Freelance Artist

Chapter 279 The best web drama of the year is born!

Those who have followed dramas generally have such experience. At the end of a certain episode of a certain TV series, there is a sudden turning point, which instantly fills up the suspense of the story, and makes people almost can't wait to see the plot of the next episode!

This is the same as breaking chapters in novels.

This is the case in "The Beginning". According to the description of the heroine Li Shiqing, she has gone through several cycles.

This also means:

Xiao Heyun, who was also on the bus, was bombed more than once.

It's just that for some reason, only the heroine Li Shiqing carries the memory of the cycle again and again.

The other passengers in the car, including Xiao Heyun, did not know that they were going through a cycle of explosions.

Until the end of the first episode, the cycle started again, Xiao Heyun woke up on the bus, his face was full of fear, tension and bewilderment...


The director is almost telling the audience:

That is to say, the hero finally appeared in the cycle with his memory!

It was at the end of this scene that the hairs of countless audiences stood on end and their scalps went numb!

"Ahhh! This plot is too awesome!"

"Buyehou doesn't play cards according to the routine at all. I thought it was a suspense drama, but it turned out to be science fiction!"

"This kind of time loop idea, I can only say that it is worthy of night!"

"It's been said for a long time that Bu Yehou is the king of creativity, and I just realized it today. He can even think of such a bizarre setting!"

"I like this setting so much, the TV circle should have produced more dramas with novel themes like this!"

"Before Bu Yehou, there was a novel called "Jieyou Grocery Store", which was also a very sci-fi idea, but sci-fi is only a layer of skin, and the core is still very warm. This drama also gave me a similar feeling. Although the setting is very bizarre, but The story doesn't feel fake."

"It is this setting that makes people worry that it will collapse later."

"Any science fiction involving a timeline is prone to logic bugs."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the first seven episodes are free, and Kunpeng released all of them in one go, hehe, it's over for free prostitution!"

The emotions of the audience have been aroused.

In the barrage discussions, everyone clicked on the second episode almost subconsciously!

Let's put it this way.

The vast majority of people who have watched the first episode of "The Beginning" will click on the second episode without hesitation!

This is the amazing setting of the first episode, combined with the charm of the plot!

In Lin Zhibai's words, this is the setting charm of "Infinite Stream"!


In fact, the drama "The Beginning" is the setting of "Infinite Stream" web texts that readers of Earth web texts are already very familiar with.


In the previous life, there was a science fiction novel called "One Day Prisoner", which was actually about time loops.

Including the movie "Groundhog Day" in the previous life, which also tells the story of the protagonist's continuous circulation within a certain period of time.

However, there are no online articles with unlimited streams in this world.

There are also no novels or movies about this kind of time loop in this world.


For countless viewers who watched this theme for the first time, this infinite stream setting is really amazing, and it is completely whimsical!

Godlike creativity!

And the plot of the second episode has a stronger sense of sight.

Xiao Heyun, who entered the cycle with memories for the first time, thought he had just had a nightmare.

But when he saw Li Shiqing sitting next to him, he was a little suspicious.

"Is this the first time we've met?"

Li Shiqing stared at Xiao Heyun with a strange expression.

Xiao Heyun was uncomfortable being looked at by Li Shiqing, coughed and said: "'s okay..."

"You came in too?"

Li Shiqing quickly guessed the reason for the hero's strangeness.

"Where are you going?"

"Cycle! You are also in the loop, aren't you?"

Those of you who have read Infinity Stream’s online articles should know that this is the classic plot of “a newcomer meets an old man”.

Zhao Yu laughed out loud.

Dani also couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

Look at the excitement of the heroine.

After all, the heroine has been fighting alone in the cycle before, now it's all right, I have teammates!

But the male protagonist is not very calm, he panicked when he found himself in the loop, and started to think of ways to get off the car early like the female protagonist who was in the loop before...

At the beginning, the heroine wanted to chat more with the hero.

It can be seen that the male protagonist is not very calm, and simply watched him "perform" with a hint of amusedness and sympathy in his eyes.

Poor Mengxin.

Still less bombed.

Learn to think calmly after frying a few times.

There are still people making fun of the barrage.

Every time the bus explodes, everyone laughs at it.

"Three matured."

"What three matures!"

"He's called a light mature man!"

"Five mature!"

"Seven mature!"

"This wave is ripe."

"Finally became a real mature man!"

"It's all so muddy!"

"You told me it's called "Mature Man"?"

But it's really strange, other dramas will feel stupid when they see the hero Shi Lezhi, but this drama will not feel that way.

Both male and female protagonists are ordinary people.

Neither smart nor stupid.

The audience actually accepted it, and they have a sense of substitution...

Sure enough, after being bombed a few times, he calmed down, and the hero finally started to formally form a team with the heroine, and the two seriously discussed the self-help plan.

After the analysis, it was concluded that:

The reason why the bus exploded was because the driver hit the oil truck after making an emergency turn in order to avoid the takeaway boy who suddenly jumped out when passing the traffic light.

Then the solution is simple.

Remind the driver to be careful not to hit the oil truck again.

The cooperation between the two went smoothly, Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun leaned next to the same plane, and reminded him to pay attention to the takeaway brother when passing the red light.


The driver really managed to avoid the delivery guy!

This time around the bus didn't hit the petrol truck!

"It's done?"

Dani scratched her head when she saw this. This solution is too simple.

So simple that it loses its dramatic tension.

Zhao Yu was also a little puzzled, and was still trying to deduce the follow-up plot, "Maybe the hero and heroine will enter another cycle later?"

The bus goes all the way.

After crossing the bridge, the hero and heroine can get off the bus.

The two of them relaxed and wanted to open champagne in advance to celebrate.


at this time.

All he could hear was a familiar cell phone ringing.

Li Shiqing suddenly showed fear!

Xiao Heyun noticed the strangeness of the heroine.

"What's wrong?"

"This music!"

Li Shiqing seemed to have something to say, but before she could finish, there was a bang, and the bus exploded again——

Explosion may be late!

But definitely will not be absent!

The audience couldn't count how many times this was the first explosion!

At this moment, a question emerged in the minds of all the audience, why did the explosion happen after avoiding the bus accident?

"There is a problem with the phone ringtone!"

Zhao Yu felt that the drama tension was full again!

The plot left a very obvious hook!

The heroine's face suddenly changed when she heard the ringtone of the phone...

But Dani said after thinking for a while: "This phone ringtone is so familiar, oh... I remembered, isn't this the pure music "Canon" released by Chuci before!"


Zhao Yu pulled the progress bar and listened to the phone ringtone again. It was really the song "Canon" released by Chu Ci before!

Zhao Yu quite likes this song.

But the familiarity is not as high as Dani.

And other viewers also discovered the source of the phone ringtone, and the bullet screens were swiping one after another:

"It's Canon!"

"Chu Ci previously publicized that this song will appear in "The Beginning"."

"I didn't expect it to be in the form of a mobile phone ringtone?"

"So what's wrong with this phone ringtone?"

"I remember that some big guys analyzed that "Canon" is a polyphonic cycle..."


"So it is!"

"This cycle goes well with the cycle of this show!"

"So this "Canon" ringtone is a regular spell or something?"

This is science fiction.

Everyone's thinking began to diverge.

But there are always some viewers who are smarter, and quickly thought of the line when the heroine called the police in the first episode——

There's a bomb on the bus!

Seeing the barrage saying that there was a bomb on the bus, Zhao Yu suddenly realized: "So the bus exploded not because it hit an oil truck!"

Dani also understood, "The bus was already bombed!?"

Good guy!

There are countless twists and turns!

The daring hero and heroine tried their best to make the bus avoid the takeaway boy and the oil truck, but only passed the first hurdle?

It took a lot of hard work to get the taste of the novice village.

However, this plot is not abrupt. After thinking about it, everyone will find that, in fact, the previous plot has arranged a lot of foreshadowing!


Zhao Yu has been completely attracted by the plot!

The development of this plot is too good, unexpected and reasonable, not only the creativity is amazing, but the whole story line is also interlocking!

"Keep watching, keep watching!"

Dani was so excited that she forgot that she had to go to work tomorrow. It stands to reason that she should wash up and go to bed at this point.

So the two of them watched the episodes like this.

The story doesn't all take place on the bus.

Later, it was switched to the police station. After the hero and heroine got out of the car successfully, the police intervened in the investigation of the explosion. Among them, the character of Officer Zhang was very pleasing to the audience...

at the same time.

The hero and heroine also began to screen the passengers in the car.

The two suspected that the bomb carrier was a passenger in the car.

The "Canon" that rang on time before each explosion may be the mobile phone alarm that was set in advance for the explosion!

Of course, it could simply be that someone's cell phone rang in the car.

Coincidentally, that bell was at the exact moment when the explosion occurred.

that's all.

The third episode, the fourth episode, the fifth episode, the sixth episode.

The male and female protagonists and the police have been investigating who has problems with the passengers in the car.

Each passenger corresponds to a plot.

Until the seventh episode, there are only two passengers left in the car, but the hero and heroine still haven't found the real culprit!

The audience's heart hangs in their throats when they see this!

"Who is Bomberman!"

"The migrant worker with the bag?"

"Or that woman who looks a little gloomy?"

"I feel like women are less likely."

"Probably migrant workers."

"Both of them have luggage!"

"The migrant worker has a big bag."

"The woman was holding a plastic bag and didn't know what was in it."

"I'm in a hurry!"


This drama was officially launched on Kunpeng Video Network at eight o'clock.

Even if the audience watches it for the first time, it will take at least one o'clock in the morning to finish watching it.

Of course, the video can be watched at double speed, but many people are not willing to play at double speed for a show like "The Beginning".

Too beautiful!

It's easy to overlook some details at double speed!

It's just that when the first batch of viewers finished watching the seventh episode one after another, they all seemed to be unsatisfied.

"It's gone?"

"No more, a total of seven episodes have been updated."

"What seven episodes, please continue to watch, the eighth episode will be updated at twelve o'clock!"


"I gonna go see!"

"Fuck, the eighth episode is really out!"

"Depend on!"


"Episode 8 can only be viewed by members!"

The viewers who went to Kunpeng's video to watch "The Beginning" were basically prostitutes, and they didn't have any memberships at all. After all, many people had already made up their minds, and they came here with the idea of ​​prostitution.

But the atmosphere is here!

Who the hell is Bomberman? The eighth episode is probably going to be revealed!

At this time, the audience felt, I took off my pants, but you told me that there were no members behind me so I couldn't see it?

Perhaps this analogy is not accurate.

A more accurate analogy should be that everyone can climax as long as they go a little deeper, and the plot is so close to the door!

At this time, do you want to stop watching because there are no members?

Those who can hold back are ruthless people!

Anyway, most of the audience recognized this wave.

"I seem to be the kind of person who is short of money? Isn't he a member, can't I drive it!"

"I rushed to the brothers first!"

"It doesn't matter if you are reluctant to become a member, I will give you spoilers after watching the eighth episode!"

"Go away, spoiler dog! In order to prevent the spoiler dog from disgusting me, I will open a membership!"

"I have a discount, you can sign up for a membership for 15 yuan, hehe, watch the eighth episode."

"The Kunpeng video member just smiled and said nothing."

"The following plot is something you can watch without paying?"

"They're all members, speak louder!"

"Kunpeng! You are amazing! This plot really shocked me, so let's open it for this member."

Everyone is really convinced!

I don’t know which old six’s idea, what the hell is a business genius, he actually cut off at the most critical plot, which made everyone feel at a loss, even if he wants to know who the bomber is, this member must open it ah!


The main thing is that the drama is good.

Such wonderful content, such novel ideas, and the ultimate suspense of who the Bomberman is, etc...

There are so many things to captivate the audience!

This kind of attraction is enough to turn the motivation for the audience to sign up and continue to follow the drama!

at the same time.

After seeing the update of the eighth episode, Zhao Yu looked at Dani with a wry smile, "Will you continue watching? Membership will be opened later."


Dani gritted her teeth, "You should know who the murderer is in the eighth episode!"

"Then I'm a member..."

Zhao Yu's flesh hurts. When he first watched this drama, he made up his mind that he would only prostitute for nothing.


Now I have to spend money.

Zhao Yu felt that if he didn't watch the eighth episode, he would not be able to sleep tonight, and would be entangled in his dreams about who the bomber was.

In the process of membership at the beginning, Zhao Yu seemed to see someone staring at him with a smile, and said bewitchingly:

Want to know who the real culprit is? Then recharge it!

The money doesn't disappear, it just takes another form to accompany you!


Membership opened successfully!

Zhao Yu lost the money for a pack of cigarettes, although he does not smoke.

the other side.

Kunpeng video.

Some staff working overtime watched helplessly as the number of registered members on the website began to skyrocket, and their whole body collapsed like a shofar wind!

"A lot of people open membership!"

Jiang Cheng, who was also working overtime, was overjoyed, "I ordered a sumptuous supper for everyone, let's celebrate!"


All overtime workers are ecstatic!

And Lin Zhibai had already gone to sleep at this time.

But this scene was actually within Lin Zhibai's expectations.

According to official statistics, when "The Beginning" was broadcast in the previous life, a miracle of "membership activation" was created!

Its ability to recruit new members is extremely high, and the final payment ranks first in the same year. God knows how many "leopard head zero charge" have opened up video website members gnashing their teeth to catch up with this drama!

This is the charm of a good drama!


After signing up as a member, the audience couldn't wait to watch the eighth episode!

The plot of the eighth episode begins to tell the story before the last two passengers got on the bus.

The first is Lao Jiao, a migrant worker.

Lao Jiao and a group of brothers were eating, worrying about how they would find a living without education.

Something happened on the construction site, and his daughter was about to face the college entrance examination. He saved everything for his child.

A friend told him that he could buy a second-hand electric car for takeout, but this second-hand car is also money, and he was so anxious that he was beating drums.

Due to the inspection of the rented garage, the landlord had no choice but to ask Lao Jiao to leave quickly.

Lao Jiao left silently with his packed suitcase, his back lonely and hunched.

Life is not easy.

When the audience saw Lao Jiao, they all felt a little emotional, and their hearts were inexplicably sour.

And in the car.

Looking at the remaining two suspect passengers in front of her, Li Shiqing used her menstrual period as an excuse to approach the indifferent aunt, only to find that there was a pressure cooker in the plastic bag at her feet.

The aunt replied that the pot was filled with meat.

Li Shiqing became suspicious, but Xiao Heyun felt that her aunt didn't respond when she looked through the plastic bag. The most suspicious person was Lao Jiao who was carrying the suitcase.

Time keeps advancing.

The two decided to take a gamble and wanted to throw Lao Jiao's suitcase out of the car.

However, at this moment, Lao Jiao suddenly opened the box and rummaged inside. The two of them were so frightened that they checked the contents of the box closely.

Who knows.

In the end, Lao Jiao took out a few sanitary napkins from the box and gave them to Li Shiqing.

this moment.

The eye sockets of countless viewers were slightly red.

All the foreshadowing about Lao Jiao, after he provided this seemingly ordinary help to the heroine, instantly caused countless people to burst into tears!

But in this way, there is only one suspect left in the car——

The woman in the car with the pressure cooker!

"Oh my god! It turned out to be her! I didn't think so before, but the more I look at this woman now, the more she seems to be behind the scenes!"


"Why do I feel that the eyes of this pressure cooker aunt are so scary!"

"I guessed it! Aunt the pressure cooker really is a murderer!"

"It turns out that Aunt Guo is the bomber!"

"Pfft! Is Auntie Guo okay?"

"You know my aunt."

"Aunt Guo's acting skills are amazing!"

"Only when you see Aunt Guo do you know what killing eyes is!"

It seems that there is no sense of disobedience for Auntie Pressure Cooker to be referred to as "Auntie Pot".


Aunt Guo is indeed a bomber!

When getting off the bus at the station, Xiao Heyun pushed Li Shiqing away and let her run, while he rushed to the side of the aunt who was holding the pressure cooker.

The aunt looked at him indifferently, pulled up the knob on the top of the pressure cooker,


The bus exploded again!

It was the aunt's cold eyes when she started the explosion that frightened the audience. It is not an exaggeration to say that the eyes are killing.

However, although the suspense has been revealed, the problem is still not resolved!

Because the cycle time is a little earlier, Li Shiqing is worried that this may be their last chance to survive.

Two people want to get off at the next stop.

They are just ordinary people.

They also want to live.

But their inner moral sense made them entangled again.

After all, the funeral companions in that car were all innocent and good people!

Li Shiqing finally decided to stay and take a gamble.

She rushed forward to snatch the pressure cooker on the ground, but Xiao Heyun held her aunt down but was stabbed with a knife and fell to the side.

The aunt rushed forward and pulled Li Shiqing back who was about to get out of the car, and stabbed Li Shiqing's neck with a knife. Xiao Heyun yelled for the passengers to help, but seeing this scene, everyone in the car froze in place.

This opportunity was missed again.

Waking up again, Li Shiqing was terrified of that cold death, and burst into tears.

The mortal body has experienced so many explosions in the cycle, and whoever changes it will gradually collapse.

Xiao Heyun hugged her tightly to calm her down, took her hand and decided to get off at the next stop, he wanted to give up.


Stand at the exit.

Li Shiqing suddenly decided to try again at the last moment.

After all, she still couldn't pass the test of conscience, so she turned around to grab the pressure cooker, and Xiao Heyun rushed up to stop the aunt who took out the knife.

This time, Xiao Heyun stabbed the knife into the aunt's abdomen.

Xiao Heyun, covered in blood, pulled Li Shiqing up and left without looking back.

However, at this moment, a hand suddenly pulled the knob...

The bus still exploded.

It should be said that it exploded again.

God knows how many times the audience has listened to "Canon" since these eight episodes, and how many times they have witnessed the failures of the hero and heroine!

Obviously, the story that happened on the bus is repeated!

Obviously there are many repetitions in the plot, but the audience never feels tired of watching it!

It was also in this nth explosion.

The eighth episode is over, and the audience has finally finished watching the updated content!

this moment.

The audience did not lose their expectations for the follow-up plot because the real culprit was revealed.

Quite the opposite.

Because the real murderer appeared in the eighth episode, everyone is looking forward to the follow-up plot even more!

How can the hero and heroine prevent the explosion?

This became a new suspense.

As for Aunt Guo, because of her invincible acting skills in this episode, countless viewers were frightened, even scared out of their shadows!


Whether it's the cold eyes when he pulled the explosion, or the decisiveness when he cut someone's throat with a knife, this character is full of gloomy and terrifying atmosphere!


It was close to two o'clock in the morning.

After watching the first eight episodes of "The Beginning", Zhao Yu and Dani finally couldn't bear it anymore and went to sleep.

It's just that after the two turned off the lights, they couldn't fall asleep again, their minds were full of the plot of the show.

"This show is amazing."

Dani said: "Bu Yehou is really the best TV screenwriter I've ever seen!"

"It's really amazing..."

Zhao Yu smiled wryly and said, "When I close my eyes now, I will be Aunt Guo and the explosion."

The two chatted like this until they fell asleep.

However, the Internet at two o'clock in the morning is extremely restless at this moment!

Aurora platform!

The hot search topics about "The Beginning" are actually one after another! # Aunt pressure cooker Auntie pot # # Beginning # # Time Loop # # Canon # # Bu Ye Hou script creativity is invincible # Netizens continued to discuss the plot with gusto!

"This show is amazing! The Marquis of Night is also amazing!"

"You can always trust Master Hou! As soon as the cycle is set, I get goosebumps!"

"I'm scared when I hear "Canon" now."

"Hahahahaha, I can't even listen to "Canon" after watching the show!"

"How on earth did you stop the explosion?"

"It's too difficult. The main reason is that Auntie Guo's combat power is really terrifying. When Nima's small knife comes out, she stabs her abdomen and cuts her throat without any hesitation. She is invincible regardless of her acting skills or character design!"

"I would like to call Auntie Guo the God of Pressure Cooker!"

"I've never been a member. I have a membership to watch "The Beginning". It's still Kunpeng's video. I'm crying to death."

"This show is really worth a membership. I don't want to spend money to watch it. I feel sorry for it. The filming is really good!"

"I laughed so hard in the first episode, the male lead hung up when he came up, and the barrage is still showing some mature men, mature or something, if it weren't for the barrage of sand sculpture netizens, I would be so nervous to watch this show, the eighth episode When Aunt Guo made a move, I even suffocated."

"After all, traditional arts cannot be lost."

"Let the hero die first when you come up, that's very marquis!"



Regardless of the degree of popular searches or heated discussions among netizens, it shows that "The Beginning" is already popular!

Even in some groups of night owls, some netizens have already made emoticons of the characters in the play.

The emoticons of the male and female protagonists are extremely popular!

But the most popular one is Aunt Guo's emoticon pack!

It’s probably Aunt Guo’s face combined with the gloomy eyes, which gives people a kind of mental pressure. It’s very useful for sand sculpture netizens to fight pictures!

The people in the industry who were also awake at this point could no longer fall asleep, and all of them were greatly frightened!

It wasn't that she was frightened by the explosion and Auntie Guo.

Instead, he was frightened by Kunpeng.

"Is this really taken by Kunpeng himself?"

"This level of production, I believe it is said to be the top three shoots!"

"The scene control is really good. It perfectly exploits strengths and avoids weaknesses. Except for the big scene of the explosion, most of the plots in the whole drama actually take place on the bus..."

"The key is that Bu Yehou's script is really amazing!"

"I estimate that this drama will attract many new members to Kunpeng Video."

"The casting is perfect. The actor's acting skills are really good for the role of Aunt Guo. Those gloomy and cold eyes don't look like the acting!"

"The editing is also very good."

"This kind of time loop is a test of editing skills."

"Kunpeng has a master!"

In fact, there is no expert, or Lin Zhibai is the so-called "expert", because Lin Zhibai participated in the casting, and the editing was also directed by Lin Zhibai. What the outside world sees is only Lin Zhibai. Zhibai just follows the original version and draws on the gourd. After all, the original version is already successful enough. To reproduce a TV series is to copy the success of the original version.


the next day.

Zhao Yu woke up in a daze.

He heard a familiar sound of music ringing in his ears.

I didn't feel anything at first.

But listening, Zhao Yu suddenly woke up, sweating all over his forehead, and blurted out:

"Episode 9 updated?"

"What episode nine?"

My girlfriend Dani said angrily: "Don't sleep, get up and have breakfast, and go to work after eating."


Only then did Zhao Yu discover that it was his girlfriend who was playing "Canon". He thought the bus was blown up again.

finish breakfast.

When the two came to the company, all they heard was "The Beginning"!

It turned out that many colleagues in the company watched this drama last night and were discussing the plot at the moment, but they all had dark circles under their eyes.

Obviously stayed up all night last night.

A colleague who hadn't watched the show looked confused, just listening to everyone talking about explosions.

What exploded?

What exploded again?

What bus?

What the hell is Aunt Guo?

Why do you feel that you can't keep up with the times overnight?

This buddy listened carefully again before he realized that his colleagues were talking about a certain TV series that was broadcast last night.

I don't understand and I don't want to listen anymore.

It's better to listen to music.

Anyway, the company hadn't officially started working yet, so he simply turned on his mobile phone and played his favorite "Canon" recently.

listen listen.

He found that the eyes of his colleagues looking at him gradually became strange.

What's the matter?

He was a little dazed.

The colleagues had weird expressions, "Either you don't play this song, it's unlucky, let's change it."


At this time, a colleague in the corner who was sleeping because he stayed up late last night to watch the drama was suddenly awakened by "Canon", and subconsciously said:


"It exploded again?"

This buddy:? ? ?

Perhaps for a long time to come, all viewers of "The Beginning" will suffer from Canon ptsd.


After Lin Zhibai got up, he received a call from Jiang Cheng.

The whole person in Jiangcheng was overjoyed, "Last night, "The Beginning" brought more than 30 million members to our Kunpeng Video, and it is estimated that it will skyrocket by a wave today!"

So hanging?

Lin Zhibai was a little surprised, but considering that Blue Star didn't have much room for piracy, he understood a little bit.

"Maybe this drama will make Kunpeng Video the fourth largest video website in Qinzhou?"


Jiang Cheng was very sure, "We can even try to surpass the video sites of Nathan and Tianguang in the future!"

"That one play definitely wasn't enough."

Lin Zhibai knows that most of the members brought by "The Beginning" are temporary. After the show is over, many people will not renew their subscriptions.

It would be nice to keep one-third of the renewals.

Unless Kunpeng Video has a new exclusive blockbuster online drama or something.

"Then the actors of our company also became popular. The male and female protagonists are all signed artists by ourselves. They were not very popular before. This wave is probably going to be a big hit!"


Lin Zhibai didn't think that the show "The Beginning" needed much star power.

Because this kind of drama wins purely by plot and creativity, which is very in line with the aesthetics of the current era. As long as the hero and heroine are good-looking and their acting skills don't pull their hips, they will definitely make the audience feel good.

"Now the industry should understand..."

Jiang Cheng proudly said: "As long as we have the script of Bu Yehou, even if our Kunpeng is separated from the top three, we can still make good dramas!"

"That's what it says."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "But we should cooperate with the three majors, and we still have to cooperate with them."

Lin Zhibai is very clear-headed, so he wouldn't say that if I, Kunpeng, can be independent, I can really put aside the three majors and do it myself.

Without the scale and strength of the three major companies in this industry, it would be fatal to eat alone.

What's more, Lin Zhibai has a system by his side, so he can have as many excellent scripts as he wants.

It is really impossible to digest it purely by Kunpeng.

We must use the three major resources to help ourselves digest together.

Not to mention that Lin Zhibai might inherit the Shinhwa Group, his father is the head of the Shinhwa TV department, and Su Chan from Tianguang also needs resources to support him.

However, the fire of "The Beginning" is bound to have a profound meaning to Kunpeng.

After discovering that Kunpeng has the ability to independently produce and shoot TV series, the three will make concessions in cooperation with Kunpeng in the future.

Because they can no longer easily grasp Kunpeng's lifeline!

In this wave, Kunpeng successfully showed off his muscles, using the fire of "The Beginning" to tell the three:

Don't think about making troubles, we don't have to cooperate with you for Kunpeng's script, we can shoot it ourselves!


The industry has seen Kunpeng's muscles, and the three major companies have also seen it.

Especially that night, after official statistics showed that "The Beginning" became the most popular online drama at the moment, the three majors had a deeper understanding of Kunpeng's abilities——

"It really made them do it!"

"The price of Kunpeng's works will increase in the future."

"They worked hard to create "The Beginning", and one of the most important purposes is to take more initiative in future cooperation."

"It's not bad to add money."

"In the future, Kunpeng will still add actors to the scripts we cooperate with."

"I have no choice but to admit it. The current Kunpeng is already full of wings, unless the three are determined to kill them, but no one is willing to kill Kunpeng just like that."

"It's like a symbiosis!"

"While we are afraid of Kunpeng, we still need them. After all, this guy is really too strong. How come every script he writes is so good!"

The three have mixed feelings.

But the Big Three couldn't stop the popularity of "The Beginning"!

Next, "The Beginning" will be updated at a rate of one episode per day.

The speed is very slow, which can be said to firmly hang the appetite of the audience on the whole network.

The popularity of the show is also fermenting day by day, and the number of broadcasts is getting higher and higher!

When the tenth episode aired, a new explosive point appeared in the plot. The bus driver Wang Xingde turned out to be Aunt Guo’s accomplice——

It turned out to be a fucking couple committing the crime!

Seeing this, the audience and their friends were shocked!

This show really gets more and more exciting the more I watch it. I dug and dug and dug on the small bus, and I actually dug up so many stories.

Also this day.

A group of extremely underworld couple head portraits appeared on the Internet.

That's right.

It's the head portrait of the explosive couple, bus driver Wang Xingde and Aunt Guo...

at the same time.

There has also been a wave of interpretation fever for this drama.

One of the most classic interpretations is why the ringtone of the mobile phone is "Canon".

"Chuci's "Canon" itself is a loop, just like the loop in the play. In addition, all the voices of this piece are actually imitating the same voice, but the voices of different heights enter at certain intervals, which will cause A continuous effect, one after another, in which the first melody is the lead sentence, followed by the answer sentence, just like the male protagonists of this play have been exploring the truth from the beginning..."

The show isn't over yet.

Everyone already knows it.

The hottest web drama in Qinzhou this year is "The Beginning"!

There is one day left, ask for a monthly ticket

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