Freelance Artist

Chapter 205 The Bloody Drama Comes (7700 votes plus updates)

After Wang Zi was sent to dig the Marquis of the Night.

Lin Zhibai didn't make any new moves.

The market share of Myth Publishing House ranks among the top three in the industry. In fact, I don't need to worry about too many things. Even if I want to clean up some nails, I have to try my best not to affect the operation of the company.

Because Mythology Publishing House is considered an independent company that was spun off.

The only one who can remotely control the publishing house is the old man at the Shinhwa Group headquarters.

But the old man is not interested in intervening in the management of the publishing house, he only reads the publishing house's annual financial report.

In fact, the internal split of Shinhwa Group is also in progress. This kind of split will not affect the overall situation. The old man just makes the different departments of the company more independent, which can be regarded as strengthening the power of the department heads. Anyway, the eggs are his, but he Prepare to put them in different baskets, so that it will be convenient for everyone to divide up in the future...

Regarding how to develop the publishing house, Lin Zhibai certainly has some ideas, but he is hesitant to implement them.

At this moment, the system suddenly reminded Lin Zhibai:

"Congratulations to the host for becoming the president of Myth Publishing House and getting 5* skill points!"

"Friendly reminder: You have accumulated 16* skill points."

Kunpeng has been developing very smoothly recently. The system will provide a little skill point every time a certain achievement is achieved. Lin Zhibai is like a hamster and has been accumulating to no avail.

And this time.

Becoming the president of Myth Publishing House, the system provided five skill points in one go, so Lin Zhibai directly had sixteen skill points!

"My singing skill is 44 points, which is too weak."

Considering that the live broadcast may require a stronger improvement in singing skills, Lin Zhibai did not accumulate any more this time.

Add it all to the singing skills, and the skills point to Stud!

Swish Swish Swish!

Lin Zhibai's singing skills began to skyrocket.

This wave directly rose to 60 points!

When it reaches 40 points, it is the level of an amateur singer, and it is the level of an ordinary music anchor.

Reaching 50 points is the level of a rookie in the industry, which probably means that they can pass the three major singing skills requirements for rookie singers?

And when it reaches 60 points, it is a professional singer in the true sense.

Lin Zhibai tried it briefly, and now he can control most of the songs.

Although Chu Ci's songs are always highly praised by the industry, there are actually few people who sing in terms of singing skills.

The sound is good if you blow it at most.

Some people even complained that Chuci's singing skills are not worthy of his lyrics and composition.

Now there will be no more similar voices, brother's business level is already very professional!

Lin Zhibai even wanted to start a live broadcast right now, but after thinking about it, he would forget it. Every time a live broadcast takes three hours to start, it is quite tiring to interact with the barrage all the time.

Let's stream live when needed.

Lin Zhibai has been watching the situation in the live broadcasting industry.

Because of its early establishment, Liyu Live still occupies 80% of the market share.

The remaining 20% ​​are other live streaming platforms.

Includes Myth Live!

However, if this situation continues, it is estimated that other live broadcast platforms will also rise a little bit.

Lin Zhibai has prepared some backup players, and will release them when other live broadcast platforms start to show up.


"The Shinhwa Group has undergone a lot of personnel changes recently. We have noticed that the power of the second generation of the Lin family has begun to expand significantly, and even the third generation has come into contact with more and more industries under the group..."

in a few days.

The latest issue of "Entertainment No Circle" talked about Shinhwa's internal personnel changes.

The male host talked eloquently.

"The chairman of Shinhwa Group, Mr. Lin Zhaomu, is delegating power a little bit. However, he has four sons and a daughter, and a lot of grandchildren. Who will inherit more property needs to be questioned later. At present, the big His son, Lin Chun, seems to be more valued, compared to Mr. Lin's youngest son, Lin Dong, who has gained very little, and only got the position of Minister of Shinhwa TV, while his daughter became the Minister of Music."

The hostess answered:

"The Lin Family of the Shinhwa Group is one of the top wealthy families in Qinzhou. We know that the power struggles of such top wealthy families are often full of all kinds of blood, but it seems that the real blood has not yet come to the stage, but a TV show recently appeared. Super blood drama!"

The two hosts said in unison: ""High Society"!"

"No one thought that this "High Society" invested and filmed by Haifeng Media, a TV series with amnesia, car accidents, cheating, grievances of wealthy families and even resurrection of the dead, would cause such blood. Exaggerated attention!"

"Last night, the ratings of the latest episode of "High Society" reached 3.42%!"

"This is the second hit TV series after "Conquer" this year, and the screenwriter is finally no longer a sleepless night."

"Previously, the industry has conclusively declared that "Conquer" will be this year's drama king."

"Who would have thought..."

"Hailwind Media will come out halfway, and with an ultimate dog-blood drama, it will surpass the super high ratings of "Conquer" a little bit!"

"If the plot doesn't collapse, "High Society" may become the real drama king of this year!"

Lin Zhibai will watch this news talk show recently.

As a result, I didn't expect to hear the news that the ratings of "Conquer" will be surpassed by another TV series today.

"This drama is extremely popular right now, and many viewers are scolding it because the plot is so bloody, but guess what? This drama is getting more and more popular!"

Jiang Cheng and Lin Zhibai also mentioned this drama when they called.

Lin Zhibai smiled, there has always been a market for dog blood dramas, and it is a very huge market.

Most audiences are housewives.

Just like the variety show "If You Are the One", it mainly follows the route of housewives, young people can watch it, and even the elderly can watch it.

"Looking at the situation, "Conquer" won't be able to keep its title of drama king this year."

It's a pity for Jiangcheng.

Lin Zhibai suddenly remembered, "Didn't Nathan film "The Temptation of Going Home"? In fact, this is also a bloody drama."

"The boss means that "The Temptation of Going Home" will be broadcast in the near future?"

"Wait until the end of "High Society"."

Lin Zhibai and Haifeng Media have no grievances or enmities, and even have some friendship. There is no need to rush to play "The Temptation of Going Home" to fight each other.

"Okay, I'll get in touch with Nathan later."

It's really a good idea to air after "High Society".

Those housewives will definitely be starving after watching "High Society".

Soap opera dog blood dramas are very common, but wonderful soap dog blood dramas are rare.


In fact, "High Society" has almost finished broadcasting. Because there are more episodes in this kind of drama, it will broadcast three episodes in a row every day.

A total of sixty episodes.

It takes only 20 days to finish broadcasting three episodes a day, not to mention that the show started airing at the end of last month.

Because of the success of the show.

Blast Media was overjoyed.

"Facts have proved that the Big Three are not invincible!"

"Kunpeng is not a marquis at night, nor is he invincible in the world!"

"Our average ratings have already tied with "Conquer"!"

"There are still a few days left, and there is absolutely no problem surpassing the ratings of "Conquer"!"

"That is to say, this year's drama king belongs to our blast media!"

"Not necessarily, it's only March."

"Hahaha, don't be so conservative, "Conquest" is a big mountain, whoever crosses it will be the king of the show, and there will be no new challengers!"

"Unless there is a drama that can reach the level of last year's "Hurricane"!"

"Speaking of which, how did our show become so popular?"

"I have no idea."

"I was surprised too."

Haifeng Media was actually stunned. They didn't expect that the bloody drama "Upper Society" would be such a hit.

In other words, they don't even know why they are angry.

However, this kind of situation is not uncommon in the industry. Many popular dramas were not thought of by the producers at the beginning.

Anyway, luck can't stop it.

On March 9th, the finale of "High Society" aired, and the ratings exploded again!

The average audience rating is also out, 3.97%!

Last year, "Hurricane" broke four, but that record was not broken.

However, this result has surpassed the average audience rating of "Conquest" of 3.88%!

Considering that "Hurricane" was broadcast on Shinhwa TV at the time.

However, "High Society" was broadcast on the official eight sets, and the basic set was a bit worse.

With this popularity, it is hardly weaker than "Hurricane"!

Although in terms of word-of-mouth, this drama must have been crushed by "Hurricane", but who cares?

In the previous life, "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower" was scolded.

It does not prevent the ratings from exploding.

As long as the target audience is satisfied.



Seeing that the ratings of "High Society" exploded, everyone was shocked!

"I go!"

"A TV series broke the ratings of "Conquer" this year so soon?"

"It's a soap opera, it's bloody!"

"Snakes have ways of snakes, rats have ways of rats, this is really true, the show Gale has a lot of scolding, but the more scolding it gets, the more it gets hotter!"

"The scolding is bullshit, but in fact, many people scolded vigorously, and looked even more vigorously."

"Well, I like this show a lot. "Conquest" is intense and exciting, but this show feels very relaxing to me."

"Just to pass the time, it's interesting to watch, isn't it?"

"I thought that Kunpeng Buyehou would be able to win the drama king again."



The Kunpeng company already has quite a few fans.

Seeing that a dog-blood drama even surpassed the ratings of Kunpeng's TV series "Conquer" this year, many fans were not happy.

"Depend on!"

"No way!"

"My favorite "Conquest" was killed by a bloody drama?"


"Just because my mother likes this drama so much..."

"My dad also..."

"My aunt also..."

"Hmph, it's far worse than our Buyehou's script. Mr. Buyehou's TV series doesn't have the slightest bloody element, it's all super hardcore high-energy plots!"

"that is!"

"Dog-blood dramas are devoid of nutrition!"

"It's a pity, our Kunpeng drama king is gone this year, I really don't like dog-blood dramas..."

The fans sigh.

at this time.

Some fans noticed that Kunpeng released a message: "The latest TV series "The Temptation of Going Home" written by Bu Yehou will be broadcast soon?"

New drama! ?

There is even a new drama in Buyehou! ?

Fans immediately excitedly clicked on the synopsis in the promotion:

[In the eyes of people around, Lin Pinru married into a wealthy family, and he and the outstanding man Hong Shixian are an enviable model couple. The two are talented and beautiful, but every family has a hard-to-recite scripture. With the passage of time, the romantic feelings at the beginning of the marriage gradually fade, replaced by various real problems in life...

Pinru was criticized by her mother-in-law for not being able to conceive, and her daily life was full of stumbling blocks.

at the same time.

Pinru's best friend Ellie, who was studying in Weizhou, suddenly brought the little boy Shan En back to China, and Shan En turned out to be Shixian's own flesh and blood! Ellie declared war on her friends in order to save her lost love. And Pinru is also getting tired day by day in this continuous family and love war...]


The fans fell silent.

How about this introduction?

Before watching the show, everyone already smelled a strong smell of dog blood.

Fans also said before that Mr. Buyehou's TV series did not have the slightest bloody elements, but were all super hardcore high-energy plots. As a result, this wave was directly silenced.

But only a few seconds of silence.

This fan seemed to have forgotten his previous criticism of the dog-blood drama, and said with emotion: "You really deserve to be Mr. Bu Yehou. You are so versatile. The police drama can be easily handled, and the dog-blood drama can also be controlled!"

well said!

What connotation do you want?

What nutrition do you want?

We also love to watch dog blood dramas!

Kunpeng fans began to applaud loudly!

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