Freelance Artist

Chapter 268: Sleepless Marquis Pill?

Soon Lin Zhibai experienced the pressure that Jin Yong faced back then, and the story of the little dragon girl being humiliated did not just mean shutting down the Internet.

next few days.

It's not just bombardment on the Internet.

Its impact on the real world is also increasingly exaggerated.

Some readers actually tore up the "The Legend of Condor Heroes" that they queued up to buy, and what's more, they directly used the act of burning books to boycott Buyehou!

And in the bookstore.

A large number of readers protested!

One by one, they took the "The Legend of Condor Heroes" that they hadn't watched much and asked the store to refund their money!

The most exaggerated are:

Some readers actually began to boycott Bu Yehou's new martial arts book through gatherings and parades. Fortunately, the scale is not particularly large.


With countless readers criticizing Bu Yehou, the sales volume of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" has indeed been greatly affected.

This is the first time that Bu Yehou has encountered such a scary personal word-of-mouth crisis since he became famous.

But behind this wave of rhythm, not all are real readers.

It is true that many readers were outraged when they saw Xiaolongnv being humiliated, but there were also many who were purely following suit.

These guys who are afraid of chaos in the world have never even read the novel, they are just playing tricks and enjoying the ultimate mouth smell.

After all, the topic of Xiaolongnv's humiliation has reached a phenomenon level.

in the school……

In the company...

Regardless of students or white-collar workers, everyone's topics these days have been ridiculing and scolding Bu Yehou's "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

Many people have yin and yang:

"Anyway, Bu Yehou doesn't rely on writing novels for a living now, and his career focuses on the film and television field."

"I've earned enough money, it doesn't matter what the possibility is, it's just for fun."

"Maybe he just wanted to hype this wave. After all, when he wrote Baguio's death at the time, the readers complained in various ways, but the final result of the book was very good. I guess he got a taste of the sweetness that time, so This time, the old trick was repeated, and it was even intensified, but I didn't expect it to go wrong."

"We readers were too lenient to him before."

"Don't forget that Buyehou has been called a perverted writer since his debut."

"As a perverted writer, he has this behavior, which is unexpected but reasonable."

"Obviously it's beyond reason, but expected."

"The market will teach him how to be a human being. The novel is written in such a bad manner, and no one will watch it when it is made into a TV series."

"In the past few days, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" has not been bought by many people, but quite a few people have asked bookstores to refund their money."


Scolding Buyehou these days seems to have become a kind of political correctness.

The impact of this incident has indeed been reflected in sales.

As the president of Shinhwa Publishing House, Lin Zhibai is the most familiar with the sales data of related novels.

"The market cooled off rapidly overnight."

"How prosperous the sales of Buyehou's new book are on the first day, how deserted the bookstore is on the second day."

"No additional orders from the bookstore."

"Some bookstores still want to ask us to return the goods, saying that there is no way to clear the inventory."

These are all feedback from the hands.

During the morning meeting, some high-level executives whispered tentatively: "Either the president, you can talk to Bu Yehou and ask him to revise it. Adjusting this plot may save the market."

Lin Zhibai shook his head.

Even if this book hit the street because of the plot of Xiaolongnv, he would still recognize it.

Seeing that the president disagreed, the executives of Mythology Publishing House didn't dare to say anything more, and the atmosphere turned cold for a while.

Bu Yehou is now the first brother of Myth Publishing House.

If there is a problem in the night, even for the entire Myth Publishing House, the impact will definitely be huge.

And at this moment.

Ren Jiachun, a high-level executive who had already "abandoned the dark and turned to the bright", said:

"Perhaps we don't need to be so pessimistic. The market's coldness is affected by online public opinion, but this kind of thing is only temporary. Judging from the whole book, I think "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is definitely a very good martial arts work. Readers will not ignore the wonderfulness of the whole book just because of Xiao Longnu's bad feelings, and..."

Ren Jiachun paused and said:

"You only noticed the voices scolding Buyehou on the Internet, but you may not have noticed. As more and more readers read the back, some people have already started to praise this book. Although it has not yet reached the level of public opinion reversal, but I'm sure that will improve as more and more people read the entire book."

"You are too optimistic, Vice President."

All the senior executives smiled wryly, Ren Jiachun has now been promoted by Lin Zhibai to the position of vice president.

Ren Jiachun smiled and said: "It's not that I'm optimistic, it's that some readers have really started to change their attitude towards this book. If you don't believe me, go online and have a look."

"Look, I watch it every day."

A middle-level executive complained: "In the end, I didn't notice the change of attitude you said, but the scene of Yang Guo's broken arm was scolded again. It was only because the impact of Xiaolongnv's humiliation was too great, so the influence of Yang Guo's broken arm did not ferment. It's too powerful."

"At least it proves that many people have not abandoned their books."

Ren Jiachun retorted, "Otherwise, how would these readers know that Yang Guo's arm was cut off by Guo Fu later?"


Mythology Publishing House is worried, and colleagues naturally see the market dilemma that "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is facing.

At this time, in the meeting of Tianguang Publishing House, someone said: ""The Legend of Condor Heroes" is finished, I even feel that Buyehou is going to be finished, many readers have said that they will never read Buyehou's novels or novels in the future." TV show."

"Such a top writer will fall from the altar just like that?"

"I went shopping in the bookstore today, but not many people bought the novel of "The Legend of Condor Heroes". Many people were scared by the online reviews and dared not make a move."

"This is good news for our publishing house, but it is a bit of a headache for the head office."

"After all, our head office is still pointing at the TV series adapted from this novel."

"Is this still filming? I don't think there is any need to film it."

"Readers have such a strong dislike for novels, will they still watch dramas?"

"I didn't expect that the second part of Bu Yehou's The Condor Shooting Trilogy would hit the street because of a plot."

"It was really a disaster."


Nathan Press.

"I contacted several bookstore managers today, saying that "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is out of stock!"

"Ha ha."

"Many bookstores have lost their inventory, and they have purchased a lot, thinking that this book will definitely hit the market."

"It could have been a big hit, if there wasn't the story of Little Dragon Girl."

"Do you think this book can be saved?"


"Bu Yehou can't be saved either."

"The threat of Bu Yehou will definitely decrease in the future, maybe he will change his vest and start again."

"Hehe, changing the vest, it's not easy to achieve the current influence. The pseudonym Bu Yehou is too valuable. If an ordinary writer writes this kind of plot, can it trigger a parade of readers in reality?"


Everyone in the industry felt that Buyehou was doomed, even if the author himself could still be saved, at least this "The Legend of Condor Heroes" was hopeless.

The success of this book will directly affect the third martial arts book in Bu Yehou's planned trilogy of shooting the eagles. After all, there is a chain reaction between the trilogy.

Even the media began to report that "The Legend of Condor Heroes" was unsalable.

Just looking at the reaction of the news, it seems that this book is going to become the most failed work of Bu Yehou.

Lin Xia's family became more and more excited about this.

Lin Feng: "This book can no longer be sold!"

Lin Hu: "This wave can be regarded as double happiness for our family. One is that the failure of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" will affect the TV series, and the other is that this book is published by Shinhwa Publishing House, and Lin Zhibai is published by Shinhwa. The president of the club, he should have a headache now, right?"

Lin Xia: "I'd better die that brat!"

Only Lin Bao didn't speak, he was holding "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and continued to read, after all, he still didn't abandon the book because of the plot of Xiaolongnu.

And look at...

Lin Bao's eyes gradually became complicated.

This book is getting better and better!

I saw it in the middle of the night last night, and I couldn't stop it!

How wonderful it would be if there was no plot where the little dragon girl was humiliated!

Even if Yang Guo broke his arm, Lin Bao could accept it, after all, Xiao Longnv survived the test!

He murmured to himself: "In fact, once you accept the story of Little Dragon Girl, this novel can become a god like Shooting the Condor..."

"Crazy God?"

Lin Feng next to him heard this, and immediately ridiculed, "I didn't expect that you are still a fan of Nightmare, but only a fan with a brain like you will silently help him wash it."


Tianguang Entertainment Television Department.

Su Chan listened to the noise of her subordinates with some headaches.

"Now the market's evaluation of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is too low, should we make this novel into a TV series?"

"I thought the second film would be a big hit when it was made into a TV series."

"In the end, I don't know what the Nightless Marquis was thinking, but he insisted on disgusting the readers."

"It's hard now."

"It made us unable to keep up with each other. It's not a matter of filming or not filming."

"I think it's okay to shoot, but the scene where the little dragon girl is humiliated has to be deleted. After all, this is the only thing readers are struggling with. If we change this part of the story, the audience may praise us for a good job!"

"Can Buyehou agree?"

"Discuss with Kunpeng, if the plot doesn't change, won't our TV series be sprayed to death by the audience?"


Su Chan slammed down the table and said coldly: "I have already signed a contract with Kunpeng. We must shoot this drama. Not only must we shoot, but we must also respect the original work and restore the plot, including the part about Little Dragon Girl. I'm on the best cast!"

"Minister, this..."

"I'm not discussing with you!"

Su Chan chooses to believe in Buyehou again. The other party's works have never disappointed her. She thinks that it is more important to maintain this trust at this time!

It was because Shenxin TV did not trust Bu Yehou that it allowed itself to pick up the leak of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"!

Will the Buyehou Building collapse?

Since it is a building, how can it be so easy to fall over?

As the second part of the Condor Shooting Trilogy, is "The Legend of Condor Heroes" really over?

The situation does not seem to be so simple on the surface.

On the fourth day after the "Dragon Girl Gate" incident broke out, people continued to read the entire "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

Things are starting to take a turn for the better...

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