Freelance Artist

Chapter 269: The market picks up! Public opinion reversed!

a bookstore.

A customer came in, and after shopping around, he looked at the boss with some puzzlement.

"Doesn't your family have "The Legend of Condor Heroes"?"


The boss was quite surprised and took the customer to a relatively remote corner.

"Here it is."

"I bought it."

The customer said without hesitation.

After the customer checked out and left, two more customers came in and asked the same question:

"Where is "The Legend of Condor Heroes"?"

"Here it is!" The boss quickly went to the corner to fetch books for customers.

This time after the customer finished paying, the boss suddenly said: "There seems to be a lot of controversy on the Internet about this book..."

It stands to reason that a bookstore owner shouldn't say that.

What if the customer does not want to buy after hearing this?

But the other party has already paid the bill, so the boss didn't hold back.

The customer smiled and said: "The little dragon girl thing, right? Although I haven't read the novel, I've been talking about it on the Internet recently, but my buddy said that this book is a classic, and it's definitely not as bad as the Internet says."


The boss's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "I have also finished reading this book. I read it last night. It is indeed a very good book. The little dragon girl's part will be fine. Look, I personally think that part of the plot is still necessary!"

"Ha ha……"

The customer let out a haha, didn't intend to continue the conversation, and left with the book.

Go on.

One after another, some customers came in to buy "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

until evening.

The boss looked at the computer and counted.

One hundred and twenty-three customers came to the bookstore today.

Among them, 108 customers came to buy "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

The boss started scratching his head, "It seems that there are more customers buying "The Legend of Condor Heroes" today..."

The waiter next to him also nodded: "No one came to buy this book a few days ago. I thought this book would not sell anymore, but now the sales situation seems to be picking up again."

"Put the book by the entrance."

The boss reacted very sharply. He realized that there might be a new change in the direction of the market. It is not a coincidence that so many people came to buy.

In fact, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" was placed in the most prominent position at the door at the beginning, but after the Dragon Girl Gate incident broke out, few readers came to buy this book again. Books are placed prominently.

Seeing that "The Legend of Condor Heroes" was not popular, it was naturally thrown into a remote corner.

But today, the novel "The Legend of Condor Heroes" seems to be showing some signs of a pick-up in sales, so it is naturally put back in a conspicuous place at the door.


The same situation happened in other bookstores.

Some people in the group of fellow bookstores mentioned this.

"Today it seems that the sales of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" have picked up."

"Is that so? This happened to you too?"

"I am still wondering today why many customers suddenly want to buy this book."

"I've pulled this book off the bestseller shelf before."

"The main reason is that this book is not as bad as it is said on the Internet. On the contrary, I feel that this book as a whole is more attractive to me than Shooting the Condors, especially the scene where the Condors appear later. It’s full of anticipation!”

"The episode in the Valley of Unrequited Love is also very exciting!"

"The scene at the bottom of the valley is my favorite!"

"Hahaha, so you've all finished reading this book."

"It is a must."

"Buyehou's novels have a special shelf in our bookstore, and they have always been super bestsellers."

"Let's see what happens tomorrow."

"I feel like the book is really starting to pick up."


The book market is always the most honest. Whether Bu Yehou's new book "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is finished or not depends on the data!

It was the fifth day after the Longnvmen incident broke out.

Major bookstores feel that the sales recovery of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is becoming more and more obvious!

More and more customers began to walk into the bookstore to buy this novel!

Colleagues are all excited!

"It's getting warmer, it's getting warmer, it's really starting to get warmer!"

"According to this situation, our inventory will be saved!"

"Hahaha, I have so much inventory, but I lost a quarter of it today!"

"It seems that this book is taking the long-lasting route?"

"The sales exploded on the first day, and then the market was cold for three days in a row. It started to pick up on the fourth day, and it got even stronger on the fifth day..."


"Look, the word-of-mouth online has also improved!"

"I saw it. I remember that the score of this book dropped to 6.2 in the academy because of the Dragon Girl Gate incident two days ago?"

"It's 8.1 now!"

"Let me just say, this book is still very good to read. It is purely because the impact of the Dragon Girl's Gate incident is too bad, causing some potential customers to wait and see for a few days!"



Just unconsciously.

The reputation of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" on the Internet has quietly reversed!

At first only individual posts appeared.

for example……

"Brothers, don't be so busy cursing, keep watching, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" will continue to climax!"

"I didn't realize until later that the story of Little Dragon Girl had an extremely important influence on the promotion and development of this book. From an emotional point of view, I still couldn't accept it, but in terms of the concept of the whole book, I actually pinched my nose and recognized that s arrangement."

"The back of this book is even more beautiful than I imagined!"

"Since the fate of being raped by Bu Yehou is destined to be unavoidable, then enjoy it. I guarantee that everyone will find that it is really comfortable after the pain. I will blow up the following plot!"

"Yang Guo's peach blossoms are endless!"

"Li Mochou's plot and finale really moved me!"

"You guys go on, even if it's for the purpose of shooting the eagles, because there will be an explosion scene between Ouyang Feng and Hong Qigong later on. I can't spoil the details. Those who have seen it should understand what I'm talking about."

"For Yang Guo's adventure, Guo Jing would call him an expert!"

"Damn it, I saw the end, Guo Jing's plot really exploded!"

"A great chivalrous man will serve the country and the people!"

When these posts first appeared, they were also sprayed by a large number of netizens.

But gradually.

There are fewer and fewer sprayers.

Because more and more people have seen the follow-up plot.

A considerable number of readers continued to read it out of some kind of unwillingness, and the more they read it, the more emotional they became!

Because Yang Guo's male lead aura is on!

He met Hong Qigong by chance at the top of Mount Hua, and witnessed the whole process of Hong Qigong fighting Ouyang Feng with his own eyes!

It is also at the top of Huashan Mountain.

Yang Guo learned the dog-beating stick method, and his martial arts practice is improving day by day!

And the ending of this plot also made readers feel throbbing and even sighed.

Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng, Beibei and Xidu who stood at the top of the rivers and lakes chose to die together.

The two hugged each other before they died, and left this world together with a heroic smile. The hatred of so many years was wiped out in this smile!


Yang Guo leaves Huashan and goes to the Heroes Banquet, where he reunites with Guo Jing, Huang Rong, his wife and Xiaolongnv.

Yang Guo, who has just made great progress in martial arts, pretended to be Bo Da in this plot.

Bu Yehou first arranged for Huo Dou and Daerba to torture a bunch of masters in the Central Plains martial arts, paving the way for Yang Guo to make a move.

Then Yang Guo really made a move, which was very in line with the readers' expectations.

He is no longer the immature boy he was back then. With this attack, he defeated Huo Dou first, and then teased Daerba. He stole the limelight and instantly became the focus of this hero banquet!

With this battle, Yang Guo became famous all over the world!

At the same time, in this plot, Yang Guo also completed a strong slap in the face against Guo Fu, Da Wu and Xiao Wu, and even the Quanzhen Sect—

This is a standard counterattack.

The plot is very refreshing, and Guo Fu even looked at Yang Guo differently.

But what is more brilliant is the confrontation between Yang Guo and Guo Jing after the hero meeting, although the confrontation between the two did not resort to force.

Yang Guo at this time is definitely not Guo Jing's opponent.

The conflict between the two was caused by the past, and this is the purpose of the whole book.

On the surface, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is about the story of Yang Guo and the little dragon girl. In fact, the invisible main line is also the focus of this book, that is, the ideological dispute between the two protagonists, Yang Guo and Guo Jing.

Yang Guo advocates freedom, pursues the liberation of individuality, is unrestrained, and has no taboos.

like modern thinking.

Guo Jing, on the other hand, pursues righteousness and has a taste of Confucian pedantry. The two people's thoughts are not on the same channel at all.

And finally.

The two chose to accept and reconcile each other.

The way of reconciliation is that Guo Jing recognized the husband and wife status of Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv...

This is actually really rare for Guo Jing's character. He is actually a person who pays attention to etiquette, even a bit pedantic, and it is difficult to accept the relationship between master and apprentice.

This can be regarded as Guo Jing's final growth.

And Yang Guo finally accepted Guo Jing's teaching that "a great chivalrous man serves the country and the people". This sentence can be called the crowning touch of the whole book!

In fact.

When I saw Guo Jing say the phrase "The great man is for the country and the people", I don't know how many readers were overwhelmed, and they were instantly conquered by Guo Jing and even this whole book!

"The character Guo Jing is a god!"

"Fortunately, I read it. Without this book, the character of Guo Jing would not be complete!"

"It's a great man who is a hero, for the country and the people!"

"All martial arts novels are asking what a chivalry is. Now Guo Jing has set an example, or Bu Yehou has given a standard answer!"

"Guo Jing is like this, this is the real hero!"

"The most important thing is that Guo Jing is not chanting a few slogans in vain, he is actually practicing these words!"

"I love Guo Jing to death!"

"The charm values ​​of the protagonists of the two books are off the charts!"

"From Condor Shooting to Divine Condor, the two books combined are the real perfection!"


The turmoil of the Dragon Girl Gate has finally subsided!

And the reversal of public opinion started with this sentence "The great man is for the country and the people", and the counterattack was fully launched!

A large number of readers began to re-examine the book.

A large number of readers began to change their views on the Dragon Girl Gate incident.

Although there are countless readers who are still upset, it's just like the death of Baguio back then.

Readers who rejected the entire book of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" because of this plot are only a handful after all.

It was also when public opinion reversed.

Lin Zhibai finally came back online, logged into Buyehou's account, and posted such a post.

This is the first time that Bu Yehou has officially responded publicly to the Dragon Girl Gate incident:

"One of the original purposes of the divine sculpture: despite the lack of heaven and earth, it can still move the sky and the earth."

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