Freelance Artist

Chapter 250: Chu Ci also wants to participate in

"I have a flower growing in my heart

true love no one understands

Weeds everywhere have taken over the hillside

Self-admiration is the most painful..."

This song "Female Flower" resounded in thousands of households, and its influence was no less than that of Zhao Lanying, Lin Xiujing and Shuiqiao Wu!


Sioux City.

a certain family.


"You have worked hard all these years."

You will always be the most beautiful flower in my heart.


blue city.

a certain couple.

"My wife, you have paid a lot these years, and you have started to get wrinkles."

"Not pretty anymore?"

"You are the most beautiful woman!"



A rental house.

"Lonely self-admiration hurts the most. When I get old, will you still like me?"

"Will do."

"I promise you, forever."



Many people sighed.

"I didn't expect Baidi to have a song!"

"What a song "Women's Flower"!"

"I heard crying."

"This song is so touching!"

"Bai Di is good at not only divine comedies."

"On such a stage, this song is the most suitable. It can be seen that Teacher Baidi has really considered every sister's mood!"

"It made me, a big man, cry."

"My wife, my mother, my grandmother, they are all such flowers in my heart."

"Teacher Baidi is paying attention."

"There is no other song that can express the hearts of all women like "Women's Flower"."

There are many songs written by women in Blue Star.

But most of them were about young women.

If it is older, it is written to the mother.

There is rarely such a song that is not written about a mother alone, or a young woman. Her expression is very artistic, and it has been written into the hearts of almost all women, and even the hearts of men.

The last song.

At the same time, it also pointed out the theme of the program "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves".

Put aside the prejudice of age.

Let the flowers bloom!


After Huo Mei's singing ended, she returned to the hall and was treated like a hero!

"The flower of a woman, swaying in the world of mortals..."

Everyone held hands, sang together, and hugged each other.

Zhao Lanying asked curiously: "Old Huo, who wrote this song?"

Everyone is also curious.

This song is so well written.

Huo Mei smiled and said, "Teacher Baidi wrote the lyrics and composed the music."

Everyone opened their mouths.

Then start booing.

"Why didn't Teacher Baidi write songs for us!"

"that is!"

"Teacher Baidi, don't be biased!"

"We are women too!"

"We need your help too!"

Although it was booing, it was actually just a joke.

After all, this initial stage is just a pure performance, and no one will be eliminated because of too low score.


Baidi wants to use the stage to release new songs, but the number of new songs is limited after all, so every sister can't get a new song, right?

This is also impossible.

Besides, there is no absolute fairness in this show, it is not fair to compare actors and singers, let alone some singers and dancers, the natural advantages are there.

So it's just a variety show.

The audience was not overly demanding.

At this time, the first episode of the program is almost over.

at this time.

The program arranged a separate interview with Baidi.

Lin Shengtian personally took charge of the interview.

"Hello, Teacher Baidi!" Lin Shengtian didn't directly call Lin Zhibai "brother" or "Xiao Hei" in the program.


Lin Zhibai said with a smile.

The Baidi in the camera has a slender figure, a beautiful face with well-defined features, exquisite facial features, deep and bright eyes, wearing white casual clothes, the soft fabric fits his figure, and has an indescribable charm.

The audience feels comfortable watching it.

Obviously this is a very "audience" face.

Lin Shengtian introduced: "In the second episode of our program, we will arrange for the sisters to be divided into groups and provide multiple songs for everyone to choose from. As the program director, Mr. Baidi, will he come up with his own new song in the second episode?"

"There will be a new song."

Lin Zhibai directly gave an affirmative answer.

The audience was excited in an instant!

The first issue of Baidi has released two new songs!

I didn't expect that there would be a new song in the second issue!

Knew it!

Baidi hasn't released a song for more than half a year and has accumulated a lot of inventory!

Lin Shengtian smiled and said: "I'm looking forward to Teacher Baidi's new song, and I want to reveal a big news to the audience here."

what news?

The audience cheered up immediately.

Lin Shengtian said mysteriously: "Among the songs in the second issue, there will be a new song by that man!"

audience:? ? ?

Who is the hot guy!

This Lin Shengtian really likes to play tricks. Back then, every time "I Am a Singer" announced the rankings, it was crazy.

It's so frightening!

Lin Shengtian seemed to know that the audience was anxious, he smiled and said: "Everyone must be very curious, that man is... just..."

That's right, I didn't say anything for a long time.

Lin Zhibai rolled his eyes, and said directly, "There is a new song written by Chu Ci in the second issue, right?"

Lin Shengtian: "Uh, yes..."

Seeing Lin Shengtian's deflated look, many audience members were immediately overjoyed. They just wanted to say "Teacher Baidi did a good job", but they all froze.

I go!

Who will have a new song next time! ?

The audience watching the program in front of countless screens suddenly widened their eyes, and their eyes were full of incredible colors!


"Am I not mistaken, Baidi was talking about Chuci just now, right?"

"That means there will be two new songs in the next issue? One is Baidi's and the other is Chuci?"

"Oh my God!"

"This program group is so big, it doesn't mean that Chuci also participated in "Sister Lang" in disguise!"

"The first official collision between Baidi and Chuci?"

"Depend on!"

"I almost forgot that "Sister Lang" is a variety show of Kunpeng. Chu Ci is originally from Kunpeng. It is really normal for him to provide new songs for this show!"


There will be a song in the second issue of Songs of Chu.

This is Lin Zhibai's decision.

The method of operation was simple. He directly asked Jiang Cheng to contact Lin Shengtian to say that Chuci had a few new songs that he wanted to release on this show...

Lin Shengtian agreed without thinking.

No need to think about it at all, this is great news for the show, so there is this interview at the end of the first episode of the show.

After the interview.

That's the end of the first episode.

And after the first episode of the program officially ended, the interview at the end of the first episode has already shocked the entire Internet!

White Emperor!

Chu Ci!

This pair of music twin stars will collide in the second issue of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves". This is very important news for the entire Qinzhou music scene. Countless people in the industry who heard the news were shocked!

"Chu Ci is coming too!?"

"People probably won't come over, after all, Chu Ci doesn't show his face, but his new song will appear in the second selection!"


"Based on this alone, the popularity of the second issue of "Sister Lang" will explode!"

"It's more than the second issue!"

"This show may become even more popular than "I Am a Singer"!"

"This is almost a showdown between Baidi and Chu Ci. Although it's a showdown in a variety show, winning or losing doesn't mean much. After all, there is a gap in strength between the sisters, but such a gimmick is enough!"



Aurora platform.

"Chu Ci and Baidi are about to fight!"


"What the hell is the fight?"

"Chu Ci will provide a new song for the second issue of "Sister Lang"!"

"I'm going, then don't say anything else, I'm going to watch the show. I originally invited Baidi because of this show, but I don't want to watch it. After all, I am a big fan of Chuci."

"Hahahahaha, it's too real."

"I didn't expect that the first formal collision of music twin stars would be in a variety show!"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

"When will the next episode start?"

"Can't wait to see it now!"


at home.

Mom, Mom, and Lin Xi also looked at Lin Zhibai and Lin Shengtian in shock.

Lin Xi stared at Lin Shengtian, "Chuci will participate in the second round?"

"I won't come, but I will release a song." Lin Shengtian said honestly.

"Xiao Hei also has a song?"

Mom stared at Lin Zhibai and asked.

Lin Zhibai nodded, but silently added "two songs" in his heart.

Dad was surprised: "Then if your song loses to Chu Ci, will it affect your image?"


Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "Because it's a variety show, the quality of the sisters' performances is the key."


Although Chuci and Baidi will collide in the show, there are too many variables in this kind of duel, so it won't affect anything, and no one will really take the success or failure of this kind of duel as an issue.

"I have a hunch that the second issue is about to explode!"

Lin Shengtian was very excited. In fact, when he received a call from Jiangcheng and heard that Chuci was also willing to sing for the show, he instantly realized how much attention this would bring to the show.

"No, this show has exploded!"

Lin Xi spoke, and then showed his family a look at the trending searches.

The family members gasped at the first glance, and even Lin Zhibai showed a look of shock.

very scary!

All the top ten topics are actually related to "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves"! ——

ps: This chapter has been revised.

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