Freelance Artist

Chapter 228 Another Wedding Song!

in front of the screen.

Xia Tian and her fiancé were so touched that they couldn't be more moved.

Watching Chu Ci in the live broadcast room, Xia Tian had a feeling from the bottom of his heart.

"Thank you Teacher Chuci! Thank you very very very much. I will definitely play this song on my wedding day. Your song has special meaning to us!"

"nice! You love it."

Lin Zhibai looked at Xia Xia's thanks, and said with a smile still: "This song is called "For You", and I give it to you. Once again, I wish you a happy life together."

at the same time.

The bullet screen response was enthusiastic!

This song is too appropriate for the occasion. Just because Chu Ci sang such a simple song in the live broadcast room, everyone seemed to have a wedding scene of a couple of couples in their minds. Listening to the song Everyone should be full of blessings for marriage, right?

But Lin Zhibai didn't know.

When he sang this song, all the people in the industry who were watching the live broadcast were moved!

"I want this song!"

"Grab it!"

"Hands are fast and hands are slow!"

"Contact Kunpeng immediately!"

"It is estimated that there are many competitors!"

"Then spend money to grab it, just like "Little Apple" swept the square dance, this song may sweep the wedding scene of countless newcomers!"

"The quality of this song is too high!"

"The main reason is that the attributes are too special. There are not many wedding songs that can be so close to the public. I can guarantee that this song will be played at many newcomers' wedding scenes in the future!"

"What kind of concept is this?"

"This song can last a lifetime for a singer!"

"It's like the song "Gong Xi Fa Cai" written by Baidi to Zhang Xiyang. I think everyone will think of this song when the Spring Festival comes!"

"Chu Ci is too good!"

"The reward of one million this summer is worth it!"

"The value of this song is far more than one million!"

There are some songs in the music industry, just like the pension insurance of singers, which still have a very special meaning after many years. For many people in the industry, "Give You" seems to have a little meaning of pension insurance?

Maybe not as exaggerated as "Little Apple".

It can't compare to the popularity of "Gong Xi Fa Cai".

However, there are too few songs that can be eaten for a lifetime in the true sense. This song "For You" has a similar attribute, which is already quite powerful!


This song will definitely cause countless singers in the industry to compete!

Lin Zhibai also knows this. This is also one of the purposes of his live broadcast. It is to use the effect of the seller's show to attract those companies in the industry to buy copyright from him. Looking at the reaction of the barrage, he knows that this song is serious. After the release of the Eight Classics, the popularity will never be low.

"I also register an account!"

Xia Tian's fiancé was a little shocked. He was purely watching the live broadcast with his wife, and he was indeed a fan of Baidi. He could only be regarded as a passerby's impression of Chu Ci.

But at this moment.

Xia Tian's fiancé felt that he also fell in love with Chuci, and it wasn't forced by his fiancée. It was really this song that moved him so much!

I don't know how to thank you.

Then reward Super Fire too!

Although I am a little sorry for Teacher Baidi, I was betrayed by a song and turned into a fan camp.


Myth live broadcast platform.

The five celebrities tried their best to interact with the audience, but they watched the number of audiences decrease!

"what's up?"

"Isn't it enough to add five stars together?"

"It's almost 10 million!"

"It's okay, there aren't many viewers at Chuci, and now they're all diverted away by the monsters and goblins on the Liyu live broadcast platform."


"Open your eyes and look at the Chu Ci live broadcast room!"

"Didn't the number of viewers in Chuci's live broadcast room drop before? How come it's fucking over 30 million now!"

"It's this song!"

"I'm going, this song!"

"Not only is the quality of this song good, but also because he just received a one million tip in the live broadcast!"

"It's outrageous!"

"Our biggest single tip is only 500,000 yuan!"

It was Chuci's first live broadcast, and he received a single reward of 1 million. At that time, he was on the news once, which made people sigh with emotion about this guy's ability to attract fans.

Chu Ci’s second live broadcast, and received another one million rewards, but even though it was also on the news that time, the top brother in the reward list was not because he liked it, it was purely for finding fault in the past, but he was severely beaten in the end face off.

Today is the third official live broadcast of Chuci.

In the end, he got another one million tip!

Lin Hu, who was observing his opponent and peeking at Chuci's live broadcast, couldn't hold back anymore!

When these five celebrities get together, they can't keep up with Chu Ci. Even the rewards from fans have been severely suppressed, and a fan of the second-tier star has given a reward of 500,000 yuan...

"It's too embarrassing!"

The managers of the five celebrities looked at each other, and they all felt that this would not work, and they didn't know how to bury their own artists when they came back to the news!

Two four lines!

Two three lines!

A second line!

After being beaten by Chu Ci, he ran away without any power to fight back. This was definitely a very big blow to the image of the five stars!

It will make people question the commercial value of these five stars!

"Let's pool together the five of us, one family will contribute 200,000 yuan, and the five people will be exactly one million yuan, how about it?"

The agent of the second-tier star proposed.

The managers of the other four stars looked at each other, gritted their teeth and said:


no solution anymore!

You must save your respect!

Otherwise, the dignity will be ruined and the image will be damaged!

The loss is far more than one million!

Together, the five people directly created an account secretly, and rewarded one million in the live broadcast room of the five stars!


"There are local tyrants!"

"One million rewards!"

"It's so fierce!"

"What is this?"

"Chu Ci also received a reward of one million just now."


"We had a single tip of 500,000 before!"

"Together it's 1.5 million!"

"Then why don't you say that every time Chuci broadcasts live, someone sends a reward of one million yuan?"


"Hurry up and watch the Chu Ci live broadcast room!"

"Another person tipped 500 super fires, worth 1 million!"

With the barrage prompt.

Someone went to the carp live broadcast to take a look.


There was another one-million-dollar reward in the Chu Ci live broadcast room!

When the five celebrity managers saw it, they instantly felt their brains heat up!

"what's up!"

"There's another million tip over there!"

"Could it be the babysitter?"

"Shall we continue rewarding?"

"never mind."

"If you have a million rewards, you can almost win your respect."

"This wave is already embarrassing enough, let's face it, don't touch the live broadcast again, this is Chu Ci's home field!"



There was another one million rewards in Chu Ci's live broadcast room!

The tipper this time is called "Fei Yu", and the other party typed after tipping:

"Thank you for Teacher Chuci's song, and thank you for your blessings to us. I am my fiancé in summer, and a small reward is not enough to respect!"

Super rocket!

Five hundred rounds go into the air!

The barrage exploded again!

"So it's my fiancé brother, Miss Xia has found a rich local tyrant!"

"It's too embarrassing!"

"Didn't Miss Xia say before that the two families know each other, so they must be of the same class."

"Blessings again!"


"Is this the rich man's world?"

"You local tyrant, do you still lack thigh pendants?"

When Lin Zhibai saw Xia Tian's fiancé's tip, he was also the first to express his gratitude.

"It's so inhumane!"

Then Lin Zhibai deliberately said in a bold tone: "Can we be friends with local tyrants?"

The tone of inexplicable joy.

All viewers are amused.

Chu Ci's speech is so nice.

Xia Tian's fiancé quickly typed and said: "Then I am really honored!"

Lin Zhibai smiled, thinking that today's live broadcast should end before here. After all, more than two hours have passed, but just when he was about to say goodbye to everyone.

The barrage suddenly said:

"What about the one you agreed to order a song with a single reward of one million?"

"Don't say anything!"

"Let's do another song by Chuci!"

"Another wedding song!"

"Hahahaha, you are too vicious!"

"Chu Ci just finished writing the wedding song, how could he write the second one!"

"It seems to be true. Chu Ci can write songs on any tricky topic, and he can't help him at all, but what if he is asked to write two songs on the same topic?"


Ideas never imagined!

It seems that Chuci can really be stumped this time?

The audience booed immediately, because Chu Ci was so good, he could write songs about apples, jail, and pigs, as if any topic could not trouble him.

Live streamed several times.

The audience just wanted to see Chu Ci being embarrassed. Of course, there was no malicious intention. Everyone just wanted to see what Chu Ci was like in the live broadcast. However, everyone had never seen the scene of Chu Ci being embarrassed. It has become the "heart knot" of all audiences.

Ya is really amazing!

The audience can't help but feel a little regretful.

And let Chu Ci come up with a wedding song after he has already written "For You", it will definitely be difficult for Chu Ci, because he has already used up the inspiration for that song just now!

"Hurry up!"

"Boss Feiyu, come up with a question!"

"This million can't be spent in vain!"

"We must let Chu Ci know how powerful he is!"

The rhythm has already picked up, and all the bullet screens are urging Fei Yu to come up with a question, so they use the same question and ask Chu Ci to play another song!

"forget it."

Fei Yu couldn't bear it.

Lin Zhibai blinked his eyes and did not speak.

The audience saw Chu Ci's silence, thinking that he was cowardly, and immediately booed even more fiercely, and some people even used the aggressive method:


"Chu Ci!"

"Didn't you say it when someone offered a reward of one million?"

"that is!"

"Only write songs for Miss Xia Xia?"

"Won't you write a song for your summer fiancé?"


"You are discriminatory!"

"Don't favor one person over another!"

Lin Zhibai was still silent, but a crisp system notification sounded in his ears: "Congratulations to the host for getting the song "You Will Marry Me Today"!"

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