be really interested.

"It depends on the specific gameplay."

"The specific gameplay is definitely not available. This is confidential and only approximate information. I will ask them for a copy later."


Lin Zhibai didn't really want to get involved in the game industry, he just wanted to invest money in it and wait for the benefits. This is the advantage brought by the memory of his previous life.

No need for nothing.

But when it comes to investment, Lin Zhibai feels that Kunpeng's current plate is too small, and he should play bigger. He already has some ideas about this, so he said to Jiang Cheng: "The TV drama project in the hands of Zhao Lei and Su Chan It should be quite a lot, and you can also make a copy of the information for me later, and I will see if there are any suitable ones that can be used for investment, and I can also help them."


After all, Kunpeng's own work is still slow.

Casting a wide net for investment, if you look hard, you may also get a good return.

Of course, losing money is also possible. After all, Lin Zhibai can only predict whether his own work will be popular, but he cannot guarantee other works...

But who made Kunpeng financially healthy now?

So much money has nowhere to go for the time being, so look for investment directions. With the support of Kunpeng's funds, Zhao Lei can also drive Lin Xia out of the production department earlier.


Su Chan already has a variety show, so it's time to provide her brother with a variety show, and "I Am a Singer" can't let her brother Lin Shengtian eat for the rest of his life.

With that in mind.

Lin Zhibai directly customized the system again.

"Ding dong!"

The system prompt sounded: "Congratulations to the host for getting the new variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves"!"


It turned out to be this variety show?

But with "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", why can't there be a brother?

Lin Zhibai draws inferences from one instance.

"Ding dong!"

The system suddenly jumped out again.

"Congratulations to the host for triggering the memory of the variety show in the previous life. You can use half of your reputation points to exchange for the variety show "Brother Overcoming Thorns"."

Lin Zhibai: "..."

This is an idea I came up with on my own!

He said unhappily: "I came up with the idea myself, you "Brother Riding the Wind and Wind" will break a bone!"

Scarlet: "40% off?"

Lin Zhibai: "30% off!"

Scarlet agreed, and then Lin Zhibai got the project proposal of "Brother Overcoming Thorns and Thorns". This system is rarely easy to talk to.

All right.

No wonder it's easy to talk.

The idea of ​​this thing is similar to "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", both of which harvest fans' feelings, but there are some differences in the specific gameplay.

Why don't you just leave it all to your brother Lin Shengtian.

This is called eating two fish!

Brothers and sisters go together!

Let Blue Star experience a "memory killing"!


Why can't we avoid Mango Terrace?

"Where Are We Going, Dad" for Su Chan is a hit program on Mango Channel.

"Riding the Wind and Waves" and "Riding the Thorns" for my brother are also from Mango TV.

Even the previous "I Am a Singer" is Mango's.

Lin Zhibai scratched his head.

Mango Taiwan is going to be bald.

And at this moment, Lin Zhibai's cell phone rang suddenly, and his father called, the voice was a little anxious.

"Come to the hospital."

"What's wrong?"

"Your grandfather is hospitalized, and I asked your brother to pick you up."

Lin Zhibai's expression changed.

Calvin is so annoying

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