Freelance Artist

Chapter 283 Lin Zhaomu: Lin Zhibai is Chu Ci?

the next day.

Shinhwa Video released the promotion for the new variety show "Master and Apprentice"!

As soon as the lineup of the four mentors came out, it instantly caused a sensation in the entertainment circle, and the entire music world was shocked by this generous effort!

"Oh my God!"

"Two singers and two singers as mentors? These are four super first-line stars!"

"This lineup is simply invincible. The lineups of all music programs will be smashed in front of "Master and Apprentice"!"

"This should be the strongest guest lineup in history among all singing variety shows in Qinzhou!"

"The planner is also very impressive. It's Hu Wen, the planner of "Happiness Comes First". Shinhwa Video wants to use this variety show to completely rule the world of Qin Zhouyin's variety show!"

"This lineup of mentors is so close to 200 million appearance fees?"

"As long as this show doesn't become an absolute blood loss, if you don't have a big heart, you definitely don't dare to play such a big scene."


"There is no other singing program that can find such a lineup!"


at the same time.

Aurora platform.

The hot search exploded!

Numerous netizens have crazy discussions!

The four super-first-line fans even shouted support slogans!

"Ahhh, Zhu Wenju actually participated in a variety show, I like him so much!"

"Zhang Yunshang, pervert!"

"Chen Yi Chen Yi! Invincible!"

"Cao Yue, Cao Yue, surpass everything!"

"With this lineup, I would like to call "Master and Apprentice" the strongest variety show of the year!"

"I thought that this year's "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" was enough hit, but I didn't expect that there will be an even bigger hit now, and I have to watch the show just because of these four super first-line mentors!"

"The king of singers accepts apprentices? I like this idea!"

"If this show is not popular, I will live broadcast it!"

"This lineup is completely the music dream team, all variety shows of the same type must kneel!"

Among the variety shows of the same type in Qinzhou, being able to invite a song king or queen to sit in the show is considered a top-level show.

Because the worth of the king of singers and queens of songs starts at least 30 million!

Four please?

The appearance fee of this group of people alone exceeded 100 million, even 200 million!

If it weren't for the confidence to recover the cost, what program would dare to play such a big deal?

To know.

Variety shows want to recover their costs, mainly relying on advertising.

For example, in-stream advertisements, the sale of these advertising time will become one of the most important sources of income for the platform.

And the more expensive one is to sponsor title advertisements!

The host will repeatedly emphasize that this program is "broadcast under the title of xx brand".

Some are exclusive titles, some are joint titles, and the price depends purely on how much the business brand attaches to the program.


The advertising revenue of this "Master and Apprentice" lineup will not be low, but considering its production costs, advertising fees alone will definitely not be able to recover.

Also need to rely on network hits!

For example, how much VIP payment can be brought to Shinhwa Video after this show is broadcast, etc.

This is also the reason why the industry is amazed that "Master and Apprentice" will become the most expensive variety show in Qin Zhou's history!

Earn blood!

Lost blood!

As far as courage is concerned, Lin Feng is still very brave. Even Lin Zhibai has to admit that her ability is far stronger than that of Tiger and Leopard Brothers.

Perhaps the IQ of the Tiger and Leopard Brothers was left to his younger sister, Lin Feng?


And just when "Master and Apprentice" was in the limelight and hit various hot searches, Kunpeng also took action. Only about half an hour later, Kunpeng released the promotion of the new variety show "Good Voice", which was also bright as soon as it came up. The lineup of four mentors was drawn out, and Bai Di would be the music director of the show——

Tiantuan versus Tiantuan!

Needle tip to wheat awn!

The people in the industry who were just stunned by the mentor lineup of "Master and Apprentice" just stared at the lineup of Kunpeng's new variety show, and the whole person began to feel dizzy. What day is it today? Why are the kings and queens getting together come out!

"Kunpeng's new variety show is also four super first-line!?"

"What's going on here, the battle of the century in the variety show industry!?"

"Zhang Xiyang! Zhou Hanjin! Li Xiao! Qin Lian! There are also two song kings and two queens! This lineup of mentors is not inferior to "Master and Apprentice"!"

"It's crazy this too!"

"These two variety shows are going to fight in the ring!?"

"The same four super first-line tutors, and what the hell are they also singing talent show variety shows, this is not a matter of homogeneity, these two shows are exactly the same!"

"The key is that Baidi also participated!"

"This is still Kunpeng's self-made variety show!"

"Has this self-made drama "The Beginning" tasted the sweetness, so Kunpeng has started to make a self-made variety show again, but don't want to play it so big, why don't you start with a variety show with a smaller investment scale to practice your hands?"


the other side.

The trending searches on the Aurora platform exploded again!

The same four super-first-line mentors on "The Voice" also have countless fans, not to mention that there is Baidi here!

Netizens are going crazy!

"The variety show industry is about to usher in an epic collision!"

"It's too early to talk. I just said that the lineup of mentors in "Master and Apprentice" is unprecedented, and Kunpeng made a move!"

"How dare you say "Master and Apprentice" is the strongest variety show of the year?"

"Kunpeng's "The Voice" may be the real strongest variety show of the year, the top four top-tier ones, and Baidi is there!"

"Both sides are dream teams!"

"Zhou Hanjin and Zhang Xiyang, these two are my favorite singers!"

"I declare that the first war of the century in the music world has officially begun!"

"The highest arena in the music world belongs to it!"

"Which of these two variety shows do you think will win?"

Everyone can see that these two variety shows are for fighting.

King to King!

Back to back!

This is not just a battle between two variety shows, two platforms, and two companies, but also a battle between eight super-first-line companies!

Its level of excitement is simply unprecedented in the variety show circle.

Even Qin Zhou's entire singing scene has never seen such a chaotic and grand scene!

The reason for saying grand is that the eight super-first-lines are indeed star-studded.

The reason for the confusion is that the three kings and queens of Shinhwa Entertainment were all dispatched, and they even entered two different camps!


Tianguang's song queen and Nathan's song queen were also involved, and it was completely messed up all of a sudden.

Even the three majors themselves didn't expect such a situation to happen!



"What kind of battle is this?"

"Is the myth against Kunpeng?"

"But our mythical Baidi, Zhang Xiyang, and Qin Lian are all on the side of Kunpeng's "The Voice."

"Who is this going to help!"

"Help me, just let them toss. Do you dare to offend Bai Di or Lin Feng?"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

This wave is clearly caused by the internal grievances of the Lin family of the Shinhwa Group!



"Should we support "Master and Apprentice"?"

"Support the fart!"

"Although Cao Yue is our Nathan's queen, this is her personal matter. The relationship between this bitch and Zhu Wenju is unclear."

"Then shall we watch a play?"

"Mythology is infighting, we are just waiting to watch the show."

Cao Yue's participation in "Master and Apprentice" was not approved by the company, but the queen was determined to help Zhu Wenju.

The company naturally let her go.



"Both Zhou Hanjin and Li Xiao have gone to Kunpeng's new variety show!"

"Then we can only support Kunpeng, King Zhou Ge is one of our company's trump cards, and Queen Li Xiaoge."

"A little verbal support is enough. This wave is watching myths fighting among themselves, gods fighting, Lin Feng, Baidi, sibling rivalry, haha."

"It turns out that Baidi and Lin Feng are fighting. I said why is the situation so chaotic!"

"But this White Emperor has great influence on Kunpeng!"

Many people are surprised.

Kunpeng is willing to be Baidi's gun and confront Lin Feng's "Master and Apprentice"!


Most of the three chose to stand by and watch, because all three had super front-line participation, and the situation was too chaotic. It seemed that no matter which side to help, it was not good, especially Shinhwa was such a headache that it was directly smashed.

The higher the level a person is, the more thoroughly he can see.

Although Baidi and Lin Feng belonged to the two sides behind the scenes, it was these two who started this terrifying battle!

At this time, my family can see it more clearly.

Even the old man of Xicheng Manor was alarmed by the battle between Lin Feng and Lin Zhibai.

"The King of Songs and the Empress of Mythology are now standing in line?"

Lin Zhaomu wasn't angry, but rather gossiped, "They fought fiercely in private, didn't they?"

Secretary Jin nodded and said, "Yes, there are many conflicts between the singers of the company, and the two singers have never treated each other well."


Lin Zhaomu smiled and said, "Lin Feng has great courage. She even showed me the plan of "Master and Apprentice" in advance. It's a good idea."

Secretary Jin wanted to discuss, "Are you more optimistic about Lin Feng?"

Lin Zhaomu shook his head, "The idea of ​​"Master and Apprentice" is good, but the biggest advantage is the lineup of mentors. If there is no Kunpeng, she might be able to achieve great success this time, but with the competition of Kunpeng, the advantage of the lineup of mentors will be equalized again. It got complicated, and what surprised me was that Kunpeng was willing to do this for Xiaobai."

In this fight.

It is normal for Lin Feng to get the support of Shinhwa Video.

The current leader of Shinhwa Video is her father Lin Xia.

But Lin Zhibai let Kunpeng take a gamble with him, which was very surprising.

Even if Kunpeng wanted to help Lin Zhibai rise to the top of the Shinhwa, wouldn't this level of support be too much?


Kunpeng and Lin Zhibai, not just the superficial relationship?

As if thinking of something, Lin Zhaomu narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Look up the information on Kunpeng's Chuci for me."


Secretary Jin's heart skipped a beat, and he always felt that the chairman seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

"Don't you ask why?"

"I dare not guess what the chairman thinks."

"you dare."

Lin Zhaomu waved his hand and said, "Don't lie to me, I now suspect that Xiaobai may be Chuci."

Secretary Jin's eyes widened.

"No way?"

"In this world, since all unreasonable things happen, there must be seemingly bizarre reasons. I have been observing Kunpeng for a while. Since its establishment, this company has been helping the fourth family. Although They did it very covertly and used some tricks..."

"If it's true, aren't you angry?"

"Why am I angry?" Lin Zhaomu said, "Do you know what the best heir should look like in my heart?"

"I have no idea……"

Secretary Jin's mood was a little turbulent.

Lin Zhaomu said with deep eyes: "Whether it is a son or a grandson, if you can get the Shinhwa Group by defeating me, this is the most perfect heir to the Lin family."

Secretary Jin understood.

As the emperor of the Shinhwa Group, Lin Zhaomu's best candidate for the crown prince turned out to be the one who could usurp the throne.

It's a horrible thought.

It was just that Lin Zhaomu said it himself, and Secretary Jin was not surprised.

Thinking about it another way, a person who can rebel against Lin Zhaomu is indeed qualified to be the successor of the Shinhwa Group.


What if Master Xiaobai is Chuci?

Not only will the chairman not be angry, but he will be very happy.

Even if, in a sense, Master Xiaobai is using the power of Kunpeng to create a myth and even rebel against the chairman!


ps: Write another chapter and ask for a guaranteed monthly pass!

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