Freelance Artist

Chapter 260: The Condor Shooting Trilogy Project!

"Due to internal scheduling conflicts at Shinhwa TV Station, the martial arts drama "Legend of the Condor Heroes" originally scheduled to air on the 10th will be cancelled, and the new police drama "Life and Death" also produced by our company will take over..."

the next day.

Shinhwa TV station issued an announcement, and the news immediately attracted the attention of countless people, especially the people in the circle started laughing!

"Good guy, you are decisive enough!"

"It can be seen that the situation of the martial arts drama is not right, so it should be changed to another drama, right?"

"It seems that the market has really lost confidence in martial arts dramas now."

"Normally, the ratings of the martial arts dramas broadcast this year are very low. None of them have passed the grades. In addition, Wu Yehou has made the theme of fairy tales popular again. People don't want to see martial arts dramas anymore."

"This topic is hopeless."

"Even Bu Yehou's martial arts scripts are treated this way, let alone martial arts written by other screenwriters."

"Didn't you say there was a schedule conflict?"

"Pfft, you're new to the industry. You can believe this kind of official explanation. We can't say that our Shinhwa TV station thinks this drama may hit the market, so we changed to another drama. After all, Shinhwa TV Station and Shinhwa Entertainment are the same family. Even if they belong to two completely different subsidiaries, if there is any internal strife or the like, it is not necessary to say that in front of outsiders, anyway, everyone understands such things."

"It is estimated that this drama will be thrown to a small TV station in the future."

The industry is also considered clear.

I just find it both sad and funny.

The sad thing is that the martial arts is over like this, and there is no way to save Wu Yehou.

The funny thing is that even Shinhwa TV has no confidence in its own TV series.


Compared with the reaction in the industry, the Internet is divided into two factions. Some netizens think it doesn't matter, while others are not very happy. There are always those who still have feelings for martial arts, or have expectations for Buyehou.


"It won't be aired anymore? I still want to see how about the martial arts written by Hou Yehou! Why is Shenxin TV still showing pigeons!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't broadcast it, I'm not interested in martial arts anyway."

"I'm not interested in other people's martial arts, but I'm still a little interested in the martial arts of Marquis Bu Ye, after all, it's the Marquis!"

"Hou Ye's martial arts, I think no matter how bad it is, it won't be so bad."

"The Shinhwa TV station doesn't broadcast it, which channel will it be broadcast?"



"Skylight TV announced that "Legend of the Condor Heroes" will be broadcast on Skylight TV!?"


Netizens are dumbfounded!

It's really strange that there are more things every year than this year!

When "Legend of the Condor Heroes" was advertised before, didn't it say that this drama was completely produced by Shinhwa, and Tianguang TV was willing to broadcast it?

Although there are many cooperations between the three major parties, this is the first time you have seen this situation!

Very weird scene!

It's really a knife stabbing the ass, and my eyes are opened!



Not long after Shinhwa TV made the announcement, Tianguang released the announcement of "Legend of the Condor Heroes", giving people a feeling of seamless connection!

Not to mention that netizens feel their eyes are opened.

Even the industry thinks this is evil.

The Shinhwa TV station does not want its own TV series to be produced and filmed. Instead, Tianguang took it down. No matter how you look at it, what is wrong with this wave!

Shinhwa TV and Shinhwa Entertainment are definitely at war!

The seniors who are happy to eat melons in the industry began to restore the truth based on experience. It must be that there was a problem with the communication between Shinhwa TV and the relevant departments of TV production, and then the leaders of the TV production department found Tianguang to cooperate in a fit of anger. This is the most reasonable explanation...

It's just that everyone can't figure it out.

Why is Tianguang willing to take over?

The production cost and cast of this show are not bad, and the price is definitely not cheap, but the martial arts market has been really sluggish recently, and the public has no interest in this subject matter. Why did Tianguang buy this show?

"Can it be understood that Tianguang is flattering Kunpeng and Buyehou?"

"It may be that Tianguang is optimistic about this drama. After all, there are people on the Internet who say that Bu Yehou's drama is worth looking forward to, even if it is a martial arts."

"It's going to be a lot of fun if the show goes viral."

"The possibility of fire is too low. Everyone knows what is going on with martial arts now. You can't go against the market even if you are not at night?"

"Yeah, the dramas before Bu Yehou followed the market. For example, police dramas have always been popular, and even dog blood dramas have always been enduring. There are always a group of female audiences who buy it. , but the overall data performance of martial arts dramas is too bad, is this the general trend of the development of the times?"

"Unless Bu Yehou can revitalize martial arts by himself."

"If the Xian Xia hadn't come out, maybe this show would still be saved, but now that the Xian Xia has come out, how can martial arts survive?"

"Tianguang TV station is being taken aback."

"Maybe Kunpeng promised Tianguang some conditions. After all, Kunpeng's works are all shared with the three majors. If this drama hits the street, Kunpeng will not be able to make money. He can only discuss countermeasures with Tianguang TV, such as Will Bu Yehou continue to cooperate with Tianguang in the next drama?"

The industry has speculated.


Lin Zhibai has been paying attention to the trends on the Internet. After seeing the news from Shinhwa and Tianguang one after another, he called Jiang Cheng and said:

"Let's get the news out."

"Boss, you are killing people!"

After Jiang Cheng heard Lin Zhibai's order, he smiled strangely and said, "If "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" becomes popular, Myth TV Station will be put on fire next."

"go a head."

The second uncle has been weighing the pros and cons for so long, even the show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" refrained from making a move. This time, he finally mustered up the courage to take the initiative to attack his family. Of course, he must seize this rare opportunity.


Jiang Cheng used his Kunpeng account to release news on the Internet while having fun:

"Many people asked us why Kunpeng's new drama, which was obviously produced by mythology, was aired on Tianguang TV. In fact, things are not as complicated as everyone imagined.

It's simply that Shinhwa TV is not optimistic about our "Legend of the Condor Heroes".

This is no problem, business is business, this is the freedom of the leadership of Shinhwa TV, but we don't want to change the broadcast schedule to release the audience's pigeons, so we found Tianguang TV to save the scene, on the condition that Mr. Provide two more martial arts dramas.

That's right.

This "Legend of the Condor Heroes", in Master Bu Yehou's plan, will be made into a trilogy of the Condor Shooting.

Since it is a trilogy, there will be a second and third part after "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". The next two martial arts will be produced and filmed by Tianguang Entertainment.


Mr. Buyehou also wrote a novel for the Condor Shooting Trilogy, and the novel will be released after "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" airs for a while. "


All the above are facts.

Since Lin Zhibai has already produced "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", as a trilogy of the Condor Heroes, he will definitely also produce "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" later.

It just so happens that Shinhwa TV Station can use the excuse to hand over the next two dramas to Tianguang.

Of course, this news must have little power now, because the martial arts market is indeed too sluggish.

Not to mention Shinhwa TV.

Even the industry and the majority of netizens didn't feel that Tianguang TV's takeover of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" would be a big loss to Shinhwa TV.


After seeing Kunpeng's announcement, many people in the industry joked about it——

"Sure enough, there is a deal!"

"That's the deal, is it serious?"

It's outrageous!

Kunpeng's promise turned out to be that Bu Yehou would release two more martial arts scripts and hand them over to Tianguang for filming?

"Is this good news for Tianguang?"

"It's good news: Hou Buyehou's next two scripts will be handed over to Tian Guang."

"Why do you only report good news but not bad news? The bad news is: Hou Bu Yehou's next two scripts are martial arts!"

"Good guy."

"The future of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is still uncertain. Bu Yehou has already planned to write two more martial arts scripts?"

"Buyehou, is this the rebellious period?"

"Everyone said that martial arts are not good enough, and they are not interested in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", so he just wants to prove that martial arts can still be popular?"

"Geniuses are stubborn."

"It should be said that there is only one step between a genius and a madman. Bu Yehou himself has a bit of a crazy gene. You will know it after reading the "Zhu Xian" he serialized on the Internet. Even the heroine is written to death. , being scolded by readers for 18 streets without changing the plot, it is clearly against the market."

"This is floating."

Many people in the industry feel that Buyehou is inflated, and the successive successes of the previous dramas made him not even pay attention to the market trend.

Just go against the wind.

However, some people in the industry wavered after seeing the news released by Kunpeng.

Maybe Bu Yehou is really sure?

Can he really fight against the market trend?

It's not good for others to do this, but this guy is not a nighter!

Start with "Hurricane".

Then to the "Conquer" fire.

Needless to say, "The Temptation of Going Home" some time ago, the three works of Bu Ye Hou have not missed yet!

Even the mini-series "WanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWuWuWuHer sky".

These achievements are real!

Some netizens also began to waver.

"The Condor Shooting Trilogy?"

"Bu Yehou wants to write three martial arts scripts in a row?"

"It sounds like a grand idea, but don't everyone say that martial arts are not good enough?"

"Whether it works or not, let's see and talk."

"We have to see it."

The curiosity of netizens was aroused.

In fact, after this wave of incidents, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has achieved the effect of hype and publicity in a disguised form. Almost everyone knows that such a drama will be broadcast on Tianguang TV in a few days.

And a few days, but in the blink of an eye.

number seven.

number eight.

number nine.

July tenth!

The day of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has finally arrived!

Many viewers who became interested in this drama because of various news sat in front of the TV early and waited!

There should be no one here~

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