Freelance Artist

Chapter 213 The New Book of Buyehou is Coming

Lin Zhibai's resolution was passed, although no one knew what the so-called "listening software" the new president was talking about.

However, the president has the power to forcibly promote this project.

Rhoda Bailey, Ren Jiachun and the three chose to put aside their relationship.

In other words:

The success or failure of this Laoshizi software has nothing to do with them. If there is a problem, it is the president's own fault!

As for the fact that Lin Zhibai won the position of editor-in-chief of Wang Zi's Reasoning Department, everyone also agreed, because the president won the Nightless Marquis!

The workplace is as simple as that.

The president helped the company win the Marquis of Night, so he can decide the future of Wang Zi, the editor-in-chief.

Headquarters had nothing to say.

Because it is a big achievement to be in the night!

With this achievement, even if Lin Zhibai's treatment of Wang Zi caused some people's dissatisfaction, the group headquarters would tolerate it.

After the meeting.

Lin Zhibai chatted with Wang Zi.

Different from being furious in the meeting, Lin Zhibai at this moment is amiable, smiling and saying to Wang Zi: "Luo Da can't keep you."

"President, please forgive me..."

Wang Zi felt desperate for his fate, he didn't take Lin Zhibai's software development project seriously at all.

In other words, all the senior executives of Shinhwa Publishing House didn't take this project seriously.

But Luoda has indeed given up on himself, and now he has been flattened and rounded by the president, and he has no right to resist.

"You think I'm hurting you?"

Lin Zhibai shook his head, "I plan to invest 500 million in this software development project in advance, so think about what it means."

Wang Zi is considered to be a member of Rhoda.

However, Lin Zhibai has already investigated, and the relationship between the other party and Luo Da is not deep, and he can completely become his own.


If Wang Zi is not capable enough, or if he is half-hearted, Lin Zhibai will not hesitate to kick him out of Shinhwa Publishing House.

As for this software, what Lin Zhibai wants to do is "listen to books"!

Bluestar people like to read novels very much, but there is no software for listening to books on the market.

In other words, the Blue Stars don't know that novels can not only be read, but also listened to.

Just like an ancient storyteller.

Shinhwa Publishing House has a huge copyright library.

The conditions for doing this kind of software are simply unique.

As for whether this software can be successful after it is made?

With some memory reminders from his previous life, Lin Zhibai is sure that this listening software will be a big success!

This is the opportunity he gave Wang Zi.

Whether you can grasp it depends on the other party.

Lin Zhibai is very clear that it is impossible to increase the annual profit of Mythology Publishing House by six times in a short period of time by relying on only one person who stays up all night. However, if the audio book software is made, it is expected to increase the value of Mythology Publishing House!

This market is huge!

Don't people drive when they go to work?

It is usually to listen to radio broadcasts, and there are not many choices. With this software, everyone has more choices.

All this is to give full play to the biggest advantage of Myth Publishing House——

Novel copyright library!

Lin Zhibai didn't say these words too clearly to Wang Zi, after all, he didn't trust the other party.

However, when Wang Zi heard "invest 500 million", his eyes changed instantly.

If the president hadn't fooled himself and made him the person in charge of such a big project, then not only would he not have been demoted...

Instead, he was promoted in disguise! ?

And the president doesn't seem to need to fool himself, after all, his future is completely in the hands of the other party!

"President, I will definitely do a good job!" He cheered up again.

"Loyalty depends on actions, not words." Lin Zhibai gave him a meaningful look.

The opponent must cut off with Rhoda.

If it can't be done, this Wang Zi must leave.

As for why Wang Zi was not kicked directly, the reason is actually very simple.

The chief editors of Myth Publishing House are more or less related to Rhoda Bailey and Ren Jiachun. After all, they have to stand in line in the company.

Lin Zhibai couldn't kick them all at once, it would cause turmoil in the company.

After all, the editors-in-chief are all middle-level leaders. They have been in the company for many years, but they just get closer to those big leaders. In fact, it is a very normal thing, and it is not so easy to be alone in the workplace.

But in order to prevent accidents.

Lin Zhibai plans to arrange for Shinhwa Publishing House to recruit people from outside. He will slowly train his own people and take full control of the company.

It's not just about "listening to books" software.

Lin Zhibai also has some other tricks.

He called his sister and asked with a smile, "Did you see the pancake painted by the old man?"

Lin Xidao: "I see, but this big cake is not easy to eat."

Lin Zhibai: "What is the condition you received?"

Lin Xidao: "At the end of the year, the artist management business will grow by a certain percentage, and I will be given as many shares as possible."

Lin Zhibai said thoughtfully: "The conditions are similar."

Lin Xi: "You too?"

Lin Zhibai: "Yes, where are my father and brother?"

Lin Xi replied: "It's the same, but it's more difficult on your side. After all, the annual income of Mythology Publishing House has always been relatively fixed, and the annual income and expenditure are not very large, so I can't help you much."

Lin Zhibai smiled, "Not necessarily."

Lin Xi was stunned, "What can I help you with?"

Lin Zhibai said: "You are in charge of the singers of the company now, contact them and ask them if they have any ideas for an autobiography."


Lin Xi was confused, "Aren't entrepreneurs usually writing autobiographies?"

Lin Zhibai said: "Open your mind. Entrepreneurs can publish their autobiographies. Of course, celebrities can also publish books, but they must be big names, first-tier or even super-first-tier, otherwise the books will not sell so well."

"Then let me try."

Lin Xi is not sure whether those singers will buy their books. After all, no one has played like this before, but those top entrepreneurs who publish their autobiographies have many people buying them. Insufficiency is also a problem, after all, you have to be a professional writer to write a book..."

"Open your mind again."

Lin Zhibai said: "I will arrange some writers to get in touch with celebrities. It is enough for celebrities to dictate, and the writing and polishing will be handed over to professional writers."

"You have quite a lot of ideas, but I just don't know if they are useful."

"It is useful, it must be useful."

Although it is not as useful as that software, there has always been a good market for books published by celebrities in previous lives.

The stars in this world are still not thick-skinned enough. Isn't it more interesting to reveal some facts in the book than Internet gossip?

Besides, celebrities also need to publish books to gild themselves.

This is a win-win situation, and Lin Zhibai feels that there should be little resistance to advancing this kind of thing.

Especially when my sister came forward.

She is in charge of many celebrities now.

"In addition, Dad has big-name TV actors, movie actors, and even Qu Dad who are familiar with him. He can come forward and ask them to consider publishing a book. Mythology Publishing House will pay for the publication."

Lin Zhibai now wants to improve the performance of Shinhwa Publishing House.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

Moreover, this market is too blank.

The sales income of celebrity published books should be much greater than that of mosquito meat?


Listening to book software and the plan of publishing books by celebrities will take time.

What Lin Zhibai lacks most now is time, so he needs to make more personal preparations before these projects are completed.

April tenth.

Mythology Publishing House announced that it has officially signed a contract with Buyehou!

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused turmoil in the circle!

"Buyehou went to the Myth Publishing House?"

"Didn't you work at Nathan Press before?"

"So many publishers have failed in their attempts to dig into the night marquis. How did Shinhwa do it?"

"I heard that Shinhwa's president has changed."

"It has something to do with the president?"

"It is said that the new president of Shinhwa Publishing House personally called the representative of Kunpeng, and then the matter was settled."

"real or fake?"

"Who is the new president of Myth Publishing House, who is so generous?"

"The youngest grandson of the chairman of Shinhwa Group, Lin Zhibai."

"Lin Zhibai?"

"The youngest grandson of the Shinhwa Group?"

This is the first time Lin Zhibai has become widely known.

The entire publishing world knew that such a No. 1 figure existed.

And the biggest halo on Lin Zhibai's head is the youngest grandson of Lin Zhaomu, chairman of Shinhwa Group.


at the same time.

Myth Publishing House also released the news that Buyehou's new book "Maliciousness" will be published soon. This novel Lin Zhibai has already written it, but it has not been released yet, but the market expectations are very high!

Because the current Buyehou is too big.

The ratings of three consecutive TV series exploded.

Although it was TV dramas that exploded, this kind of enthusiasm can be indirectly radiated to the novel circle.

As for Myth Publishing House, Lin Zhibai was the president, so with a wave of his hand, someone directly arranged for himself the highest level of publicity resources to create momentum.

It just so happened that Myth Publishing House had its own promotional channels.

So related news began to bombard the reader circle.

"This is a mystery novel...After reading this novel...the entire Myth Publishing House was shocked..."

The news is very headline party.

Lin Zhibai used the UC "shocking body" from his previous life.

The effect is of course outstanding, and the fans' expectations are instantly filled!

"Finally waiting for Bu Yehou's new book!"

"That's right, we can't just focus on writing scripts and take care of the feelings of our book fans. Look at the seamless switch between screenwriters and writers now, I think this thing is spicy!"

"This time is the Marquis of the White Night or the Marquis of the Night?"


"The title of the book should be Marquis of the Night?"

"Marquis of the night? Be afraid!"

"The "Secret" before Bu Yehou was so perverted, it completely threw me out of the shadows!"

"I feel that Hui Yehou's level is just right."

"I've heard of White Night and Black Night, but this is the first time I've heard of Gray Night."

"It's just a compromise."

"Bu Yehou's writing style changes a lot, so it's normal to have more titles, which is very reasonable."


ps: I feel a little uncomfortable today, the codeword state is very poor, take a break, and get back to the state tomorrow.

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