Freelance Artist

Chapter 237: The Silver League Floats the Red Tu Version!

As the project leader, Lemon has been staring at the background data. If the Bluestar Chinese website is successful, he, the project leader, will naturally follow the chicken dog to heaven. If the website fails, he might be thrown out by the president.

The workplace is like this.

Leaders will always find someone to take the blame.

Although Lemon felt that the president didn't seem like the kind of leader who would blame his subordinates, who could say for sure about this kind of thing, in short, he was nervous and apprehensive at the moment, and asked his subordinates to report the situation all the time.

"The number of registrations has exceeded 10,000!"

"The number of registrations has reached 30,000!"

"The number of registrations exceeded 50,000!"

"Breaking eighty thousand."

"One hundred thousand! The number of registered people reaches one hundred thousand!"

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

Instead of worrying that the leader will blame him, it is better to pray for the success of this project. Listening to the data reports from his subordinates, Lemon's palms are already sweating, and a voice in his heart is roaring:


Go up again!

keep going up!

It seems that the heaven heard Lemon's prayer, and the number of website user registrations continued to rise at a very high speed!

Two hundred thousand!

Three hundred thousand!

Four hundred thousand!

Five hundred thousand!

Lemon's eyes widened!

He was not surprised by the rapid rise in the early stage, because Buyehou also published a new book on the Blue Star Chinese website, and it is estimated that most of the readers who clicked on this website came for Buyehou and were willing to register for Buyehou A website user account is also normal, but when the number of registrations reaches 500,000 and continues to skyrocket, Lemon feels that it is not just the reason for the night, the enthusiasm of the netizens seems to be very high...

Enthusiasm indeed!

Five hundred thousand is not the end at all!

Another 20 minutes later, Lemon took a closer look. The number of user registrations had officially exceeded one million, and there was no intention of stopping there!

"This is done!?"

Lemon's body was trembling slightly.

And just when Lemon was in a turbulent mood, the assistant suddenly ran over, his voice full of excitement and shock, "I just detected that the traffic on our website is getting higher and higher, it seems that there are a large wave of new netizens who clicked into our website one after another !"

"Big wave of new netizens?"

Of course, Lemon is not interested in joking at the moment, he is really excited, the situation on the first day of the website's launch is much better than he expected!

"It seems to be because some readers spontaneously promoted it?"

Deputy is a little uncertain, but the influx of traffic is good news, because it means that the number of registrations will be higher, "Readers are very enthusiastic about these novels on our website. Lots of good reviews!"

"Let me see!"

Lemon clicked on a book at random, and this book has already reached the tenth place on the recommendation list. The title of the book is "Online Games: Mad Thieves World", which is the idea that Bu Yehou mentioned in his lecture.

Online novels!

At that time, most of the 300 authors in the group didn't understand the meaning of online game novels. Who likes to watch the protagonist play games?

It's better to time travel and rebirth!

But this writer named "Love to Eat Pears" is full of interest in this so-called online game theme, and wrote this novel according to the content of Bu Yehou's lectures, and it turned out to be unexpectedly popular, and the response in the comment area was extremely high Well, the readers have all kinds of praise and frantically discussing this idea, and are still arguing whether the future of the holographic online game era mentioned in the novel can really be realized.

You can know the whole leopard from a glimpse.

Looking at the readers' enthusiasm for discussing the content of the novel, Lemon's eyes are gradually brightening, and this website may really become a reality!


Countless colleagues in the publishing industry are also paying close attention to the release of novels on this website. Although they cannot analyze through background traffic data like lemons, it is easy to see the evaluations of major novels that are gradually emerging.


"The reader response is very good!"

"What the hell, these Xiaobai mentally handicapped books have received so many good reviews?"

"It must be Toy!"

"For Mythology Publishing House, isn't it easy to find some babysitters?"

"It's like those dessert shops that deliberately recruit dozens or even hundreds of people to queue up to buy desserts. They are actually fooling passers-by!"

"No no no."

"I feel real."

"These novels are indeed very interesting. For example, in "The Son-in-Law of the Dragon King", as long as the protagonist smiles crookedly, the villain will be slapped in the face. Although the characters are very facial, but the emotional tension is very strong. When you see the villain being so arrogant, Knowing that there are no such mentally handicapped people in reality, or even if there are very few, I still can't help but get angry and want to see the protagonist slap me in the face!"

"This is a transformation!"

"I feel like the world of fiction is about to change."

"This style of online novels may become popular in the future."

"Hehehe, even if these comments are true, do you think these readers will be willing to pay in the future? Online novels, after reading the introduction, seem to be a subscription model. There are no physical books, they are all virtual, just like the skin in the game , how many people are willing to charge money for the skin in the game?"

"That's true."

Although the novels on this website seem to be booming in the comment area, many people may be prostitutes. They are reading it now because they don’t need to spend money. When these novels are going to open VIP paid subscriptions, they are probably willing to spend There are not many people with money!

Readers pay nothing.

Authors don't make money.

It doesn't matter how popular this website is.

This kind of online novel still has to be cashed out in order to be able to make a profit. Otherwise, would it only rely on advertisements? But I haven’t seen a single advertisement on this website. It’s so clean and scary!

In other words:

Now this site is not making any money.

Just when the editors in the industry analyzed it like this.

Suddenly someone said: "You may have underestimated the source of income of this website. I just saw a reader who directly rewarded a book with 1,000 yuan and became the leader!"


"What's that?"

"Fan rankings."

"It's similar to live broadcast."

"Apprentice, apprentice, disciple, deacon, rudder master, hall master, guardian, elder, master, master, leader, each fan title has a corresponding fan value requirement, and the leader is 1,000 yuan!"


There are already some novels that have lord-level fans, and there are quite a few of them. Some people are willing to reward one million for watching the live broadcast. Although the online articles are not so exaggerated, it is not uncommon for readers to reward one thousand yuan, although currently only the results are particularly good. This kind of thousand yuan reward is only available for books, but don't forget that this website is only online today!

Could this thing really work?

Physical novels do not have this advantage!

Readers spend tens of dollars to buy a book, but online articles, which can be paid and rewarded, seem to have brought a new revenue channel to novels, and many editors also feel that they have been opened the door to a new world !


"There is also a silver alliance above the alliance leader!"

Someone noticed that the fan level, the leader is not the limit, there is also a silver league on it, but the fan value requirement is 1,000,000!

That is 10,000 yuan!

"This is completely borrowing from the fan ranking model of Liyu's live broadcast that stimulates consumption. However, novels and live broadcasts are different after all. How can someone be willing to reward 10,000 yuan for reading a book?"

Some novel editors questioned it.

But the next moment he discovered:

It is poverty that limits your imagination!

Because a banner suddenly floated over the webpage!

[Praise the festival and praise the table, and it's not enough to express my meaning without this reward! Lawei rewards "Zhu Xian" with 1,000,000 starting coins and becomes the silver alliance of this book! 】

"Depend on!"

"Silver League!"

"This is ten thousand yuan!"

"Someone really gave a reward of 10,000 yuan!"

"The title of the book is "Zhu Xian"!?"

"Isn't this the new book by Bu Yehou?"

"Have you read it?"

"How is it written?"

"I haven't watched it yet."

"I've been patronizing and researching this website."

"Buyehou is a pillar of the website after all, and it's normal for someone to tip 10,000 yuan occasionally. His popularity is so high, it's just a very accidental situation."


of course not!

Just when everyone was feeling sorry for the Silver League.

The system flashed several prompts:

[...Yu Feiyiyi rewards "Zhu Xian" with 1,000,000 starting coins, and becomes the Silver Alliance of this book! 】

[... Swallow rewards "Zhu Xian" with 1,000,000 starting coins and becomes the Silver League of this book! 】

[...Hai Xi rewarded "Zhu Xian" with 1,000,000 starting coins, and became the silver alliance of this book! 】

[...The cat wandering in Dubai rewarded "Zhu Xian" with 1,000,000 starting coins, and became the silver alliance of this book! 】





It was like a chain reaction, one after another someone gave rewards to the "Zhu Xian" Silver League, and in the blink of an eye, everyone saw a series of shocking and red reminders being refreshed, and there were more than 20 silver reward reminders!


More than twenty silver leagues!

That's more than two hundred thousand!

Even on the Liyu live broadcast, it is difficult for those big anchors to get a single tip of tens of thousands, but Bu Yehou's novel actually did it!


Chu Ci?

Chu Ci is a bug in the live streaming industry!

Who can broadcast live like Chuci? The quality of the first song is so high, it is the only one in the whole network!

Leaving Chu Ci aside.

The emergence of these Baiyin Leagues almost instantly refreshed the habitual cognition of novels in the publishing industry, and almost all of these industry insiders dropped their jaws in shock!

"These readers are crazy!"

"You can tip so much money for reading a novel?"

"We don't have this kind of game in the novel publishing industry!"

"This is the appeal of Bu Yehou?"

"Hurry up and watch "Zhu Xian"!"

"Maybe it's not just a matter of appeal!"

"It's really not worth spending so much money to read a novel normally!"

"I've already started watching."

"How about it?"

"The situation is a bit complicated. Let's put it this way, Bu Yehou's new book has created a brand new genre!"

Brand new genre?

"Like Malice pioneered narrative trickery?"

"No, no, although "Maliciousness" created a narrative trick, it is still a mystery novel after all, but this book, Wuyehou, has completely created a new genre, and it is a true mountain monster!"

Cultivation fairy tale novel!

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