Freelance Artist

Chapter 249 Women are like flowers and dreams

Finally, "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" was over, and after the performance, Shuiqiao Dance returned to the hall to meet the other twenty-nine sisters.

"Great little dance!"

"How did you do this dance?"

"I want to learn!"

"This song is so brainwashing!"

"Is this your Chuzhou's song?"

"The style is very special, a bit like the Divine Comedy created by our teacher Qinzhou Baidi."

Mizuhashi Mai blinked.

"This song is called "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss", and it was written by Teacher Baidi. My costume, appearance, and today's stage, including the dance, were all designed by Teacher Baidi..."


All the sisters were stunned.

Some sisters shouted half-jokingly and half-depressedly, "It's not fair, it's not fair, why doesn't Teacher Baidi write songs for us?"


And at the same time.

Countless audiences waiting in front of the screen are also frantically discussing on the Internet, this song has brought too much shock to everyone!

"It's really the White Emperor!"

"White Emperor is too omnipotent, isn't he?"

"Why does he still understand Chu language?"

"Knowing Chu language is nothing, but he even knows how to dance!"

"The choreography of the song "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" just now is very beautiful, I can only say that it is worthy of being the creator of the Divine Comedy!"

"This song feels more magical and brainwashing than the previous "Swinging Onion Song"!"

"Haha, only Chuci's Divine Comedy can touch Baidi."

"I really like the water bridge dance!"

"This stage has completely made Shuiqiao Dance!"

Shuiqiao Wu is the star of Chuzhou, and the audience in Qinzhou is not very familiar with it, so naturally she is not very popular, but after the stage performance of "Pure Land of Paradise", many people fell in love with this sister.

Cute appearance!

Thick voice!

Cute and sassy!

So soon the topic of "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" rushed into the top ten hot searches. After Zhao Lanying and Lin Xiujing, this is another stage that the audience likes crazily!


In fact, not only ordinary viewers, but countless people in the industry are also watching "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", but the result is that the more they watch, the more shocked they become!

"This show is better than I expected."

"Hot searches one after another, this is the rhythm of explosion!"

"Bai Di's song is simply perfect for this stage!"

"Why does this guy know both Chu language and dance?"

"This is too versatile!"

"And several of them are in their early years!"

"Zhao Lanying, Lin Xiujing, and Water Bridge Dance!"

"Normally this kind of program has one sister who can stand out in popularity and support the ratings. As a result, this show has already had three, let alone other sisters. The performances are quite interesting."

Everyone was looking forward to this show.

As a result, this program has exceeded everyone's expectations so far!

The first thought of many viewers is to just watch the show.

But after watching it all the way, they were basically left in the show, and they couldn't bear to leave.


The show is only halfway there.

Later, new sisters came on stage one after another.

Someone beamed with joy after the performance.

Some people lost their minds after the performance.

No one's performance can reach the level of Zhao Lanying, Lin Xiujing and Shuiqiao Wu.

Aurora platform.

Netizens looked at it and became emotional.

"After all, there are still a few who can overcome age."

"Many sisters are not as good as they were back then."


"The elder sisters in their thirties are mostly doing well."

"It's a bit difficult for people in their forties."

"The older you get, the more you can't keep up with the times."

"It's not good if you don't accept it."

"Not everyone is Zhao Lanying, who can sing so well at such an age."

"The highlights of this show may be Lin Xiujing, Shuiqiao Wu, and Zhao Lanying."


This is not just the view of the audience, many of the participating sisters have similar feelings themselves.


"I really envy Xiujing and the others."

"The audience probably doesn't like to watch us either."

"It is said that women are like flowers."

"How many of us old women can still bloom like flowers?"


Some sisters sighed.

Some sisters were sad in their hearts, but they didn't say anything.


The performances of the twenty-nine older sisters are over, leaving only the last one, Huo Mei, who is almost fifty years old this year.


Huo Mei is an actress, so the audience didn't have much expectations, but the fans she had accumulated over countless years were very excited.

"It's Huo Mei!"

"I like her so much!"

"I've watched a lot of her TV shows!"

"I also like her character very much. She is very vicious and not afraid of offending people."

"But looking at the condition, there are already wrinkles."

"They are almost fifty."

"It's normal to have wrinkles."



Also discussing.

"The last sister."

"The finale! Don't be ridiculous, I know the original intention of the finale, it's just a convention, anyway, you understand the meaning."


"Have you noticed that Huo Mei is wearing very bright clothes?"

"It's rare for a female star of this age to dare to wear such bright colors."

"It doesn't match her age at all."

"This is disobedience."

"What song can she sing?"

"It's probably the same as the other older sisters, singing that kind of old-fashioned love song. I don't mean anything else, but they are indeed a little behind the times, let alone she is an actress."


on stage.

Huo Mei's hand holding the microphone was a little hard, and no one knew what she was thinking.


Huo Mei was recalling the conversations of several older sisters.

next moment.

Huo Mei raised the microphone and sang softly:

"I have a flower."

"Long in my heart."

"It's budding and waiting to be released."

"Chao Zhao and Mu Mu, eagerly waiting..."

"Whoever has a heart comes to dream."

The singing sounded, and a few simple lines of lyrics instantly stunned countless audiences in front of the screen!

at the same time.

Song information appears on the screen.

Lyricist: Baidi

Composer: Bai Di

Vocals: Huo Mei

Song: Woman Flower

This song is the representative work of teacher Anita Mui from the previous life. It has touched a generation with affection. Huo Mei's singing skills are not excellent, but the difficulty of the song itself is just not too high, so it can be controlled. Her voice is hoarse with a bit of magnetism, and it seems to have traces of time, full of the voice of the story, which fits the taste of the song itself.

And in the hall.

The remaining twenty-nine sisters looked up at the screen on the wall almost at the same time, and their eyes turned red a little bit.

Huo Mei's voice was very deep.

There is no youthful crispness and playfulness.

There is no lingering sentimentality of young people.

But it is precisely because her voice has been polished by the years, and because she has experienced what young people have never experienced, that she can infect everyone.

A budding flower?

There is a word called "blooming girl".

As the name suggests, flowers usually describe young and beautiful girls.

But the song Huo Mei sang compares herself to a flower, she is almost fifty years old!



Because a woman is a flower no matter how old she is.

Zhao Lanying couldn't help being infected, and her heart was a little ups and downs. Her stage was certainly successful, but at such a young age, how easy is it these years?

on the stage.

Huo Mei raised his head.

The singing is neither fast nor slow.

"A woman's flower is swaying in the world of mortals."

"A woman's flower sways gently in the wind."

"I only hope for a pair of gentle hands."

"It can soothe the loneliness in my heart."

You don't need a powerful melody, a cheerful rhythm, or a show-stopping singing skill, but you can still conquer this stage!

In the lobby.

Beside Zhao Lanying, a sister who was also in her forties held her hand.

The eyes of the two met, as if they could see the color in each other's eyes, so Zhao Lanying's other hand also held the other sister.


the other side.

There was a snap.

Listening to Huo Mei's singing, Lin Xiujing's tears fell for some reason.

"I have a flower."

"The fragrance of flowers is all over the branches."

"Who will really look for the fragrance."

"The flowers don't bloom for long."

"It's worth breaking and it needs to be broken."

"Women are like flowers and dreams."

A circle of water mist had already filled the eyes of Shuiqiao Wu.

Those who came to participate in this program are all over 30 years old, and they are considered older actresses in the entertainment industry where young people gather, so why don't they understand the expression of this song?


More and more sisters' eyes were red, and tears rolled down their faces.


And on stage.

on the huge ground screen.

I saw a bright flower slowly blooming, and the spring was pleasant.

Huo Mei smiled.

What about age?

So what after thirty or even forty or even fifty?

As long as a woman lives a wonderful life, no matter how old she is, she can still bloom like a flower, and there is no trace of aging in her body.

in music.

Her body is swaying, and her dance steps are not complicated. She twists her body in the blooming flowers, and she is still full of charm!

"A woman's flower is swaying in the world of mortals."

"A woman's flower sways gently in the wind."

"If you have smelled the fragrance of flowers."

"Don't ask me who the flowers are red for."

"Being in love is full of knowledge, drunk is enough to know wine, flowers bloom and wither are always empty, fate does not stay, like the spring breeze comes and goes..."

in the hall.


The hands of the twenty-nine sisters have been holding each other tightly since I don't know when, as if they are telling all the audience in such a way:

We are not old yet!

We can still bloom like flowers!

Who stipulated that only young people can sing and dance?

People who have spent a thousand sails and read half their lives know better what it means to go upstream and ride the wind and waves!

this moment.

The sisters burst into tears.

It seems that only the singing of "Women's Flower" is left in the world.

There is no need for the program group to deliberately bring rhythm and sensationalism, because of this song sung by Huo Mei, all audience members are infected with this emotion.

Especially female viewers.

And not even just female audiences.

Even the male audience felt inexplicably inexplicable.

Also at this moment.

On the stage screen, flowers were blooming all over the mountains and plains. Huo Mei finally sang the last line of the lyrics.

"Women are like flowers and dreams..."

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