Freelance Artist

Chapter 239: The Source of Net Articles Is Buyehou!

There are indeed countless voices discussing "Blue Star Chinese Website" on the Internet. This online literature website, which was born out of nowhere, made Qinzhou readers deeply involved when they came into contact with online novels for the first time, and this kind of heated discussion has continued It hasn't dissipated until the next day, and the novels on the website make everyone talk about it with gusto:

“The books on this site are so top notch!”

"It's very interesting to open a book casually!"

"I have fallen in love with online novels, and I am already addicted to reading them!"

"Why are there so many mind-opening books popping up all of a sudden?"

"What fairy tales, time travel, rebirth, online games, etc. It stands to reason that it took many years to publish a novel of this new type, but as soon as this website came out, these new types were also created in one go!"


"It doesn't matter if you don't sleep at night."

"Where did you find these writers?"

"How come everyone has something new of their own?"


Suddenly, a bunch of writers came out and created so many new types of novels, as if someone was manipulating all of them behind the scenes. Of course, everyone was shocked. After all, this was a web article developed by countless web writers after several years in the previous life. Lin Zhibai took out all the creative categories that came out, and forced the online novels to pass the early stage of the development of online literature in the previous life!

The same question also appeared in the minds of industry insiders.

And just when everyone is still puzzled.

Lao Lang, the author of the novel "Back to Ancient Times to Be a Prince", released a single chapter: "Some readers said in the book review area that modern people travel back to ancient times. This time-traveling novel is my first new genre...

Lao Lang hereby solemnly declares:

The pioneer of this genre is Teacher Bu Yehou!

Before writing this book, Mr. Buyehou, as the editor-in-chief of Blue Star Chinese Network, gave almost a day's class to 300 online writers including me, including time-traveling and rebirth online games and God of War Wang Zuo-son and so on. All new genres.

And Lord Hou's Xianxia.

All of these are ideas and ideas provided by him for free. Without Hou Ye's selfless provision of these ideas, there would be no novels that you see on the Bluestar Chinese website!

Praise Hou Ye!

Obviously, these Lord Hou can write by himself, and he will definitely be better than us. He is the patriarch of online novels, the uncrowned king of online novels, and the god in our hearts..."

at the same time.

Other writers on the Bluestar Chinese website have also released their own chapters, but the content is similar. They all mention their own novels, which are completely taught by Bu Yehou!


Seeing these single-chapter explanations, everyone on the Internet was shocked. These online novels are all ideas of the night master! ?


Aurora platform.

Netizens are dumbfounded!

"Are the single chapters of these writers telling the truth? Almost all the online novels on the Blue Star Chinese website are ideas of the night master!"


"How can it be!"

"So many ideas, how did he come up with it!"

"Never run out!"

"This is engaged in the wholesale of online articles!"

"Chu Ci's inspiration for writing songs seems to be endless, and he directly engages in song wholesale in the live broadcast room, but it turns out that the inspiration for writing books at night is also endless!?"

"What kind of Chuci behavior!"

"I just said why so many new types and new styles of novels suddenly appeared together. It turns out that everything is being manipulated by Master Hou!"


Nathan Press.

Everyone is dumbfounded!

"Is this the reason why Bu Yehou is the editor-in-chief of Blue Star Chinese Network? All those wonderful novels are all ideas provided by him?"


"What kind of monster is this!"

"Damn Myth Publishing House!"

"If they hadn't poached people, Bu Yehou would still be staying with us in Nathan!"

"What we may lose is not only a great writer with terrifying market appeal, but also a library of novel inspirations!"

"If we had known that Buyehou was so good, we would have hired him as the editor-in-chief!"

"Chief editor?"

"Let him be the president of Nathan Publishing House!"


Tianguang Publishing House.

The whole company is buzzing!

"All the editors in our publishing house can't come up with a few new ideas like this. How many editors can he work alone!"

"Oh my God!"

"The key is so many ideas, he can obviously write it himself, and the results are all shared!"

"I thought he was Xianxia's mountain monster!"

"Unexpectedly, he is the creator of online novels!"

"Obviously just creating a fairy tale novel is scary enough!"

"What a brain he has!"

"This is a person who created the era of online literature!?"

"What the hell will other editors do in the future? Aren't all Internet writers in the future going to be disciples of Bu Yehou?"


It's not hard for anyone to imagine that if the Internet literature can really develop in the future, it will definitely be the disciple and grandson of the patriarch, Bu Yehou, who is the source of the Internet literature!

In a sense.

This is also a kind of "peach and plum all over the world"!

Is this the ability of Kunpeng 3c? Why are one, two, and three all abnormal? The Chu Ci live broadcast room writes a bunch of good songs casually. Started the wholesale of online articles...

Still asking Kunpeng 3c who is in c?

This is so clearly the Trident and Carrie!

In Mythology Publishing House, all the employees were also shocked by the horror of Bu Yehou, but the one who made everyone talk about it was the new president who had been slandered by rumors in the company recently.

Baidi, Lin Zhibai!

Lin Zhibai himself can clearly feel that the attitude of the company's employees towards him has changed again, a bit like the state when Baidi's identity was just exposed, but he just doesn't care about it, and he doesn't care what others think if he wants to do something. As long as he retreats a little bit, the Bluestar Chinese website project will not be able to advance.


Now Bluestar Chinese Network shows only the future potential. Whether it is successful or not depends on the enthusiasm of readers for subscribing after the novels are on the shelves. After all, most online writers rely on subscriptions for food, and rewards It's just an addition, so now is not the time to get carried away, and it is estimated that the industry is also waiting and watching.

Don't think about it.

As long as the subscription of those works can also make money, then colleagues will definitely join this trend of online literature and follow the trend to establish an online literature website.

But the starting point of the previous life was the only one.

Other web sites can't catch up.

Lin Zhibai felt that after he seized the opportunity, he could also make the Bluestar Chinese website dominate. Even if the other colleagues followed suit, they could only follow suit. After all, the authors of the first batch of online articles to achieve results were all on his side. Well, there will be contract binding later.

Authors also have ranks.

From level one to level five.

Authors with good grades after they are put on the shelves can let them sign a great god contract. If authors with two or even three consecutive books have achieved grades, they will be given platinum writer contracts directly. This is how they played at the beginning of the previous life. It is a proven model of success.


in a few days.

In the internal meeting of Shinhwa Publishing House, Lin Zhibai made some small adjustments in the appointment of middle-level personnel in the company, mainly to clean up some young people.

Some middle-level people were dissatisfied with themselves before.

He often complained about his Bluestar Chinese website project.

Now Lin Zhibai has an aboveboard reason for making a move.

There are not many opposition voices from the top management, and the potential of the Bluestar Chinese website lies there. Let alone whether this project will be a big success in the end, it is far from a failure anyway. The most interesting thing is that Lin Zhibai discovered that the vice president of the publishing house Editor-in-chief Ren Jiachun has been supporting himself today.

Is this to regroup?

Don't you plan to continue hanging around with Sanbo?

Lin Zhibai didn't mind giving the opponent the opportunity to "turn over the dark and turn to the bright", but he still needs to observe for a while, and if the opponent's snakes and rats are at both ends, he will resolutely kick him out.


It is not yet possible to kick the top management out of the game. Although Lin Zhibai's prestige has risen sharply, it has not yet risen to the level where he can manipulate high-level personnel at will, which may easily cause internal turmoil in the company.

After the meeting.

Vice President Luo Da's face was ugly.

"Looking at his complacency, the Blue Star Chinese website may not be successful yet. Although online novels are very popular, who knows if they are pure white articles with no connotation. How many readers are willing to subscribe?"

"We'll see in a month."

Bailey, the editor-in-chief of the publishing house, was also a little upset. Among Lin Zhibai's personnel adjustments today, several of his people were put on the bench.

So does Rhoda.

The two are suffering from the same illness, and they can only hug each other for warmth, but they can't think of a way to deal with it for the time being. After all, they were not optimistic about the Blue Star Chinese website before, so they didn't put any people in the project. They can only wait for the novels to be released. , to see if it can really make money for the company, if it doesn’t make a lot of money, then this project won’t be able to talk about much performance...

There was also Ren Jiachun.

These three people tacitly joined forces to fight against Lin Zhibai.

But after the blue star Chinese website project came out, Ren Jiachun actually drew a line with the two, and began to support Lin Zhibai in various ways in the company, and he was not afraid of offending Lin Qiu.

It can be said:

This moment.

All peers are paying attention to "Blue Star Chinese Network", to see if online novels can really make readers willing to subscribe.

The attitude of the industry is still divided into two factions.

Some people think that readers are willing to spend money. After all, rewards are so enthusiastic. Some people think that rewards are occasional. The important thing is the number of subscribers. But subscriptions are too empty. Unlike physical publishing, readers can When you buy a book, you can still collect it if you have the real thing.

Lin Zhibai did not have such worries.

The starting point Chinese website in the previous life, when piracy was rampant in the Celestial Dynasty, there were so many people willing to pay to subscribe to online novels. In this life, Blue Star has almost no pirated copies, and the situation of online book subscriptions will only be better than in the previous life!

"This project is 10%..."

Lin Zhibai narrowed his eyes, he was ready to attack the higher-ups, let's take Bailey first.

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