Freelance Artist

Chapter 203 Changes in the mythological pattern

"Didn't it mean that the exam will not officially start until next year? Why did it suddenly start earlier now? Is there really something wrong with Mr. Shinhwa's health?"

Jiang Cheng was a little nervous.

Lin Zhibai said thoughtfully: "The possibility of acting is not ruled out, or there is something wrong with the old man's body, but it is not serious..."

The old man's illness came suddenly.

Lin Zhibai couldn't be sure whether it was true or not.

Guess those uncles and cousins ​​are also whispering in their hearts, right?

Jiang Cheng said with a smile: "No matter what, congratulations boss for becoming the president of Mythology Publishing House. Mythology Publishing House is one of the top three large-scale publishing houses in Qinzhou. You should be the youngest ever president of a publishing house of the same size. gone."

This is the treatment of the children of the chaebol!

The starting point of the Shinhwa Group chaebol's children...

It is a height that countless people can't reach in their lifetime!

Even if Lin Zhibai doesn't have any qualifications and experience, so what, just because his surname is Lin, he can serve as the president of the Myth Publishing House with more than 500 employees and a valuation of over 10 billion!

At this time, Lin Zhibai.

Even in sophomore year.

"It's not that simple. The old man just asked me to be the president, but you have to know that the interest chain involved in a publishing house with a valuation of more than 10 billion is bound to be complicated, and there must be different factions in it. The top executives of the company belong to my uncles."

Became president at a young age.

Will other people in the publishing house convince themselves?

In ancient times, there was a saying that the master and the minister doubted it.

It doesn't mean that if you become the president, everyone in the publishing house will listen to you. How can it be so easy?

Perhaps this is the first question the old man asked himself on the examination paper. How can the son of a chaebol, who is airborne, break the situation and truly control one of the largest publishing houses in Qinzhou?


Only really made a performance.

Those people will be convinced of themselves.

After all, what they want is not the rich second generation rich third generation rich fourth generation of the Mythology Group, but a leader who can lead the company to take off.

Among them, the company's financial report can best reflect the performance of the publishing house.

Lin Zhibai has no doubt that the old man will make a preliminary score at the end of this year based on the company's financial report mastered by the second and third generations of Shinhwa!

"Let's do this first, I'll talk to my family for a while."

After Lin Zhibai hung up the phone, he met his family at Donghu Villa.

"Have a family meeting."

Lin Dong said: "I will be the director of the TV department. In Nathan and Tianguang, the rights of the TV department and the production department are integrated, but in Shinhwa Entertainment, the production department and the TV department are separate. Sometimes there will be some conflicts of interest, but compared to the production department, the most frustrating thing is that the TV artist department is in the hands of Lin Jing. What attitude..."

"Change your mind."

Lin Xi smiled and said: "Lin Jing can restrict the TV department, and the TV department can also restrict Lin Jing. There are always some dramas that even a fool can see will definitely become popular. The actors under Lin Jing must be interested in these dramas... "

No one can decide who.

In fact, everyone restricts each other.

However, considering Lin Jing was opened by Lin Zhibai with a wine bottle on his birthday, it is estimated that there is a high probability that he will tear up with the TV department in the future.

"I'm worried too."

Lin Xidao: "Now all the singers are nominally under my management, but the music minister is my aunt, and I don't know what this aunt's position is."

"The old man's arrangement is very meaningful."

Lin Shengtian scratched his head, "But if I am the director of variety shows, there seems to be no restrictions. If I insist, Sanbo is in charge of finances. My variety show may be blocked in the budget? In addition, Sanbo also controls media public relations, The Shinhwa TV station and the Shinhwa video website are in the hands of Er Bo..."

All right.

The more Lin Shengtian analyzed, the more he realized that he would be restrained in the future. If these people want to embarrass themselves, there are ways.

The old man didn't give anyone a chance to sit back and relax.


Lin Dong looked at his wife, "Either you also go to work in the TV department, I will let you be the supervisor first, and then I will find a way to promote you to be the deputy director."


Wen Yu also knows that her husband prefers to be a director and is not keen on management. Fortunately, she was an actress back then, and she is no stranger to TV drama shooting, so she can help her husband by joining the TV department.

"It seems that mom won't be able to sleep in later."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "I'm fine with the publishing house, stay away from Shinhwa Entertainment..."

"Think beautifully."

Lin Xi looked at Lin Zhibai with a smile, "The vice president of Mythology Publishing House was single-handedly selected by my uncle, the chief editor of Mythology Publishing House is my second uncle's staunch supporter, and the deputy chief editor of Mythology Publishing House is my third uncle's man." .”

Lin Zhibai: "..."

Sure enough, life at the Shinhwa Publishing House was not easy, and the uncles had already arranged for their own people in the major industries of the Shinhwa Group.

But how does my sister know?

Lin Zhibai found that Lin Xi was the only one in his family who knew about the influence of his uncles, and the others were too Buddhist and not very ambitious.


Lin Xidao: "Father, if Lin Jing makes things difficult for you in casting, you can consider borrowing from Nathan and Tianguang. Although it is a bit more distant, but as long as the results are achieved, I am not afraid that Lin Jing's actors will not rebel. He is equivalent to a TV actor. The head of their managers, just like me as the chief manager of the singers, can't control all the artists under him, especially those big names with a lot of voice..."

The family meeting lasted more than an hour.

How to develop a new job around the family in the future.

Lin Xi seemed to be the host of the meeting, making arrangements in an orderly manner.


at the same time.

The uncle's family is also in a meeting.

Lin Gong's face was not very good-looking.

Lin Jing said indignantly: "The fourth uncle's family has been suppressed by us for so long, but now it is still in power. Even Lin Zhibai's brat got the Mythology Publishing House. He is only a sophomore, so he is not qualified to manage it." Such a big company is treated better than me!"

"You have to act as a family."

Lin Chun said lightly: "The fourth son only got a TV department, so his children are treated relatively well, but I got the rights to movies, distribution and even theaters, which means that the Qinzhou movie circle will be our family in the future. The world!"


Lin Gong said: "The film department also arrange a seat for me."

Lin Chun smiled, "You don't need to tell me, I will arrange it, you can be the director of the film production department, his fourth son, the president of the Shinhwa Publishing House, the director of the Variety Department, my son Of course, you have to get a minister."

film production?

Lin Gong suddenly became excited, the power of this position is too great!

Lin Jing was a little anxious, "What about me?"

Lin Chundao: "You should do a good job in the management of TV artists first, this position is not bad."


Erbo's house.

Lin Hu was sulking. He was in charge of the Shinhwa Live Streaming Platform, which was a start-up platform whose share in the live streaming market was overwhelmed by Carp Live Streaming!

Lin Bao doesn't care, he is going to a comic publishing house, he likes to read comics, and he has already planned in his heart, lock a certain cartoonist in a small dark room to draw comics for himself, don't even think about it if he doesn't update it!


From now on, you Brother Leopard will be the boss of the comic publishing house, who dares not accept it!

Lin Xia looked at the Hubao brothers, "You two take care of the things at hand first, and I will add the burden to you later."

Lin Xia got the Shinhwa video website and Shinhwa TV station!

Although the value is not as good as that of the big brother, it is not unacceptable, after all, it is a mythical industry that occupies the leading market share!

As for her daughter Lin Feng, the treatment is actually a bit miserable, and she is in charge of organizing some activities...

It's okay to get some oil and water.

Let's arrange it later, Lin Xia knows that he has a battle to fight.


Sanbo's house.

Lin Qiu said: "Don't worry about anything, do the things at hand first, and then think about the future."

Lin Mu, Lin Liu, and Lin Sen didn't say anything.

Except that Lin Mu got a good job in film artist management.

Lin Liu is in charge of the game.

Lin Sen is in charge of the Sioux City Mythology Theme Park.

Compared with other third generations, the value is relatively low.

Fortunately, Lin Qiu has some good errands in his hands, which can be arranged for his children in the future.

"Don't patronize immediate interests."

The corner of Lin Qiu's mouth curled up. The bigger the property he got, the more difficult the test paper. It doesn't matter if the value of the property is small. It's easier to get 100 points on the simple test paper, isn't it?


In the days that followed, everyone in the Shinhwa Group felt an undercurrent surging.

And to the end of the month.

Sure enough, relevant appointments were issued one after another.

production department.

Zhao Lei received the appointment of the director of production!

"Uncle, the production department is mine!"

Zhao Lei immediately called his uncle.

His uncle is Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei said: "The production department is yours, and the position of general manager of Shinhwa Entertainment is mine now."

"The rumors are true? The chairman wants to reshuffle?"

Zhao Lei lowered his voice.

Zhao Wei said calmly: "Don't rush to stand in line. It's best not to offend anyone at the moment. I'm not that easy to be the general manager."

As the new general manager of Shinhwa Entertainment.

Zhao Wei is destined to be caught between the second and third generations of the Lin family.

The chairman is putting himself on the fire to roast.

He wants to see who he supports as the prince? Or support which emperor grandson?


At this time, there were also appointments arriving at the Myth Publishing House.

"Lin Zhibai?"

"The new president of our publishing house?"

"It is said to be the third generation of Myth's direct line."

"The third generation of mythology, the most famous one is Lin Gong, I have heard of the others more or less, but this Lin Zhibai, why have I never heard of it?"

"It seems to be a descendant that the chairman doesn't pay much attention to..."


"The chairman doesn't pay attention to Lin Zhibai's words, and will he give him the publishing and social media of Shinhwa?"

"Maybe let him gild it?"

"It doesn't matter, maybe it's a second generation ancestor, let's coax it well."

"This kind of chaebol's children should not be difficult to fool."

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