Freelance Artist

Chapter 256 Baidi, a business genius!

There were many audiobook software in the previous life, and the competition was extremely fierce, but Lin Zhibai's "Blue Star Audiobook" was the first of its kind in this world.

Lin Zhibai also worked hard for this software.

Directly moved the copyright library of Myth Publishing House to the audio book as the president.

Now whether it is the physical works published by Myth Publishing House or the online works on the Blue Star Chinese website, this audiobook software can basically be searched now.

at this point.

Except for Lin Zhibai, it is very difficult for others to do it. Even if the publishers of Nathan and Tianguang want to follow suit, they can only eat leftovers.


Similar software such as Himalaya in the previous life could not do it, because the earth does not have a mythology publishing house, and there is no such unique conditions as Lin Zhibai.

And at this time.

The publishers of Nathan and Tianguang have not had time to follow suit. The entire audiobook software market is the only one with no semicolon, so the blue ocean in this market is all owned by Lin Zhibai, and because countless Qinzhou stars have spontaneously helped to promote it before, so At the moment, the discussion on this software is extremely high on the Internet!

"This software is really good!"

"The software of Mythology Publishing House is for the benefit of the people."

"I didn't know what listening software was, but after using it, I realized that it is really useful, because I often travel on business trips, and I like reading books on the way, but after reading in the car for a long time, I will inevitably get tired. My eyes are not good, but with this software, I can read in a disguised form as long as I wear headphones, and the audiobook team on this software is very professional, whether it is the rhythm and tone of the storytelling, or the use of soundtracks. It's such an immersive feeling, I don't even read the book now, I just listen to it!"

"It's as easy as listening to a song."

"Elders can also use this software, especially those who have eye problems and cannot read for a long time, and can only read with reading glasses. This software is a boon for these elderly people!"

"I can listen to it on my commute!"

"It's like listening to the radio while driving!"

"It's not just commuting to and from get off work. I feel that wearing a Bluetooth headset is like a magic weapon when I go to work. Who would have thought that I was actually listening to a book while wearing a headset. I guess everyone subconsciously thought I was listening to music. "

"Whose is the idea of ​​listening to books?"

"This software really benefits the public."

"I don't know whose idea it is. According to the news, it was created by Mythology Publishing House. The president of Mythology Publishing House is Baidi. This project should be promoted by Baidi."

"Baidi has a good eye for business!"

"Before I read some experts in the publishing industry who said that listening software is not feasible, including myself, I am not interested in this thing, and I didn't understand the charm of this thing until I used it!"

It's like a previous life.

Tencent has QQ and prestige. Everyone doesn’t understand it, but prestige has spread all over the market in the end. Many times, the public doesn’t know what they need. In this way, people don’t understand that if you can read novels, why should you listen to them? Reading books is more interesting than listening to stories told, right?

But in the end listening to the book became.

Of course, there are many people who still prefer to read books and have no interest in listening to books, but even if only one of ten readers likes listening to books, this software is enough to be called a success!


At this time, Wang Zi, who was transferred by Lin Zhibai to the listening book project in Shenhua Publishing House, who was the person in charge, had red eyes and trembled like chicken blood!

"How much?"

"Downloads exceeded 10 million!"

"Still rising!"

"The rise is too fierce!"

"Twenty million!"

"How can it be so fast!"

"As soon as the first wave of word-of-mouth came out, the number of downloads began to skyrocket, because our software is easy to use, and those users will promote it to their friends!"

"This is it!"

"Now you don't have to envy those people of the Bluestar Chinese website project anymore!"

"Our project is no worse than theirs!"

"There are a lot of paid listening content in the listening software, and this share is quite a lot!"

Listening to the excited discussions among the employees in the project, Wang Zi felt a little dizzy all over his body, the president really didn't fool himself!

This project is really working!

One must know that when Wang Zi was dismissed from the position of editor-in-chief of the reasoning department, Wang Zi once thought he was finished, and was thrown into some listening project. How is this different from the exile of the ancient emperors and ministers?

Now look back.

Go special mother's reasoning department chief editor, whoever loves to be the editor!

The person in charge of the audiobook software project is not more promising than a small editor-in-chief?

Thanks President!

Praise the president!

But the outside world doesn't seem to know that the idea of ​​this software came from the president, and those netizens thought that Baidi was just making a decision for the project of listening to books...

How can this work?

Wang Zi immediately called a reporter who contacted him and wanted to do an interview.


On the second day after the software was launched, the downloads of Bluestar Audiobooks reached 60 million.

Some media released news:

It turns out that the software Blue Star Listening to Books is entirely the idea of ​​the president Lin Zhibai, that is, Mr. Baidi.

Even not just listening to books, the creation of the Blue Star Chinese website was also an idea proposed by Baidi!

The people who broke the news were Lemon and Wang Zi.

Lemon is the person in charge of the Bluestar Chinese website.

Wang Zi is the project leader of Blue Star Audiobook.

These two guys were accepting the interview with red faces, bragging about Lin Zhibai in front of the reporters!

First, Wang Zi spoke:

"Just a few days after taking office, the president came up with the idea of ​​making audiobook software. At that time, all the senior executives of our publishing house disagreed, thinking that this thing would be impossible, including myself. It's disrespectful Yes, at that time we even privately thought that the president was a musician and didn’t understand our industry at all, and a senior executive of a publishing house directly sprayed the president into the company during a private dinner, which is a typical layman guiding the insider , but the president withstood all the pressure and forcibly promoted the project!

As a result, you all saw it.

In less than two days since Bluestar Listening Books went online, the number of users has reached 60 million, and it is expected to exceed 100 million by the end of today. The vision of the president is far ahead of those of us who have been in this industry for many years. He has a youthful Yes, aggressive and far-sighted business thinking, very much like Lin Zhaomu, chairman of our Shinhwa Group! "

The lemon next to it looks wrong.

You are so good at licking, it seems that I have no EQ if I don't say anything.

So Lemon cleared his throat and said:

"It's not just about listening to books, the Bluestar Chinese website is also an idea put forward by the president alone, and it's also pushed forward under heavy pressure!

There may be many people who say that the success of web articles is mainly due to Buyehou, but the president insisted on making web articles at the beginning. Can everyone see the creativity of Buyehou's web articles shine?

It is true that Bu Yehou is the king of online literature.

But our president, Baidi, is the true ancestor of the internet!

The outside world may not be very clear, but you may wish to imagine how much internal and external pressure and doubts the president has to face when he enters Shinhwa Publishing House as the youngest grandson of the chairman of Shinhwa Group. He is even in his sophomore year. ah!

Sophomore students control an industry valued at tens of billions?

I'm afraid that at that time, everyone thought that the president was just a boy with a good background and good luck. At that time, before the identity of Baidi was revealed, there were many eccentric comments on the Internet, saying that he had a good life, and his starting point was better than others. Gao, if you don't rely on your own ability, then some people still say that the president doesn't rely on your own ability?


There are so many rich second generations and rich third generations, how many of you have seen who can be like our president, who can make Blue Star Chinese Website and Blue Star Listening Books when they are sophomores, and they are forced to do so when everyone is not optimistic. To promote the project, if there is a slight mistake, the president will bear a huge responsibility, so Heizi can shut up, a true genius can succeed in anything, our president is undoubtedly such a genius!

Composing, his achievements are obvious to all!

He is also better than anyone else in business, Lin Zhibai! Teacher Baidi! Our president! He will be the greatest president in the history of Myth Publishing House! "

Wang Zi was dumbfounded.

This guy can lick better than himself!

The flattering words are simply disgusting!

But I have to admit that what the other party said is the truth, the two projects of Bluestar Chinese Website and Bluestar Listening to Books are really worth bragging about!


However, after seeing this interview, the netizens were shocked, because everyone thought that these project ideas were first proposed by someone from Myth Publishing House, and then Bai Di, as the president, made a final decision to advance it.

No one thought of it!

This project was completely proposed and promoted by Baidi himself. These two concepts are completely different!

"Sure enough, excellent people are excellent no matter what they do?"

"This is too awesome!"

"Why do I feel that Baidi has completely inherited the business talent of his grandfather Lin Zhaomu?"

"Lin Zhaomu was a business genius back then, otherwise he wouldn't have made Shinhwa Group the industrial scale it is today."

"Baidi should be the best among Lin Zhaomu's descendants, right?"

"White Emperor wants to inherit the rhythm of the Shinhwa Group?"

"Depend on!"

"Bai Di is the real winner in life!"

"When Nuwa created humans, did she favor Lin Zhibai too much?"

"He has good looks and an invincible family background. He inherited his grandfather Lin Zhaomu's business talent and is also a very successful artist. The title of Xiao Qu's father is not in vain!"

"The character is also strong enough."

"Under a lot of pressure to forcibly promote the projects that the two companies are not optimistic about, or because the president is not convinced by the public, and it is completely obtained by virtue of his family background..."

"One word, cow!"

After this wave of character creation, Baidi has directly become the top talent in the hearts of countless netizens, and even has a tendency to become the idol of Qinzhou's people!

Although Lin Zhibai also watched the media's interview with Lemon and Wang Zi.

I got goosebumps all over my body.

It seems that there are ants crawling.

After all, Lin Zhibai knew that it was not because of how powerful he was, but because he was standing on the shoulders of the earth...

Thanks to [Dive into the Moonlight] 20,000, [Loneliness is the fate of man] 10,000 rewards! !

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