Freelance Artist

Chapter 225 Chuci 1v5

It was probably because Chu Ci's previous two live broadcasts caused too much noise, so this time he will start a live broadcast again, which has attracted a lot of attention in the entertainment industry.

"April twenty-second?"

"Chuci's third live broadcast?"

"Then I'll have to take a look."

"I want to take a look too. I don't know what song he is going to sing this time. Don't forget that the copyright of the songs sung in the Chu Ci live broadcast room is sold to the outside world. The copyright of the songs he sang in the previous two live broadcasts was sold at a high price. It has also triggered a lot of looting from music companies!"

"A lot of people are thinking about songs."

"The "Little Apple" he sang in the live broadcast room last time is still very popular. Almost most of Qin Zhou's square dances use this song as background music. The two singers who bought this song and sang together Earned a fortune!"

"The key is that these songs were written by Chu Ci casually!"

"Songs written by hand can have such a big impact!"

Those who followed the live broadcast of Chu Ci in the circle actually thought of the song.

The songs created by Chu Ci on the spot will not be recorded and released by themselves, and all major music companies have the opportunity to get them, as long as they can come up with a price that satisfies Kunpeng Investment Representative Jiangcheng!

It's like a master cultivator.

Just show some benefits from between your fingers.

It will make countless people flock to it.

However, many people have heard that the Shinhwa live broadcast platform has invited some stars and will broadcast live on April 22nd.

"I heard that a total of five stars have been invited!"

"One of them is a second-tier star!"

Five stars, one second-tier, two third-tier, and two fourth-tier, this is the star lineup invited by the Shinhwa live broadcast platform that day!


at the same time.

Netizens are also discussing.

"This is the live broadcast of Carp and Shinhwa."

"The Shinhwa live broadcast should be very lively that day."

"I don't know how many audiences Chuci can attract that day."

"Before the live broadcast of Chuci, the highest number of viewers reached more than 20 million, but on April 22, after all, there were five stars on the Shinhwa live broadcast, and it is estimated that they can steal a large number of Chuci viewers."


"Chu Ci is the fourth line."

"Of the five stars on Shinhwa Live, the worst two are fourth-tier, and there are two third-tier stars, and even one second-tier star!"

"But Chu Ci is not an ordinary four-line."

"He just didn't have enough time to debut."

"And the effect of the live broadcast of Chu Ci is good enough."

"It's true to say so, but you don't think that Chu Ci can fight against the five stars of the Shinhwa live broadcast platform that day, right?"

"That's not enough."

"There is still a second line in Shinhwa Live."

Although Chu Ci's appeal is terrifying, his existence is a blow to the anchor itself. It is not a level of existence at all, but the Shinhwa Live broadcast sent stars this time!

Star to star!

And it's 1v5!

The result is naturally predictable.

The difference is nothing more than the difference in the number of viewers between Chuci and the five stars invited by the Shinhwa live broadcast platform. The competition for the number of viewers in the live broadcast room is different from the competition for the season rankings.


And on the Shinhwa live broadcast platform.

Five stars are gearing up.

In fact, when the live broadcasting industry was just emerging, everyone was somewhat disdainful of this kind of grassroots Internet celebrity platform. How can anchors compare with entertainment stars?

The grade is too low!

Pull it down!

But as Chu Ci made news again and again with the live broadcast, some celebrities began to think that this stuff was acceptable, such as the five people who were going to test the waters on the Shinhwa live broadcast platform.

"Let's discuss."

Lin Hu looked at the five celebrities, "Are the five of you planning to open one live broadcast room together, or five of you will open five live broadcast rooms separately?"


The stars said immediately.

The opinions of the five people are very unified.

Everyone doesn't want to be in a live broadcast room.

That Chu Ci is a fourth-tier star, and they can attract so many audiences. The worst of these five people is also the fourth-tier, and there are third-tier and even second-tier stars. Can you have no ideas?

Why squeeze together?

Lin Hu nodded, and said, "That's the decision. You don't know much about live broadcasts. Watch the live broadcasts more these two days and study how other anchors do it."

The five pouted.

Nodding perfunctorily.

Are you kidding me? Our five big stars condescended to start the live broadcast. We still need to study how those grassroots live broadcast. Fans alone can keep the live broadcast room warm, okay?


that's all.

A few days later.

April 22nd is finally here!

Seven o'clock that night.

Myth live broadcast platform.

Each of the five stars opened the live broadcast room!

At the same time, the Chu Ci live broadcast room is officially opened!

"It's finally started!"

"I've been waiting for a long time!"

"Come in an hour early!"

"What song is Chuci singing today!"

"I really want to sing!"

"Do you still dare to create on the spot today?"

"Chuci, I love you!"

Someone has already started sending rockets.

There are even several super rockets.

This is Chuci's third live broadcast.

He already has a large regular audience.

Lin Zhibai was not in a hurry to sing or anything, he glanced at the number of people first, and then smiled.


the other side.

Myth live broadcast platform.

In the fourth-tier celebrity live broadcast room, a handsome face with obvious makeup appeared on the screen, "Hi everyone, I am actor Panser. I am very happy to meet you through this live broadcast..."

Swish Swish Swish.

There are many bullet screens.

"Shuai Pan!"

"What kind of talent do you want to perform?"

"Looking forward to the talent show!"

"Penser is really handsome!"

"How can this appearance be compared to the anchor!"

"Celebrities playing live broadcasts are crushing Internet celebrities!"

Panser tried his best to keep smiling, but his eyelids twitched. He glanced at the number of people in the live broadcast room, why it was only about two million!

Didn't it mean that there are more than 20 million people in the Chu Ci live broadcast room!

Both are fourth-tier stars, and his audience is ten times mine?

Panther thought it was his own problem, and secretly glanced at the live broadcast room of another fourth-tier star.


Two hundred fifty-five!

Not much better than myself!


Three-tier star live broadcast room.

The barrage looked lively as well.

"Shuai Wang!"

"I love you!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"I like your TV show!"

The third-tier star looked at the number of people in the live broadcast room, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

five million?

I, a third-tier star, came to the Shinhwa live broadcast platform, with only five million viewers! ?

This third-tier star has also studied live broadcasts, and he knows that five million is a figure that only some big anchors can achieve.

But I am a big star!

To be reduced to the same level as the anchor?

This person glanced at the live broadcast room of another third-tier star, and the audience was only 4.8 million!

what's the situation?

Celebrities are not acclimatized to playing live broadcasts?

He glanced at the second-tier star's live broadcast room again, and his mood became slightly heavy.


Second-tier star live broadcast room.

This second-tier star is called Zhou Ran.

As the only second-tier star among the five stars, Zhou Ran was still looking forward to the first live broadcast, thinking about Chuci's fourth-tier star's live broadcast room, which had more than 20 million viewers.

I am a second-tier star.

How exaggerated is the audience?

It turned out that the audience was only in the early nine million and less than ten million!

He immediately used an excuse to go to the toilet, then quickly turned on the carp live broadcast, and watched the situation in the Chuci live broadcast room.


The number of viewers is 28,706,559!

More than 28 million, close to 30 million people!

Zhou Ran was dumbfounded, Chu Ci was just a fourth-tier star, how could there be so many viewers, twice or even nearly three times his own!

It's over!

This time I lost my face!

If I had known earlier, I would not have come to this live broadcast!



Many people are paying attention to this live broadcast platform battle between carp and myth.

As soon as the results come out.

The industry has been dumbfounded!

"The number of people in the Chu Ci live broadcast room is far ahead!"

"Why don't those stars in the Shinhwa studio feel like they don't have much influence!"


"I did the math!"

"The combined audience of the five stars of Shinhwa's live broadcast is barely a tie with Chuci!"

"It's even a little bit worse!"

"Two fourth-tiers, two third-tiers, and one second-tier, can the audience add up to fight Chuci?"



There are also countless exclamations!

"Chu Ci is too awesome!"

"Direct 1v5!"

"His audience is almost 30 million!"

"Those celebrities on the Shinhwa Live Broadcasting Platform are no good. Only together can we compete with Chuci!"

"What new program did Chu Ci perform?"

"No, Chu Ci hasn't sung a single song so far, just chatting with the audience!"


"It can only be said that these celebrities don't understand live broadcasting. Chu Ci's appeal in the live broadcasting industry, I guess, is already at the level of a first-line star!"

"Think about the season standings, isn't that the case?"

"On the season rankings, Chuci can even head-to-head with the super-first-tier singers who are kings and queens. What are these second-tier, third-tier, and fourth-tier gangs!"


Beforehand, many people thought that Chuci would definitely suffer in 1v5, but the result surprised everyone!

Lin Hu was dumbfounded!

I managed to attract five stars to live broadcast, but the audience's appeal is not as good as Chu Ci's fourth-tier star!

This star rating is not allowed!

Judging from the performance of the live broadcast room, Chu Ci said that there is nothing wrong with the first line!

"We have to find a way to remedy it!"

Lin Hu yelled at his followers: "These stars are too disappointing. It's not enough for Chuci to fight alone. Let their live broadcast rooms be merged together and five people will live broadcast together!"

This effect will be much better!

Fortunately, all five of them are in the company.

Just walk a few steps and enter the same live broadcast room.

But in this way, Chu Ci really became 1v5!

After the five celebrities received the news, they hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed. After all, the popularity of the solo live broadcast room is incomparable with that of Chuci. Maybe the five of them can overtake Chu Ci with their combined efforts?

Five people thought so.

And in the Chu Ci live broadcast room.

After chatting with the audience for a while, Lin Zhibai suddenly smiled and said, "There are a lot of new live broadcast categories on the platform today, so I'll take everyone to see them first?"


Lin Zhibai opened a live broadcast room.

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