Freelance Artist

Chapter 226 Variety of Live Streaming Types

Lin Zhibai clicked into a live broadcast room of Survival in the Wilderness!

The anchor in the live broadcast room is broadcasting live in a jungle-like environment, the camera shakes slightly, and the anchor is communicating with the audience:


"Look what I found?"

"Here is a lone little fat bug, we can try to catch it, this kind of animal can provide us with energy for several days, they are rich in a lot of protein, we approach it slowly from behind, be careful not to make too much noise the sound of……"

"Hey, I got it!"

"It struggled so much that we cut off its head and the rest can be eaten raw. Its protein content is six times that of beef!"


"Their taste is crunchy and tastes like chicken." The anchor actually took off the head of a big meat worm and stuffed it into his mouth alive. The slurry burst out in an instant, and he still told the audience that it was chicken. taste.

Follow Chu Ci's perspective.

Nearly 30 million viewers were shocked watching this live broadcast!

What kind of live broadcast is this!


"Oh My God!"

"This buddy is awesome!"

"How did you eat it!"

"A live broadcast of survival in the wilderness?"

"This is the first time I've heard of such a live broadcast!"


"Oh my eyes!"

Lin Zhibai was also a little stunned. He didn't expect that he would encounter such an explosive scene when he casually clicked into this live broadcast room of survival in the wild.

Although this is the type of live broadcast developed by Lin Zhibai himself.

Including this wilderness survival expert who was also found by Lin Zhibai instructing Carp Live. He said in a shocked tone:

"Pupil earthquake!"

This sentence has an inexplicable image, which fits everyone's state of shock, so the words "pupil earthquake" followed by the barrage.

"Grandpa Beef!"

The anchor's name was Beibei, and Lin Zhibai yelled "Master Bei" in rhythm, and then quickly exited the live broadcast room.

look at the audience.

Well, it was a little less, probably because he stayed in the wilderness survival live broadcast room, Lin Zhibai expressed his satisfaction, this is the effect he wanted.



Lin Zhibai clicked into another live broadcast room.

This studio is live streaming the adventure.

"I heard that this school has been abandoned for five years. There are rumors that it is haunted. As an atheist, the anchor will take everyone to explore here today."


"too dark."

"I'll turn on the flashlight."

"Ah! What is that! What is that!"

"Oh, it's okay. It turned out to be just a scarecrow. I don't know who is so boring. Build a scarecrow here to scare me."

"The front is the dormitory, right?"

"We could see that it was completely deserted."

The atmosphere was very tense, not like a ghost movie but better than a ghost movie. The audience who was brought here by Chu Ci held their breath, followed by the anchor!


"This stimulation!"

"Heart is beating wildly!"

"What kind of live broadcast is this!"

"Survival in the wilderness just now, this is probably a supernatural adventure? Although I know there will be no problems, but this kind of environment is really quite nervous and scary!"

The audience discusses.

Lin Zhibai said: "People know that ghosts are scary, and ghosts know that people are poisonous. It is never ghosts that are worth fearing in this world."

"That's a good point!"

"Humans know that ghosts are terrifying, and ghosts know that people are poisonous!"

"Many times, the human heart is more terrifying than ghosts!"

"I just like to listen to Chu Ci's words, and I can always get into it!"

Lin Zhibai quit the live broadcast room again, and found that the audience was a little less. He probably stayed here to explore.


There are many new live broadcast rooms!

Lin Zhibai leads the audience to experience one by one!

To put it bluntly, it is attracting traffic for these new types of live broadcasts!

And the audience followed Lin Zhibai all the way to see it, and it was considered an uplifting posture!

The carp live broadcast platform has launched several new channels this time, and there are all kinds of live broadcasts!

Live shop visits.

The anchor goes to a famous restaurant to help the audience evaluate the level of the restaurant.

Enjoy the food live.

King crabs and lobsters were all on the table, and the audience watched others eating, and they all felt relish.

Live fishing.

There were quite a few fishing guys in the audience, their eyes were straightened, and they found it very interesting, just like those game lovers who like to watch the anchor play games.

Live show supercar.

This is the rich second generation live broadcast, and I'm introducing it to everyone flatteringly, but it doesn't mean to show off their wealth.

Live singing.

This audience is very familiar, but unlike ordinary live singing, this host is singing live outdoors, which is very fresh!

Live dancing.

It is also a link that the audience is familiar with, but the location is changed from home to outdoor, or most of these live broadcasts are conducted outdoors!



Lin Zhibai walked around and asked many viewers to find the type of live broadcast they liked, and found that there were still 18 million viewers left in his live broadcast room.

Drainage was successful.

Hidden merit and fame.


And after Lin Zhibai's introduction in the name of Chu Ci, these new types of live broadcasts by Carp Live have sparked a huge discussion on the Internet!

"Look at the carp live broadcast!"

"A lot of fun live broadcasts!"

"I didn't expect that there are so many tricks in the live broadcast!"

"The outdoor picnic just now was so interesting. I didn't expect to watch the live broadcast of these friends going out for a picnic to make me relish it!"

"I like that Wilderness Survival!"

"Master Pei, right? Hahaha, Chu Ci's pupils trembled when he saw it!"

“I love food live streaming!”

"I like to dance outdoors, and I just like the way passers-by can't help but watch!"

"I just saw an outrageous one, dancing directly opposite to the big moms in the square dance, dancing against the big moms!"

"These anchors are crazy!"

"Nimma, you can broadcast live even while sleeping. The key is that I watched it for half an hour as if I was sick!"

"There's also ASMR, it's amazing!"

"What's this?"

"Hey, I understand everything."

These things are already commonplace on the earth, but they are full of novelty for the Blue Star people. Everyone is frantically promoting the types of live broadcasts that they think are interesting on the Internet, and the traffic of the carp live broadcast platform has begun to surge wildly!


Myth Live.

The five stars gathered together, and the number of viewers has indeed increased, almost reaching the 30 million standard, but the barrage is a little dissatisfied.

"Just chatting?"

"Why don't you have any talent?"

"I only sang two songs, and I was a little out of tune."

"The singing skills of TV actors are really not interesting."

"Why do I feel that these five people are a bit of idol baggage?"

"Not grounded enough."

"Brothers, go watch the carp live broadcast, there is everything there, it's exciting!"

"The version has been revised over there, and a lot of new things have been released!"

"The carp live broadcast is called the real live broadcast, and the mythical live broadcast is really not good!"

The five stars were quite happy at first, and the fans were almost the same as the Chu Ci live broadcast room, at least they had saved a little bit of dignity, as for some barrages of complaints, they pretended not to see them.

But soon.

Five stars found something was wrong.

Because the number of viewers has started to drop.

Twenty-eight million.

Twenty-five million.

22 million.

Nineteen million.

Finally, it is almost stable.

Lin Hu was furious, "What's going on here!"

The attendant said with a sad face, "Suddenly there are a bunch of new types of live broadcasts on the carp side. Brother Hu, go and have a look. It's too outrageous. It's the first time I've heard that you can also live broadcast while eating and sleeping!"

Lin Hu hurriedly went to see it.

After a while, Lin Hu's face turned ugly. Carp Live was clearly prepared. Those anchors knew that they had been trained in advance, otherwise they wouldn't suddenly pop up, "How is our traffic?"

"It fell very hard!"

The attendant said helplessly: "A lot of viewers have gone to Liyu to broadcast live. The traffic brought by these celebrities may only be their personal fans. When they turn back and stop live broadcasting, these fans probably won't stay."

Lin Hu stiffened.

The fist hardened.

A few celebrity managers at the side came over and asked anxiously: "What's going on, the audience suddenly dropped so much, isn't it crushed by Chu Ci!"


The attendant glanced at Chu Ci's live broadcast room and said: "Although the carp traffic has increased greatly, those new types of live broadcasts have also affected Chu Ci himself. His current audience is only more than 10 million, which is about the same as the five of us here. "

"That's okay."

The managers of several celebrities can accept it. They don't care about the traffic of any mythological platform, they only care about the face of their own artists.

But face will soon be lost!

Because the fans in the five star live broadcast room began to drop rapidly again!

"What's going on this time!"

The managers of the five stars were heartbroken again.

One of them opened the Chu Ci live broadcast room, looked at it and said with a twitching corner of his mouth: "Because Chu Ci is going to sing."


Lin Zhibai is going to sing.

Chu Ci in the live broadcast room smiled and said: "The next step is to order songs on the spot."


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