Freelance Artist

Chapter 259 Myth TV Station Don't Shoot Condors?

At this time, July has come, and Lin Zhibai is ushering in the second summer vacation after entering Qinzhou Art Academy, and he will be in his third year when school starts.

And Shinhwa Entertainment has set a broadcast time for "Legend of the Condor Heroes"—

The show will air in a week.

In the previous life, "Legend of the Condor Heroes" was a TV series with novels first.

In this life, Lin Zhibai plans to wait for the show to air for a while before publishing the novel. He has recently started writing.

As for the basis of the novel, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" can be popular?

In fact, this question has been answered in the previous life. Just investigate those who have watched countless martial arts dramas. How many of them have read the original works?

In fact, not many people have read the original works of Jin Yong's martial arts, but the TV series are still very popular, so this is not the point of the problem.

The real troublesome issue is the era background of the original work of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". The original story is set against the background of the confrontation between the three countries of Song, Jin, and Mongolia, and revolves around the stories of Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Yang Kang, and Mu Nianci. It mainly tells the story of Guo Jing. After experiencing all kinds of hardships, he became a generation of heroes and the love story between him and Huang Rong——

Qin Zhou did not have the background of the "Song Dynasty".

If there is no way to solve this problem, it can only be empty.

Fortunately, this problem has basically been solved by the system. The novels and scripts that Lin Zhibai got were modified by Crimson and adapted from the ancient history of Blue Star. Facts also prove that in this world, if you want to It is not difficult to find such a historical background similar to the previous Song Dynasty. Of course, it is impossible to be exactly the same, but a similarity of more than 80% is enough.


Chu Ci took over the soundtrack of the TV series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

The theme song is a generation of classic "Iron Heart"!

The ending song is also quite classic "Hello in the World Always"!

These two capitals are Qiyu songs, and they are both male and female duets. The quality of the songs is extremely high!

Lin Zhibai handed over the female part of the two songs directly to Han Yueshuang. After all, the other party is from Qizhou, and Kunpeng’s own artist, Zhang Xiyang is in charge of the male part. It’s a drama cooperating with Shinhwa, and Lao Zhang is his own. good friend.

The broadcasting platform of the TV series has been set.

It is still Shinhwa's own TV station.

After all, the TV department and the production department attach great importance to this drama——

At least it was like this before Xian Xia appeared.

"If Bu Yehou didn't come up with fairy tale novels and accelerate the end of martial arts, "Legend of the Condor Heroes" should have a very good market prospect."

at home.

Lin Dong was a little worried. The market was always changing rapidly. Who would have thought that martial arts who had been popular for decades would suddenly be half-dead?

"It's okay, at least it's the script of Bu Yehou."

Lin Xi comforted her father, she also knew that netizens are not interested in martial arts now, maybe those who make martial arts dramas in the future will swarm to make fairy tales.

The direction of the market is already evident.

The music department of Shinhwa Entertainment has recently received a lot of custom orders, all looking for composers to produce soundtracks for Xianxia dramas. It can be seen that this theme will be the next trend in the TV industry!

Isn't there a saying that says so?

Pigs can fly as long as they stand on the wind!

And the broadcast of martial arts dramas on this outlet is definitely a headwind. It is not just "Legend of the Condor Heroes" that is unlucky. Many martial arts dramas to be broadcast in the industry have actually been greatly affected, and they have begun to collectively hold a pessimistic mood towards martial arts. up.

"This kind of headwind can limit the upper limit of Buye Hou, but his lower limit is high enough."

My mother also analyzed it in the same way. To put it simply, even if the ratings of this drama do not explode, it will definitely not hit the street.

Lin Shengtian added: "Not only is Bu Yehou as a guarantee, but also the foundation of Shinhwa TV Station. The ratings of Shinhwa TV Station are so high, let alone "Legend of the Condor Heroes", any drama will have It was watched by a large audience.”

"I think so."

Lin Zhibai followed the rhythm of his family to comfort his father.

Lin Dong was indeed comforted by his family, and nodded with a smile. Just as he was about to say something, the phone rang suddenly.

Lin Dong connected.

Not knowing what was said on the other side, Lin Dong's face suddenly turned ugly.

"What's the meaning?"

"It was agreed that it will be broadcast on Shinhwa TV in a week. How can you change your mind at this time?"

"Adjust the schedule?"

"Wait until the market picks up before broadcasting?"

"If you don't have an exact date, do you want to keep procrastinating? The publicity has been released, how do you want me to explain to the TV department, and how to explain to the audience?"

"Don't talk about schedule conflicts with me!"

"Other dramas can be broadcast, but this one can't?"

"Which drama do they want to switch to?"

"That cop show?"

"I don't like that drama!"

Lin Dongyue became angrier as he spoke, and his voice became louder and louder, and finally hung up the phone ruthlessly, his face flushed red with anger.

The atmosphere was a little dull for a while.

The family members probably understood the meaning.

Lin Xi asked in a low voice, "Myth TV is not going to arrange a broadcast schedule for "The Legend of the Condor Heroes?"

Lin Dong nodded slightly annoyed.

Lin Zhibai was curious, "What drama does Shinhwa TV want to replace?"

Lin Dongdao: ""Life and Death Line", Jia Liang is in charge of the drama, this guy is from Lin Xia, and also the second in command of our TV department. He is now the deputy director of the TV department and has been fighting against me."

"Jia Liang?"

The mother said unhappily: "You don't need to think about it to know that this is the decision of the second child. He has been stuck with your dad in the production department before, and now the TV station is under his control, so he wants to block the broadcast of our show." , and asked Jia Liang to be in charge of "Life and Death" instead..."

"If it is not broadcast on Shinhwa TV, things will be troublesome."

Lin Shengtian began to worry about his parents. Wuxia's current situation is already difficult, and there is no bonus from Shinhwa TV Station?

It got worse.

Perhaps Lin Zhibai is the only one in the family who is still calm.

Lin Zhibai is not afraid that his second uncle will target him, but he is afraid that the other party will be too cautious and do nothing, and follow the popularity of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" to lie down and win.

Isn't that good now?

The second uncle finally couldn't help but make a move!

So at this time, Lin Zhibai was even a little happy, because he was from the perspective of God, and knew that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was not an ordinary martial arts drama.

Speak up.

Recently, the variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" was broadcast on Shinhwa TV. The second uncle held back and did not make a move. Lin Zhibai still had some regrets.

Because the market prospect of this variety show was very clear at that time, and the public's expectations were high enough, even Erbo didn't dare to bear the consequences of not broadcasting this variety show on Shinhwa TV, even though he had the right to obstruct it.

But "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is different.

Because there are now a lot of arguments that "martial arts are dead", just like the general trend of the times, so the market response of this drama is relatively sluggish, and it seems that even Bu Ye Hou can't change this fact.

Presumably the second uncle also thinks that "Legend of the Condor Heroes" is destined not to be a big hit.

As for the schedule of TV dramas on Shinhwa TV, there has always been a carrot and a hole, which is very precious.

If "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" can't be broadcast on Shinhwa TV, it seems that even the last hope will be directly cut off by the second uncle...

"Do you want to change the schedule?"

Lin Shengtian looked at his father, "After a while, try to broadcast it on Shinhwa TV?"

"Can't reschedule!"

Lin Dong said without hesitation: "The Shinhwa TV station asked me to wait, but they didn't give a specific time limit. How long would it take to finish the calculation? He just wanted to keep procrastinating. We spent so much money and energy to produce drama, if he drags it on for a year or two, the loss will be too great."

"Then direct webcast?"

Lin Xi frowned. Direct webcasting is fine, but losing the channel of the TV station is still a big disadvantage for a martial arts drama like "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

"TV stations can't give up."

My mother said: "The only way to do it now is to switch to another TV station, but apart from Tianguang and Nathan's TV stations, which other TV stations can compare with Shinhwa TV?"

Lin Zhibai said: "Then find Tianguang TV or Nathan TV to cooperate."

My mother smiled bitterly: "Will these two TV stations broadcast this kind of TV series completely produced by our Shinhwa Entertainment, and it's still under the circumstances that the market is generally not optimistic about martial arts..."

The three major companies have many cooperations.

But how could Nathan and Tianguang take over this kind of TV series completely filmed by Shinhwa Entertainment? There has never been such a precedent before.


The best dramas of Shinhwa will be broadcast on Shinhwa TV, while other dramas will be sold to some official TV stations with lower ratings.

"Nathan is hard to say."

Lin Zhibai thought for a while and said, "Tianguang TV Station can try it, and I can talk to Su Chan on behalf of my father."

That's it.

Everyone is quiet.

In this slightly weird atmosphere, my mother's eyes suddenly brightened, "You and that Su Chan are really in love?"


Lin Xi stared at Lin Zhibai suspiciously, "If Su Chan is not a lover, it is unlikely that she would agree to such a thing, right?"

"You want to use beauty tricks, don't you?"

It was rare for Lin Shengtian to crack a joke.

Lin Zhibai curled his lips and said, "It's just friends."

The father didn't make fun of his son, he said: "Then I will ask Su Chan to meet, and you will come with me when the time comes."

"Need not."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "I'll talk about this matter, dad, you don't have to worry about it, don't tell the outside world that it's my credit when the talk is over, let alone ask how I persuaded her, just treat it as dad who talked about it yourself Let's cooperate."

"Is it really possible?"

The whole family stared at Lin Zhibai after looking at each other in blank dismay. How can we convince Su Chan to let Skylight TV buy and broadcast the TV series produced by Shinhwa Entertainment?

"Try and talk."

Lin Zhibai didn't say enough directly. In fact, Su Chan can be forced to cooperate in this wave, unless she doesn't want to mix with Kunpeng, but he doesn't want to. Su Chan is a smart person, and everyone can discuss it.

that night.

Lin Zhibai and Su Chan met.

Ten minutes later, the two sides reached a cooperation, and the TV series "Legend of the Condor Heroes" will still be broadcast a week later.

It's just that the TV station broadcasting it has changed from a myth to Tianguang!

Well, the schedule collapsed again, continue to write

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