Freelance Artist

Chapter 261 Shooting the Condors Broadcasts

Lin Zhibai's family.

Mom sat on the sofa, holding the remote control.

Lin Zhibai, Lin Shengtian, Lin Xi and Dad also sat in a row, waiting for the broadcast of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

"It's about to start."

"The whole melon seeds."

"Whoever proposes will sweep the floor, Lin Xi will sweep it when the time comes."

"Brother Tian, ​​sweep it."

"Dad sweep it."

"Why don't you let Xiao Hei sweep?"

"Xiao Hei is a hero, without him playing tricks on Su Chan, Tian Guang would not have taken over "Legend of the Condor Heroes"!"

Mom said so.


Lin Xia's family is also watching Tianguang TV, but the atmosphere in Lin Zhibai's house is different, and Er Bo's house is obviously more impetuous.

"Why haven't you started yet?"

Lin Hu got a little impatient waiting.

On the other hand, Lin Feng played with his mobile phone indifferently and said, "What's so interesting? After so many years in this circle, you still haven't understood a truth. There is no good end to going against the market, and you can't do it even if you're not at night." , Dad will win this game!"

"My good girl is right, you can't do it without night."

Lin Xia nodded in satisfaction. In fact, his eyelids were a little twitching, and he was inexplicably nervous. He must have seen a ghost. It was just a martial arts drama that was eliminated by the market. What was he panicking about?

at this time.

Lin Bao, who was also looking down at his phone, suddenly cursed: "Buyehou? What kind of thing is Buyehou!"

"That's right, the Marquis of Night is nothing!"

Lin Hu laughed, and suddenly he was puzzled: "But why are you so angry?"

Lin Bao's eyes were red, and he pointed to "Zhu Xian" he was watching on his mobile phone and said, "He actually wrote Baguio to death, Huzi, Baguio, my Baguio!"

family:? ? ?

Why do you feel something is wrong?


A certain villa.

Su Chan sat in front of the TV, and the group chat on her cell phone kept ringing, all colleagues from the TV department were communicating.

"Can it work?"

"Will the ratings be miserable?"

"The ratings of martial arts dramas this year are getting worse and worse."

"I don't know why the minister is so determined to take over the show. Even if it's a drama about the Marquis of Night, it's martial arts after all."

"The key condition of the discussion is that Bu Yehou will continue to write two martial arts dramas for us."

"Why not cops and robbers? Goofy dramas are fine too. There really is no market for martial arts."


"Let's just treat it as a favor for Bu Yehou. If the ratings can break two, I'll be very happy."

Su Chan looked at the group chat and said nothing.

She resisted a lot of pressure to let Tianguang TV station take over the show.

Su Chan couldn't help but think of what Lin Zhibai said to herself that night: "This is an opportunity to miss, and it depends on whether you can seize it."

At that time, Lin Zhibai was bewildered.

He agreed without hesitation for too long.

It's not that IQ is offline, it's just that he wants to bet on Kunpeng Buyehou.

But when it came to the show's airing day, even Su Chan couldn't help becoming nervous. If the show failed, her business in the company would be greatly affected, and more than one third of the good situation would be ruined.

It can be described as a big gamble.


While everyone was waiting, the theme song of the TV series sounded, the classic song "Iron Blood and Heart" that was loved by countless people in previous lives!

"Vaguely dreaming like I have seen it before, the waves in my heart are now

Let go of the world, let go of sorrow and resentment, and accompany you to the horizon

Chasing the grass waves, the desert is boundless in all directions, and the cold wind blows the sky

Don't be afraid of snow and frost, the vines and trees are connected

Shooting the eagles lead the bow and galloping beyond the Great Wall, the wind blows and the desert is vast

Smiling proudly, this life is never tiresome, the vines and trees are lingering

The sky is blue and wild, you should know that love is like flowing water

All kinds of illusions are constantly changing, reasoning is still chaotic

After going through hundreds of calamities, I am still in a dilemma of kindness and righteousness in my heart..."

Qi language song.

Male and female duet.

The male is Zhang Xiyang and the female is Han Yueshuang.

And such classic tracks, even across time and space, can still be charming!


There are also many netizens who are waiting to watch the drama, but they suddenly feel like they are hit by this song.

"This song is great!"

"It's so emotional!"

"The lyrics and music are Chu Ci?"

"Chu Ci's soundtrack is really awesome!"

"It turns out that Chuci also understands Qi language?"

"Hahaha, maybe it's because Baidi wrote a song in Chu language for Shui Qiaowu in "Sister Lang", so Chu Ci came up with a song in Qi language."

"If it's someone else, I might think it's nonsense. If it's Baidi and Chuci, there's nothing wrong with this logic."

"Watch the show!"

"It's finally started!"

Although "Iron Blood and Heart" is a classic, the audience is still relatively unfamiliar with this drama. They will really fall in love with this song when they are thoroughly familiar with the story of Shooting the Condor. Most people now just think it is "very nice".

on TV.

At the beginning of the story, the background of the era is introduced to the audience. At the end of a certain dynasty in ancient Blue Star, a general similar to Yue Fei in the previous life was killed by a treacherous official of the current dynasty. Then Guo Xiaotian and Yang Tiexin met Qiu Chuji, Wanyan Honglie and Bao Xiruo met, and Qiu Chuji named the unborn son of Yang's wife Bao Xiruo and Guo's wife Li Ping——

Guo Jing!

Yang Kang!

This drama has a total of 60 episodes, and this type of tome is usually updated at a rate of three episodes per day. This night is naturally the same. The first episode of the story tells about Guo Jing, Yang Kang and their parents, and the second episode introduces Qiu Chuji and Jiangnan. The identity of the seven monsters, the third episode has come to the desert, and the character and opportunity of Xiao Guojing have been shown in this episode. The main plot is that Jebe was hunted down by Temujin, rescued by Guo Jing, and Temujin met later. Jebe's martial arts are so strong that he made him the head of ten men, and Guo Jing learned archery skills under Jebe's teaching, and later became brothers with Temujin's son Tuolei.


Lin Zhibai's family.

Finished three episodes.

Mom is a little unsure.

Dad was a little nervous and said, "How is it?"

Mom said: "I haven't seen enough, I'll go to the company tomorrow, can you show me the source of the film?"

Dad ignored her.

Lin Xi said seriously: "The rhythm is too slow, the protagonist of the third episode is still a child, but the plot of the third episode is quite interesting..."

Lin Shengtian said: "It feels like getting better."

Lin Zhibai thought for a while, and felt that he had to say something, "The story is told slowly, although the pace is a bit slow, but considering that this is a tome of sixty episodes, this speed is just right..."

Say so.

In fact, what Lin Zhibai was thinking in his heart was, where is this? You haven’t read the original work. The rhythm of the original work is much slower than this. The early stages are all plot foreshadowing. Considering the patience of the audience, the TV drama has already dealt with the rhythm. It's a lot faster, and the third episode is a little bit cooler.

Guo Jing rescued Jebe.

It is also remembered by Temujin (assuming there are Temujin-style characters in this world), which is a very cool point.

It is quite simple to analyze, it is to save a down-and-out guy, but the other party has a great background, but the same plot is very reasonable under Jin Yong's handling, which makes people have a lot of expectations for the follow-up plot.



Netizens who have watched the show are also discussing it.

"It feels pretty good, but I can't say how amazing it is. The foreshadowing is longer than I thought. It wasn't until the third episode that the protagonist rescued a big guy and I didn't start to get interested."


"The pace is too slow."

"At first I thought that Yang Tiexin and Guo Xiaotian would be the protagonists, but it turned out that it was Guo Jing. However, there is one thing about this drama that I find very interesting. The feeling that Bu Yehou completely combines martial arts and history is more than ordinary. Martial arts are too strong."


"Other martial arts are all in the so-called rivers and lakes. This martial arts drama has obviously established a pattern. It has written historical figures into martial arts. It is not just a name, but an interaction with the original characters."

"The layout can't be eaten as a meal."

"In summary, it's a good martial arts drama, but it's only good. It mainly depends on how the subsequent plot develops. After all, the protagonist hasn't grown up yet."

"I feel good."

"I really like the setting of the Seven Monsters in the South of the Yangtze River. The characteristics of the characters are very distinctive. When I look back after watching it, I feel that every character is very vivid!"

Only three episodes.

The audience didn't have the shock of "fucking awesome", but this is a very normal thing. Huang Rong didn't even appear on the stage, nor did Dongxiexidu, Nandibeibeg, etc. This drama or the original novel is awesome. The forced plots are all behind, which is the characteristic of Jin Yong's martial arts. All his martial arts require a little patience. After the foreshadowing is in place, there will be waves of high-energy plots.

at the same time.

After watching the drama, Su Chan kept reading the comments on the Internet. After seeing the general opinions of the audience, she was slightly relieved, and there was no major problem.

The basic disk can be kept.

Most viewers are interested in continuing to watch. Although they didn't find it surprising, the fact that they haven't lost their patience after watching two or three episodes shows that the show is good. After all, Su Chan has written the follow-up content All chased.

She has a hunch:

This show is going to be a hit!

It's just that this "explosion" takes a little time to accumulate, and it cannot be achieved overnight, because the "strong period" of the story has not yet arrived.


the other side.

After watching the first three episodes of this show, Lin Xia came to a completely different conclusion from Su Chan: "A mediocre martial arts, nothing too unexpected, considering the audience's current neglect of martial arts , the ratings should also be mediocre."

"The third episode is still worth watching."

Lin Hu next to him answered, TV dramas need to be popular, how can they attract audiences if they are not popular, but this drama is just paving the way for the audience.

"It can only be said that he has his own characteristics."

Lin Feng snorted: "There are some ideas that make people's eyes shine, but these ideas are not enough to support the high ratings."

"I think……"

Lin Bao hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing. In fact, he is now engaged in comics and has his own understanding of story creation.

Leopard thinks:

Based on the content of the first three episodes alone, there is no way to judge the future of this show, but there is no doubt that the content of the three episodes has not made the audience lose their patience. Lin Bao is now looking forward to the protagonist growing up.

This sense of anticipation is the motivation to support yourself to watch.

For novels, comics, and even TV series, the sense of anticipation is the most important thing, and grasping this will grasp everything.


TV dramas still depend on ratings.

the next day.

The ratings for the first three episodes are out...

I like the song "Iron Blood and Heart" very much. I didn't think it was awesome when I first heard it, but the more I listen to it, the more I like it. It's amazing.

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