Freelance Artist

Chapter 229 You are going to marry me today!


It turned out to be this song.

Lin Zhibai was thoughtful.

This "You're going to marry me today" is also a wedding song used by many people in previous lives when they got married, but it seems to be a song sung by a man and a woman, right?

Can I sing alone?

Lin Zhibai thought for a while and it seemed that the problem was not that big of a deal.

And watching Chu Ci in the live broadcast room still remained silent, the audience felt more and more that he was cowardly, and they were immediately overjoyed, feeling very fulfilled!


"Finally found a way to stump you!"

"Are you still arrogant?"

"Chu Ci has been silenced!"

"Have you run out of inspiration?"

"Writing a song with a topic is already the limit, and the quality of "For You" is still so good, how can he write another song?"

"Do you still think our question is too simple?"

"You still provoked us before, and thought it was too easy for us to ask questions?"

"Do you dare next time!"

The audience was in a bad mood in the barrage.

Lin Zhibai's eyes were fixed, and he immediately said in the live broadcast room: "Dare to do it next time!"



Feiyu: "..."

Even many people in the industry who were watching the live broadcast and having fun with the audience burst out laughing.

This Chuci!

Very good at live streaming!

Do you dare to do it next time?

It's fun to skin it, right?

In fact, people in the industry also conducted a quick analysis when the barrage was embarrassing Chuci, and they all felt that it was really impossible for Chuci to write another song on the same topic. In fact, the other party could write a song in a short period of time. The song "For You" is already very scary. It is impossible for any composer in the industry to achieve the level of Chu Ci!

As for the two wedding songs?

Qu fathers may not be able to do it!

Of course, this is based on the premise of quality requirements. If quality is not required, the composer can write a bunch of songs in a short period of time. The real strength of Chuci is that the songs he composed on the spot can be kept so short in a short period of time. high quality level.

"The mouth is so hard!"

"Even if the future universe is destroyed, Chu Ci's mouth will still be hard, harder than a diamond!"

The barrage joked.

The program works really well.

Xia Tian's fiancé, Fei Yu, was also amused, and took advantage of the atmosphere to joke, "If you can really write another song, I'll reward you with another one million!"

It's just a joke.

It's also to help Chu Ci add some live broadcast effects.

But Xia Tian's fiancé, Fei Yu, never expected that after he finished saying this, Chu Ci in the live broadcast room suddenly said:

"Then I'll try."

While speaking, Lin Zhibai had already picked up a pen and began to write.

Fei Yu in front of the computer was stunned, and Xia Tian next to him laughed, "Don't underestimate Chu Ci, maybe he can really do it, after all, everyone tried to stump him in the previous two live broadcasts, but there is no Succeed alone!"


Fei Yu smiled and said, "It's too difficult."

Fei Yu doesn't care about one million, he has a very high net worth, strictly speaking, he is richer than Xia Tian, ​​even if he rewards another one million, it doesn't matter, just be happy, but he doesn't think Chu Ci can still Write another one.

Barrage thinks so too.

"Why are you still pretending? You are better at acting than Baidi Lin Zhibai!"

"Who is Lin Zhibai?"

"Lin Zhibai is the White Emperor. You didn't read the news. It was discussed all over the Internet before, and then Lin Zhibai's name was a bit pretentious, so there was this meme."

"Hahaha, in the live broadcast room of Chuci, three sentences are inseparable from Baidi!"

"What is this? You don't know. There are a bunch of Baidi fans in the Chuci live broadcast room, saying they want to investigate the enemy's situation or something."

"Chu Ci is really writing!"

"He can't really write it?"

"It doesn't exist, he's just pretending, it's all the effect of the show."

"The inspiration just ran out."

"How can it be so easy to write a second poem on the same topic?"

"Even if he did write it, the quality would definitely not be much better."

It's not just what the audience thinks.

It is also the idea of ​​​​many people in the industry.

Everyone felt that Chu Ci might really write a second wedding song, but the quality is estimated to be incomparable with "For You".

Just mess with it.

Anyway, the show worked.

In this way, Lin Zhibai tossed about for ten minutes.

After a long time of tossing this time, the audience became more and more convinced that Chu Ci was "no way out", so they barraged all kinds of "ruthless ridicule".

densely packed.

Fill the screen.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room has reached more than 35 million unknowingly. It is estimated that real first-line stars may not be able to have such a popularity when they come to live broadcast?

at this time.

Chu Ci suddenly said: "I'm fine!"

The audience cheered up, "Start your performance!"

With the mentality of watching the fun, everyone was already mentally prepared for Chuci to come up with a low-quality song. Some people even speculated whether this guy would play tricks and come up with a song like "Song of Pigs" Yes, works with spoof attributes.

"Then I'll come!"

Lin Zhibai sat in front of the piano this time.

The audience couldn't stop smiling. The more serious Chu Ci is now, the more they don't believe that he can really write another wedding song.


As the prelude sounded, many people's faces changed slightly when they heard the melody of the arrangement that Lin Zhibai had just made. Why does the music seem to be a bit of a thing at the beginning?

At this time.

The virtual image of Chu Ci, with his body facing all the audience, turns his neck to look at the camera from time to time, and the singing voice comes out of his mouth:

"The warm spring flowers take away the sadness of winter."

"The breeze brings romance."

"Every love song is suddenly filled with meaning."

"I saw you suddenly at this very moment."


The audience froze!

The song seems to be...

Sounds good?

Chu Ci's voice continued, and his throat was clamped, as if he was a little girly, but he didn't look too girly, but his voice was thinner and softer. This was the last time he improved his singing skills by adding points. Achieved professional level:

"The fragrance of flowers in spring takes away the coldness of winter."

"An unexpected love in the breeze."

"The singing of the birds brings us closer."

"I fell in love with you suddenly at this very moment."

The audience didn't react at first, and only after listening to a few sentences did they come back to their senses. Chu Ci seemed to be imitating a couple singing duet! ?

I go!

The key song!

At first, I thought it sounded good, but after listening to it, I felt it sounded very good, it seems that it is not worse than the previous song "For You" at all!


"He can really do it!"

"It's been written!"

"It definitely counts!"

"The quality is very high, and it seems to be a duet between men and women. He changed his voice between his throats!"

"Listen again!"

Lin Zhibai glanced at the barrage, and continued to sing warm songs, looking for the sweetness of love, just when the chorus came:

"Listen to me and walk with me hand in hand."

"Create a happy life."

"It will be a pity if yesterday is too late for tomorrow."

"Will you marry me today?"

The chorus is on the point. It feels a bit like a man proposing marriage. Isn’t the premise of the lyrics of creating a happy life is marriage?

"Sounds good!"


"How did Chu Ci do it!"

"Why do I feel that this song is more classic than "For You"!"

"Hi, two songs! I was just thinking about playing "For You" when I get married, but when this song appeared, I actually wanted to use this song to get married again, even though I don't have a boyfriend yet!"


The audience is completely convinced!

This is so awesome!

"The enthusiasm of summer touches the laziness of spring, the sun shines on a happy family, every love song will bring back memories, how did I know you back then?"

in front of the screen.

Xia Tian listened to this song in a daze, and quickly caught the word "Xia Ri" in his ears. Is this pointing at himself?

She looked at Fei Yu.

This is aimed at the newcomers and immediately recalls the scene when they first met, just like the lyrics sing, "How did I know you back then"?

"Sports meet?"

"You're a cheerleader."

"Although you were cheering for the people in your class, I fell in love at first sight. You were so beautiful at that time, and it was the most beautiful scenery in my memory."

Fei Yu looked at Xia Tian and confessed.

His eyes were full of fire.

"The sadness of winter ends the loneliness of autumn, the breeze brings bitter longing, the singing of birds sings not to leave, how much I want to hug you at this moment."

Xia Tian blushed.

Fei Yu hugged her into his arms.

I'm hugging you right now.

"Listen to me, walk with me hand in hand, live a stable life, it will be a pity if yesterday is too late, and today you will marry me."

Chu Ci's voice was very warm.

In summer, I just feel that the whole person is crisp.

"Listen to me, let's go hand in hand, give me your whole life, don't look back yesterday, you will be white tomorrow, and you will marry me today."

Lin Zhibai shook his head.

What followed was a very free-spirited rap, and he seemed to see a pair of newlyweds snuggling up and holding each other's hands.


"Listening to the bells in the auditorium, we witness in front of God and relatives and friends that this man and woman are going to be married now, don't forget how sacred all this is, and you are willing to live and die with her forever.

Cherish her!

Respect her!

comfort her!

protect her!

Two people work together to build a happy family, are you willing to do this? "

Very subtle feeling.

The rap of Chu Ci in the live broadcast room seemed to be playing the role of a witness or a priest to ask Fei Yu. Xia Tian also looked at his fiancé, and the music temporarily paused.

"I do!"

Fei Yu was typing in the live broadcast room. In fact, his mouth was faster than his hands. He had already kissed his fiancée and whispered these three words into her ear.

"Yes I do!"

Seeing the barrage, Lin Zhibai imitated the man and said a simple English sentence, and the music played again: "Listen to me, hold hands all the way to the end and give your life to me. Yesterday is the past and tomorrow will be more memories...

You will marry me today.

You will marry me today!

You will marry me today……"

Romantic, ambiguous, warm, intoxicating, sweet, countless emotions are mixed in the song, making the barrage quiet.

Everyone was caught in a strange mood.

"The title of the song." Lin Zhibai said with a smile, ""You Will Marry Me Today", if you don't thank me for taking it away, just treat me as one of yours."

Swish Swish Swish!

Five hundred super rockets!

Feiyu kept his promise and rewarded another one million!

And Chuci's live broadcast room was once again boiling, with two classic wedding songs in a row, this Bo Lin Zhibai already had a faint sense of holiness!


ps: Please ask for a monthly ticket to soothe your wounded soul!

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