Freelance Artist

Chapter 282 Pure Enmity Between Father and Son

Shinhwa has two queens.

One of them is Qin Lian.

Qin Lian was indeed interested in "The Voice", to be precise, in Kunpeng's variety show, especially after hearing that Baidi would be the music director of this show, so after hearing the news from Lin Xina, he pulled his The team had a small meeting.

The broker pondered:

"The popularity of the variety shows planned by Kunpeng Junlin is basically not too bad. Usually, the value of the king of singers and queens will not be buried, but this time is different from the past, because Kunpeng's variety shows this time are self-made, and there is no competition with any of the big three. We don’t know whether Kunpeng has the ability to independently produce variety shows, so I personally don’t recommend taking risks. On the contrary, the Shinhwa video website has rich experience and a good foundation, and after all, it is a brother department of Shinhwa Entertainment. Their name is "" The self-made variety show "Master and Apprentice" sounds pretty good, and Lin Feng also invited us."

The self-made variety show "Master and Apprentice" on the Shinhwa Video also invited Qin Lian.

Even "Master and Apprentice" sent out the invitation earlier.

Now Qin Lian is faced with two choices, either to participate in the variety show of Shinhwa Video or to be a mentor in "The Voice".

"I think so."

Another person in charge of Qin Lian's team said: "Kunpeng's work is relatively reliable. Everyone knows "The Beginning". This is also Kunpeng's first self-produced web drama, but the overall effect is very good. Then their first self-produced variety show may be effective. It’s not bad, and the Kunpeng Variety Show’s signature is so resounding.”

"Let's not talk about that for now."

The agent said: "As far as remuneration is concerned, "Master and Apprentice" is willing to pay 40 million, but "The Voice" is only giving 25 million. It is obvious that Shinhwa Video is more sincere."

"You can't just look at the money."

Another person in charge frowned and said, "Kunpeng's variety show has a high chance of being a blockbuster. As long as the variety show is popular enough, a lower appearance fee is acceptable, isn't it..."

The two disagree.

While talking, they even quarreled.

Qin Lian's head got dizzy, and after hesitating for a while, she finally gritted her teeth and said, "Don't argue, talk to "The Voice" first, I'm more inclined to Kunpeng."


Another singer of Shinhwa is Chen Yi.

Similarly, Chen Yi is now facing a choice between the two.

The person in charge of the team said: "I suggest you to participate in "Master and Apprentice". After all, you two are the two queens of Shinhwa Entertainment, and your debut time is also very close. The same show as the previous show is very gimmick. It is okay to show the sisterhood in the show." Dispel rumors of discord."

"I didn't get along with her in the first place. There's nothing to hide. Besides, I've always been worth more than her, yet Kunpeng offered the same price..."

Kunpeng is willing to give Chen Yi 25 million appearance fees.

It turned out to be the same price for Qin Lian, which made Chen Yi very dissatisfied. She should have gotten more, and there was a gap between the singers!

What's more, my appearance fee for participating in variety shows has never been less than 40 million!


Chen Yi made up her mind, and said calmly, "I'll go to "Master and Apprentice", but Kunpeng will refuse it, and the wording should be more tactful."

"It's time to go to "Master and Apprentice"!"

The agent agreed with Chen Yi's decision, "Kunpeng only paid 25 million yuan, while "Master and Apprentice" paid 45 million yuan, the difference in appearance fee is too big.

Moreover, Kunpeng did not cooperate with the three major variety shows this time, and their ability to make variety shows is still a question mark.

Not to mention that there are music talent shows on both sides.

Even the total investment in "Master and Apprentice" is even higher.

Although Kunpeng's performance in variety shows has always been very strong, the variety shows produced by Shinhwa Video are not weak. The variety show planner is also a top expert in the industry. The famous evergreen show "Happy First" is written by this person. The performance resume is also very beautiful!

Comparing the two, "The Voice" has little advantage.

At least from the superficial data, it seems that "Master and Apprentice" is more popular.


at the same time.

In a villa.

"Minister Su Chan from the TV Department, I hope you and Li Xiao can participate in Kunpeng's variety show "The Voice"."

Zhou Hanjin's manager said.

Zhou Hanjin frowned and said, "The music director of this show is Baidi..."

Li Xiao looked at Zhou Hanjin with a half-smile and said, "I think you and Baidi are actually destined, how about we go to participate?"

"I don't!"

Zhou Han let out a snort.

"I think I can participate." Li Xiao's agent persuaded: "Kunpeng attaches great importance to this variety show. Although it is the first time to try self-made, the lineup of mentors they invited is very strong. It is said that Zhang Xiyang has been confirmed as the candidate. , which means that they are looking for four mentors who are the king of song and the queen of song, besides, we always have to give Minister Su this face..."


Zhou Hanjin's eyes flashed, "Zhang Xiyang is also participating?"

Li Xiao nodded and said, "The candidate for Zhang Xiyang has been basically determined. If we go, we will bring the team to pk with his team."

"Then I will participate!"

Zhou Hanjin squinted his eyes. He was very upset to see Zhang Xiyang. This guy once sang a cover of his own song on the stage of "I Am a Singer". Some netizens even commented that it was better than the original version!

Then let's compete in variety shows!

There is no language to refute, it can be more convincing than defeating Zhang Xiyang head-on!


Li Xiao looked at Zhou Hanjin with a smile. They were a couple, so as long as Lao Zhou was willing to participate, he would naturally be willing to go there too.


On the second day, the candidates for the four mentors of "The Voice" were basically confirmed!

Qin Lian.

Li Xiao.

Zhang Xiyang.

Week cold.

A combination of two men and two women.

Lin Zhibai originally planned to have three men and one woman. After all, "The Voice" used this configuration in his previous life.

But later, "The Voice" also tried a mentor lineup of two men and two women, and the effect was not bad, so Lin Zhibai didn't force it.

After all, the "Voice of Good Voice" in this world has a stronger lineup of tutors than in the previous life!

Two song kings and two queens, the appearance fees of these people alone exceeded 100 million!

Among them, Zhou Hanjin and Zhang Xiyang, Jiangcheng each gave 30 million, while Qin Lian and Li Xiao paid 25 million each.

This is still a friendly price.

Especially Zhou Hanjin, this guy usually gets 50 million to participate in large-scale variety shows, and I don’t know if it’s because of Su Chan’s face that he is willing to accept 30 million to join the mentor lineup of "The Voice", but Lin knows Bai's expression changed slightly when he heard the names of "Zhou Hanjin" and "Li Xiao".

It turned out to be the two of them!

Especially Zhou Hanjin, an old acquaintance, Lin Zhibai remembered his own songs, and pushed Zhou Hanjin to the second place more than once in the season rankings.

I didn't expect that I would have a day to cooperate with the other party.

Just for this point, in the future, I can't be too disrespectful to the King of Songs of Zhou.


the other side.

Lin Feng, who is preparing for "Master and Apprentice", is upset at the moment.

She received the news yesterday that Kunpeng is going to do a music talent show too!

In fact, this is very normal.

The market for music talent shows is too stable.

There are so many singing programs broadcast at the same time that it is overwhelming, but the audience still likes to watch it, and it seems that they will never get tired of watching it.

But it is precisely because such programs have been flooded, so the involution has reached a very serious level.

All kinds of music programs directly apportioned the ratings to a very thin level!

From this point of view, it is unwise to make music programs, the homogeneous competition is too serious!

But what about another angle?

The severe homogenization competition just shows that the market in this area is very huge!

If there is such a program that can completely crush other programs of the same type in terms of quality, then countless viewers who like to watch such programs will definitely flock in and directly realize the unification of Qinzhou!

This is not whimsical.

Someone has done it before.

That person is called Junlin, and that program is called "I Am a Singer".

Lin Feng remembered that "I Am a Singer" put down all the singing programs at that time!

Also for this reason.

Lin Fengcai decided to make "Master and Apprentice".

She wants to replicate the miracle of "I Am a Singer", even surpass that show, and completely dominate all singing shows in Qinzhou in the form of talent shows!

But at this time, Kunpeng came out!

Kunpeng's new variety show is also a singing show, and it's also an audition route, and I'm looking for four mentors...

"Lin Zhibai wants to attack me?"

Lin Feng couldn't think of a reason for Kunpeng to target him.

However, the music director of Kunpeng's new variety show is Baidi, so Lin Feng has enough reasons to suspect that Lin Zhibai is behind the scenes!

At the same time, Lin Feng also received a message.

In Kunpeng's new program, Zhang Xiyang is on the list of mentors!

Who doesn't know that Zhang Xiyang only recognizes Emperor Bai, and his participation in Kunpeng's new variety show can't be done without Lin Zhibai's words?

"Is this little bastard starting to doubt me?"

Lin Feng's eyes were dark, but although she was upset, she was not afraid of Kunpeng's competition.

Although Kunpeng snatched away the singer Qin Lian who he originally wanted to invite to the show, he still had other choices.


That night, the tutor lineup of "Master and Apprentice" was confirmed!

Chen Yi, queen of the mythical song!

Zhang Yun, the King of Mythical Songs!

Mythical song king Zhu Wenju!

And... Nathan's queen Cao Yue!

This group of song kings and queens has gathered together at this moment.

"This wave is a game of grievances, it belongs to it."

Zhang Yunshang looked at Chen Yi, and sneered inwardly. He knew that Chen Yi and Qin Lian had been on bad terms since they both became Shinhwa singers.

Just like myself and Zhang Xiyang.

Everyone in Qinzhou knew that Zhang Yunshang and Zhang Xiyang had a bad relationship because of the "Two Zhangs Controversy" incident in the Spring Festival Gala!

"Yunshang, we haven't cooperated for a long time."

Zhu Wenju approached Zhang Yunshang and said in a low voice. Before Zhang Xiyang became the King of Songs, there were only two Kings of Songs in Mythology, he and Zhang Yunshang.

The two are in the same situation.

But after Zhang Xiyang became the queen of songs, the relationship between Zhang Yunshang and Zhu Wenju gradually eased a lot, because the two had a common enemy!

The main reason is that Zhang Xiyang's development is too good.

Zhang Xiyang, who became the queen of songs, participated in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" and served as a judge on the show, which can be said to have eaten countless program bonuses.

Popularity is getting higher and higher!

This made Zhu Wenju feel a huge threat, so he naturally recruited his old rival Zhang Yunshang, who had already overturned the table with Zhang Xiyang, to fight side by side.

An enemy's enemy is a friend.

It seems that among the four mentors of "Master and Apprentice", only Cao Yue, the queen of Nathan's song, seems to have entered indiscriminately.

However, only a small number of relatives and friends know that Cao Yue is actually Zhu Wenju's wife, and the two of them had quietly obtained the certificate three years ago...

So this wave is really a pure grievance game.

Zhu Wenju, Cao Yue, and Zhang Yunshang all wanted to kill Zhang Xiyang who was facing him.

Chen Yi and Qin Lian are in a hostile relationship.

There is also the grievances and grievances of wealthy families like Lin Feng and Lin Zhibai mixed in.

Even inside "The Voice".

Zhou Hanjin was still staring at Zhang Xiyang.

Not to mention that behind this incident, there is also the first wrestling between Kunpeng video and Shinhwa video...

In this game of grievances, the relationship is really intricate, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a father-son game in terms of the degree of comprehensive hatred.

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