Freelance Artist

Chapter 238: The First Day of Hundred Leagues! The Shock of Myth Press

The rewards from the Baiyin League were too shocking, and it directly shocked all the editors in the circle. Everyone clicked on the page of Bu Yehou's new book "Zhu Xian" one after another, and saw that gorgeous fan at a glance List——

Twenty-seven Silver Leagues!

With the addition of silver, the number of lords has reached seventy-two!

The comment area is even more popular:

"The setting of Bu Yehou's new book is awesome, what kind of cultivation system is so interesting!"

"Xian Xia?"

"This book has the taste of a martial arts novel, but the artistic conception is obviously higher than that of martial arts. Are there any novels of the same type that you recommend?"


"Buyehou, the old mountain monster, this is a new type of novel created by him!"

"This book is so good!"

"It's different from all the novels before Bu Yehou."

"I just read other novels on the website, and I was so excited. I even sweated for Bu Yehou's new book, but I clicked in and found that your uncle is still your uncle. No matter how new the online novel is, it is not as new as Lord Hou. !"

"Kneel to Lord Hou!"

"The lord offers it with both hands!"

"I have rewarded silver!"

The comments and rewards have actually explained everything. After looking at each other in the industry, the colleagues in the publishing house took a deep breath, then clicked on the book and plunged into the world of "Zhu Xian" directly!

Comprehension system!

Pill Talisman!

All kinds of instruments!

Yu Jian flies!

Legends of Immortals and the World of Xianxia are fantastic and colorful, and indeed have the taste of martial arts, but the upgrade system and the pioneering settings of Xianxia are so fascinating. For all those who read this type of novel for the first time, this The vast world view is so fascinating!

It doesn't even take long.

It only needs to read a dozen or so chapters, and it is enough for all professional editors to come to an appraisal conclusion. This is definitely a novel that can be called a groundbreaking novel. No wonder readers are so excited after reading it!

Cool online novels.

The seriousness of physical fiction.

This book seems to combine both.

Those who like to read online novels, it is difficult to reject "Zhu Xian", and those who like to read physical novels are even more difficult to reject this book, because it is neither exaggerated nor boring, and has a very wide audience!

"This book is going to be a hit!"

"It's already on fire!"

"Madan, dozens of chapters have been updated in one go!"

"I have a hunch the genre this book started will be a hit!"

Many editors have already had this premonition. The content of "Zhu Xian" is not easy to imitate, but the setting of this book is so exciting that many writers will definitely use it in the future. Lin Zhibai has added many things that the original book did not have.

Take the boundary as an example.

Lin Zhibai directly mentioned the concepts of Qi refining, foundation building, alchemy formation, Yuanying, and transformation of gods in the book. They are all classic settings that were not introduced in detail in "Zhu Xian" but that later generations of Xianxia loved to quote. Anyway, this kind of setting It definitely won't affect the plot.

So far it looks good.

The major lists on the website have been refreshed.

What's the click list, reward list, bestseller list, and recommendation list are all "Zhu Xian" at present, highlighting the invincible popularity of Bu Yehou. Of course, the response of other books is also very good, but this book really can't do it.

Let's talk about establishing a sect.

Do online games count?

Does rebirth text count?

Does time travel to the ancient times and pretending to be coquettish count?

These are the first works in online literature, and will become the setting used in countless novels in the future, but Xianxia is a big category. Blue Star certainly has myths and legends, but "Zhu Xian" is the number one in the world. This book is a novel that throws out the classic settings of Xianxia!

It's like "The Misty Journey" in the previous life.

As a novel about comprehension and fairy tales, this book is actually not so exciting after reading it later, and it is even very outdated. But when this book first came out, it was really popular, because the concept of comprehension was introduced in the novel for the first time. Formally proposed, the concept of Xianxia is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for the first time!


The name of comprehension has existed since ancient times.

Commonly known as cultivating the Tao, because there has always been a saying in Taoism that "learn the Tao and practice to find the true self". Lin Zhibai just simplified the whole practice process of returning to Taoism and becoming a true immortal, and directly wrote about building a foundation, knotting a pill, and Yuanying. Anyway, it is also a Taoist statement, and it is better to quote it in online articles .


at this time.

Myth Press.

The whole company is also paying attention to the new project of "Blue Star Chinese Website". Of course, they are still not optimistic. However, after reading some books, readers' comments, and various data performances of the website, everyone feels a little confused. !

"This new website created by our president seems to be popular? I see a lot of people discussing it online!"

"And where do these novels come from! Why do you feel that each one is more creative than the other?"

"Are these authors all geniuses? They all have big brains! The style of the novels created by the authors of this website is completely different from the novels we usually publish!"

"And the book Bu Yehou!"

"I'm starting a sect right away!"

"What are cultivating fairy tales? I haven't heard of them in the novel world for so many years. As a result, the website has opened up such a fairy tale channel specifically for Buyehou. The other channels are all a bunch of books. Clicking on this category only A single copy of "Zhu Xian"!"

"I heard from the Bluestar Chinese website project team that the traffic on the website is exploding!"

"So online novels can really work!?"

"We all wrongly blamed the president before, thinking he was messing around?"

"What should I say? Let me just say that Baidi is my idol. My idol can be so good at making music, and he can definitely do novels!"

Did you say that before?

Colleagues all despise it, but they are a little horrified. It is hard to say whether this project will be successful. After all, it has not made much profit. Even if it starts charging, it does not know how profitable it is. Fail, or even hope for a big success?

And the senior executives of the publishing house were even more frightened.

Vice President Luo Da wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and communicated with someone from the project team.

"The traffic really exploded?"

"It's very explosive, nearly ten times more than expected. Our project team has already discussed to celebrate tonight. Let's not talk about how much profit we can make in the future. Failure is definitely out of the question anyway!"

Rhoda gritted his teeth.

The editor-in-chief Bailey also confirmed with others: "The total amount of rewards from readers has exceeded tens of millions? Isn't it the babysitter that the project team is looking for?"

"Really not!"

The person over there responded: "It's all real rewards from readers. Now many books have leaders, because these books are all styles that have never appeared in the market before. The readers' sense of freshness is very strong, so the enthusiasm for rewards is also high. It's rising!"

Bailey fell silent.

Ren Jiachun, on the other hand, was silent from the beginning to the end. He was seriously considering a question, should he cut Lin Qiu off and hang out with the president?

Will the president accept himself?

In fact, Ren Jiachun felt that this project might be successful at the beginning, but now he is more and more convinced of his judgment, and it will definitely make a lot of money in the future!

If you have the opportunity, you must consider re-joining the team!

Everyone has underestimated this president. His project is not messing around. The audiobook project is not good. Anyway, this website is correct, even a very wise decision!


Mythology web class!

After Lin Zhibai gave a lecture in the group in the name of Buyehou, Lemon did not disband the group.

at this time.

The group chat is extraordinarily frenzied!


"Hahaha, the old wolf already has twelve alliance leaders, and there is also a silver alliance!"

"Eighteen lords of the cake!"

"I wipe!"

"Why don't you guys talk about Lord Hou, already..."

"Damn it! Master Hou's "Zhu Xian" now has more than one hundred alliance leaders, it is worthy of being the patriarch!"

"Is there another badge, the Baimeng Hegemony badge?"

"So domineering!"

"There are nearly 30 silvers in Baimeng, and one silver is equivalent to ten leaders!"

"Without Master Hou, I would not be where I am today. This is the first time I have made money by writing novels. Although it is only a few thousand dollars as a reward, I really feel the urge to cry!"

"I really like Lord Hou's new book!"

"Cultivation Xianxia, ​​Master Hou said that we can imitate. My grades in this book are not as good as yours, so I plan to cut it and write Xianxia!"


The web appeared.

The eunuch also appeared.

This is reasonable and logical.

However, the vast majority of authors have gained something, and they are reluctant to cut off the new book they are writing. No matter how insensitive they are, they know that their works are popular in the market and have the potential to become popular in the future!

And all this.

It's all thanks to Bu Yehou!

Without Bu Ye Hou, there would be no them!

The current Buyehou has really become a "god" in the hearts of these authors. If someone says that Buyehou is not good, these people will dare to go up and fight with each other.

At this time.

The old wolf appeared in the group and bubbled up. His book grades are very good, and he is one of the heads of the website, so everyone's attitude towards him has changed a little.

"Wolf god!"

"I can't bear it."

Lao Lang felt a little ashamed when he saw others calling him "God". In the comment area, there were also a bunch of readers praising him as a genius writer.

Where is the founder myself!

The real founder is the Marquis of Night!

So Wolf God directly suggested in the group: "Readers all think that we have amazing brains and represent a new style of writing in the writer circle, but we know that the reason why we can write these books is all due to the help provided by Lord Hou." Creativity, so now is not the time to be complacent, I suggest that everyone make it clear to readers that these ideas belong to Lord Hou, he selflessly handed them over to us, and we should not steal the credit."


"Shall we respond together?"

"Clarify it in the update tomorrow!"

Because it took the creativity of Bu Yehou to write the popular Huoshu, these authors are still very moral, sorry to let readers mistakenly believe that it is their own credit, must let all Internet novel lovers, and even the entire novel world Everyone knows how great Hou Ye is!

Besides, it's okay to steal credit!

There are 300 authors in the group, listening to the lectures and "enlightenment" together. Who doesn't know who?

at this time.

There are still discussions on the Internet, and I am curious why there are so many writers with invincible creativity and fresh works on the Bluestar Chinese website. They don’t know that this newly born Internet circle, almost all the Internet writers who have made achievements in their novels , are all apprentices taught by the patriarch Bu Yehou!

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