Freelance Artist

Chapter 281 Aunt's Pleading

Lin Zhibai has been letting Jiangcheng keep an eye on the Erbo's family. Lin Xia has two silly sons, the Tiger and Leopard Brothers, and a good daughter like Lin Feng.

The Tiger and Leopard Brothers are nothing to worry about.

Lin Hu's Shinhwa live broadcast project has basically been abolished, and he can't play the carp live broadcast in which Kunpeng holds shares;

Lin Bao went to engage in comics, and it is said that he did a good job and nothing happened, but Lin Zhibai seems to be the same, so he is too lazy to talk to him for the time being, and let him mix it up first.

There was only one Lin Feng left in the second uncle's house, and Lin Zhibai hadn't cleaned it up yet.

Now that the opportunity has come, Lin Feng actually wants to engage in a variety show. Isn't this directly hitting Lin Zhibai's muzzle?

Lin Zhibai was not polite, and directly took out "The Voice" backhanded.

Because the positioning of this program is very close to Lin Feng's "Master and Apprentice".

At that time, Lin Zhibai might be able to directly grab the audience base of the other variety show!

As for competition, but what to do?

This possibility hardly exists, because Lin Zhibai's new variety show "The Voice" was a phenomenal variety show in his previous life!

Although there was no popularity after running for many seasons, the first season was definitely explosive. The peak period directly suppressed all music programs together, which can be called a milestone in music talent show variety shows!

Whoever touches it will die!

The only difficulty with this is that:

This time Lin Zhibai will let Kunpeng independently produce this variety show.

Of course, it is not completely independent. This matter still requires three major forces.

Because Lin Zhibai needs four suitable mentor candidates.

As far as the program "The Voice" is concerned, the tutor's performance is also a huge highlight!

If "The Voice" is to be as popular as the previous life, or even surpass the previous life, then the lineup of mentors must be strong!

Lin Zhibai's first reaction was to find Ge Wangge to take the tutor seat, and the name "Zhang Xiyang" immediately appeared in his mind.

Zhang Xiyang must be invited!

Isn't this the ready-made singer!

Anyway, "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" is coming to an end recently.

It's not a big problem for Zhang Xiyang to join the "The Voice" program group directly, at least there should be no problem with the schedule.

It's just that Kunpeng's invitation to Zhang Xiyang is a bit of an unknown, and the other party's personality will most likely refuse, unless Baidi asks.

Then it's just a play.

Lin Zhibai asked Jiangcheng to represent Kunpeng to Shenhua Entertainment and invite Baidi to be the director of "The Voice"!

With this name, it is reasonable for Bai Di to join "The Voice".

And it was only natural for Baidi to join the "Voice" column group, and then to bring Zhang Xiyang in.

As for who to choose for the remaining three mentors?

Lin Zhibai hadn't decided yet. He had to write out the plan first. The difficulty was not high. He could customize it with the system and finish it by himself in less than an hour, and then sent it to Jiangcheng.

"A large-scale talent show singing competition?"

Jiang Cheng looked at the plan and murmured, "It's really the same as that of "Master and Apprentice". finals……"

"It's very simple to say, but the core selling point is not the same as the traditional singing talent show."

Lin Zhibai explained to Jiang Cheng.

"First of all, when we arrange the venue equipment, the chairs of the four instructors are very important. They must face the stage with their backs, so that the instructors can't see the players, and of course they won't know what they look like. They can only hear them. The quality of the voice and the quality of the singing will become the only criteria for the instructor to judge the quality of the contestants. If you feel like shooting lights, you can just turn around, so this program is called "The Voice", which fundamentally eliminates the possibility of judging people by their appearance."

Qinzhou has many similar talent show music programs.

In these programs, there will always be a phenomenon of judging people by their appearance.

Good-looking players are more likely to stand out than those capable but average-looking players.

However, Jiang Cheng's focus was on the four words "Turn around with the lights". He thought of the "If You Are the One" planned by the company before, which also had a classic lighting session.

The audience likes to watch the female guests shoot the lights.

And this "The Voice" is even more interesting. It even came up with a design that the chair can only be turned around when the lamp is shot.

"But can you just turn the chair around?"

Apart from turning the chair, Jiang Cheng didn't find any other bright spots. He only chose people based on their voices. He reckoned it was a gimmick. In the end, he must choose handsome men and beautiful women. This is the inevitable destination of all singing and talent show variety shows!

"Don't underestimate this design."

Lin Zhibai said: "It is because of this design that this program will really look better."

The swivel chair is just form.

However, this form can give the audience a completely different experience.

There is a certain amount of psychology involved in this, which will lead the audience to some kind of eagerness to see the instructor shoot lights for certain players.


Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "I believe the boss's judgment on the variety show. If you say it can work, it will definitely work. But the four mentor candidates for this show should be very important, right?"


Lin Zhibai expressed his thoughts.

Jiang Cheng said with a strange expression: "You mean to let Bai Di be the music director of "The Voice" to attack Shinhwa's new variety show? Isn't this turning into an infighting in the Shinhwa department? Isn't the influence too good? Shinhwa Entertainment Will they agree? You Baidi is also a mythical person after all..."

"no problem."

Lin Zhibai said: "This is Shinhwa, and even the three major features. Besides, Lin Feng's variety show is self-produced by Shinhwa video website. It is not the same concept as my brother's variety show department. It's just that everyone belongs to Shinhwa Group and has independent productions. It’s just the ability of variety shows.”

Myth entertainment.

Mythology Video Site.

Outsiders may look like one family, but they actually belong to different camps.

Just like the relationship between WeChat and QQ, it is very subtle. Those who have worked in large companies should know this. Cooperation and competition between product lines can often exist at the same time, especially when the attributes of each other are similar. The relationship is more complicated.

There are infighting among the same departments in mythological enterprises.

Not to mention the product lines of different departments.

Jiang Cheng said with emotion: "I hope that Kunpeng will not fight like this in the future. There is no problem with departmental competition and cooperation, but if it goes too far, it will affect the interests of the entire company."

Kunpeng is getting bigger and bigger.

There will definitely be different departments with similar attributes in the future.

After learning a little lesson from Shinhwa Group's development, Jiang Cheng said, "Then besides asking the boss to invite Zhang Xiyang as Baidi, who will be the other three mentors?"

"Not ready yet."

"It's quite difficult. I guess even if Zhang Xiyang can be invited as the king of singers, it will be due to the identity of the boss Baidi..."

"Is there anything you can do?"

"We can ask Su Chan to help. Tianguang has the largest number of singers and queens. Besides raising soldiers for a thousand days, we have given her so many benefits, and she should repay us."

"Then ask Su Chan to help."

Lin Zhibai ordered Jiang Cheng to do these things.


in a few days.

The current head of music of Shinhwa Entertainment, Lin Wei, asked Lin Zhibai to meet.

Lin Wei is Lin Zhibai's aunt, and also the sister of his uncle, second uncle and third uncle.

However, the relationship between Lin Wei and several uncles is very ordinary, and of course the relationship with Lin Zhibai's family is also very ordinary.

"The minister is looking for me."

Lin Zhibai entered the office and greeted Lin Wei.

Lin Wei looked at her nephew with a smile.

"You don't need to call the minister, you can just call me aunt, otherwise, wouldn't I have to call you Teacher Baidi?"

"Auntie is too polite."

Lin Zhibai is kind and loyal, and it is true that he has feuds with several uncles' families, but he and this aunt have always been in harmony with each other.

There is a grievance and a debtor, so Lin Zhibai would not be angry with this rather strange aunt.


Lin Wei said, "It's like this. Kunpeng has a new variety show and wants to invite you to be the music director of that variety show. The company held a meeting and decided to follow your own wishes."

It seems that Jiangcheng has sent out an invitation.

Just as Lin Zhibai thought, the company would not obstruct anything at all, and would only give himself, the "White Emperor", a very high degree of freedom.

After all, the company knows it by now.

Lin Zhibai is the grandson of the chairman Lin Zhaomu.

There were even rumors in the company that Lin Zhibai was Lin Zhaomu's most beloved direct descendant.

This rumor is not groundless. The chairman gave Lin Zhibai the Shinhwa Publishing House, which is valued at tens of billions, and this is iron-clad evidence in the eyes of many people. What about the treatment?


Lin Zhibai pretended to know about it and casually said: "Let them report the variety show planning case to me, and I'll make a decision after watching it."

"Okay, I'll send you back personally."

Lin Wei's attitude was very kind, and Lin Zhibai was a little confused as to why the other party was so polite.

When she was about to leave, Lin Wei stopped Lin Zhibai, "Xiaobai, Auntie has something to discuss with you."

"Auntie, please tell me."

Reaching out without hitting the smiling face, she was polite and Lin Zhibai was also polite.

"That's right, your uncle owns some printing houses. They used to cooperate with our Mythology Publishing House, but recently I heard that Mythology Publishing House doesn't cooperate with his printing house when it prints and publishes books. Now, I thought that Shinhwa Publishing House is yours now, are you dissatisfied with your uncle, tell auntie! Auntie will ask him to change it when she goes back..."

"Dahua Printing Factory?"

"Yes, yes, this is the one!"

Lin Wei looked at Lin Zhibai expectantly and flatteringly.

Lin Zhibai said: "The policy of cooperating with Dahua Printing Factory was set by Luo Da, the former vice president of the publishing house. Luo Da had some problems, so some projects he led were also stopped by me, but I didn't target them. Uncle means."

Lin Zhibai was telling the truth.

The people in Luoda went to cool down the tea, and the trees fell and the monkeys scattered. Lin Zhibai naturally chopped down some of the projects he led. Unexpectedly, he also cleaned up his uncle. As for the matter of words, he didn't study that deeply.

The people below estimated that it was too much.

Maybe some people speculated that their thoughts made uncle look bad.

Otherwise, my aunt would not have this attitude.

"I don't know if what you said is true, let's open the skylight and speak plainly... Xiaobai, I have never been involved in the affairs of you and those uncles, including your uncle. I got in touch with Rhoda... I can swear that your uncle and I have never done anything wrong to your family, and you can ask your father about it when you go back."


Lin Wei gritted her teeth, lowered her head, and begged softly, "So can you let your uncle go? I beg you, aunt!"

The old man likes Lin Zhibai.

Lin Wei could see this.

You can feel the attitude of some old men by knocking around.

Lin Wei even suspected that Lin Zhibai would become one of the future managers of Shinhwa Group!

Under such circumstances, Lin Wei didn't dare to put on the airs of her elders, let alone Lin Zhibai was still in control of her man's career future.

Let's put it this way.

As long as Lin Zhibai speaks out, no one in the entire book publishing industry will dare to continue to cooperate with Dahua Printing Factory!

This is what Lin Wei's husband said to him last night.

"The entire Qinzhou publishing industry is now dominated by Shinhwa Publishing House. Your nephew is so powerful that even Nathan Publishing House and Tianguang Publishing House dare not touch him. All the printing houses under my control are now You have to watch his face to eat."

Even at the end, her husband complained vaguely to himself:

Why, as an aunt, have such a cold relationship with my nephew's family?

So much so that Lin Zhibai fought with those uncles, but in the end his family became the victim of this fight.


Lin Wei had no choice but to lower her head, let go of her face, and let go of the reservedness of her elders.

She is a daughter, inheriting the Shinhwa Group or something, and she was never expected in her father's life, and she is not as precious as her nephew.

Will you let uncle go?

Looking at Lin Wei who bowed her head to him, Lin Zhibai didn't feel happy.

If it was Lin Wei's three brothers, that is, Lin Zhibai's three uncles who bowed their heads like this, Lin Zhibai might feel good.

Even if the three uncles bowed their heads, Lin Zhibai would not be relentless.

As for Lin Wei and uncle...

Lin Zhibai said: "I will investigate the qualifications of Dahua Printing Factory. If there is no problem, Myth Publishing will continue to cooperate."

"Thank you, Xiaobai, I knew you wouldn't be so cruel!"

Lin Wei was both surprised and delighted. With Lin Zhibai's words, Mythology Publishing House will no longer reject Dahua Printing Factory!

"I have conditions."

Lin Zhibai said calmly: "If Dahua Printing Factory wants to take more orders from Shinhwa Publishing House, my sister has to make a move."

Lin Wei's heart skipped a beat, and she recognized Lin Zhibai's meaning.

"Just wait."

Lin Wei gritted her teeth, "The position of deputy director of the music department is still vacant."


Lin Zhibai smiled slightly and said, "My aunt is a smart person, she knows where the wind blows."

In a sense, rich families have no family ties. My uncle wanted to join the Shinhwa Group but was firmly blocked by several uncles.

Afraid of being divided!

This may be the root of the normal relationship between my aunt and several uncles.

If the aunt behaves well, Lin Zhibai doesn't mind helping her.

As for the Dahua Printing Factory, it may be a bit too much to say that Lin Zhibai's life and death depended on Lin Zhibai's thought, but he does hold a huge power of life and death.

Now Lin Zhibai is the king of the book market.


Not long after Lin Zhibai left the office, his sister ran over, "What business does Auntie want from you?"

Lin Zhibai briefly explained the situation to his sister.

Lin Xi looked at his younger brother in shock, "Have you already gained so much power in the book market?"


Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "If I target my uncle, then Dahua Printing Factory has only two ways to survive, either cooperate with Tianguang or Nathan Publishing House, but it is impossible for these two to help my uncle."

So Lin Zhibai is the only backer of Dahua Printing Factory.

Of course, if my uncle can accept cooperation with some small publishing houses, the printing factory will also have a way to survive, just don't expect to have the current scale.

The order quantity is too low.

Unlike Myth Publishing House, which is now the largest in the entire Qinzhou, how many billions of books are published every year, and the value of its orders is simply incalculable for a printing factory!

"I really appreciate you."

Lin Xi smiled and said, "But after our aunt became the Minister of Music, she actually treated me pretty well."


This aunt doesn't seem to be a troublesome character.

After thinking for a while, Lin Zhibai said, "I helped you earn the position of vice minister of music, and it will depend on her means."


Lin Xi was very pleasantly surprised, "I have a hope to be the deputy director of the music department?"

Lin Zhibai nodded, and suddenly thought that the first mock exam that the old man invigilated was about to be handed in.

I, who handed in the paper early and got full marks, don't know what I will get next year. The old man can't just use a Myth Publishing House to get rid of himself, right?

"I didn't expect my sister's career to depend on you now."

Lin Xi hugged Lin Zhibai's shoulders, "Then when Teacher Baidi releases a new song, remember to think about my sister."

"Next time."

Lin Zhibai thought for a while and said, "There is something I need to worry about. I may be the music director of Kunpeng's new variety show."

"You are the director of Kunpeng's new variety show?"

"Their self-made variety shows don't have the mature teams of the three majors, so they gather people everywhere."

"You agreed?"

"Basically, I want to bring Zhang Xiyang over as well. I am very optimistic about this variety show."

"Okay, you can talk to Zhang Xiyang yourself, with him, your words are much more effective than mine."

"Just say hi to you."

Then Lin Zhibai said again: "This program needs four mentors, Zhang Xiyang has one, and there are still three missing. The singers you are in charge of the music department should also include the king of songs and the queen of songs. Help me to ask if there is any coming, no It doesn't matter, I will let Jiang...Kunpeng also contact Tianguang's song king and queen."

I almost said bald mouth.

Lin Xi didn't notice anything unusual, but was a little frightened, "Is it only the king of songs and the queen of songs?"


"Kunpeng's first self-made variety show is big enough, and he actually wants to find four kings and queens. This is more courageous than our mythology. Let me ask here, the status of these kings and queens is too high. Second only to Father Qu in the music scene, not everyone is like Zhang Xiyang who is willing to follow you with just one word."

Lin Zhibai nodded.

Kunpeng's variety shows are attractive to most celebrities, but for the top singers and singers, it's just that. Most of them don't like to participate in variety shows.

Unless this variety show is bound to become a hit!

But who can predict in advance which variety show will become a hit?

"Eat lunch together."

Lin Xi took Lin Zhibai to the company's high-level cafeteria, and made a few phone calls on the way.

After arriving at the cafeteria.

Lin Xi hung up the last call, smiled and said to Lin Zhibai: "I heard that it's Kunpeng's variety show, and after you, Mr. Baidi, will be the music director, the two singers of our company seem to be a little interested. "


Lin Zhibai remembered that Shinhwa Entertainment had only two singers.

Good guy, in the last chapter, I was so tired of typing, but I became more energetic when I wrote at night... I don’t know if you have similar feelings. You feel drowsy when you go to work, and you feel alive when you get off work.

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