Freelance Artist

Chapter 285 I'm sorry, I've already paid back my money

The battle of the century in the variety show industry has just begun.

Netizens who support "Master and Apprentice" are mostly fans of Zhang Yunshang, Zhu Wenju, Chen Yi and Cao Yue.

Netizens who supported "The Voice" were mostly fans of Zhang Xiyang, Zhou Hanjin, Li Xiao, Qin Lian and Baidi.

Judging from the approval rate, "The Voice" seems to be stronger.

Because both sides have come up with the most luxurious lineup of mentors in history, so there is definitely no winner in terms of mentor fame and fan appeal, but who made "The Voice" have Baidi as the music director? ?

However, this advantage was soon wiped out!

The main reason is that Lin Feng suddenly accepted interviews from several media and made a big announcement:

Shinhwa Video has already pulled in a full 150 million advertising sponsorship fees for the variety show "Master and Apprentice"!

The brands that sponsored "Master and Apprentice" are:

Qile juice, Xuanmai chewing gum, mellow milk tea, and Nomi chocolate.

These brands are all controlled by Shinhwa Group, and the first person in charge is Lin Gong. He and Lin Feng have already signed a contract. The reason for spreading the word at this moment is to make a good publicity for "Master and Apprentice"!

"We've recovered almost half of our cost."

Facing the camera, Lin Feng smiled and said: "The major commercial brands are very optimistic about our "Master and Apprentice" column!"


Lin Feng emphasized again: "And this is the highest record of all our variety shows in Qinzhou. There has never been any variety show that can get such a high advertising sponsorship fee before it airs!"


As soon as the news came out, the whole network was hotly discussed!

"As expected of "Master and Apprentice", the show received 150 million sponsorships before it aired, and even directly broke the highest record in the variety show circle!"

"Damn! "Master and Apprentice" is amazing!"

"I remember that before the broadcast of "I Am a Singer", it seems that I got about 50 million in sponsorship fees. It is already very high, but it is still 100,000 miles behind the new variety show of Shinhwa Video!"

"Astronomical Sponsorship!!!"

"The capital's vision is very accurate. All major brands are so optimistic, and they are not afraid that they will not be able to recover the cost. This shows that the variety show "Master and Apprentice" has more investment value than Kunpeng's variety show of the same type!"

"Hehe. Are you really stupid or fake? These brands sponsoring "Master and Apprentice" are clearly owned by Shinhwa. How dare you brag about the big brands?"

"Oh, why are you so sour! Are you a fan of The Voice?

"I can smell a sour smell through the network cable. I'm not convinced that you have paid such a high sponsorship fee!"

"Hehehe, that's right, our "Master and Apprentice" has officially announced a sponsorship fee of 150 million yuan, and your "The Voice" will also officially announce it. Let us hear how much money you have earned? It can be 50 million yuan No?"

Fans of "Master and Apprentice" are excited!

"Master and Apprentice" got so much money from the sponsorship alone, what does it mean?

It shows that the four first-line superstars on our "Master and Apprentice" side have more commercial value!

Although no one knows how much sponsorship money "The Voice" has received at this time, the figures for "Master and Apprentice" are astonishing!

The highest record in the industry has been broken!

Everyone believed that this was definitely a goal that "The Voice" could not achieve!


Jiang Cheng saw the news about the "150 million sponsorship fee" from "Master and Apprentice".

In fact, Jiang Cheng is also busy with advertising and sponsorship right now, but he is not as fast as Lin Feng.

After all, Lin Feng only found Lin Gong and it was over.

However, Jiang Cheng met with the executives of several food and beverage brands one after another.

Leaders of Lanfu Chocolate stated:

"Since it's the variety show that Mr. Junlin values ​​most, why don't we, Lanfu Chocolate, vote 50 million for this naming fee!"

Then the leader of Yida Chewing Gum said with a smile:

"Kunpeng's advertisement has brought us so much help before, we can't be ungrateful, right? Let's give 50 million Yida chewing gum."

Then there is the leader of Scented Beauty Milk Tea:

"I think Chunxiang Milk Tea sponsored "Master and Apprentice". As the biggest competitor, I will also support "The Voice" with 50 million."

The last is the Thousand Flavors Orchard.

"We can be regarded as old friends of Kunpeng, 50 million is enough, if we want to go higher, we have to hold a meeting before making a decision."

Four major brands jointly named!

All of them are brands that Kunpeng has cooperated with in advertising!

At the same time, these four brands happen to be competitors of the four brands of "Master and Apprentice"!

What is the Battle of the Century?

The so-called "Battle of the Century" means that even the advertising sponsors on both sides are sworn enemies!

that's all.

Jiangcheng received a sponsorship fee of 200 million yuan!

When the time comes, the host must be more tactful, and must keep emphasizing with the audience:

Our "Good Voice" program group is jointly sponsored by Lanfu Chocolate, Yida Chewing Gum, Scented Milk Tea and Thousand Flavors Orchard!

Next, we can announce our sponsorship fee to the outside world!


the next day!

Jiangcheng pulled four major brands and invited a bunch of media reporters to hold a grand advertising sponsorship signing ceremony.

Lan Fu chocolate 50 million!

Yida chewing gum fifty million!

Scented beauty milk tea fifty million!

The Thousand Flavors Orchard is also 50 million!

The sponsorship amount of the four major sponsors was immediately displayed in Jiangcheng, instantly blinding the eyes of countless reporters on the scene!

There is no room for falsification of the amount revealed at the signing ceremony.

How much you declare will be taxed by then!

So these 200 million are actually 200 million!

After the news broke.

Countless netizens on the Internet were also dumbfounded, and everyone was dumbfounded!

"How many!?"

"Two hundred million sponsors!?"

"My God, the advertising sponsorship fee of "Master and Apprentice" is even higher. How did Kunpeng do it? Are these brands crazy? Are you afraid that you won't be able to recover the cost?"

"Kunpeng is awesome!"

"Where are those "Master and Apprentice" fans? Come out and speak!"

"The so-called astronomical advertising sponsorship of "Master and Apprentice" next door is a full 50 million less than Kunpeng's new program!"

"That's a gap of fifty million!"

"Have you noticed the commonality among them? The four brand sponsors of "The Voice" happen to be competitors with the four brands that sponsored "Master and Apprentice". Milk tea, Yida chewing gum versus Xuanmai chewing gum, and Qianwei Orchard versus Qile Juice, these two programs are really sharp against wheat, and the hatred value of both sides is full!"

"I am looking forward to who will win and who will lose!"

"I don't know who will win, but "The Voice" won the sponsorship fee!"

"Now the fans of "Master and Apprentice" stop shouting, let's "The Voice" show the sponsorship fee? Show it, sorry, it is much higher than you, and by the way break the record you just created! "

It is indeed much higher!

Generally speaking, there is a difference of 10 million in the naming fee of variety shows, and the difference of 50 million is really exaggerated!

Is this the value of the Kunpeng Variety Show?

Too high! Higher than anyone imagined! Before, everyone was thinking that it would be good if the sponsorship fee of "The Voice" could reach 100 million, after all, there are four super-first-line players.

As a result, they directly paid 200 million yuan!

The record just set by "Master and Apprentice" next door was broken by Kunpeng when he turned around, and he broke so many!

Didn't Lin Feng say that "Master and Apprentice" has recovered nearly half of the cost?

Jiang Cheng also had something to say about this: "Our "The Voice" has almost paid off."


The show hasn't aired yet, and "The Voice" is almost paying off!

for a while.

Those supporters of "Master and Apprentice" didn't want to talk anymore.

What else can I say?

You are amazing!

But if you don't want to talk, you have to talk!

A fan of "Master and Apprentice" sneered: "So what if the sponsorship fee is high, it's meaningless. What we are comparing is not the sponsorship fee, but the quality of the program, the popularity of the program, and the number of hits!"


It was you who compared the sponsorship fee before.

Now I find that I can't compare, and you are the ones who say that the sponsorship fee is meaningless.


Lin Feng's mentality almost collapsed on the spot!

Never expected that "The Voice" would get a sponsorship of 200 million yuan!

"Lin Gong, I asked you to give me 200 million, but you didn't give me 150 million. Now "The Voice" has stolen the limelight!"

Lin Feng patted the table.

Lin Gong was also staring: "Do you think my money came from a strong wind? Give you 150 million, and the risk I take is big enough, let alone 200 million!"

"I do not care!"

Lin Feng said coldly: "You must give me an additional 50 million investment!"

"Okay, I'll give it!"

Lin Gong gritted his teeth and agreed, he had no other choice, and now he and Lin Feng's "Master and Apprentice" were bound even deeper.

Because the four brands that sponsored "The Voice" happened to be the number one competitor in charge of these four brands under him!

Enemies are jealous when they meet each other!

Lin Gong can't do without red eyes now.

What if "The Voice" was even more popular when it aired?

Then these four brands under Lin Gong will definitely suffer heavy losses!

So now he must spare no effort to support Lin Feng's "Master and Apprentice".

As long as "Master and Apprentice" suppresses "The Voice", his brands will rise accordingly!

"That's about the same."

Lin Feng took another 50 million from Lin Gong, and his mood was a little smoother.

"We can only win this battle and not lose."

"Nonsense, I paid 200 million yuan, I can't let that little villain kill two birds with one stone!"

If the "Master and Apprentice" ship capsizes, and neither Lin Feng nor Lin Gong can escape, and both of them have to bear huge responsibilities, wouldn't that mean that Lin Zhibai kills two birds with one stone? At the end of the year, the old man will inspect the performance. If this wave fails, both Lin Gong and Lin Feng will have to eat a lot.

"Do not worry."

Lin Feng said coldly: "There are not many good seedlings left for them in the "The Voice" audition, and I have scooped up almost all good talents!"

"Then take advantage of this to fight our propaganda war!"

Lin Gong had an idea as soon as he rolled his eyes, "We must let the outside world know that the quality of our players is far superior to that of "The Voice"!"


Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "Let me let someone explore the wind first, and see who the contestants are in Kunpeng's variety show."

Keep writing, keep asking for a monthly ticket!

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