Freelance Artist

Chapter 272: The Preliminary Competition Begins!

Two days later, in the auditorium of Qinzhou Academy of Arts, the Qinyi couplet competition will begin soon.

The school originally planned to set up a stage on the playground to hold the couplet contest, which could accommodate more students, but it was too hot in September, so it was changed into a large auditorium, which can accommodate about 2,000 people.

The doorway is bustling.

The reporters were shooting short shots in the audience.

Before the game started, the webcast room of the Shinhwa video had already been opened, and many viewers had already stood in front of the screen.

"Have not started?"

"I want to see the White Emperor!"

"Do you think Baidi is good at couplets?"

"Hard to say."

"Baidi's literary talent is not bad, but the antithetical couplets are not only judged by literary talent but also by ingenuity and reaction speed. Besides, Baidi's literary talent is not that amazing."

"It's like freestyle in rap."

"It's not that you are good at songwriting, so you can make up a song at any time. On the contrary, I feel that it will be stronger if Chuci comes to participate. After all, the level of songwriting on the spot is too strong. Even the lyrics written temporarily, generally They are also at a very high level, and this kind of reaction speed is needed for the couplet competition."

"A fan of Chu Ci?"

"It's fine if Chu Ci comes, but not Baidi?"

"I'm just talking about the facts. Chu Ci is fast at writing songs, and the lyrics are also fast and good. Isn't that true?"

"Hehe, Baidi's lyrics are not inferior to Chu Ci."

"It's not about writing lyrics. Did you get the point wrong?"


From the barrage in the live broadcast room, it can be seen that many of the people who paid attention to this couplet contest came for Baidi.

There are also many fans of Chu Ci.

Maybe it's because Baidi and Chu Ci have been competing against each other for too long.

Therefore, when there was some commotion on Baidi's side, the fans of Chuci followed suit and ran over to watch the commotion.

If Baidi behaves badly, how can he still say a few words later?

Just like every time Chu Ci broadcasted a live broadcast, a bunch of Baidi's fans would watch it, the relationship between the two is so delicate.

And amidst the barrages.

At the scene of the live broadcast, the host came on stage.

"Welcome to the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room. Thank you for your attention to our Qinzhou Art Academy couplet contest. Today we invited many leaders to witness together..."

After a crackling introduction.

The host began to talk about the key points: "Today, there are 105 contestants participating in our competition, including 50 students from Qinzhou Academy of Arts, and 50 students from our sister school, Qizhou Academy of Arts. students, and the five couplet masters..."

The five couplet masters do not need to compete in the preliminary round.

He was directly recommended to advance to the finals.

After all, these five people are masters of couplets.

The masters of the couplets are not so much here for the competition as they are here to be guests, and their level is enough for the students to be judges.

And one hundred students from two schools need to quickly find out what they can match in the 50 groups of upper couplets, write their own second couplets, and the students who have accumulated more than 50 points within ten minutes can directly promoted.

Introduced the rules.

The moderator reminded:

"Because the difficulty of each of the 50 couplets in the preliminary round is completely different, the corresponding scores are also different. For example, because the difficulty of the first couplet is very low, you can only get one point if you match it. But if the second question If someone can match up, they will directly get two points, that is to say, the difficulty of going up the league is higher..."

Introduced the rules.

The host said loudly: "Then invite our contestants to come on stage!"

The voice fell.

Lin Zhibai got on stage among a hundred people.

There is no doubt that Lin Zhibai is the absolute star player among these one hundred players. As soon as he came on stage, there were countless voices from the audience!

"White Emperor!"

"White Emperor!"

"White Emperor!"

Netizens who were watching the live broadcast frantically swiped "Bai Di" in the barrage.

And now the director is also sensible, directly showing a close-up of Lin Zhibai, who is wearing the uniform of Qinzhou Art Academy, which can't hide his extremely good looks.

Lin Zhibai's expression was normal.

On the contrary, some students from Qizhou Academy of Art who were on the same stage as him showed surprised expressions.

"Who is the White Emperor?"

"White Emperor? Is it the emperor's emperor?"

"That name is really arrogant."

"Looks like a celebrity from Qinzhou Academy of Art?"

"It's very popular among students."

"Ha ha."

A student from Qinzhou Academy of Arts explained with a smile: "Baidi is not only a celebrity in our school, but also a celebrity in Qinzhou. Besides, Baidi is a stage name, and his real name is Lin Zhibai!"

"You guys are the stars of Qinzhou?"

"It can be understood in this way."

The Qin Yi student who explained this nodded, and pointed at Lin Zhibai's back, "That's the one, the most handsome one, he is super famous in our Qinzhou, and our couplet competition has so much attention, It's all in his light."

"Is it."

A student from Qizhou Academy of Arts said with a smile: "So what about celebrities, this is a couplet competition, and the level of couplets is compared."

All are about the same age as each other.

The students of Qi Zhou Academy of Art have a sense of arrogance in their hearts, but they will not submit to it just because the "White Emperor" is very popular in Qin Zhou.


Students from top art colleges have seen many celebrities, seniors and sisters even have stars among their classmates.

Even many of them will enter the entertainment industry and become stars in the future, so I don't think it's surprising.

Some students from the Qizhou Academy of Arts were aroused on the spot with a certain envy and hatred, thinking that they would severely suppress the limelight of this Qinzhou star when the competition started.

This is normal.

There is nothing wrong with young people being competitive.

While such thoughts were spinning in their hearts, many participating students from Qizhou looked at a tall and handsome figure beside them.

"If you want to talk about stars, Jiang Tao is also a star..."

That's right.

There is also a star among the fifty participating students of Qi Zhou Academy of Arts.

This person's name is Jiang Tao, he is very popular in Qizhou, and his literary talent is very outstanding, he should be the same as that guy named "White Emperor", right?

But that "White Emperor" will definitely not be Jiang Tao's opponent!


And just as all parties had different ideas, the hundred contestants were assigned to their respective tables.

The tables are separated by partitions.

Fifty couplets appeared on the big screen on the stage.

Four characters, five characters, six characters, seven characters, and so on.

They were all upper couplets. Lin Zhibai looked at them and found that the difficulty of couplets became higher and higher.

At this time.

The host reminded: "Everyone has five minutes to read the questions."

These five minutes are not considered the official time of the game, but they are very valuable to the players and can be conceived in advance.


The audience at the scene and in front of the TV are also watching these fifty couplets seriously, and everyone has a sense of participation.


"I really can't participate in this competition if I'm not good enough. I'm sorry for the first uplink. This is just the simplest uplink!"

"I have some ideas, and I guess I can match up a few."

"I can match the first three!"

"The first three points are less, just to send sub-questions."

"The difficulty of the fifth question is getting higher, and you can get four points if you answer it correctly!"


"Look at the last question!"

"The last fiftieth question is actually an additional question. If you answer it correctly, you can advance directly, and you don't need to answer other questions!"


"This question doesn't look difficult."

"Lonely and cold window empty widow?"

"The train of thought doesn't seem to be hard to find. The withering family is loyal, can you?"

"Hehe, not to mention the fact that it's not flat, it's not right, it's forced, haven't you discovered that all the characters in this couplet are Baogaitou!"

"I go!"

"It really is!"

"Who is right here!"

At the scene and in front of the TV, the audience realized the difficulty of the additional questions, and all the characters in a couplet turned out to be Baogaitou!

No wonder!

As long as someone solves this question correctly, he can directly advance to the next level!

Of course, Lin Zhibai also noticed the upper line of "Lonely, cold, empty and widowed" at this time, and the moment he saw it, he couldn't help but feel a move in his heart.

Good guy.

I am familiar with this link.

Right, Lay Yi An?


After the five-minute question review time ended, the host said, "Next, everyone will start answering the questions, and we will start a ten-minute countdown..."

The voice fell.

Lin Zhibai started writing quickly.

There are inkstones and brushes on the table.

After all, for the couplet competition, it is naturally impossible to give pens or ballpoint pens, and everyone has to use a brush to answer the questions.

Lin Zhibai learned brush calligraphy when he was a child, not to mention how good it is, anyway, he didn't make a fool of himself, and he just used a very standard pen-holding posture.

After a few seconds.

Lin Zhibai put his pen aside, closed his eyes and got up, waiting for the end of ten minutes.


Lin Zhibai only answered one question.

Because just answering this question is enough.


The student representatives of Qi Zhou Academy of Art are here.

Jiang Tao is also answering questions.

Swish Swish Swish.

After answering several questions in a row, Jiang Tao had collected enough points for promotion, so he looked at the final additional question.

"Lonely and cold window empty widow."

Jiang Tao naturally wanted to answer the additional questions.

After all, for him, other than this question, the other questions are not challenging.

But he can tell the difficulty of this question at a glance.

"Give me time, I should be able to figure it out..."

Jiang Tao frowned. In just ten minutes, he really couldn't find the exact idea of ​​the second line.

Jiang Tao thought hard.



The ten-minute preliminary round is over.

The host said: "Ten minutes are up, everyone is done answering the questions, and our three judges will judge whether your second couplet is qualified or not."

The three judges are all very old.

There are two old men, and an old lady wearing glasses, the kind who looks very good, even highly respected.

The students put down their brushes one after another.

Some people smiled confidently, while others shook their heads helplessly.

Jiang Tao was a little annoyed when he looked at the last question. After ten minutes, he still couldn't find a way to solve the question, so he couldn't pretend to be forceful...

If you answer this question, you will definitely become the most beautiful boy in the audience!

Because Jiang Tao is very sure:

Except for myself who can hopefully answer the last question, no one else has a chance!

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