Freelance Artist

Chapter 273 Appear in front of people! Dimensionality reduction strike!

"Mr. Zhao, your extra question is too bad. Are you trying to give these students a bad impression? Even I can't think of a second line."

Among the three judges.

The old man wearing a round hat looked at the only old lady among the three judges.

Mrs. Zhao said: "My wife passed away at the age of fifty. I also wrote this couplet in that year. It has special meaning to me."

The third judge was an old man wearing glasses. He shook his head and said, "Even the five well-recognized couplet masters might not be able to get it right for a while. It's a bit absolute..."

The so-called absolute means that no one can be right.

The old lady Zhao waved her hand, "It's normal if I'm sorry, let's see how the level of these students is."

at this time.

A total of one hundred contestants have already handed in their papers, and each paper has their names written on it.

The three judges began to score.

There is no so-called standard answer for couplets. One upper couplet can often match countless lower couplets within the rules.

For example, the first question.

The first couplet is "spring, summer, autumn and winter".

Some people have no problem with "Fantasy".

There are also people who have no problem with "old years, months and days".

Some people still have no problem with "plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum".

Therefore, as a judge of the couplet competition, it is definitely not good if you do not have a certain level of proficiency.

When encountering some answers that are not so good in the second couplet, but barely pass the answer, the three judges will usually discuss in whispers, which score is more appropriate.


While the judges were scoring, the audience was whispering.

"The difficulty of most of these upper leagues is very high. I don't know how many people in our school can advance to the next round. Don't be robbed of the limelight by the students from Qizhou Art Academy."

This is Qin Yi's home field.

Today's couplet competition, in name, was a "communication" between Qin Yi and Qi Yi's students, but it was actually a PK.

If the overall performance of the 50 students from Qinzhou Academy of Arts is not as good as that of the 50 contestants from Qizhou Academy of Arts, then all the students of Qinyi will feel ashamed. It would be a shame to lose at home after all. Son.


Someone asked curiously, "I don't know how Baidi answered."

The student next to him sighed immediately after hearing the words: "Bai Di will definitely be eliminated."



"How did you know that Baidi would be eliminated?"

"Didn't you read it?"

The sighing student shook his head and said, "The other contestants were writing furiously just now, but Baidi picked up the brush and put it down after writing a few strokes. I guess he can't answer it."


"I saw it too."

"He wrote at most one or two couplets."

"If you want to advance, you need to get at least 50 points. Just relying on one or two lower lines, you can't meet the requirements for advancement."


After all, Baidi was the star contestant among the contestants, and many people's attention was on him. Naturally, everyone saw that the other party just wrote a few strokes and then "give up" to continue answering the questions.

No one can see what Baidi wrote.

But you can see how long Baidi wrote it.

A student of Qin Yi said helplessly: "Based on Baidi's few strokes just now, he wants to advance to the next round unless he answers the last question correctly."

Everyone was silent for a while.

They are all high-achieving students from Qinzhou Academy of Art, and there are many masters in the audience, so it is natural to see that the last question is absolute.

Let alone Baidi.

I'm afraid those Qin Zhou's top couplet masters can't answer it!



The audience who are watching the live broadcast are also paying attention to Baidi.

But because the director didn't put all the shots on Lin Zhibai, it was necessary to give other contestants a chance to show their faces, so the audience on the Internet didn't know that Baidi only wrote a few words on the scene, and everyone was still looking forward to it.

"Can the White Emperor advance?"

"There should be hope."

"Judging from Baidi's expression, he seems quite calm."

"It's not easy to say. When I saw the camera fell on Baidi, he didn't seem to have written much, but the other contestants have been writing and writing, and their thinking seems to be quite clear."

"Could it be that Baidi can't answer a few questions?"

"Baidi may not be good at couplets, but he is a student of Qin Yi. Maybe the school leaders pulled him in to make up the numbers. After all, if Baidi didn't participate in this couplet competition, the attention wouldn't be so high."


Chuci's fans said: "I said that Baidi may not be able to do it. If Chu Ci participates in this competition, he will surely advance!"


"Baidi is into music, and Chu Ci is also into music. Why can't Baidi do Chuci?"

The Baidi fans were not convinced.

The two sides pinched again.


The three judges on the scene were scoring the contestants' answers to the next couplets, and they didn't know what the audience was discussing on the spot and in the live broadcast room.


The judge wearing glasses suddenly let out a surprise, subconsciously adjusted the reading glasses on the bridge of the nose, and then bent down to look at an answer, a little inconceivable:

"This is……"

"what happened?"

The old man in the round hat looked over curiously, but he was stunned with just one glance, and as if struck by lightning, he murmured:

"That's right..."

He quickly pulled the old lady Zhao next to him, and said in a suppressed and excited voice, "Look at this quickly! Your Shanglian has been contradicted!"

"Stop joking."

Mrs. Zhao thought the old man was teasing herself, so she smiled and said: "I just made this question for fun, and I didn't even think about the next couplet, or the second couplet that I thought of was always a little bit interesting. There should be no one among these students. Humans can..."

Say so.

The old lady Zhao still glanced over, and then she saw a very special answer sheet, with a total of seven words written on it.

The most concise answer!

However, when these seven words hit Old Madam Zhao's eyes, they seemed to weigh more than ten thousand pounds. Her lips trembled slightly, and she became in a daze.

"who is it?"

"Lin Zhibai."

The old man with the round cap and the old man with glasses glanced at the names on the answer sheet, and subconsciously read them out.


The audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room naturally couldn't hear the judges' communication, but the excited reactions of the three judges fell into everyone's eyes.

"What happened?"

"Why do you feel that the three judges are all excited?"

"Maybe a certain contestant's answering level is very high?"

"No no no."

"I suspect that someone wrote the last couplet!"


"It's too hard to be a widow in the lonely cold window!"

"Other pairs are also difficult, but at least I still have some ideas to solve the problem. Only this one, I don't have any ideas at all!"

"You can see the reaction of the judges. Apart from this explanation, there should be no other explanation."

"I go."

"A contestant really came out?"

"who is it?"

"Who is so powerful!"

Everyone's curiosity was all aroused.


There are also five couplet masters who were directly submitted to the finals to participate in this competition.

These five people are also chatting at the moment.

"how do you feel?"

"Quite simple."

"I can make forty-nine out of fifty questions."

"However, the difficulty of the last question is beyond the standard. Not to mention these students, even Blue Star's top couplet masters may not be able to guarantee that they can think of a suitable couplet within ten minutes."


"At least I can't do it."

"I can't do it, neither can the five of us."

The five couplet masters have been discussing about the fiftieth question for a while, but they never thought of a suitable second couplet.

"But judging from the judges' reactions, how do you feel that someone has solved the last question?"

One of the couplet masters looked at the judges.

"Can't you?"

The other four couplet masters were less convinced.

"It should be that someone answered the first forty-nine questions correctly, and it is surprising enough to answer the first forty-nine questions within ten minutes."

"It should be."

"However, even if you can solve the first forty-nine questions in one breath, it is not as difficult as doing the fiftieth question."

"It's already good."

"Those who can solve the first forty-nine questions are already very close to us. Students from such top universities should not be underestimated."

But in the reaction of all parties.

The judges finally finished scoring and handed over the results to the host.

When the host saw the result, his expression froze for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the host took a deep breath and looked at the audience and the live camera.

"The results of the preliminary competition have come out. Forty-eight people were eliminated in the preliminary competition of the couplets, and 52 people advanced to the second round. Next, I will officially announce the promotion list. The scores are ranked from low to high:

Ding Huimei.

Chen Jie.

Jiang invented.

Dong Ping.

Zhou Yang.

Cai Dapeng..."

The host began to read from the cut-off score of 50 points.

Every time the host reads out a name, the content of the couplet completed by the other party will appear on the big screen to show the openness and transparency of the competition.

With the promotion list appeared.

Among the 100 contestants present, some cheered excitedly, while others bowed their heads sadly.

And in the process.

Lin Zhibai's name never appeared.

The audience was not surprised. Everyone saw that Baidi didn't write much during the competition.


And in the webcast room.

Baidi's fans were a little anxious.

Although some people said before that Baidi didn't write much, everyone still had some hope, but they couldn't hear the name of the other party for a long time, and many people had a bad feeling.

"Why haven't you arrived at Baidi yet?"

"Mr. Baidi really didn't advance?"

"I think Baidi's lyrics are very literary..."

"Baidi definitely doesn't use a stage name, his real name seems to be Lin Zhuangbi."

"He's called Lin Zhibai!"

"But Lin Zhibai's name has never appeared."

"It seems that Baidi is not very di."

"Hey, you still play homonyms, don't you?"

"It has to be Chu Ci. The name Chu Ci sounds more literary than Baidi."

The fans of Baidi Chuci are still fighting passionately.

The on-site host has already read out a series of promotion lists.

I don't know if my mouth is dry.

When the next name was called, the beautiful hostess paused for a rare moment. This time, instead of saying the name directly, she smiled with joy and admiration:

"The next name is worth remembering."

worth remembering?

Hearing the host's gradually solemn tone, everyone immediately thought of the excited reaction of the judges just now.

I'm afraid the one who excited the judges is the next one, right?

"Could it be the White Emperor?"

The Baidi fans who watched the game in the live broadcast room have not given up yet, and still hold on to a glimmer of hope.

The audience also stared at the host.

In the end, the host was still playing tricks, and he didn't give a shit about it, and let the big boasting go.

"Because this student answered 48 questions in one breath, and all the 48 questions were scored, only the last two questions were not answered by this student."

There was an uproar at the scene.

"Depend on!"


"ten minutes?"

"This hanger!"

"It's too hanging!"

"Who could it be!"

"Anyway, it won't be Baidi."

"I didn't watch Baidi answer a few questions."

"Baidi is probably already eliminated."

"I hope it belongs to our school, not from Qi Zhou Academy of Art!"

Because there are all students from Qinzhou Academy of Art, as the home court, of course, they are supporting students from their own school.

But what to be afraid of.

Just when everyone was feeling uneasy, the host finally revealed the answer:

"Let's congratulate Jiang Tao, a talented student from Qizhou Academy of Arts, with warm applause!"

Depend on!

It's really a student of Qizhou Academy of Art!

The students of Qinzhou Academy of Art at the scene were a little embarrassed when they heard the result, but they still maintained the demeanor of the host and gave quite warm applause.

at the same time.

The contestants from Qizhou Academy of Arts, no matter whether they were promoted or not, all cheered at this moment!

"Jiang Tao!"

"Jiang Tao!"

"Jiang Tao!"

If Baidi is the star contestant in the hearts of Qinzhou students, then Jiang Tao is the star contestant of Qizhou Art Academy!

Seeing Jiang Tao's brave performance in the away game, Qi Yi's students and You Rongyan shouted his name one after another, as if they were paying back to the students of the Qinzhou Art Academy, shouting "White Emperor" one after another.

Some people even plan to blow it up to their classmates when they go back to school.

This wave of Jiang Tao gave Qi Zhou a lot of face!

And Jiang Tao also showed a reserved smile at this moment.

Sure enough, he was the number one, although it was expected, but still very cool, he likes to show off, loves applause and praise, this feeling makes him feel fascinated.


Just after the applause lasted for more than ten seconds.

The host suddenly said: "If the name of classmate Jiang Tao is worth remembering, then I don't need to emphasize the name of this next classmate. In the future, everyone should never forget it..."

Jiang Tao's smile froze for a moment.

The applause of the audience also stagnated for an instant.

Against Jiang Tao who answered 48 questions, he was not the first in the preliminary round?

Who is that number one?

Could it be that the first place answered forty-nine questions! ?

Everyone's eyes widened, but no one in the live broadcast room dared to ask "Will it be Baidi" this time, and many people even had no interest in watching it anymore, after all, many people were aiming at Baidi is here, what do you want to see if Baidi is eliminated?

But this time.

The host didn't continue to show off, she said in an adoring tone: "This classmate's name is..."

In the elongated tail.

The host suddenly raised his voice and called out the name:

"Lin Zhibai!!!"

The audience was stunned. Everyone forgot to applaud, and even thought that there was something wrong with their ears.

Lin Zhibai?

Isn't that Baidi's name?

But Baidi didn't answer the question just now, how could it be...


Did he make the last question! ?


There was a sudden noise at the scene!

But the live broadcast room was even more noisy at the moment!

Many of the audience who came for Baidi were about to leave, but when they heard the word "Lin Zhibai", they were stunned, and everyone was in high spirits!

"Lin Zhibai?"

"It's the White Emperor!"

"The White Emperor is number one!?"

"I counted it, and it's really number one!"

"But didn't Baidi not write much?"

"If he wants to stabilize Jiang Tao, he must answer forty-nine questions, right?"

"No no no!"

"There is another possibility, that is, he made the last question!"

"The last question!?"

As if hearing the doubts of the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room, the beautiful and generous hostess smiled and said: "That's right, Lin Zhibai made the fiftieth first couplet, lonely and cold, empty and widowed, as for the second couplet, please watch the big screen... ..."


The second line of "Lonely Cold Window Empty Widow" appeared on the big screen.

The same seven words——

"Wu! Tong! Rotten! Pillow! In vain! Xiang! Habitat!"


Jiang Tao was stunned!

The audience was stunned!

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned!

Even the five couplet masters were stunned. They thought that Lin Zhibai would answer forty-nine lines in one breath, but they didn't expect that the other party would go to the sky in one step and directly answer the fiftieth line!

This is so absolute!

Even the five couplet masters were at a loss what to do, but was confronted by a student?

this moment.

The entire auditorium seemed to fall silent.

"Lonely and cold window is empty and widowed, the phoenix tree is rotten and the pillow is in vain..."

In the already silent scene, everyone quietly savored this second couplet in their hearts.

Someone is thinking.

Some people don't seem to understand the meaning.

After all, not everyone is skilled in this area.

The photographer turned the camera to Lin Zhibai, and that indifferent face appeared in the live broadcast room, and the audience felt that the mountains were standing still!

"Niu Niu Niu!"

"so amazing!"

"It's all right!"

"Can anyone tell me what this means?"

"Haven't you figured it out yet? The upper couplets are all covered with hijabs, and the lower couplets are all next to wooden characters. This design alone is extremely difficult!"

"I'm asking what this sentence means."

"The meaning is very simple. It's just a literal explanation. It's nothing but grief to grow old on a pillow made of parasol trees. This is to comfort the widows of the Shanglian. It's good to be alone."

"The first couplet is about sorrow, and the second couplet is about persuasion."

"The master is among the folks, I understand now that you said that, then this second line is perfect!"


"This second line seems to have other mysteries."

"What mystery?"

Someone asked in the barrage.

The host at the scene looked directly at the three judges.

"Do the three teachers have anything to say?"

The old man wearing glasses took the lead and said, "Student Lin Zhibai's second line has two layers of mystery. I believe not only I can see it, but everyone can see it. The first layer of mystery is flat and neat. The second layer of mystery is that the content is carried forward and backward very smoothly, and it is not irrelevant. Compared with the loneliness of the Shanglian, he expresses his advice to the women of the Shanglian, don't be sad secretly, so it is the rotten pillow of the phoenix tree. In vain Xiangqi, every character is a radical of Muzi."

"Not only that."

The old man in the round hat next to him suddenly interjected: "There is a third layer of mystery."

The old man wearing glasses was taken aback, "The third mystery?"

The audience was also stunned.

Two floors are amazing enough, but it's still the third floor?

The old man in the round hat looked at Lin Zhibai, "There is a word in this couplet, it should be carefully designed by you, right?"


Lin Zhibai said with a smile, this old man with a round hat is extremely skilled, and he discovered a deeper mystery in an instant.


The host was confused and asked directly on behalf of the audience: "Does this word have any special meaning?"

"Of course there is."

The old man in the round hat smiled and said: "The couplets were handed down from the ancients. The ancients used traditional characters. The characters we use today are all simplified by generations. The traditional version of the word "Qi" is actually Muzuma. , so it perfectly corresponds to the widow in the Shanglian."

wooden wife?

Habitat in traditional Chinese! ?

Even some well-educated audiences were stunned at the moment. How could this second couplet have such a meaning? Baidi even considered traditional Chinese characters!

The Jiang Tao people next to him were dumbfounded.

Looking at Lin Zhibai, he was a little dazed.

This second couplet, the plain and literal confrontation, was enough to shock him, but it turned out that there is a layer of mystery in traditional characters!

Don't say that you can't think of the next link...

He didn't even fully understand the subtleties of this second line!


There was huge applause at the scene, and the audience was astonished at Baidi!

Baidi's operation is even better than answering the first forty-nine questions correctly, and the quality directly crushes the quantity!

But this is the end?

As the old lady Zhao who wrote the first couplet, she finally couldn't help but said: "I wrote this first couplet. In fact, there should be a fourth layer of mystery in this second couplet, right?"


Mrs. Zhao looked directly at Lin Zhibai.

When the audience heard this, they were already dizzy!

What the hell?

The meaning is right, the level is right, even the design of traditional characters is used, and it turns out that there is a fourth layer of mystery! ?

There are nesting dolls! ?

Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "It's just a homonym, Bo Jun smiled."

"This is not just a homonym, or such a homonym, if it corresponds to the Shanglian, it will be even more clever."

The old lady Zhao looked at Lin Zhibai with unabashed admiration.

The host felt that his IQ was not enough, so he hurriedly asked: "Don't be fooled, you two, where is this fourth layer of mystery?"

"Didn't you say it? A homophonic stalk."

The old lady Zhao said with a smile: "You might as well read more about his second couplet."


The host read honestly: "The rotten pillows of the phoenix trees live in vain...the rotten pillows of the sycamore trees live in each other..."


The host realized something and said excitedly:

"It's the last two words! The rotten pillow of the phoenix tree is in vain to live with each other! The homonym of xiang is to want, and to live is to be a wife! That is the rotten pillow of the sycamore tree to miss a wife! To miss a wife is to miss a wife!"

Good guy!

The first couplet is a widow lamenting loneliness, a widow is a person who has lost her husband!

And the second line has the homonym of "thinking about a wife", so putting it here is not just a homonym!

this moment!

The audience exploded!


on site.

"This upper couplet is not to say that it is eternal, it is definitely about the same. The difficulty is so high. In the end, not only did Baidi match up, but it was also seamless, and the artistic conception was a perfect fit!"


"That's awesome. I just said why Baidi only wrote a few strokes just now. It turned out that he didn't bother to answer the previous forty-nine questions and went directly to the highest difficulty!"

"What is literary talent!"

"Too confident, he is so handsome, I love him so much, he is worthy of being the White Emperor!"

"Hahahahaha, I was out of breath just now, that Jiang Tao from Qizhou Academy of Art is too scary, and we have Baidi, a nuclear-weapon-level contestant, right here!"

"So what if you answer forty-eight questions?"

"Bai Di only used seven words, and instantly killed the audience!"

"Bai Di: I'm too lazy to write so much, anyway, if you answer the last question correctly, you will advance."



"This second line actually has four levels of mystery!"

"Even if you give me the next couplet, I still can't understand it!"

"What is top class!"

"How is Baidi's wave?"

"Chuci's fans, speak up!"

"Can Chuci come to the level of Baidi?"

"When Chu Ci comes, he will kneel. This wave of Baidi is invincible in seven words!"

"I didn't expect Baidi's couplets to be so high-level. I doubt that the five couplet masters can't match this couplet!"

"Don't doubt it, you can tell by their expressions that they really can't tell."

"This realistic pretending to me!"


The five couplet masters all laughed wryly.

"Heroes are born in youth."

"It actually made him confront this Shanglian!"

"Is this luck?"

"Luck alone can't explain the four layers of mystery. This kid is a ruthless person. We might overturn today."

"It's not impossible, but this Baidi is indeed worthy of attention."

"I like listening to his songs very much, but although his lyrics are praised by many people, I don't think they are so powerful. There are not many literati who are better than his lyrics. On the contrary, it is this couplet that made me really see this kid. literary talent."

"Be serious today."

"I thought it was just to play with the children."

"I didn't expect that this Jiang Tao is not bad, and this Baidi is even more exaggerated."

The five couplet masters don't think that they are inferior to each other just because Lin Zhibai made a couplet that they couldn't match.

But this White Emperor is indeed worthy of their serious treatment.


Seeing that the atmosphere on the scene was brought to a climax by Baidi's second couplet, the students of Qizhou Academy of Art felt a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Tao felt even more irritable.

He has never lost to his peers in terms of traditional culture, but he was crushed by Bai Di today, and he certainly felt uncomfortable.

There is admiration.

But more is jealousy.

I have always enjoyed flowers and applause by myself, and my peers are by my side, and they can only be a foil to the green leaves...

And at this moment.

Anyone can see that he is the green leaf, and because of him, Baidi is set off even better!

"Jiang Tao..."

A beautiful girl next to him said with some distress: "It's okay, maybe he was lucky, and his brain waves just happened to match."

Jiang Tao forced a smile.

The pretty girl suddenly said again: "I'm even a little skeptical, did Baidi know about this upper line in advance, after all, it's really hard to come up with a countermeasure in ten minutes, and it's such a perfect second line..."

"Did you know the topic in advance?"

Jiang Tao felt a flash of lightning flash in his mind, as if there was such a possibility, after all, Qinzhou Academy of Arts is the organizer of this event!

And Baidi is Qin Yi's big star!

It's not impossible for Qin Yi to give him a leak in advance, right?

Jiang Tao is a very confident person, it is difficult for him to accept and believe that there are peers who are more powerful than himself...


The beautiful girl found that she had attracted the attention of the campus male god, and immediately became more enthusiastic, "Isn't this Baidi a celebrity, so it's normal for his school to help him hype him up. You are also in the entertainment circle, and you don't know how to deal with it." It should be clear..."

"Things without evidence, that's all."

Jiang Tao pretended to be frustrated and sighed, "You have to admit if you lose."

Seeing the male god, the pretty girl was a little bit unwilling, she couldn't help gritting her teeth, and suddenly raised her hand to the host.

Jiang Tao narrowed his eyes when he saw the pretty girl raising her hand.

very good!

If it is not convenient for me to say it, someone should say it for me.

"This classmate?"

Sure enough, the host noticed that the pretty girl raised her hand and asked, "What do you want to say?"

The pretty girl said: "I don't have any other intentions, just want to ask the judges, is the topic of the lonely, cold window, widowed couple, a topic you have set a long time ago, or is it a temporary one today?"

As soon as this word came out.

The atmosphere on the scene changed suddenly.

Even the fool heard the meaning of the beautiful girl.

This is to suspect that Baidi knew the topic in advance, so he had already thought up the next couplet?

"Depend on!"

"Is this Qi Zhou's student?"

"Questioning Teacher Baidi on the spot?"


"Seeing that Qin Zhou won, do you suspect that there is something shady?"

"However, I remember that Baidi seemed to have started to write just after reading the title. He spent at most three or five minutes thinking about this second line. Could it be true..."


"I believe in the White Emperor!"

"I trust him too!"

"Even if Baidi really knew the topic in advance, I'll ask you, I'll give you a year to think about this topic, can you come up with the second line?"



There are also countless noises.

"How can there be such a thing!"

"Why doesn't this person directly say that he suspects Baidi of cheating?"

"Don't play if you can't afford to lose!"

"This girl is wearing the uniform of Qizhou Academy of Arts, a student of Qiyi."

"I'm a fan of Chuci, but I must support us Qinzhou people at this time!"

"Support Baidi!"

"Is it possible to really leak the question?"

"Mainly, Baidi's second line is really wonderful, it doesn't seem like I could come up with it in a short time."

"I'm a little unsure, too."


The three judges looked at each other.

The old lady Zhao frowned and said, "The topic was decided last week, but I personally believe in Qin Yi's integrity, so I won't leak the topic."

There is another sentence that Mrs. Zhao didn't say.

Because if you say it, you will feel that you have doubts about Baidi.

That is:

Even if this couplet was really leaked a week ago, someone who can come out with it within a week will definitely be called a couplet master!

The atmosphere at the scene was a little weird for a while.

The faces of Qin Yi's leaders are already very bad.

In particular, the principal of Qin Yi looked at the representative of Qizhou Art Academy angrily, "The students of your school are questioning the century-old reputation of our Qinzhou Art Academy."

"Children speak freely, don't take offense."

The representative of Qizhou Academy of Arts laughed, and felt that this made sense in his heart. Could it be that Baidi knew the topic in advance?

That's so right and so good!

How can you be so complete in such a short time!

on stage.

The host broke out in a cold sweat. This was considered a competition accident. She tried her best to keep calm and said, "Student Lin Zhibai, do you have anything to say?"

At this time, Lin Zhibai had to deny it.

Because there is no way to falsify such a thing!

It is even more difficult to prove than "eating a few bowls of noodles"!

But to everyone's surprise, Lin Zhibai said this after taking the host's microphone:

"Give me a pen and paper, please."

The host was stunned for a moment, and then quickly asked someone to bring a pen and paper to Lin Zhibai.

When the staff is busy.

Lin Zhibai looked at the girl who questioned him and said:

"I said that the school did not leak the questions, and you must not believe it. Then it is useless to say more, because I can't produce evidence to prove that the school did not leak the questions, just like you can't produce evidence to prove that our school did. Then just It can be used this way..."

It's about your own reputation, and it's also about the innocence of the school.

Lin Zhibai decided not to hide his clumsiness in this wave, and must ruthlessly break through doubts!

Strike hard!

Not at all!

It's just that no one knows what Lin Zhibai is going to do at the moment.

"Paper and pen?"

"What does he need pen and paper for?"

"Write some poems to prove your literary talents?"

"What can I write to counter this question?"

"It's useless, isn't it?"

"Have you also solved the previous forty-nine couplets?"

"That's useless!"

"People suspect that Baidi was leaked in advance!"

"Ma Dan!"

"It's disgusting!"

"This feeling of yellow mud falling into the crotch can't be explained at all!"

"Come on, Baidi!"

"Baidi, we believe in you!"

The scene started to cheer up Lin Zhibai spontaneously. After all, they are all students of Qin Yi. No matter what they think in their hearts, they must clearly express their attitude.

There is some controversy online.

Someone really had doubts.

The three judges walked towards Lin Zhibai with heavy faces, wanting to know what he was going to do.

At this time.

Pen and ink ready.

Lin Zhibai directly picked up the brush, and wrote a line of big characters in a fluttering manner.

"Melancholy, worry, fear and memory!"

The moment I saw these seven characters.

The old lady Zhao was dumbfounded!

The old man in glasses is dumbfounded!

The old man with the round cap trembled slightly!

Second line!

Another line!

It turns out that Baidi not only thought of "the rotten phoenix tree rests in vain", but also thought of another second line, but he didn't show it just now!

"Melancholy, worry, and fear of reminiscence!"

The host also quickly came over, but when he saw these seven characters, he started to exclaim. Then, with Lin Zhibai's permission, he directly picked up the piece of paper, held it up high, and read it aloud!


The scene suddenly exploded!

Qin Yi's students were shocked!

Qi Yi's students were also dumbfounded!

Netizens are already collectively confused!

Jiang Tao's lips trembled even more!

And the girl who questioned before, actually took a step back unconsciously, and said in a daze:

"This is……"

"This is the second second couplet, and it is also a very exciting second couplet!" The host is still a bit appreciative, "Everyone can imagine, a widow is in front of a cold window, feeling the loneliness of being a widow, and there is no one to accompany her in an empty house , how could her mood and emotions be good? And this second couplet expresses the artistic conception in it. After all, the widow who can't sleep in the cold winter is full of melancholy. The most fearful thing is not to think of the former friendship ?”

The mood of the host is extraordinarily excited!

As for these seven words are all next to vertical heart, there is no need to say more!

But can this prove that he has not been leaked?


Or not enough!

Lin Zhibai ignored the reactions of others, and said calmly:

"Come again."

The second piece of white paper was rolled out, Lin Zhibai did not pause at all, and once again wrote seven words in a frantic manner:

"Far and near, the Tao has passed the happy life!"

This is the third couplet written by Lin Zhibai!

The three judges showed expressions that almost saw a ghost!

The host went crazy and showed the third second line again!

At this moment, not only the host was a little crazy, but the audience felt that they were going crazy!

The five couplet masters couldn't sit still anymore, and they all came over one after another, because they clearly saw that Lin Zhibai hadn't stopped!


Lin Zhibai quickly wrote the fourth couplet——

"Shut up as a married couple but become monks!"

And then.

Lin Zhibai's wrists were hanging high and his sleeves were flying, and a few drops of ink stained his face, but he didn't look embarrassed at all, on the contrary, he was full of flair:

"Lingding Buddha is tired of becoming a monk!"

"A pretty lady with a lonely companion!"

"Charming and charming girl is good for marriage!"

"It's better to settle down in a poor and narrow kiln room!"

"Sorrowful, resentful, always worried!"

"Avoid getting lost and return to happiness!"

Including the first one, Lin Zhibai wrote a total of ten second couplets!

The best of these couplets is undoubtedly the first three columns, but although the other couplets are not so perfect, they are definitely quite good!

"anything else?"

Lin Zhibai wrote the tenth couplet, and turned to look at the questioning girl.

The girl is at a loss.

In fact, Jiang Tao was also at a loss.

He didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

It was many years later that he realized that there are four words that are very suitable to describe his feelings at the moment.

Dimensionality reduction strike!

Just an update today, about 10,000 words!

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