Freelance Artist

Chapter 257 Lin Zhaomu: This subclasses me!

Three days later.

Myth Press.

Another meeting.

Lin Zhibai sat in the president's seat and didn't say a word, only the middle and high-level people spoke enthusiastically.

"I want to report the vice president Rhoda!"

"Rhoda is using his position for personal gain!"

"Rhoda bullied his subordinates!"

"Rhoda used to engage in unspoken office rules!"

"I propose to abolish Rhoda's position as vice president!"

"I've collected all the evidence of Roda's factionalism in the company, look at it, President!"


I don't know if it's true or not, even if someone said "Rhoda is guilty, today he entered the company with his left foot," Lin Zhibai would not be surprised.

The tree falls and the hozen scatter.

The wall fell and everyone pushed.

The success of the project of Blue Star Listening to Books has completely raised Lin Zhibai, the president, to the top of his prestige in the company!

this moment.

The middle and senior management of the whole company are willing to turn against Luo Da for Lin Zhibai, and they all make up their crimes.

After all, everyone has already experienced the strength of this young president in these two projects. At the same time, everyone also knows that the president and vice president have never dealt with each other, so they naturally seize the opportunity to show their loyalty.

Rhoda sat in the vice seat.

As the vice president, it was the first time that he was impeached by his subordinates like this, but he couldn't say a word, but his face was as pale as mourning.

"What do you want to explain?"

Lin Zhibai pressed his hand, and the meeting room fell silent for an instant, then he looked at the vice president Luo Da.

Rhoda belongs to the uncle, but the uncle can't help him at this moment.

beyond reach.

Rhoda stood up, bowed, and said bitterly: "I have nothing to say, I just ask the president to give me some face. This is my letter of resignation..."

Rhoda begged for mercy.

If he resigns, he can continue to work in this industry, such as becoming a middle-level senior in some small publishing houses.

If he was fired by Lin Zhibai...

Naroda will struggle in this industry in the future, and may change careers.


Lin Zhibai said indifferently: "The non-compete agreement is for four years, and I allow you to resign."


Luo Da's gratitude at this moment was actually a little sincere, at least Lin Zhibai didn't kill them all, and gave himself a face.

Four years later, I can still make a living in this line of work.

"That's it."

Lin Zhibai nodded, "Vice president Luo Da resigned, I agree, what do you guys think?"

How can I see it?

This group of middle and high-level executives can't wait to shout "the president is wise".

In fact, Lin Zhibai could accuse Luo Daan of some crimes and make him disappear from this industry, but it is not necessary. Firstly, this person will not pose a threat in the future, and secondly, Lin Zhibai has to consider the feelings of many people in the company for Luo Da. Although the other party was against Lin Zhibai, at least they didn't make black hands on Lin Zhibai's two projects, they just put pressure on excuses.

Perhaps this is also the escape route that Rhoda left for himself.

As for Luo Da's resignation, he was no longer qualified to sit in the conference room. He apologized and left sadly.

Many people in the middle and high levels feel sympathy.

Looking at the young face of the host again, his mentality changed a little bit, because everyone knew:

starting today.

The Myth Publishing House has been completely controlled by Lin Zhibai. He is not only the new king of the Myth Publishing House, but also the new king of the entire novel world!

Even Nathan's and Tianguang's publishing houses were pushed back steadily by the success of Lin Zhibai's two new projects!

The gap between Qinzhou's three major publishing houses was very small before.

It was Lin Zhibai who changed the situation and made Shenhua Publishing House the only leader in the novel market. Now he is the one who controls the rules of the game.

The new king ascends the throne!



Lin Zhibai returned to Donghu Villa.

Lin Xi was stunned. After his younger brother took charge of the Myth Publishing House, it seemed like a tiger had entered the deep mountains and returned to the sea, and it was out of control!

"You are too fierce!"

With the success of Bluestar Chinese Website and Bluestar Listening to Books, Lin Zhibai directly became the most dazzling person among the second and third generations of the Lin family!

Lin Dong also looked at his son in shock.

In Lin Zhibai's son, he faintly saw the shadow of his father Lin Zhaomu back then. What is this called?

Is it inherited from generation to generation?

My mother is as happy as ever, and she still says "my son has been smart since he was a child".

Lin Shengtian looked at Lin Zhibai and smiled, maybe his younger brother should be able to inherit a lot of mythical property from the old man in the future.

I have no hope.

But seeing his younger brother perform so well, he, as an older brother, can only be happy!

"From now on, you will be our family's number one thigh."

Lin Xi said seriously: "Work hard, the old man probably has his eyes fixed on you now."


Lin Xi was right.

The old man's eyes were indeed fixed on Lin Zhibai, and even Lin Zhaomu's attention to Lin Zhibai now surpassed that of everyone else in the second and third generations of Mythology!

This is the third day that the Blue Star audiobook project has been launched.

The software has been downloaded 130 million times.

The number of users has also successfully exceeded 100 million, and most of them are willing to pay for listening to books!

With such a commercial achievement, even a business tycoon like Lin Zhaomu has to look at it differently!


Secretary Jin held a financial report on Shinhwa Publishing House, read it carefully for a long time, and suddenly said: "If Shinhwa Publishing House is your test paper for Young Master Bai, then in a sense, he can already hand it in ahead of time... ..."

"Have you done the data calculation?"

Lin Zhaomu's eyes flashed with anticipation.

Secretary Jin nodded: "Mythology Publishing House has entered the hands of Young Master Bai, and its performance has begun to break through rapidly. If there is no accident, the annual profit should reach about 5.5 times that of last year."

five times!

That means that Lin Zhibai will get a large share of Myth Publishing House!

"Not so far."

Lin Zhaomu said: "The test paper requires that the annual profit reach six times that of last year, so that he can get the Myth Publishing House."

"This point may be filled soon."

Secretary Jin smiled and said: "I got the news this morning that Young Master Bai has found a new way to write books by some celebrities. It is estimated that the works of these celebrities will be published in the market in a short time. It is almost predictable that countless fans will buy it. "

"Looking for a celebrity to write a book?"

Even Lin Zhaomu was stunned for a few seconds when he heard this thought, and then suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched, "Who does his style of doing things resemble?"

"Naturally like you."

Secretary Jin said seriously: "Although he is not as experienced as you, but he is only a sophomore this year, and he has achieved such achievements at a young age..."

Secretary Jin paused.

Lin Zhaomu continued for him, "I have achieved this at a young age. This is a level that I couldn't reach when I was in my sophomore year."

Secretary Jin quickly said, "That's not what I meant."

Lin Zhaomu laughed loudly: "Why are you panicking? No matter how powerful he is, he is also my grandson of Lin Zhaomu. The better my grandson is, the happier I am as a grandfather!"


Lin Zhaomu said: "Since he has this strength, how about the Mythology Publishing House giving him, not only that, next year I will add some more burdens to him, let me see where the limit of this kid is!"

Secretary Jin smiled.

It seems to remember something.

Secretary Jin suddenly said again: "Rhoda has resigned."


Lin Zhaomu smiled and said, "Then he is now the emperor of Myth Publishing House."

This child is indeed like me.


Uncle's house.

Lin Chun's expression turned ugly, and he broke his favorite teacup.

Lin Gong had the same face, and his voice trembled, "Luo Da has been kicked out, and the performance of Mythology Publishing House has soared, which means that this industry may be inherited by Lin Zhibai in the future?"

"We all underestimated this wolf cub!"

Lin Jing's face turned pale, and he felt his head start to ache again. He completely lost control of the Myth Publishing House!


Before Lin Zhibai joined the Myth Publishing House.

Luo Da has always been the person used by the Lin Chun family to control the Myth Publishing House.

The fourth family is really promising.

In the TV department, Lin Dong's career is booming.

In the Variety Department, Lin Shengtian and Kunpeng's "Sister Lang" is now extremely popular.

This is the second phenomenon-level variety show of Qin Zhou that Lin Shengtian participated in producing after "I Am a Singer"!

It is said that...

Now the foreign continents have come to buy the copyright.

Among them, the copyright of "I Am a Singer" was sold for 80 million in Outer Continent!

And the copyright of "Sister Lang" is also under discussion, and it is estimated that it will not be a small sum!


Even the performance of Lin Xi's singers has improved steadily, and now they have faintly become the chief managers of Qin Zhou's music scene!

All of this made Lin Chun's family feel uneasy!


Erbo's house.

Lin Bao smiled from ear to ear.

"Hahahahahahahahaha, now Rhoda is gone too!"

The second uncle's family arranged for Bailey at the Myth Publishing House, but that guy didn't survive a round before he was kicked out of the company by Lin Zhibai.

Lin Bao is also very depressed about this matter, after all, Bailey is one of his own.

Seeing that the uncle Luo Da also left, Lin Bao felt a lot more balanced in an instant. Our family is not the only one who is unlucky!

I'm relieved to see someone suffering as badly as my family.

"You can still laugh!"

Lin Xia looked at this son with a low IQ, and couldn't help feeling angry.

Although Lin Xia was unhappy about Bailey being driven away, Rhoda still stayed at the publishing house, but there were still people who stuck with Lin Zhibai, preventing him from completely controlling the publishing house. The publishing house is under Lin Zhibai's control!

No one can touch it!

That's an industry worth more than 10 billion!


With the cash cow of Bluestar Chinese Website and the cornucopia of Bluestar Listening Books, Mythology Publishing House is now valued at more than 10 billion!

"I knew he was a scourge when I was a kid!"

The more successful Lin Zhibai was, the more uncomfortable Lin Hu felt. This kid was praised as "excellent" by everyone since he was a child, and he was already jealous to death.

Lin Zhibai from the fourth uncle's family is smart and outstanding?

Our Hubao brothers are synonymous with idiots?


Sanbo's house.

Lin Qiu narrowed his eyes, "Did the fourth family really become a climate?"

"Lin Zhibai deserves to die!"

Lin Liu's eyes were full of resentment.

Lin Mu glanced at the second sister, and said calmly: "You are incompetent and furious right now."

Lin Sen said with a smile: "It's actually pretty good. We don't have much conflict with the fourth uncle's family. If Ren Jiachun rebelled, he rebelled. Let uncle and uncle fight with their family."

"Nobody can do it alone."

Lin Qiu sighed, "But for the time being, there's no need to confront them. I'll have a cup of tea with the fourth child later. There were some misunderstandings back then."


Lin Liu's eyes were red.

When Lin Mu heard this, his expression was a little strange.

Lin Qiu glanced at Neixiu's eldest son, "Could it be you who pushed him back then?"

"not me."

Even though Lin Mudang denied it categorically, his expression remained the same.

Lin Qiu took a deep look at Lin Mu, "Then let's pretend it's not."

In the Shinhwa Group, the current Fourth Brother's family can already be regarded as princes, and some people in the group have taken the initiative to approach them, and conflicts are not appropriate.

At least not for the time being.

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