Freelance Artist

Chapter 251 Sweetheart leader becomes popular, and the pure land of bliss explodes

# Sister Riding the Wind and Waves # # Bai Di's Divine Comedy Again # # Sweetheart leader Lin Xiujing # # Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss # # Water Bridge Dance # # Woman flower # # Chu Ci will participate in Sister Lang # # Zhao Lanying performance after singing # # Sister Lang's first stage ranking # # The stars we chased together in those years # After scanning the top ten hot searches, they are all related to "Sister Lang".

This is usually the treatment that only phenomenon-level variety shows have. Lin Zhibai even feels that the popularity and discussion of "Sister Lang" in this world is more successful than that of Mango Channel in his previous life. Maybe it's because he is more fair. This kind of scoring is too far from the audience's perception, plus there are more news breaking points, and more sisters that arouse the audience's discussion...


Several sisters exploded.

First of all, Zhao Lanying, the first performance on the first stage showed the level of singer-level singing skills, coupled with her natural and generous personality, so those audiences with relatively high professional requirements liked it very much, and even many people in the industry gave extremely high praise evaluate.

Just look at the news headlines of those media.

"Zhao Lanying, a seriously underestimated song queen! "

"Zhao Lanying wins fans with her strength, or is she expected to be the queen of the song? "

"Expert Comments: Zhao Lanying may be the sister with the strongest singing skills in the show!" "

"Zhao Lanying, nearly fifty years old, back to basics! "

Zhao Lanying ranked first in the score on the first stage. With her performance on the first stage, her popularity also rushed to the fourth place among the thirty sisters!


After the first episode ended, the program team conducted an online poll for personal popularity rankings, and Zhao Lanying's popularity ranks fourth!

Don't think that the popularity rankings voted by netizens are useless.

As a variety show, there will definitely be a part of the show that decides whether some contestants will stay or not based on their popularity rankings, so don't try to pursue complete fairness in this show.

Fairness is only relative.

This is true all the time.

And Lin Zhibai drew a lottery in the system some time ago, and got a variety show called "The Voice"!

Seeing Zhao Lanying's performance, Lin Zhibai suddenly thought, whether to make "The Voice" in the future or pull her in as a judge?

Anyway, Zhao Lanying's strength is enough.

The popularity should be able to rise with the blessing of "Sister Lang".

And Zhang Xiyang, I'd like to pull him over to be a judge of "The Voice" in the future.

The thinking diverged a little far.

Continue to talk about the popularity rankings of the sisters.

Although Zhao Lanying is very popular, but the popularity ranking is fourth.

Huo Mei ranked third.

Huo Mei's ability to get this ranking is undoubtedly due to the glory of "Female Flower".

We often say that whether a song can become popular depends not only on the quality of the song itself, but also on the timing and occasion when the song is released.

no doubt.

This song "Women's Flower" was released on the stage of Sister Lang, which is in line with "the right time, place and people".

On Sister Lang's stage, "Women's Flower" is a very decent song, and even directly sublimated the concept and connotation of the show, so this song was quickly accepted by the audience, and even Huo Mei's popularity rushed to the third place bit.

This is reasonable and logical.

Huo Mei is an actress, and her singing skills are indeed at an average level, but she did sing "Women's Flower" and made the audience cry.

In the end, the scene where the sisters listened to this song, held hands and burst into tears, is destined to become a famous scene.

When it comes to the naming scene, I have to mention Lin Xiujing.

As the "sweetheart leader" who was popular in Qinzhou in the early years, Lin Xiujing was the biggest winner after the first episode of the program was broadcast. She was directly voted by netizens to be the first in the popularity list!


One of Lin Xiujing's early masterpieces "Love Him" ​​sung on the first stage, combined with the dance of that song, quickly caused a storm called "Memory Killing" to become popular all over the Internet!

In other words.

This is the power of emotion!

In fact, Lin Xiujing had just finished her performance on the show, and then a netizen uploaded a video titled "My Husband's Instinctive Reaction After Hearing Lin Xiujing's Song".

in the video.

The figure is already a bit potbellied, and the hair is also oily. A man in his thirties is singing "Love Him" ​​and funnyly dancing to the song. Some enchanting.

How are you singing?

The lyrics are all right!

The tune is all wrong!

The video quickly went viral.

Netizens commented below the video:

"I suggest that your husband live on another planet (dog head)"

"Hahahahahahaha, I'm suddenly worried about how your husband will go to work tomorrow?"

"What is social death (Ban Shou)"

"That old saying is true, when a man flirts, it doesn't matter to a woman (Yun Bei)"

"(laughing and crying)!"

"I thought it was only my husband (covering his face)"


"Same style husband +1"

"Ah, my brother can dance this dance too!"

"When Lin Xiujing started singing this song, my brother-in-law was so excited, he is 35 years old this year, but he reacted like a groupie!"


Someone is joining in the fun.

Some people are rubbing the heat.

Many people have posted similar videos.

The protagonists of the video are probably men in their thirties and forties.

These men sang "Love Him" ​​and danced the same dance as Lin Xiujing.

You must know that this is a girl sweetheart type of song. Men in their 30s and 40s sang and danced, and most of their performances were eye-catching, but the spoof effect was instantly full!

Then things gradually got out of control.

Older fans like Lin Xiujing are also coming out more and more!

It just so happened that "Sister Lang" launched the online popularity ranking voting for the sisters, so Lin Xiujing's fans went completely crazy. They voted for the sweetheart leader of the year without thinking, and even came up with a slogan.

"You vote for me, Xiujing girl group will debut again!"

"If you don't vote, I won't vote, when will Xiujing come out!"

"All Lin Xiujing's fans gather!"

"Lin Xiujing's fans are just getting old, not dead!"

"It's time for the entertainment industry to see the strength of Lin Xiujing's male fans!"

"Who said only young people can chase stars?"

"When we were fans of Lin Xiujing, those youngsters were still singing nursery rhymes in kindergarten!"

"Brothers charge the duck!"

"If Lin Xiujing doesn't get the first place, everyone here is responsible!"

"Must be first!"

In the era of entertainment to the death, once the rhythm is up, it is out of control. This is how Lin Xiujing, with the support of countless male fans, abruptly rushed to the top of the popularity list and completed a gorgeous counterattack!

That's right.

It's a counterattack!

Because among the 30 sisters, Lin Xiujing's name did not cause much discussion when it was first announced.

What about the sweetheart leader in the early years?

Those 30 sisters had high achievements in their early years!

Included in the camera arrangement of the first episode, there are not many pictures about Lin Xiujing.

Obviously, the program team did not expect that Lin Xiujing would be able to counterattack so ruthlessly. The fans back then were so powerful and still have such a terrible influence today. Some people even thought that Lin Xiujing took Zhang Xiyang's script. Red is a bit dependent on feelings and the power of old fans.

Some people even say that Lin Xiujing is "the female version of Zhang Xiyang".

Lin Xiujing's fans are affectionately called "Xiujing Boy" by netizens.

Because this group of male fans really exploded with shocking influence, isn't it normal for this kind of star to have such a cohesive force with female fans?

Lin Xiujing's male fans also like the title "Xiujing Boy".

Some netizens joked:

"The fans of other stars are all students. Most of these beautiful boys look ugly, but in fact, they have a car and a house and are in the most successful stage of their careers. Many of them even become bosses!"

For a while, "Xiujing Boy" became the traffic password!

Swish Swish Swish!

This year's hot live streaming website, Carp Live.

Many Internet celebrity anchors in the singing area sang "Love Him" ​​in the live broadcast room.

Not to mention the dance area, the anchors danced Lin Xiujing's dance one after another. Anyway, the dance steps are not complicated, and they are quick to learn.

Everyone is very positive about the heat.

Xiujing's boys are also really awesome, watching someone sing "Love Him" ​​or dance related dances in the live broadcast, they will spend a lot of money in rewards!

Tens of thousands at every turn!

Really responded to the sentence ridiculed by netizens:

The Xiujing boys are quite wealthy!

Is Lin Xiujing's popularity so invincible?

of course not!

It's not just Lin Xiujing who is popular in this show!

There is also a female artist from Chuzhou who is also popular!

That's right.

It's Mizuhashi Dance!

At present, Shuiqiao dance is ranked second in the popularity list.

Although suppressed by Lin Xiujing, the difference in the number of votes between the two is actually not that big.

Because behind Lin Xiujing are the Xiujing boys, and behind Mizuhashi Mai is the power of the second dimension!

The song "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" is too brainwashing!

Electronic music, strong rhythm, poisonous melody, strong two-dimensional style, plus the lyrics, composition and even choreography are Baidi, and the number of netizens who like it is also terrifying!

Especially two-dimensional lovers.

Now my mind is full of thoughts about how to make Mizuhashi Mai reach the top——

"The second dimension will never admit defeat!"

"The number of votes for Lin Xiujing is getting closer and closer!"

"Get rid of Xiujing boy!"

"So what about a successful career?"

"There are tens of thousands of fat houses in the second dimension!"

"Shuiqiao Wu is the only two-dimensional representative of "Sister Lang", can we let her lose?"

"no way!"

"I'm already crazily looping "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss"!"

"As expected of another Divine Comedy by Baidi!"

"Where is this divine comedy? It's clearly a generation of poisonous music. You will be poisoned after listening to it!"

That's right.

This song is indeed a generational poison song.

There is even a little bit of "the new root of all evil".

It is the same as the supporting dance of Lin Xiujing's "Love Him".

On the live broadcast website, there are also countless anchors in the singing area singing this song, and there are also countless dance anchors dancing "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss".

In terms of the popularity of dancing...

In fact, "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" is even more popular than Lin Xiujing's dance!

Fans of the second dimension directly circulated it to death, and the performer Mizuhashi Mai naturally liked it more and more the more they watched it.

Even the season charts were conquered by this song!

This month's Season Ranking No. 1 has already become "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss"!

To know.

It's June.

The program aired on June 10th.

In other words, Baidi ran into the arena, ten days late, and the song "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" still rushed to the first place in the season chart, which shows the popularity of this song and the popularity of this variety show!

by contrast.

Because Lin Xiujing's "Love Him" ​​is an old song, she couldn't participate in the season rankings, but instead made Shuiqiao Wu directly invincible.

Bai Di also created "Female Flower" in the program.

But this song is currently only ranked third in the season list, and it is difficult to pose a threat to "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" at first glance.

As for the musicians on the season list, they can only consider themselves unlucky for Baidi's half-way. The quality of their songs is already high, and they are blessed with the popularity of variety shows. It is normal to be able to play.

In fact.

The musicians on the season list, or the entire circle is also busy eating melons.

Lin Xiujing and Shuiqiao Wu seemed to have started a popularity battle, and both inside and outside the circle were affected a lot.


Compared with the duel between the two popular kings, what everyone is looking forward to is the next episode, the contest between Chuci and Baidi.

The twin stars in the music world are about to collide in the variety show!

Everyone understands the meaning, Bai Di and Chu Ci each play a song for the sisters to choose and then confront.

This method of handling did relatively eliminate the influence of the first episode, where Bai Di personally went off to provide songs for Shuiqiao Wu and Huo Mei.

After all, everyone will be on the same starting line in the second period.

Can sing Baidi's new song!

Or sing Chu Ci's new song!

These two, who is worse than whom?

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