Freelance Artist

Chapter 212 Becoming the Real Boss of Myth Publishing House?

at home.

Lin Xi celebrated excitedly, "Congratulations to my mother for being promoted to the third head of the Shinhwa Entertainment TV Department, my father is really a good leader who is nepotism!"

Mom said: "He unspoken rules."

Dad: "..." Are unspoken rules okay? What do you say in front of the child!

Lin Shengtian laughed out loud.

Lin Zhibai also had a smile on his face.

Dad regretted: "It's a pity that I didn't remove the second in command by the way."

In fact, both the second-in-command and the third-in-command can be held accountable. After all, Lin Dong has already caught the braids of these two people. If these two people hadn't bypassed his minister and insisted on going their own way, the Shinhwa TV Department's attack on Nathan would not have ended in a disastrous defeat, but In order for his wife Wen Yu to take the position of the third in command, Lin Dong made a small compromise with the second in command. Simply put, he deliberately did not take the second in command, but the other party must support Wen Yu with him. There were some discordant voices in it, even so Lin Dong made this decision under a certain amount of pressure. If the TV department fails to achieve results, there will definitely be gossip.

But myth performance is king.

As long as the leader has performance, no one dares to criticize even if he is nepotism, so Lin Dong is now full of how to make performance to make up for the loss of the Shinhwa TV Department this time.

At this time, the West City Manor.

Secretary Jin is also reporting to the chairman about the recent turmoil in the TV industry.

"The second family lost badly."

Chairman Lin Zhaomu said with a smile after listening, he didn't seem to be angry.

Secretary Jin said: "Minister Lin Dong didn't do anything, and easily cleared out the third leader of the TV department, and let the fourth wife take over by the way."

"The old four's family has given me a lot of surprises in the past two years."

After Lin Zhaomu finished speaking, he asked again: "How is the Shinhwa Publishing House going?"

Secretary Jin said: "There is nothing going on at the moment, Young Master Bai doesn't go to work much."

"What about the rest?"

"The action is not too big."

Lin Zhaomu pondered: "You tell them, I will read the financial report at the end of the year, whoever does well will get the shares, and you are specifically required to draft a copy first."


Secretary Jin nodded.

The second and third generations of Shinhwa both got the test papers, but everyone's actions were too gentle, as if they just wanted to get a passing grade and make sure they didn't make mistakes, but the old man didn't want to see this kind of situation. Get people moving.


Inside Myth Publishing House.

Lin Zhibai had no class today, so he chose to come to work in the company, only to find that Secretary Jin found him with a share contract.

Read this contract.

Lin Zhibai's heart stirred up waves!

"If the annual rate of return of Myth Publishing reaches 1.5 times that of last year, you can get 10% of the shares of Myth Publishing. If the annual rate of return reaches twice that of last year, you can get 100% of Myth Publishing. Twenty shares, and so on..."

Secretary Jin spoke.

Lin Zhibai took a deep breath, "By analogy, if the revenue of Mythology Publishing House this year reaches six times that of last year, I will be able to obtain 100% of the shares of Mythology Publishing House."

Good guy!

The old man is going to use equity to force himself to raise the annual income of the Mythology Publishing House. It seems that the old man is going to be serious this time, and of course only the Lin family has this kind of treatment.

Under normal circumstances.

No matter how well those managers do, they don't want to get shares in Shinhwa Industries, because their surname is not Lin.

The valuation of Mythology Publishing House has exceeded 10 billion. If Lin Zhibai can double the revenue of the publishing house this year, he will become the real boss of Mythology Publishing House.

This is an asset of tens of billions!

Secretary Jin smiled and said, "That's right, but Young Master Bai said it as if the shares could be obtained easily."

"Don't worry about whether I can do it or not."

Lin Zhibai stared at Secretary Jin and said, "Besides me, other people should have received similar conditions, right?"

Secretary Jin nodded.

Lin Zhibai narrowed his eyes.

It seems that I will be busy next time.

Lin Zhibai directly signed the contract. According to the contract, if the revenue of Mythology Publishing House reaches six times that of last year, he will be able to fully control the company.

six times?

Of course it is very difficult!

But Lin Zhibai wanted to try.

Before leaving, Secretary Jin said with a smile: "Young Master Bai is going to work harder. How many shares you can get depends on yourself."

"I will."

Lin Zhibai also smiled.

Lin Zhibai, the secretary who sent Jin away, called Jiang Cheng.

After Jiang Cheng learned of the contract that Lin Zhibai had received today, he was so shocked that he didn't speak for a long time.

After a long time, Jiang Cheng murmured: "This is the most enviable place for the bosses, the descendants of the chaebols. It's no wonder that the current social atmosphere is becoming more and more hostile to the rich. If you are not my boss, I will endure it." I can't help being envious and jealous."

Make an assumption.

Assume that Shinhwa Publishing House earned one billion last year.

So this year Mythology Publishing House only needs to earn 1.5 billion yuan.

Lin Zhibai can obtain 10% of the shares of Mythology Publishing House.

Of course, this is just a rough example. There are many details involved in the contract, such as how the money was earned, whether it was a practice of fishing in a dry lake, etc. There are special judgment standards behind it, and there is not much left to do. Let Lin Zhibai take advantage of the loopholes, the old man is not easy to fool.

Lin Zhibai smiled.

Contrast the entire Shinhwa Group.

In fact, Shinhwa Publishing House is only enough to get between the teeth.

"Although the conditions to completely win Shinhwa Publishing House are very tempting, the difficulty of achieving six times the rate of return is too exaggerated. The boss will do his best to take as many shares as he can. Fortunately, we have no nights, It should be able to help Mythology Publishing House earn a lot of money..."

After calming down, Jiang Cheng felt that this mission goal was difficult.

After all, it is already April, and the end of the year is only eight months away.

And Lin Zhibai of Mythology Publishing House also looked at the financial situation. The income in the first four months was not good, and of course it was not too bad.

If Lin Zhibai, the president, doesn't care about it, it is estimated that the annual income will be similar to last year, or even slightly lower.


Lin Zhibai didn't explain too much.

In fact, Lin Zhibai had some ideas about how to increase the revenue of Mythology Publishing House, but he was hesitant to make a move before.

Because Shinhwa Publishing House may not belong to itself in the future.

Maybe Kunpeng Investment will also enter the publishing industry.

Make the Mythology Publishing House bigger and stronger now, and it will be cheaper for others if it is not guaranteed in the future.

It will even allow Kunpeng to enter the publishing industry after investing, and there will be an extra powerful opponent that Lin Zhibai personally built.

However, Lin Zhibai doesn't have to worry about that with the old man's equity commitment contract. If he can win the Myth Publishing House, Kunpeng Investment won't have to enter the market in the future.

Saved a lot of things.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhibai said, "I need you to cooperate with me in a scene later."


Hanging up the phone again, Lin Zhibai, as the president of the Mythology Publishing House, called all the leaders of the publishing house for a meeting.

"I took a look at the publishing house's financial report for this year."

Lin Zhibai sat on the president's chair, with a big boss look on his face.

"The income from January to March this year is much worse than that of Mythology Publishing House last year, which makes me feel very disappointed, especially the reasoning department. Almost all the hottest mystery novels on the market come from Tianguang Publishing House and Nathaniel. Mori Publishing House, whose problem is this!"

Lin Zhibai was losing his temper.

All kinds of pointers.

The meeting room was very quiet, and everyone listened to the new leader's lecture in silence.

Lin Zhibai suddenly patted the table.

"Wang Zi! Have you completed the task I gave you?"


Wang Zi suddenly cried, "You let me dig all night, I can't dig at all!"

Lin Zhibai said coldly: "I don't want to listen to the explanation, if you can't do it, get out, I will let the person who can do it be the editor-in-chief of the reasoning department!"

Wang Zi subconsciously looked at Vice President Luo Da.

Luo Da knew that he had to protect his little brother, "I can understand the feelings of the president, but Wang Zi really can't be forced to complete this matter. No one in the entire publishing industry can dig it all night. I will try it myself. However, it’s impossible, including Tianguang Publishing House is also trying, but still can’t do it.”

"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean others can't do it."

Lin Zhibai glanced at Luo Da, and then said forcefully: "Wang Zi is demoted to be the deputy editor-in-chief of the reasoning department. Whoever can find Bu Yehou will be the editor-in-chief of the reasoning department."

"President, are you making things difficult for others?"

Editor-in-Chief Bailey said, "This is an impossible task."

Ren Jiachun, the deputy editor-in-chief, also frowned and said, "The president's arrangement may not be convincing to the public."

The three of them were actually a little slanderous, the new president was like a stunned young man, and office struggles were all about tactics, and this kind of rough talk was unfeasible in Shinhwa Publishing House.

Even if you are the president!

After all, there is Shinhwa Group on it.

Even if this matter is brought up to the president of the headquarters, he will not take it seriously.

Lin Zhibai took a deep breath, seemed to be annoyed by these high-level officials, glared at Ren Jiachun and said:

"It's hard to convince the public? Who dares to refuse?"

Ren Jiachun didn't say anything, but his expression was full of "I don't agree".

Lin Zhibai said unhappily: "Ren Jiachun, I don't like your attitude very much."

Ren Jiachun found that Lin Zhibai seemed to be eyeing him today.

Maybe because he is the deputy editor-in-chief, while Luo Da is the vice-president and Bailey is the editor-in-chief, all of them have higher positions than himself?

Persimmons are soft, right?

Ren Jiachun didn't want to be the first bird, and couldn't hold back his breath, and said neither soft nor firm: "No one in our entire Mythology Publishing House can dig out Bu Yehou, but if you must use this reason to blame Wang Zi, then I will Respect the president's decision."

"So you agree?"

"I don't object." Ren Jiachun said, "But I don't support it either."

"what about you?"

Lin Zhibai looked at the others.

Rhoda said, "I don't agree!"

"Who else?" Lin Zhibai looked at the others.

The others were silent.

Lin Zhibai nodded, then took out his mobile phone in front of everyone, and made a call.


"Representative Jiang."

"I'm Lin Zhibai."

"Our Myth Publishing House wants to cooperate with Teacher Bu Yehou..."


"Give me a face."

"Then it's settled."

After making the phone call, Lin Zhibai saw that everyone in the conference room changed their faces.

Rhoda was shocked.

Bailey stared blankly at himself.

Ren Jiachun was also stunned.

Wang Zi opened his mouth even more.

Someone couldn't help but said cautiously: "Teacher Bu Yehou... Will you come over?"

"if not?"

Lin Zhibai put down his phone and sighed, "Is it that difficult?"

He looked at everyone with hatred, "How difficult is this matter, and I, the president, need to come forward?"

Needles can be heard in the conference room.

No one knows how Lin Zhibai did it.

In this conference room, everyone tried to poach Buyehou, but no one succeeded, and Kunpeng was not even willing to negotiate terms!

But Lin Zhibai made a phone call, and the matter was settled!

The president looked arrogant, but the energy behind it had to be shocking!

"Wang Zi..."

Lin Zhibai spoke angrily.

Wang Zi stood up, trembling slightly, he felt that he was going to die.

Luo Da's vice president's ranking is too far away. He said that it is impossible for someone to dig without night, but the president can get it done with a phone call!

"President, this matter hasn't been settled yet, has it?"

Luo Da became a little anxious, suspecting that Lin Zhibai was putting on airs, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Yes, Teacher Buyehou has decided to cooperate with your Myth Publishing House."

There was an affirmative voice from the opposite side.

Rhoda's face turned ugly for a moment.

Lin Zhibai raised his eyebrows, "Do you believe it now?"

Rhoda gritted his teeth and nodded.

Lin Zhibai said: "Wang Zi, you are an old man in the company. You have worked hard without credit for so many years. I will give you a chance to redeem your sins. Next, Myth Publishing will set up a new project, and you will be in charge."

"What new project?"

Rhoda, Bailey and Ren Jiachun asked almost in unison.

Lin Zhibai smiled, "Now is the Internet age, it is difficult for Myth Publishing House to make a breakthrough just relying on the income from book publishing, so I will find someone to develop a software..."

Lin Zhibai wants to develop an audiobook software!

This is his first Myth Publishing business development plan, to create a software similar to the former Himalaya.

"This software, I will make a rough plan."

Lin Zhibai said: "I will personally take the lead, Wang Zi, you will be the person in charge. As for the chief editor of the reasoning department, let the deputy editor of the reasoning department act first..."

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