When February ends.

Han Yueshuang won the first place in the season chart with the song "Listen to the Sea" composed by Chu Ci.

This is Han Yueshuang's first season champion since his debut!

But Lin Zhibai has no time to care about this matter.

March 1st.

Eight o'clock in the morning.

Lin Zhibai took a car to the Shinhwa Publishing House.

At the entrance of Mythology Publishing House, a group of well-dressed high-level executives of the publishing house were waiting at the entrance.

"I'm coming!"

A black car parked steadily at the door of the publishing house.

The driver ran down to help open the door, and Lin Zhibai got off from the back seat.

"Hello, President!"

Dozens of high-level executives from the publishing house bowed in unison, but their eyes were flickering with horror. This new president is too young!

"I'm Lin Zhibai."

Lin Zhibai looked at dozens of senior executives, smiled and said, "Let me introduce you?"

"I'm Vice President Rhoda."

Vice President Luo Da is about fifty years old this year, with a bald forehead and a smile on his face. Lin Zhibai shook hands with him.

"I'm the editor-in-chief Bailey."

Bailey opened his mouth, and Lin Zhibai didn't think the other party looked like he was very good at playing football, but he smiled and shook hands with the other party.

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Ren Jiachun."


Behind are the editors-in-chief of each department.

Myth Publishing House publishes all kinds of books.

However, the main profit comes from several popular market book types such as martial arts, reasoning, science fiction, fantasy, history, and romance.


The editor-in-chief of these popular book types has a lot of power in the publishing house.

After shaking hands with these people one by one as the new president, Luo Da, the vice president, took Lin Zhibai upstairs.

The eighth floor is the high-level conference room of the publishing house.

Lin Zhibai entered the conference room and sat directly on the boss chair at the end of the table, and then everyone followed suit.

"I'm new here, and I'll have to rely on everyone's care in my future work."

"Where, where..."

Everyone was humble for a while, and they were also secretly trying to figure out the temper of the new president.

Then there was a meeting, mainly to let Lin Zhibai, the new president, understand the basic situation of the publishing house.

In fact, Lin Zhibai had already done his homework in advance, but he still put on a posture of listening attentively, and he couldn't make people think that he was a second-generation ancestor purely for gold plating. respect yourself.

And the first meeting of the publishing house attended by the new president ended in various ghosts.

When the meeting ends.

Lin Zhibai suddenly said: "The editor-in-chief of the reasoning department stays."

The editor-in-chief of the reasoning department was stunned, and subconsciously looked at the vice president Luo Da.

A look of shame flashed across Rhoda's face, but he reprimanded: "Look what I'm doing..."

The editor-in-chief of the reasoning department stayed in the conference room aggrieved.

Lin Zhibai, on the other hand, looked at Luo Da's back, showed a smile, and pointed out:

"Editor Wang and the vice president have a good relationship."

The editor-in-chief of the reasoning department is called Wang Zi, but it seems that Lin Zhibai is the real "Prince of Myth".

Wang Zi naturally understood Lin Zhibai's implication, and quickly explained: "Because you have been President Luo's manager before you joined the job..."

"Vice President Luo." Lin Zhibai slightly raised his voice.

Wang Zi broke out in a cold sweat, "Yes, yes, sorry, it should be Vice President Luo, the position of President has been vacant for more than three months..."

The position of president of Shinhwa Publishing House has been vacant for more than three months.

Lin Zhibai's eyes flashed, making people doubt the old man's motives.

He looked at Wang Zi, "The reasoning department of Mythology Publishing House has seen a sharp decline in performance recently. Although I just arrived, I also know that reasoning is a very important category. There are a lot of audiences in the novel circle, so I want to talk to you. ..."

"President, the main reason is that we were poached by Nathan as a pillar-level reasoning writer."

Speaking of this matter, Wang Zi was a little helpless. The appeal of top writers was too strong, so the major publishing houses competed fiercely.


Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "As far as I know, Nathan also has a very good writer named Bu Yehou."


As the editor-in-chief of the reasoning department, Wang Zi is of course familiar with all the famous writers, "Buyehou and Nathan have a very deep cooperative relationship. They have cooperated with Nathan Publishing House's "Mystery of Reasoning and Suspense" since their debut, but the career of Buyehou The focus is now on the field of screenwriting. Although he has a good market appeal in the novel circle, he is not a big threat to us now..."

"You said it too."

Lin Zhibai said: "Bu Yehou has a good market appeal. If he returns to the novel circle and releases a new book, it should give Nathan a lot of sales, right?"

Wang Zi nodded.

Lin Zhibai knocked on the table, "Can the main style of Bu Yehou's works be classified as reasoning and suspense?"

Wang Zidao: "It's more complicated, but it's really about reasoning and suspense."

Many novels have no clear genre constraints.

For example, the "Secret" released before Bu Yehou mainly tells a story about ethics.

However, there is nothing wrong with putting it in the category of reasoning and suspense. Nathan finally put "The Secret" under the department of reasoning and suspense.

Including the previous life, "Secret" won the Mystery Writers Association Award of this book.


Bu Yehou gives people the impression that he is a writer who is good at writing reasoning and suspense themes, and his writing style is relatively dark.

The chance of Bai Yehou appearing is relatively small.

Lin Zhibai said: "It's not rude to come and go, I give you a task, since Nathan has poached the pillars of our reasoning department, and you have to find a way to poach them for me, so choose this one." The Marquis of Ye should be the target of the raid."


Wang Zi cried and said with a sad face: "Not to mention whether Buyehou is willing to continue to develop in the novel circle, even if he continues to write novels, he will definitely choose to cooperate with Nathan first. It's not that I haven't tried to poach Buyehou, but Ye Hou has never paid attention to me, I don't think Ye Hou..."

Lin Zhibai sneered in his heart.

He naturally knew that the Mythology Publishing House had dug for Night Hou, and in fact, Tianguang Publishing House had also dug, but Lin Zhibai was too lazy to bother and kept ignoring him.

But now it's different.

Lin Zhibai said coldly: "I don't want you to think, I want me to think, I think if you recruit Bu Yehou, the performance of your reasoning department will be improved!"

"I can't do it... It's not that I haven't tried it before, we even added money!"

"Heh, Nathan can poach our people, but you can't poach theirs. How did you become the editor-in-chief of the reasoning department?"

Lin Zhibai attacked directly.


flirting with Rhoda in front of my face?

You thought I didn't know that Luo Da was the one supported by my uncle?

One of these chief editors counts as one, and Lin Zhibai wants to let them know who is the god of Shinhwa Publishing House.

Once these editor-in-chiefs are subdued, it will be easy for Rhoda and his like to clean up.

A capable person, Lin Zhibai, wanted to be recruited by himself, but he had to clean up those hard-core uncles.

"Then I'll try again..."

"It's not about trying, it's about succeeding."

Lin Zhibai waved his hand and pushed Wang Zi out.

Wang Zi left dejectedly, saying that the new official took office three fires, why did the first fire burn on his own head?

After Wang Zi left.

Lin Zhibai made a phone call.

"Turn back to Mythology Publishing House, if you don't want to dig it all night, don't bother."


Jiang Cheng understood Lin Zhibai's meaning in no time, "I want to take this opportunity to deal with people? Then, should I send Nathan the novel "Maliciousness"? They have been urging the manuscript all the time."

Buyehou's current market appeal is terrifying!

The main reason is that Bu Yehou's screenwriter status is too dazzling!

There was "Hurricane" before!

Then there will be "Conquer"!

These two dramas are super hits, so if there is a new book released by Buyehou, the popularity will explode!

Book fans will buy it.

Many fans who like Hou Yehou will also buy it.

It is an advantage that other writers do not have to rely on novels to make their debut and rely on screenwriters to get out of the circle.

Lin Zhibai said: "Don't give "Maliciousness" to Nathan. I plan to publish this novel on Myth Publishing House."

Wang Zi must not be able to dig Buyehou.

It doesn't matter.

At that time, Lin Zhibai will "do it himself".


"Let you dig all night?"

Listening to Wang Zi's report, Luo Da couldn't help being amused, "Who does this kid think he is? He said he can dig it if he can't dig it all night?"

Who in the publishing industry doesn't want to cooperate with Buyehou?

No way.

Both Shinhwa Publishing House and Tianguang Publishing House wanted to scoop up Buyehou, and the offer was definitely not low, but they didn't see Buyehou leave Nathan.


Nathan also knows how to take good care of Lord Buyehou.

"But if I can't..."

"Don't worry, I'll help you talk, if you can't find Bu Yehou, can he still remove you?"

Rhoda sneered.

"Of course I'm not worried about this, but Vice President Luo..."


Rhoda suddenly became sensitive.

Wang Zi was about to cry, "President Luo... help me, or you can do it yourself, talk to Kunpeng, and get Buyehou here?"

"I'll try, but don't get your hopes up."

Luo Da patted Wang Zi on the shoulder, "This new president is just a layman who doesn't understand anything. If this job can't be done, I can withstand his pressure."

"Thank you, Deputy Luo...President Luo."


When Wang Zi left, Luo Da's eyes flashed, and he made a phone call, "Contact Kunpeng and ask Bu Yehou what conditions he would like to cooperate with our Myth Publishing House."

The Marquis of Night is indeed a good card.

Whoever can dig into Bu Yehou will greatly increase his prestige in the Mythology Publishing House. This kid has no foundation in the publishing house, and he has every hope of making the opponent stand out!

The top is through the bottom.

This is just a test.

When the time for submitting papers is up, if this kid can't get good grades, he has to leave obediently. When the time comes, the position of president will definitely be his own!


that night.

Rhoda gets the call.

The person on the other end of the phone sighed: "Bu Yehou and Nathan have cooperated deeply, and I don't want to come to Myth Publishing House..."

"never mind."

Rhoda was just trying, if he couldn't dig it out, let it go, "I just need to make sure that no one can dig him up."

"Don't worry about that."

Laughter came from the other end of the phone, and he said as if reassuring: "No one can dig Buyehou!"

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