Freelance Artist

Chapter 278 Start broadcasting, God unfolds!

In the copywriting of Jiangcheng's promotion of the play "The Beginning", it was repeatedly mentioned that "Bu Ye Hou" was the screenwriter of this play.

After all, in today's TV field of Qinzhou, Bu Ye Hou is the guarantee of ratings. His name is even more useful than first-line actors, and his appeal can be compared to the few super first-line superstars in the TV circle!


The promotion also mentioned that "The Beginning" is the first TV series completely filmed by Kunpeng Film and Television.

This is also the focus of outside attention.

There is a lot of buzz surrounding this drama in the TV circle.

"It seems that Kunpeng really wants to break away from the Big Three and make his own dramas, but without the various resources and top-level teams of the Big Three, can Kunpeng Films and Television's grass-roots team make serious TV dramas?"


"Kunpeng's drama is popular. The script is good. The strength bonus of the three majors can't be ignored. It's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice. Moreover, Kunpeng's drama is an online drama. The publicity is only planned to be broadcast on Kunpeng's video. However, Kunpeng Video only has such a small market share, and the self-restriction of this kind of channel is actually not conducive to the spread of TV dramas, unlike the three major video websites, which have a huge number of users themselves.”

"I think so."

"Although the quality of Bu Yehou's scripts is usually not bad, and the director Shi Xiujie of this show is also very high-level, but after all, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. Kunpeng Video can't support a big hit exclusive right now?"

"There should be hope for a big explosion."

"Don't forget that the Kunpeng video site has released "Never Expected". A good work can bring a lot of users to a video site, but how much it can bring depends on the popularity of the work."

"But that's a miniseries."

"Without the advantage of the mini-series being short and fast, even if "The Beginning" is of good quality, it's hard to compare with the popularity of the TV series they have cooperated with the three majors, right?"

There is some controversy in the circle.

This is indeed a problem that is difficult to ignore. Just like in the previous life, there was a high-quality online drama, but Tencent Video, iQiyi, and Youku did not have the source of the film. Only LeTV can watch it. How many people will watch it for this drama? Members who want to open LeTV?

Not to mention how long Kunpeng's team has just been established, can the quality of personnel compare with the three?

Even if it was a top-level script like "Hurricane", if it hadn't been handed over to Shinhwa for shooting, it would be difficult for most film and television companies to shoot so well, right?

But this is also a cliché.

This issue has been discussed in the circle since the period of "Unexpectedly", that is, will Kunpeng still work without cooperating with the three majors?

Independent filming sounds good.

Just wanting to be independent is not so easy.

After successive successes in the previous life, Xingye finally came up with the idea of ​​going it alone. The first film he wrote, directed and acted in was "Shaolin Soccer".

That movie was also under tremendous pressure at the time.

You must know that Master Xing was already very popular at that time, and "Shaolin Soccer" was still not favored by the market.

It is nothing more than because Zhou Xingchi has no independent directing experience, and many people think that his success is inseparable from the old team.

The current Kunpeng Film and Television is also facing the same situation.


Professionals and ordinary netizens look at things from completely different perspectives. After the promotion of "The Beginning", the online response is still very good.

Fans of Kunpeng and Buyehou expressed their expectations.

Although the cast of this show is a bit short, unlike those of the dramas that cooperate with the three majors, you can directly join the first-line actors.

But the director Shi Xiujie is still quite good.

The screenwriter is always on the clock, and it is the greatest guarantee for the quality of the script.


The interests of ordinary netizens are very ordinary.

"It can't be said that I'm not interested. The main thing is that this drama will be broadcast on Kunpeng Video. I don't have a member of this website."

"I have already opened Shinhwa and Nathan's membership, and I really don't want to open another Kunpeng membership, but I can barely accept the addition of Tianguang Video membership. .”

"The main reason is that there are too few sources of Kunpeng Video."

"The three major video sites are still more selective."

"Unless "The Beginning" becomes a big hit, I probably won't watch it."

"Why don't you continue to cooperate with the three majors?"

"The fact that Kunpeng's video is the only broadcast channel is really discouraging, although I personally understand Kunpeng's desire to attract users to the website."

"Kunpeng Video actually has a lot of content now, and you can watch variety shows and TV series produced by Kunpeng."

"But I can basically watch it on the three major video sites."


Regarding these discussions on the Internet, Jiang Cheng is of course also paying attention.

After finding that many people resisted because they didn't want to be a member of Kunpeng Video, he quickly consulted with Lin Zhibai to discuss countermeasures.

"Kunpeng is still a little impatient to be an exclusive right now."

Jiang Cheng said helplessly, "Or we should choose one of the three major video sites to cooperate with?"

"Then how do we grab viewers from the three major video sites?"

Lin Zhibai rejected this proposal, and used the earth's video website as a benchmark:

If both iQiyi and LeTV can watch a certain drama, then more than 95% of people will choose iQiyi to watch it?

"But some reactions in the industry and on the Internet have explained the problem."

Jiang Cheng sighed, "It makes sense to say that the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys."

Lin Zhibai said: "Then watch the first seven episodes for free. You don't need to sign up for membership, and ordinary users can watch it too."

TV dramas on video websites usually have two or three episodes for free. The drama "Beginning" has only fifteen episodes in total. If the first seven episodes are free, Lin Zhibai will allow everyone to watch half of the content without paying.


Jiang Cheng thought about it for a while and thought it was okay. This wave was a bet that the audience would be attracted by the plot of the show after watching the first seven episodes, and would willingly open Kunpeng members for the next eight episodes.

After discussing the countermeasures, Jiang Cheng released the news directly.



"The first seven episodes are free?"

"This show is advertised as only fifteen episodes in total?"

"Depend on!"

"Kunpeng really worked hard."

"But is this useful? Don't be beaten by chickens and eggs."

"It's a bit like the thinking of an online novel. First, let everyone watch more free episodes. If you want to watch the follow-up, you have to consider whether to subscribe."

"Nearly half of it is free. I don't know how many prostitutes there will be."


Aurora platform.

Netizens are also happy.

The first seven episodes are all free?

Good guy.

"Then I'll have to check it out then."

"It's not in vain that I prostitute the little prince!"

"Run after watching seven episodes, I'll lose if I watch one more episode!"

"Hahahaha, it's no problem if you want to trick me into falling into the pit, but I will definitely get out of the pit before the eighth episode!"

"There are a lot of prostitutes..."

"For most of the TV series, I couldn't catch up with the ending, and I feel like watching half of them is almost the same."

"Extremely extreme, half of it is enough!"

"When will it be aired? It's free, don't watch it for nothing, it's Kunpeng's drama after all!"

"It's scheduled for October 1st."


Seeing the proclamation of the prostitutes, the corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth twitched slightly, and many viewers had the idea of ​​running away after watching seven episodes.

"Then you have to be able to run away."

Lin Zhibai smiled, he knew that this is an absolutely addictive drama with seven episodes.

Because this drama is very compact and the rhythm is very intense and exciting, it is a rare TV drama that allows everyone to catch up to the finale.

Besides, I have another means of publicity——

September 20th.

Lin Zhibai officially recorded "Canon".

In fact, strictly speaking, the name of this piece should be called "Canon in D Major".

Composed around 1680, it is a chamber music work in the Baroque period and can be regarded as one of the most charming pure music in human history!

This evaluation is certified by many top composers.

However, Lin Zhibai considered that his piano performance was not good enough, so he decided to "catch the buddha's feet temporarily".

"Crimson, add some piano!"

"How much?"

"Add two points."

Lin Zhibai's current piano is only level 58, and this wave has been made up, adding two points first, to reach the professional level of level 60.

Nineteen-year-old professional pianist...

Lin Zhibai reckoned that there were only dozens of people in Blue Star who had reached the level of a professional pianist before the age of nineteen?

Enough for myself.

It's also good enough for the Canon in D major.

This is not a very complicated song, and it doesn't require much superb technique, unless Lin Zhibai intends to show off his skills, but let's not show off his skills in the first public version, just follow the taste of the original version honestly.

The remaining 28 skill points continue to be saved.

Having said that, there is actually no piano in the original version of Canon.

It’s not that there’s anything wrong with playing the canon on the piano, it’s mainly because the canon came before the piano—

Didn't expect that?

The Canon that many people have heard in previous lives may be the oldest tune they have ever heard in this life.

that's all.

On September twenty-fourth.

Lin Zhibai officially released the piano version of "Canon"!

When this song was launched on major music players, many people thought it was a new song released by Chu Ci, although the title "Canon" was really strange.

Click in and listen again.

Everyone was a little surprised to find that this turned out to be a pure music piano piece!

【Song: Canon】

【Composer: Songs of Chu】

【Play: Songs of Chu】

However, when such a great work appeared for the first time in this world, the repercussions it caused were far from earth-shattering.

Of course this is normal.

The vast majority of non-professionals feel the same when listening to pure music.

It is nothing more than the two reactions of "sounds good" and "sounds bad (do not understand)".

This song "Canon" is undoubtedly a good one, the melody is very pleasant, and it makes people feel comfortable physically and mentally, but that's all.

When everyone just finished listening to the piece, the focus of some comments was not even on the piece itself.


"Chu Ci has even begun to involve in the field of pure music."

"I thought Chu Ci would start writing this kind of pure music work after becoming Qu's father."

"Good to hear."

"It's mainly pop music. Chu Ci has almost played well, and it's normal to enter pure music."

"This piece of music feels amazing. It inexplicably reminds me of a rainy day. There is a touch of sadness between the melodies."

"I am very happy to hear it, and my mood has improved inexplicably."

"Like a winter fog, it's very quiet, absolutely still."

“What a happy atmosphere!”

"I listened to it for more than a minute, but there was no sound at all. I thought maybe this is the beauty of Chuci's song. Let me listen to my heart... After listening to it, I realized that the sound was not turned on..."


"Upstairs you are enough!"

"I don't know much about pure music. I don't know how much Chu Ci's piano level can be scored. I don't know the quality of this piece. What level is it in pure music, but I don't know if it is a fan filter. Anyway, I like it. For those who listen to this song, it has been played on a loop for the fifth time."


Let me tell you something.

The popularity and discussion of this "Canon" song just released is actually lower than those popular songs of Chuci.

Because it is pure music, there is a threshold, so many people don't have any special feelings when they first listen to it.

For example, Huang Mengmeng.

Huang Mengmeng is a trainee of an entertainment company who has practiced for two and a half years. She is a fan of Chuci, so she put on headphones and listened to Chuci's "Canon" as soon as it was released.

It was strange just now.

Why didn't you sing for a long time?

Then I realized it was pure music.

Huang Mengmeng couldn't help being a little disappointed, she liked Chuci's singing.

Just listening to the other party playing the piano, without sound, it feels like there is no sense of experience.

Anyway, it's an idol's work, Huang Mengmeng clicked to download, but didn't turn off the music, just let the phone play outside, and practiced dancing in the dance studio by herself.



three times.

Huang Mengmeng practiced this dance for a week, but she still didn't make much progress. She couldn't help feeling a little discouraged, but she accidentally fell, and the skin on her knee was scratched, and her eyes immediately turned red.


Canon's melody continues.

I don't know if it was a sudden hypocrisy.

Feeling suddenly a little subtle, Huang Mengmeng heard a trace of inexplicable emotion from the melody.

is hope...

is to encourage...

It was an exciting seed quietly buried in his heart, and Huang Mengmeng felt as if he had gradually understood "Canon".

Especially around a minute.

Huang Mengmeng was able to hum that melody, so she just hummed the melody, gritted her teeth and got up again to continue practicing.

until hours later.

Huang Mengmeng finally grasped the essentials!

At this time, I don't know how many cycles of "Canon".

Huang Mengmeng suddenly felt a little strange, why didn't she get tired of listening to this song for several hours?

She even has a feeling that the more she listens, the more she likes it.


I've fallen in love with this song so much!


Not only Huang Mengmeng is like this, but Zhang Xun is also like this.

Zhang Xun is a fan of Baidi, but he also pays a lot of attention to Chu Ci, after all, he is his opponent.

Today Chu Ci released the new work "Canon", Zhang Xun listened to it for the first time, and couldn't feel why.

"Pure music?"

This Chu Ci has not yet become the father of the song, but he has already started to engage in pure music.

He is so ambitious, why can't he learn from our teacher Baidi to keep his feet on the ground.

Zhang Xun rolled his eyes, and directly shared the song with his retired grandfather, who was once a professor of music.

"Grandpa, how well do you listen to this piece of music?"

"Chu Ci?"

Zhang Xun's grandfather is Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun smiled and said, "I'm not interested in the popular songs you guys listen to."

Zhang Xun hurriedly said: "It's not a pop song, it's a piano piece. Just tell me what's wrong with this piece!"


Grandpa is a professional, so he can definitely hear the shortcomings of Chuci's song in an instant!

At that time, I will write the shortcomings raised by my grandfather on the Internet, and I will guarantee that Chu Ci's fans will have nothing to say!

"Piano music?"

Zhang Yun felt a little bit of interest now, and directly clicked on the song "Canon" with his mobile phone.


Canon's melody sounded.

As an expert, Zhang Yun recognized the genre of this piece of music as soon as he heard it. He didn't know whether to explain it to his grandson or to himself:

"It's a polyphony."


Zhang Xun didn't understand, but he secretly remembered the word, and might be able to use it later if he pretended to be coercive.

"The so-called polyphony is also a regularity, and we call it [regular cycle] in the music circle."

Zhang Yun explained with a smile. After all, he is a retired university professor. He used to give lectures and analyze works to students.

"Don't make it too complicated."

Zhang Xun hurriedly said: "Just tell me where the shortcomings of this song are."

Zhang Yun said: "The biggest shortcoming of this type of music is usually that the melody is too simple and repetitive, and you will get tired of it after hearing it, because it is the same thing over and over again. For this song..."


Zhang Yun suddenly fell silent.

Zhang Xun asked: "What's wrong with this song?"

Zhang Yun didn't speak, only tapped his fingers in the void following the music, this is how he rehearsed how to play this melody on the piano in his mind.

And at this time.

The song lasted for more than a minute.

Zhang Yun heard the sudden silence here.

Zhang Xun felt a little wrong, and Grandpa's reaction was a little abnormal.

"Grandpa, say something!"

"Shut up!"

Zhang Yun actually reprimanded his grandson, then plugged the phone into the stereo, and turned up the volume a bit, with an extraordinarily solemn expression, and the more he listened, the more solemn he became!

that's all.

Until the end of the song, Zhang Yun didn't speak again, but just played it again without hesitation.

this time.

Zhang Yun listened more seriously.

Zhang Xun was dumbfounded. It wasn't until his grandfather was about to listen to it for the fifth time that he couldn't help asking: "Is it so good?"

I am not a fool.

If this song doesn't work, it's impossible for my grandpa, who is obsessed with cleanliness when listening to music, to listen to it so many times!


Zhang Yun glanced at his grandson, "It's not good, it's a very special kind, it has the taste of great joy and ease, and the artistic conception of returning to the basics."


The fifth pass has been played.

Zhang Xun was stunned and a little dazed, but he didn't know if it was because his grandfather had played it too many times. The same melody fell into his ears again, and it had a different meaning.

I seem to underestimate this song...

Zhang Xun, who was almost able to hum along for a while, had his eyes flickering slightly. He is not an arty new song, and he is not interested in the pure music that his grandfather often listens to. But after hearing this "Canon" for the fifth time, he seemed to be Really hooked?


I'm a Baidi fan!

How can you be a traitor!

This is Chu Ci's work!

Zhang Xun felt a little guilty, but at this moment, his grandfather Zhang Yun looked at him, "Is this song written by Chuci?"


"Chu Ci..."

Zhang Yun is not unfamiliar with this name, he is a rising star in the music scene, but this is the first time he has heard such a high level of artistic attainment from the other party's works, muttering the name, and after a while he shared the song with his friends group.


Someone in the group asked questions.

Zhang Yun sent a voice message: "This piano piece can be re-arranged. I personally think that it would be better to find an orchestra to play it. With the cello and violin, the changes can be enriched."

Then Zhang Yun added:

"The composer is Chu Ci. His composition surprised me. I never thought that such a song handed down from generation to generation would come from a popular composer."

A song handed down from generation to generation! ?

Zhang Xun next to him was stunned.

And soon some friends in the group replied to Zhang Yun: "Before someone said that Chuci and Baidi were some kind of little song daddy, but now that I listen to it, this Chuci is indeed of a high level. "

The respondent's id is Lu Yunqi.

Zhang Xun caught it with his sharp eyes, and looked at his grandfather incredulously, "Is it the Qu daddy I know, Grandpa Lu Yunqi?"

"It's him."

Zhang Yun said casually: "I have collaborated in several symphonies before."

Zhang Xun was dumbfounded, the fact that my grandpa's circle of friends was a bit ridiculous.


The east side is not bright, the west side is bright.

This sentence is perfect to describe Chu Ci's new work "Canon".

Obviously, "Canon" did not cause much disturbance among ordinary netizens.

But in the pure music circle, it caused a storm!

that night.

Qu father Lu Yunqi posted such a dynamic on the public platform: "Recommend a song "Canon". I have listened to it several times, and I can confirm that this is one of Bluestar's best regular loops so far."

Qin Zhou's father is in the middle of the song.

Lu Yunqi and Lin Fengmian are among the best!

As for which of these two is one and who is the other, the outside world has not yet given a public opinion.

However, Lu Yunqi's praise of Chu Ci's first piano piece "Canon" so much shocked countless people's jaws in an instant!

This is not a master who can brag about business with others!

If Lu Yunqi didn't really feel that he was excellent, it would be absolutely impossible for Lu Yunqi to post such a post!

But that's not all.

After Lu Yunqi released the news, several seniors with high morals in the music world commented below:

"This piece of music is handed down from generation to generation."

This is a master of classical music. Although he is not Qu's father, this kind of person with countless titles has a very high status in the circle, even Qu's father is on an equal footing with him!

"It's rare to hear such a world-class work."

This is a top symphony conductor, and basically all of Qin Zhou's fathers have worked with him.

"Polyphonic music has been played out by this Chuci."

This is a piano master, and the other party seems to be itching to add: "I want to buy a copyright to do a sketch performance later."

Immediately afterwards.

A violin master replied to the pianist: "I thought that "Canon" can also be played very beautifully on the violin. The charm of this Canon is that you can hear sadness when you are happy, and hope when you are sinking."



With the emergence of this series of bosses, countless netizens immediately knelt down!


Is this "Canon" so awesome?

You must know that these big shots are all figures on the top of the music scene!

Needless to say Qu's father Lu Yunqi, there are violinists, pianists, symphony conductors and so on.

All the best of the best!

Although netizens do not understand the world of these people, it does not prevent everyone from respecting and trusting these big guys!

But their evaluation of "Canon" is too high!

"Handed down?"

"This is the world-class work?"

"I just think it sounds good, and I can't get tired of listening to it after repeating it many times..."

"It's really nice to listen to. Looking at the comments of the big guys, I don't think there is anything wrong with it. This song is worthy of it."

"Chu Ci is amazing!"

"So Chu Ci's pure music level is actually very high?"

"Is this still fake?"

"The bosses personally went to the stage and gave a thumbs up!"

"Don't say anything, I'm going to listen to "Canon" a few times."

"Hahahaha it's too real."

The big guys say that this music is world-class, so those who don't understand it will feel:

I can't tell how awesome this song is, it must be because my personal appreciation level has not yet reached the level of a master!

This is the power of authority.

But netizens are not all superstitious about authority.

The most important thing is that "Canon" is really nice. Although it is pure music, it is not as obscure or even melodious as pure classical style.

In other words, this song is not low-level, but it is not so "advanced".

Because it is simple and the melody is easy to remember, its universality is very high. Perhaps this is the reason why this song has been passed down for centuries in previous lives and is still enduring.

Think about it too.

Lin Zhibai's "Canon in D Major" was so classic in his previous life that many people thought that Canon refers to this piece of music rather than a genre of music. This alone is very scary!


Lin Zhibai did not expect "Canon" to become popular in such a way.

Ordinary netizens are not yet familiar with this song, but the big names in the music industry took the initiative to stand up and endorse it.

Direct authority to stamp!

After all, Lin Zhibai didn't know Lu Yunqi at all.

The other party helped to authenticate so much, it should be because he really appreciates this song.

No matter what, at least the goal was achieved, so Lin Zhibai took advantage of the opportunity to use the name of Chuci to promote "The Beginning", saying that this song would appear in the play and so on.

at the same time.

The release of "Canon" also gave Lin Zhibai a little taste of the water.

The public's acceptance of pure music is obviously weaker than that of pop songs.

If you release pure music works in the future, you should try to choose from the pure music works that are more popular.

For example, some works of Richard Clayderman.

Things like "Dream Wedding" are very typical——

Although it is a pure musical piano piece, the public can easily feel the beauty of its melody.

And if it is classical music, such as Bach's works, the professional evaluation may be extremely high, but the public may not have many people who really like it.

However, Lin Zhibai's basic game is still in the song field.

Wait until your status in the music scene is higher, and then take the pure music route.

We only need to taste this part at present, if it is not for "The Beginning", Lin Zhibai would not be in a hurry to release Canon.

Kunpeng here.

Jiang Cheng was also stunned.

I didn't expect that listening to the simple "Canon" would have such great power.

Some university music professors even praised this work as a "cross-century" level. This frankly evaluation is too outrageous!

But of course that's a good thing.

Especially after Chu Ci publicized that this song is related to "The Beginning".

The expectations for the drama "The Beginning" on the Internet have obviously increased a lot.

that's all.

With the attention of all parties, time moves forward little by little.

September twenty-seventh.

September twenty-eighth.

September 30th.

October is finally here!

On this day, Kunpeng's first self-produced drama was officially broadcast!


Zhao Yu and Dani are a couple of boyfriend and girlfriend. They plan to get engaged at the end of the year, and they have officially lived together for some time now.

After living together for a long time, the two of them are actually no different from married couples, the kind of young couples living a good life together.

It's just that the family conditions of the two are average, so life is tight.

Early October night.

The young couple who work in the same company cook and eat together after get off work as usual...

Finally, I lay on the bed and prepared to watch "The Beginning".

Zhao Yu said: "We don't have a member of Kunpeng Video."

Dani smiled and said, "The publicity said, the first seven episodes of this show are free, so let's just go whoring for nothing."

Zhao Yu followed with a smile.

The two of them are still very interested in the drama "The Beginning", mainly because Dani likes Sleepless Hou.

Eight O'clock.

The show was officially launched, and the homepage of the website gave a link, and Zhao Yu clicked in with a somewhat worn-out tablet.

Episode one.

The first shot is a high-altitude vista.

Finally pulled onto a bus.

Then a woman's voice sounded: "I want to call the police... There is a bomb on the No. 45 bus!"

The voice is tense, fearful, anxious.

During the call to the police, the bus was driving smoothly.


Some cars blow up while driving.

The huge explosion sound shocked Dani and Zhao Yu in an instant, but at the same time, the sense of anticipation was quickly raised!


Although I don't know what happened, watching the blasting camera can easily stimulate the emotions of the audience, which is why many film and television dramas like to pursue big scenes.

The two of them still opened the barrage.

There are quite a few bullet screens.

"As expected of the script of Bu Yehou, it was a big explosion when it came up!"

"It feels a bit suspenseful."

"Is this a gangster drama?"

"Bu Yehou finally started writing scripts with this theme again!"

"White prostitute passing by."

"White monster plus one."

"Seven episodes have been updated in one go!"

"It's awesome, so I only watch seven episodes!"

"Hahahaha, you just want to run away after watching one by one for free?"

Looking at the barrage.

Zhao Yu complained: "There are so many whoring monsters."

Dani followed, "I just want to say one thing about this kind of behavior!"

The two said in unison: "Please take me!"

After finishing speaking, both of them laughed. This is the tacit understanding between lovers. It's a pity that there is no third party, so there is no way to give dog food to people.


The dog food was still sent out.

In short, Zhao Yu and Dani also planned to prostitute the first few episodes for nothing.

The wages of the young couple are not high, and they can save money by renting a house and eating. How can they be willing to open a membership for a TV series?

Look at the scene of the explosion.

Zhao Yu tried to analyze——

"It seems that this drama should be about cops and robbers. The next step is to find out who is behind the bus explosion. Maybe Liu Huaqiang is behind the scenes, or someone like Gao Qiqiang."

This analysis is logical.

After all, the police and gangster dramas before Bu Yehou liked to play this kind of more conventional routine.

However, editing does not follow the routine.

The next moment the plot returned to the bus.

I saw the leading actor Xiao Heyun sitting by the window and taking a nap.

The heroine Li Shiqing next to her woke up suddenly, her face full of pain.

This is a flashback?

Now that the audience has watched too many dramas, they are already familiar with some editing techniques.

Although there are still some people in the barrage asking stupidly, "Isn't the bus blown up?"

The plot continues.

Xiao Heyun accidentally met Li Shiqing's Xuezi.

With a flicker of the milky snow, Xiao Heyun's face turned pale, and he explained incoherently that he didn't mean it.

"The main character is not very smart Yazi."

Zhao Yu frowned slightly, he still likes smart, wise and calm protagonists.

The heroine was stunned for a moment, took a deep look at Xiao Heyun, and suddenly grabbed his wrist and shouted "pervert".

"The hostess is not very smart either."

Dani followed, the heroine's reaction was too much.

Zhao Yu has a different opinion, "The heroine should have a story, and her reaction is a bit deliberate."

"Have it?"

Dani didn't quite believe it.

But then I had to believe it——

The hostess asked the driver to drive the car to the police station, but the passengers refused.

In the end, there was no other way, the heroine got out of the car, and forcibly pulled the hero out of the car, yelling to take him to the police.


The moment the hostess got out of the car, she didn't make any fuss, instead she breathed a sigh of relief.

This proves that Zhao Yu's judgment is correct. She did do it on purpose in the car, but why?

The male protagonist who didn't know was still angry.

"Come on, go to the police station!"

"No need to go."

"No need to go? Am I not a pervert?"

"I know you're not, but I don't know how to explain it to you. Anyway, it's... Hey, I'm sorry... Thank you."

Xiao Heyun was dumbfounded.

But soon it was the audience's turn to be silly.

Because the next plot is too exciting.

Not long after Li Shiqing got off the car, Xiao Heyun took a taxi and continued to the destination.

In front of you is the bus you just took.

the other side.

After Li Shiqing made a phone call, she suddenly heard a loud noise!

The bus exploded again!

In the close-up of the camera, the heroine's expression is terrified and a little dazed.

A battery car came by and knocked down the heroine, and when she woke up, she was already in the hospital.

the other side.

There is an ambulance in the hospital.

From the ambulance pulled out a man covered in burns and some bloody flesh, it was the hero Xiao Heyun!

"What unfolding is this?"

Dani looked at Zhao Yu, "This Xiao Heyun is the hero, right?"

Zhao Yu nodded, and was also a little puzzled. The hero was blown up like this when he came up, how will he act in the future?

It can be said that all viewers who saw this were confused.


in the hospital.

The police found Li Shiqing who was awake.

Li Shiqing began to talk about what happened on the bus.

However, what Li Shiqing said was completely different from what the audience saw!

This is lying!

But why did Li Shiqing lie?

Was she related to the bus bombing murder?

Li Shiqing finally revealed a shocking secret until police officer Zhang pressed her repeatedly...

"A dream within a dream!"

It turned out that Li Shiqing had experienced the same bombing case many times in her dreams!


Li Shiqing's memory is a little messed up, and there are obvious problems with the content of the narration, because her encounters are different every time!


Zhao Yu was dumbfounded!

Dani also exploded on the spot!

The barrage netizens are even more "fuck the world with one sentence"!

The storyline unfolded amazingly!

Moment is no longer a gangster drama.


Urban sci-fi?

According to Li Shiqing, she entered a cycle of blowing up to death on the bus and then waking up on the bus again.

That's what you saw just now——

Li Shiqing took advantage of the topic and used the excuse of dragging the hero to the police station to escape from the cycle of death.


This is the first time for Dani and Zhao Yu to watch TV dramas with this kind of theme. It's so interesting!

The plot is not over yet.

But the first episode is almost over.

The hero is still being rescued, but unfortunately the rescue failed and the doctor declared him dead.

"Is this the end?"

"The hero is gone?"

"Buyehou is worthy of you!"

"I've always been convinced by Lord Hou when it comes to swordsmen."

"Awesome, the male lead is a knife!"

"I declare that this is the only TV series that kills the male lead in the first episode!"

"Then how do you act in the future?"

"Is there someone who looks exactly like the hero?"

"That's too bloody, isn't it?"

Just as the barrage was discussing, the next moment, the camera returned to the bus!


The male lead, who was declared dead by the doctor a few seconds ago, opened his eyes in shock on the bus!

this moment.

Dani got goosebumps all over her body!

Zhao Yu exclaimed in disbelief: "The hero is going to start a cycle too!?"

at this time.

The hero Xiao Heyun woke up on the bus, the tension, fear and bewilderment were exactly the same as the heroine Li Shiqing's reaction when she woke up before!

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