Freelance Artist

Chapter 286 This chapter is about auditions and Baidi's pretense

Jiangcheng has already taken care of the sponsorship. The next thing Lin Zhibai has to do is to ensure that there are no mistakes in the auditions. He has to go to some audition sites to see in person, as Baidi. Anyway, Baidi is "The Voice" "Music Director.

the next day.

Sioux City Stadium.

This is the audition venue for "The Voice" in Sucheng. In fact, the same audition venues can be found in every major city in Qinzhou. The audition can select some outstanding contestants with obvious strengths. The list of these outstanding contestants, to It's time to ask Lin Zhibai, the music director of the show, to lead the show again, and the contestants who pass the two screenings will almost be able to join the blind selection list during the recording stage.

"Hello, Teacher Baidi."

The staff next to him introduced the situation to Lin Zhibai, "The audition is expected to last for about half a month. We have already started it for more than ten days. The audition in the afternoon will start around one o'clock."

"Is it a lot of work?"

"Overall, it's okay, because the registered contestants have to send a singing video to the program team in advance, and we will notify you to participate in the audition if the singing effect is not bad."


Lin Zhibai came to check the situation today.

It didn't take long for the staff to bring a list to Lin Zhibai, "This is the list of seeded players that our group thinks are relatively good after the last ten days of sea selection."

Name: Wang Yunfei

Sex: Male

Age: 25 years old

Occupation: Amateur singer

Lin Zhibai didn't say anything, and was planning to continue to look at other lists, but the person in charge of the audition next to him hurriedly said: "This Wang Yunfei is tall and handsome, and his singing skills are not bad. You can listen to the effect."

Someone came over with a tablet.

Wang Yunfei's previous singing scene was recorded by the program group. Lin Zhibai didn't speak, and listened for a while with headphones on. He found that there was indeed no major problem with this contestant's singing skills, but he just didn't have any special features. It would be difficult for the instructor to turn around.


Lin Zhibai listened to many contestants' singing one after another, and they all seemed to belong to the type that although there is something, but not much.

In addition, Lin Zhibai also found that the contestants who passed the audition were basically handsome and beautiful. It is estimated that the judges in charge of the audition still took the factor of appearance into consideration, and it accounted for a large proportion.


I clearly told Jiang Cheng thousands of times that "The Voice" is a program that focuses on sound, but the people in charge of the audition still used the same way of thinking about auditions in the past. I randomly selected ten promotion lists for the audition, and nine of them were Fucking handsome guy and beautiful girl, the remaining one is at least not bad looking.

This is dissatisfaction?

The person in charge of the audition in Sucheng is called Liu Hua, and he looks very rich. Seeing that Lin Zhibai's face seems to be not very good, his heart skipped a beat. He couldn't figure out how high the standards of this little Qu's father were, so he couldn't help but slapped him aloud. , "Teacher Baidi hasn't had lunch yet, or I'll be the host. There's a nice restaurant nearby..."

"Today's audition is about to start."

Lin Zhibai refused, he wanted to see the situation of the audition on site, but it was indeed lunch time, so he said casually, "Just give me a box lunch."

"Isn't that bad?"

"Ok, deal."

Lin Zhibai ignored that Liu Hua, and continued to listen and watch the singing videos of those singers who had passed the audition. The more he watched and listened, the more he was dissatisfied with his work results. Strange one, if you just open a talent show, aren't all the contestants at this level?

"Are you dissatisfied?"

Liu Hua still couldn't help coming over, and started complaining, "Actually, I can't blame me, good players are basically from major music academies, but the program "Master and Apprentice" started preparations earlier than us. The good seedlings from the big conservatory have all been selected by them, and the people left to us are more or less inferior."

"Who do you think is the best seed here?"

"I think this Liu Yi is pretty good. Her voice sounds like she came from a major, and she has rich stage experience. She can not only sing but also dance. The most important thing is that she is also beautiful. If she performs well on the show, there is hope. Popular..."

Liu Hua talked eloquently.

Lin Zhibai said calmly: "How did Jiangcheng explain to you? Did you say that "The Voice" is looking for voices instead of faces?"

"That's what it says..."

Liu Hua smiled wryly and said: "But we always have to consider the audience's popularity. For example, yesterday there was a rough guy who was five big and three thick, and sang an affectionate love song. I admit that the level is good, but his appearance is not good. It's like participating in an audition."

"What is your name?"

"Liu Hua."

"I mean the one who sings love songs!"

"It seems to be called..."

Liu Hua scratched his head, faltered for a long time, saying that he couldn't remember.

"Is there a live singing video?"

"He didn't advance, so I didn't stay..."

"Bring me a box lunch."

"I'll ask the assistant to..."

"you go."

Lin Zhibai glared at Liu Hua.

Liu Hua got up embarrassingly and went to get a box lunch for Lin Zhibai.

Lin Zhibai called Jiang Cheng directly, and scolded, "I can't do the things I have told you so many times. What I want is a good voice, not a handsome guy or a beautiful woman. You are an ancient emperor's draft. Then Liu Hua also emphasized that he came from a major, but he would not let anyone who is not a major in music be promoted. Is it because of your ears or your execution? "

Jiang Cheng was stunned by the scolding.

Probably because Lin Zhibai seldom got angry with him, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, begging for mercy non-stop, "I did let Liu Hua do it according to what you told me, but that guy is a bit self-made, I Just dismiss him and change the person in charge, boss, don't be angry..."

"The quality of Kunpeng personnel has declined."

Lin Zhibai clicked on Jiangcheng and hung up the phone. Just as he was about to chat with the people below, a voice suddenly came from behind him:

"Tian...Tian Wei..."

Lin Zhibai turned his head and saw that this person seemed to be a staff member in charge of the audition, so he frowned and said, "What Tian Wei?"

"That person's name is Tian Wei!"

The staff cautiously said: "Tian Wei sang "The Sea of ​​Love". A strong man who is close to 1.9 meters sang a very gentle feeling, but Director Liu felt that the other party's appearance was too rough, so he was eliminated. I think it's a pity that I even filmed his concert scene..."

"I listen."

Lin Zhibai became a little interested.

The staff took out their mobile phones, called up a video, and clicked to play. Inside was a strong man with beards, singing a song with a very soft tune affectionately. The strong contrast instantly made Lin Zhi Bai's eyes lit up!

"Is there any information?"

"Yes, I saved it!"

The staff quickly called up the information of this strong man, and he actually saved it in his mobile phone.

Name: Tian Wei

Sex: Male

Age: 27

Work: Physical education teacher at Sucheng Yucai Middle School

Tel: 12345******

Lin Zhibai said, "What's your name?"

The other party quickly said: "My name is Jin Xiaofeng, and I am the assistant music consultant in charge of this audition!"


Lin Zhibai remembered that he was going to give the other party some benefits, and he also ordered: "You contact Tian Wei, I want him to directly enter the blind selection list of mentors."


Jin Xiaofeng was a little surprised.

Lin Zhibai was happy, "What does Tian Wei have to do with you? Are you so happy?"

"No no no no!"

Jin Xiaofeng became nervous, and stammered: "Teacher Baidi... I, I, I... I just feel... I feel sorry..."

"take it easy."

Lin Zhibai said: "You have a heart of loving talent, it's a great achievement."

This Tian Weilin Zhibai is very optimistic. This guy will definitely become one of the seed players of "The Voice".

As for looks?

This external condition sings a love song.

The sense of contrast is full.

As for the other party not being from a professional background, Lin Zhibai doesn't care, isn't it that Ye Luzi must be worse than a professional background?

"Thank you, Teacher Baidi!"

Jin Xiaofeng didn't stutter this time.

Seeing that the other party hadn't left, Lin Zhibai seemed hesitant to speak, so he asked, "Is there anything else?"

"I want to ask Teacher Baidi to listen to a few more songs!"

"Really? You also recorded a lot?"

"Yes, they were eliminated like Tian Wei, but I think it's a pity..."


"I'm looking for headphones..."

"Just let it go, no problem."

"Okay, this player's name is Luo Yan, listen up."


Lin Zhibai looked at the scene recorded by his mobile phone, and the clarity was acceptable, but the sound recording was unprofessional. After all, it was only Jin Xiaofeng who recorded it with his mobile phone.


As soon as this Luo Yan opened his mouth, Lin Zhibai ignored the problem that the recording was not professional enough. He was slightly surprised: "Is this a man?"


"It's a female voice."

Lin Zhibai can do the same thing, but he has a cheat, unlike this Luo Yan, who can do it without a cheat, there is no sense of disobedience.

Good voice!

Isn't that a good voice?

Lin Zhibai patted Jin Xiaofeng on the shoulder. This guy looked in his thirties, but he had a unique vision. "Liu Hua eliminated Luo Yan?"

"Director Liu thinks that Luo Yan's situation belongs to curiosity hunting, he doesn't like it very much..."

"He doesn't like it, who is he?"

Lin Zhibai really convinced Liu Hua, if it wasn't for Jin Xiaofeng, he wouldn't know that he missed two good players.

"Is there any more?"

"There is another one. The level may not be that high. I think it is rare and interesting, so I recorded it."

"listen and see."

Lin Zhibai soon understood what Jin Xiaofeng meant.

The next contestant, who is 60 years old this year, even came to participate in the show and sang rock and roll!

How rare!

You don't need to think about it to know that Liu Hua will definitely not let this kind of old man advance.

Lin Zhibai said: "What's the name of this uncle, the most important thing is how is the body?"

"The old man's name is Jixiang. He is in very good health. He specially handed in the medical report to prevent us from worrying..."

"Get in touch and let him enter the blind selection."

Lin Zhibai immediately made a decision. This auspicious old man is not easy at first glance, and he sings rock and roll so well!


Jin Xiaofeng and Lin Zhibai had been in contact for a while, and the tension was relieved a lot.

Lin Zhibai felt that the other party was very clever, so he smiled and said, "Can you be in charge of this audition?"

"Ah I?"

Jin Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, "But Director Liu is the person in charge..."

Lin Zhibai waved his hand, "I removed Director Liu, and now you are Director Jin here, they don't understand my standards, you should understand what my standards are, right?"

"I know! Thank you, Teacher Baidi!"

Jin Xiaofeng didn't expect that he would become the person in charge of this audition from a small guy in an instant, and he didn't expect that Bai Di, as the music director of this show, would have such great power!

Although after the audition, I may have to be a little boy again...


If the person found in the audition can perform well in the show, maybe he can be reused by Kunpeng in the future?

Jin Xiaofeng's heart suddenly ignited a fire!

Lin Zhibai didn't say anything more, the opportunity is only reserved for those who are prepared.

If Jin Xiaofeng hadn't recorded those videos, if he hadn't mustered up the courage to put those lost pearls in front of him, he wouldn't have had this chance to reach the sky in one step.

that's all.

After Liu Hua brought Lin Zhibai a lunch box, he disappeared.

How to deal with Liu Hualin Zhibai doesn't care, Jiangcheng will take care of it.

And Jin Xiaofeng was promoted on the spot and became the person in charge of the Sioux City audition.


After Lin Zhibai had finished his boxed lunch, today's audition officially started, and he sat down on the judging panel with a serious attitude.

Number one player.

Number two player.

Player three.

After several contestants sang, Lin Zhibai was not very satisfied.

But these contestants were pleasantly surprised, they were eliminated with a smile, because they didn't expect to meet Baidi in the audition!

The kind that lives!

Inevitably, Lin Zhibai gave several signatures.

After several consecutive rounds, a female contestant named "Zhao Youyue" came on stage.

"This will definitely not work."

"Teacher Baidi doesn't like handsome men and beautiful women very much."

This Zhao Youyue is very pretty, but the people in charge of the audition already know:

Lin Zhibai sent several people who had been eliminated before to the blind selection, and none of them were handsome.


When Zhao Youyue started to sing, everyone had goosebumps. It was a very lustful feeling that made people itch.

"It's a pity that it's too much..."



What people didn't expect was that Lin Zhibai passed it!

"Handsome guys can't, but beautiful women can?"

Everyone exchanged glances, but they dared not question Lin Zhibai's decision.

Only Jin Xiaofeng, who had just been promoted by Lin Zhibai, showed an unsurprising smile. He had thoroughly figured out Teacher Baidi's standards!

It has nothing to do with the face.

It's about sound!

At this moment, another contestant appeared on the stage, also a woman, but her appearance was definitely incomparable to Zhao Youyue's, she was short and fat and quite stocky.

"My name is Zhang Xiuqin, I am 22 years old, and I come from a mountainous area north of Qinzhou..."

"Start your singing."

Zhang Xiuqin nodded and began to sing.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the audience staggered, and even Lin Zhibai showed a dumbfounding smile.

Just because Zhang Xiuqin's voice is so special!

If Luo Yan is a man with a woman's voice, then Zhang Xiuqin is a woman with a man's voice!

It's still the kind of rough, frosted one!


Halfway through the other party's singing, Lin Zhibai decided to pass. The voice would definitely scare Lao Zhang and the others.

"I passed?"

Zhang Xiuqin stayed for a while, then suddenly screamed, "Thank you, Teacher Baidi! I really like your "Broken Bridge and Remnant Snow"!"

Lin Zhibai: "Thank you...huh?"

Jin Xiaofeng next to him supported his forehead, ""Broken Bridge and Remnant Snow" is a song of Chu Ci."

Zhang Xiuqin: "..."

The child in the mountains hid his face and fled, as if he was afraid that Lin Zhibai would cancel her promotion quota.

that's all.

After Lin Zhibai stayed all afternoon, he selected two people to advance.

Before leaving, Lin Zhibai said to Jin Xiaofeng: "You can also run more in auditions in other cities. You understand my standards better."


Jin Xiaofeng nodded vigorously, he must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the encounters in life sometimes come so suddenly!


In this way, Jin Xiaofeng became the spokesperson sent by Lin Zhibai, and his position was the head of the audition for "The Voice"!


Jin Xiaofeng would send Lin Zhibai some contestant information and live singing videos every day.

There are many good seedlings in it!

Lin Zhibai was very satisfied, Jin Xiaofeng's selection was much more reliable than the previous Liu Hua!

"Boss, I was wrong!"

Jiang Cheng ran over to plead guilty, knowing that he had offended Lin Zhibai because of Liu Hua's incident.

"never mind."

Lin Zhibai wouldn't show embarrassment to Jiang Cheng, the matter has already passed.

"This Jin Xiaofeng, on the other hand, is a talent. After the audition, arrange a good position for him in Kunpeng."


Jiang Cheng also knew about Lin Zhibai's mention of Jin Xiaofeng as the head of the audition.

Then Jiang Cheng said: "Either the boss will meet with our four mentors today, they are rehearsing today."

"Then let's go."

Lin Zhibai took Jiangcheng's car to the recording site.

The recording site was at Tianguang Entertainment, so it goes without saying that it was Su Chan's face, and of course the rent was still paid.

In the studio.

Zhou Hanjin is playing with chairs.


turn around.

Let the staff turn back, and then he turned back with a "snap".


Zhang Xiyang was chatting with Qin Lian.

Li Xiao was sitting on the chair next to Zhou Hanjin, talking in a low voice, when he suddenly saw Lin Zhibai.

"Teacher Baidi?"

She subconsciously spoke, and Zhou Hanjin, who was playing with the chair, almost fell out.

"Four teachers, Teacher Baidi is here!"

Jiang Cheng greeted them, and the four of them got up and walked over.

"Hi there."

Lin Zhibai shook hands with the four mentors respectively.

Here, Zhang Xiyang is an old acquaintance of Lin Zhibai.

Qin Lian is the queen of the Shinhwa song, and Lin Zhibai has also seen it in the company.

On the other hand, Zhou Hanjin knew Li Xiao and Lin Zhibai, but this was the first time they met in reality.

"Teacher Baidi."

When Zhou Hanjin shook hands with Lin Zhibai, his expression was a little uncomfortable, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Li Xiao has a very talkative character, and said with a smile, "This is the first time I've met the famous teacher Baidi."

"There will be more opportunities to meet in the future."

Lin Zhibai also smiled, "The four of you already know how the show will be played at that time, right?"

"Yes, turn the chair."

Zhou Hanjin said, he likes this design very much, and thinks it is very handsome and cool to turn around with a snap.

"That's not what I said."

Lin Zhibai said: "The four instructors need a little program effect."

"Is there a script?"

Zhou Han frowned. The reason why he doesn't like participating in variety shows is because there are scripts, which are not real at all.


Lin Zhibai said in a persuasive manner: "You know the rules, right? In the end, you will bring your own players to face off, but you should know about a talent show. In fact, the number of the best contestants is very small, so I have to remind you , when you meet a good player, you must try your best to grab it, don't care about the face of the singer..."

"Do you have to grab it?"

Zhou Han felt that this was not in line with his demeanor of a singer!

Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "You don't need to grab it, this is just my suggestion, how to play it is up to you."


Lin Zhibai said loudly to Zhang Xiyang on purpose: "Old Zhang, anyway, you have to fight. How can you win the championship without a strong student? After all, in this competition, no matter how high the level of the instructor is, he can't play for the students. In the end, it's not about the strength of the students." ?”


Zhang Xiyang smiled and said, "I still want to win a championship."

The more Zhou Hanjin listened to it, the more he felt that something was wrong. It really wouldn't work if he didn't grab it!

A large part of the reason why I came to participate in this show is to defeat Zhang Xiyang and win the championship!

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to lose to Zhang Xiyang?

Steal people!

At that time, we must rob people fiercely!

Not to mention that Zhou Han was exhausted, Qin Lian and Li Xiao also understood the stakes, and their eyes immediately flickered.

"You have to spend your time robbing people!"

Lin Zhibai continued to tell Zhang Xiyang: "For example, how many concerts do you want to hold this year? You can take the students to show your face. This kind of promise does not violate the program rules, and it is also very attractive to the students..."

Good guy.

Every sentence does not mention Zhou Hanjin, but every sentence points to Zhou Hanjin.

Zhang Xiyang nodded with a suppressed smile. He didn't have much contact with Zhou Hanjin, and he knew that there was nothing wrong with Zhou Hanjin, he just had a very good face.

And Lin Zhibai's words were just to let Zhou Han understand that robbing people is not ashamed.

If you can't get good students, you will be ashamed if you lose the game in the end.

Anyway, Zhou Hanjin's eyes are rolling around now, and he has already started to figure out how to attract good students to his account.

After a few hints, Lin Zhibai said, "Then you can ask me if you need my help. I am the music director, and I can definitely help you with music."

"There really are."

The director of the program group actually ran over, "Our program still lacks a theme song!"

"theme song?"

Lin Zhibai asked, "What request?"

The director said: "I personally think that the theme song should be simple and catchy, and then emphasize dreams, because the contestants who come to our show all have dreams in their hearts, and the theme song must fit the spirit of chasing dreams. Be sunny and positive, after all, who doesn’t want a better future in the talent show?”


Lin Zhibai said, "Wait for a few minutes."


Lin Zhibai asked Jiang Cheng to find a pen and paper.

Qin Lian:?

Li Xiao:?

Zhang Xiyang:?

Zhou Hanjin:? ? ?

Are you trying to write a song temporarily?

Isn't this what Chu Ci is best at?

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