Freelance Artist

Chapter 271 Qin Yi Couplet Competition!

With the end of the Shendiao incident, Lin Zhibai's life became leisurely again.

But this leisurely life did not last long, because the summer vacation ended at the end of August.

September officially arrived, Qinzhou Academy of Arts ushered in the first day of school, and Lin Zhibai was officially promoted to junior year.

Qin Yi is a four-year program, and Lin Zhibai will officially graduate after his senior year, but usually there are no classes in his senior year, and the school will require students to go out to study, so strictly speaking, the academic year of his junior year may already be Lin Zhibai started his official career in the last year of college. Thinking of this, Lin Zhibai couldn't help but look back at his freshman and sophomore years, only to realize that he had never really participated in college life in depth except for attending classes.

What is the university life like for ordinary college students?

Lin Zhibai doesn't know, because he has been using the system to start a business since he was a freshman, and he has never participated in any campus activities.

The school holds school opening activities every year, and of course there is this year too. The name of the event is "Qinzhou Art Academy Couplet Competition", which is intended to celebrate the admission of freshmen, at least in name.

The venue is the school auditorium.

The classmates in the class are discussing.

"It's a strange thing for our school this year. The School of Art started school, and instead of engaging in cultural performances, a couplet contest was held instead."

"Then you don't know anything."

"This activity is really not what our school wants to do. The main reason is that this year, a bunch of teachers and students from Qizhou Academy of Art came to our school to engage in art exchanges, and then the whole joint performance was added up. The representative of Zhouzhou College suddenly suggested that the students from their school should participate in the couplet activity together with the students from our school."

"So that's how it is."

"Why do I look at the Qizhou Academy of Art as if it came prepared, and want to give our school a big shot at the couplets?"

"Don't panic."

"Our art history major has many talents in this field, and the literature department next door dominates the stage. There are many great talents."

"Who will participate then?"

"You know that I am a member of the student union. If you come to me, you can sign up directly. If you are interested, you can try it. The venue is in the auditorium of the school. Our school wants to hold a big event. There will be Representatives from the Ministry of Education, the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and even the Writers Association came to watch the ceremony, and even some famous couplet experts would come to serve as special guests or even directly participate in the competition..."

"Is it such a big game?"

"That's not all. When the time comes, there will be reporters coming to shoot, and the whole process will be broadcast live by Shinhwa TV. After all, our Qin Yi's strength is here. The school with the number one comprehensive strength in Qinzhou is joking with you?"

"Then I'll go back and sign up."

Some students in the class suddenly became interested. It doesn't matter if you fail, the important thing is to participate.

It is not unusual for Lin Zhibai to have a few talents in couplets in this art history major.

The so-called couplets are pairs.

There are many ways of couplets. In the previous life, it was a tradition of Chinese studies that has been passed down for thousands of years.

However, this kind of Chinese learning, in the modern city of the previous life, has gradually become lonely and silent, and only occasionally remembers the romance of the ancients.

On the contrary, in Blue Star, all kinds of couplet competitions emerge in endlessly. The modern people in this world still have a strong interest in this kind of literati taste that has been passed down since ancient times.

Including couplets, including poems.

Even small games like charades are included.

In short, Lin Zhibai listened to this, and felt that it was quite interesting. He thought that when the couplet contest started, he could also go to the scene to see it, as if it were a rare experience of college life——

Lin Zhibai thought so.

However, Lin Zhibai soon realized that he wanted to be simple.

Because not long after the news of the couplet contest spread on campus, the principal came to the Art History Department to talk to Lin Zhibai himself.

"Student Lin Zhibai..."

"Hi principal."

Lin Zhibai was quite polite in front of Qin Yi, the principal who was full of peaches and plums.

The principal smiled and said: "You should have heard that our school is going to hold a couplet activity."


Lin Zhibai probably guessed what the principal meant.


The next moment the principal asked, "Are you interested in participating?"

Lin Zhibai immediately shook his head and said, "I'm not very good at pairing couplets."

The principal laughed again, "With your literary talents, Baidi, are you not good at matching pairs?"

The school leaders have all heard Baidi's songs, and they know the level of Baidi's lyrics. Everyone is almost sure that Lin Zhibai has two brushes.

"I really can't."

Lin Zhibai knew exactly how much his "literary talent" was, so he didn't deceive himself.

"I made it clear."

The principal said sincerely: "I would like to ask you to participate in this couplet competition. You don't have to worry about the ranking. After all, the people who come to participate are of very high level, and there will be some big names in the couplet field. It's normal to lose. But our school needs you to help stand on the platform..."

Lin Zhibai understood.

The school wanted to use its reputation as the "White Emperor" to raise the attention of the outside world to the couplet competition held by Qin Yi.

For Lin Zhibai, losing is really not ashamed.

Because he is engaged in music, but everyone thinks that his literary talent in writing lyrics is not bad.


In the end, Lin Zhibai still gave the principal this face.

The big deal is not right, who would ask how high a musician's level of pairing is?

It's not like eating with this stuff.

Besides, there is a system, Lin Zhibai can remember the countless couplets from his previous life, maybe he can really come up with some tricks?

"Then let's make an agreement, and the school will use your name, Baidi, as the main publicity point!"

The principal became excited and squeezed Lin Zhibai's hand.

Lin Zhibai nodded, thinking of it as an in-depth participation in campus activities.

Then the principal said that the couplet competition will be held the day after tomorrow and the precautions and so on.

Lin Zhibai nodded again, thinking that this can be regarded as my contribution to the school. If there is a failure this year, I hope the principal can help open a back door or something.

The principal then leaves.

While the principal left, the students surrounded him behind him, looking at Lin Zhibai curiously.

"What does the principal want you to do?"

The squad leader speculated: "Couldn't it be another fake Gongji privately asking for an autograph?"

Lin Zhibai didn't know if it was too awkward for these students to call themselves "you". Anyway, he didn't bother to correct him, so he just said casually:

"Call me to participate in the couplet competition."

"You agreed?"

The eyes of the students suddenly lit up, and they seemed to be looking forward to it.

Lin Zhibai nodded, looking at the expectant expressions of everyone, he suddenly felt that his promise was a bit hasty.

Since everyone seems to be looking forward to it, if my performance is too disappointing, will it affect Baidi's tall image in the hearts of fans?

That's all.

Come here.

Always show off.

Lin Zhibai didn't feel sorry for the reputation value anymore, and directly called out the system to cram.

"Crimson, help me!"


The principal is also a man of action. Just as Lin Zhibai agreed to participate in the Qin Yi couplet contest, there was a publicity message on the Internet, as if he was afraid that someone would go back on his word.

"Qin Yi will hold a couplet contest, led by Baidi!" "

Is it okay to take the lead?

Lin Zhibai felt that the title was too flattering.

In the couplet contest, I was just a contestant, no different from other student contestants.

But it is understandable, after all, "White Emperor" can indeed bring traffic, and this title has attracted countless attentions as soon as it came out!

Related topics appeared in the hot searches on the Aurora platform——

"Did you watch the news?"

"Bai Di is going to participate in the Qin Yi couplet competition!"

"An event held by Qinzhou Art Academy?"

"Yes, it will be broadcast live on the Shinhwa video at that time."

"Baidi's literary talent is not low."

"I remember that Baidi wrote a poem on the Aurora platform very early on, telling people today not to see the moon in the past, but this month has illuminated the ancients. Of course, the person who can write such a sentence is not bad. It should be no problem to participate in a couplet contest .”

"Looking forward to his performance."

"I don't know if I can get a good ranking."

"I read from the publicity that not only students participated in the competition, but also several big names in the field of couplets. Baidi's ability to enter the top 20 should be very good."

"The judges are all the leaders of the Writers Association and the Federation of Literary and Art Circles."

"Looking at the rules, it is said that this wave is mainly a competition for college students. Only the best-performing group of students can have a few words with those top masters in the field of couplets. For those masters, competing with college students is purely a professor Let's play with the elementary school students."

"Haha, that's right."

"With Baidi participating, I'll have to watch it then. I hope the organizer will be sensible and give me more shots of Mr. Baidi."

Netizens are discussing it.

Lin Zhibai observed for a while and found that everyone did have expectations for him, but the expectations were not too high, so the pressure was much less.

Instead, the family members were amazed.

Lin Xi smiled and said, "It's rare for you to be willing to participate in campus activities."

Lin Shengtian thought that it was a good thing for Lin Zhibai to participate in more campus activities. After all, he didn't have much time left in college, so he thought it was to leave some memories for himself.

"That's right."

My mother smiled and said, "I didn't participate in the campus singer competition in college, and I have always regarded it as a pity. When I was in school, I should participate in these campus competitions or activities more."

"Good thing."

Dad also nodded. He always felt that his youngest son was too mature, and he didn't look like a college student at all.

"It would be even better to get the whole ranking."

Dad added, "After all, your literary talent is not bad, we all know that."

"Then I'll fight for it."

Lin Zhibai spent a lot of prestige points with the system in order to get the memories of those couplets in his previous life. This couplet competition should at least pay back his book, right?

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