Freelance Artist

Chapter 287 Baidi: So angry

The director meant that "The Voice" should emphasize the theme of dreams, but Lin Zhibai knew better than the director that this program is not only to provide a stage for many people to pursue their dreams, but also to make many people who are not so good-looking Yes, there are also opportunities to show themselves, which are rare in talent shows.

Because other talent shows are full of all kinds of handsome men and beautiful women. If they look average, they may not be able to pass the audition.

Lin Zhibai has already deeply experienced this point in Liu Hua. It seems that many people in this world think that without a bunch of handsome men and beautiful women participating in the competition, they cannot do a music audition. Thinking of this, Lin Zhibai began to write:

"I once had a dream in my heart."

"I want to use singing to make you forget all the pain."

"Who is the real hero in the brilliant starry sky?"

"Ordinary people move me the most."

"There is no hate or pain anymore, I hope there will be traces of love everywhere in the world, use our songs to exchange your sincere smile, and wish your life will be different from now on..."

The song is called "True Hero".

The lyrics are inspirational and catchy, and there are few people who have never heard of it in the past.

The composer is Li Zongsheng, and the singers are Jackie Chan, Zhou Huajian and Li Zongsheng himself.


Zhang Xiyang looked at Lin Zhibai in surprise.

Li Xiao and Qin Lian slightly widened their eyes.

Zhou Hanjin was also in doubt.

Almost everyone in Qin Zhou knew that Chu Ci was good at writing songs on the spot, but he didn't expect that Bai Di could do the same thing.

Isn't this too fast?

The director just said the general requirements for the song, but then started to write?

The four tutors couldn't help but take a closer look, only to discover that Lin Zhibai was just writing lyrics.


Zhou Han was relieved for some reason.

Sure enough, everyone is still worrying too much, Chuci's abnormal songwriting speed should be unique in the Qinzhou music scene.

Bai Di reckoned that the lyrics had already been thought out, but the composition of the music hadn't been thought through.


Similar thoughts just flashed into everyone's minds, and everyone saw that Lin Zhibai had already started to write a numbered notation for the lyrics——

This guy actually composed this song on the spot! ?

"Are you writing this now?"

The director couldn't help coming over, and was shocked!


Everyone was just shocked by Baidi's writing speed, the quality of the song is hard to say, we have to wait for Lin Zhibai to finish writing the numbered notation to judge.

Zhou Han tried his best to suppress the shock in his heart.

‘It’s nothing to write fast, and it’s useless to write fast if the quality is not enough! '

After ten minutes of tossing like this, Lin Zhibai got it done.

But the four instructors knew very well that Lin Zhibai's main reason was that writing simplified notation was too time-consuming.

If you don't count the time for writing the numbered notation, this song was really composed by Bai Di in a few minutes. In terms of writing speed, no one in the entire music world can surpass it except for Chuci!

"Look how it goes."

After Lin Zhibai finished writing, he put the lyrics and musical notation on the table.

Zhou Hanjin was a little impatient, and couldn't help but sing along to the lyrics when he saw the score:

"I once had a dream in my heart..."

The level of the king of singers, compared with numbered notation, Zhou Hanjin's singing is relatively smooth, only occasionally stuttering.

Everyone was silent.

Just listen to Zhou Hanjin singing like this.

Zhou Hanjin quickly sang the chorus.

"Seize every minute of life, go all out for the dream in our hearts, no one can see the rainbow without going through wind and rain, no one can succeed casually; grasp every touch in life, embrace passionately with your beloved friends, let the sincere words Tears of joy and tears flow in our hearts!"

this song!

Everyone's face changed!

Zhou Hanjin, who stopped singing, stared at Lin Zhibai as if he had seen a ghost. Why is the quality of this song so high——

Are you possessed by Chu Ci?

After so many song kings present, it is natural to know the level of creation of Baidi's song after a little tasting.

It is not surprising that Baidi can write such songs.

But Baidi can think of such a song in a few minutes, which is really frightening. He also wrote the song on the spot, and his level seems to be no worse than Chu Ci!

The most exciting thing at this time is the director!

The lyrics are so well written!

For example, in the lyrics, "Ordinary people move me the most".

The director also received part of the list of contestants who participated in "The Voice". His biggest feeling is that these people are really ordinary, and they are completely different from other talent shows. Everyone has it!

Another example is the phrase in the lyrics "Go all out for the dream in our hearts".

The contestants' pursuit of their dreams is vividly reflected in this line of lyrics!

What's even more amazing is the phrase in the chorus "How can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain, no one can succeed casually", this kind of inspirational golden sentence is too contagious!

"Is this the twin stars of the music world?"

Zhang Xiyang said with emotion: "It is said that Chuci can do what Baidi can do, and Baidi can do what Chuci can do. Today I have seen it with my own eyes."

"Teacher Baidi is amazing!"

Qin Lian gave a thumbs up and even winked at Lin Zhibai.

Li Xiao glanced at Zhou Hanjin who was greatly shocked, and hinted frantically: "We so-called song kings and song queens really can't play without a song father like Teacher Baidi."

Lin Zhibai understood.

This is an invitation song in disguise.

In order to enhance the cohesion of this team, Lin Zhibai directly promised: "Since we are together, it is because of destiny, and I will give each of you a song in the future."

"Then we can remember!"

Li Xiao's eyes lit up, she still really wanted to cooperate with Bai Di, and she was also very curious about what kind of song the other party would give her.

Is this what I mean too?

Zhou Hanjin felt a little awkward when he heard Baidi say that, but he didn't expect that he would have such an intersection with Baidi. This guy has beaten him to the top of the season list for several times.

"Let's assign the lyrics next."

Zhang Xiyang is more stable, and he pays more attention to efficiency in doing things. He has a completely different personality from Zhou Hanjin.

Zhou Hanjin asked, "Who will sing the first line?"

Qin Lian said: "The lyrics assigned to each of us are similar, and the order is not that important. Let's see the rehearsal effect."

Li Xiao agreed: "Okay."

This kind of chorus is the most prone to conflicts in the distribution of lyrics. Everyone wants to sing more brilliant parts, but this problem basically does not exist in the song "True Hero". People can sing together.

that's all.

The four of them discussed the distribution of lyrics according to the rehearsal effect.

Lin Zhibai, as the music director, listened to it for a while, and gradually felt that he was a little redundant. Kings of songs and queens of songs sing simple songs like "True Heroes", and they don't need to worry about anything at all.

After several rehearsals.

The four instructors began to rest and chat together.

While chatting, they talked about the contestants, so Zhou Hanjin took the lead and called the director, wanting to see the contestants participating in the show in advance.

"You can't watch it, it's against the rules!"

The director shook his head like a flower stick. If the instructor knew the situation of the contestants in advance, the effect would be compromised when the official recording was made.

"Can't you just look at it?"

Zhou Hanjin glared, ready to play a big game, he Zhou Gewang is a big brother wherever he goes, a variety show director is really not in his eyes.

"Teacher Baidi won't agree..."

The director waited carefully, not daring to offend Zhou Hanjin.

Zhou Hanjin heard the word "Baidi", his expression changed slightly, and he coughed unnaturally, "If you don't read it, then don't read it, how stingy..."

Li Xiao next to him was startled, and looked at Zhou Hanjin in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, the word "Baidi" is quite clever, even more effective than Qu's father's name, and it immediately restrained Zhou Hanjin.

As long as the director doesn't mention "White Emperor", Zhou Hanjin is guaranteed to be guilty today. He still understands his boyfriend's personality.


Qin Lian smiled and said, "I don't know what kind of contestants are prepared for us. They are mysterious. I even asked the staff, but no one is willing to disclose."

"Do not worry."

Zhang Xiyang said: "Teacher Baidi personally checks it out. The person he selects may bring us some surprises..."

that's all.

the following days.

Through Kunpeng's auditions in various parts of Qinzhou, the students are almost complete.

Lin Zhibai checked it himself, and found many good seedlings in it.

at this time.

The students who passed the screening have already started to report to Sioux City, and began to rehearse the songs they will sing in the blind selection session.

Jiang Cheng finds Lin Zhibai.

"Next, we're going to appoint a host. Does the boss have someone to choose?"

"Just Huang Li."

Jiang Cheng had shown Lin Zhibai a candidate list of hosts, ten in total, and one of them was Huang Li, a fourth-line host.

"Huang Li?"

Jiang Cheng was a little surprised. This Huang Li had the lowest priority in the list, because his reputation was far inferior to the other candidate hosts. He was on the list to make up for it, but he didn't expect the boss to pick this one. "Huang Li is not the kind of host who is famous for his ability to control the field. If there are any advantages, it is probably that he can speak eloquently and read the advertisements well..."

"'The Voice' doesn't need a host to control the scene."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "As long as you can speak fast and read the advertisements well, you must serve the four brands comfortably. After all, they have invested so much money in it."

Choosing Huang Li as the host is because of the good words of the other party.

Lin Zhibai's idea is very simple, that is, to directly compare with the hosting style of "The Voice" in his previous life.


Now that the boss has already decided on Huang Li, Jiang Cheng didn't raise any further opinions, although according to the cost scale of "The Voice", it is usually necessary to invite a first-line host to take over the venue.

"Have you decided on the advert?"


"Then you contact Huang Li and ask him to read these advertisements within fifteen seconds."

Lin Zhibai had an impression.

The host of "The Voice" in the previous life read 215 characters in only 18 seconds.

"Pfft! Fifteen seconds!?"

Jiang Cheng lost his voice: "Is this impossible? It's in the early 200s! How could it be possible to read it in fifteen seconds? Are we embarrassing him too much?"

"If we can't do it, we'll replace it."

Huang Li's signature is his fast speech, and it is indeed a challenge to read it in fifteen seconds, but the other party relies on this to make a living, so he must have some real skills, right?


that night.

When Huang Li received a call from Kunpeng, he jumped up excitedly!

"I was selected! I was actually selected! The host of "The Voice" is mine! Wife, I have a chance to become famous!"

"You were chosen?"

Huang Li's wife couldn't help being dumbfounded.

When the show was first recruiting hosts in the industry, Huang Li was attracted and signed up immediately.

But soon Huang Li learned:

There are many people in the industry who are interested in hosting "The Voice", including several first-line hosts, and all of them have signed up!

It's normal to think about it.

After all, "The Voice" and "Master and Apprentice" are columns that are destined to be remembered by the entire variety show circle. The lineup is unprecedentedly strong, and the investment has reached hundreds of millions. Even the advertising sponsorship is in units of hundreds of millions. The top hosts are grateful. Interest is also normal.

What did Huang Li use to argue with others?

However, just when Huang Li had given up hope, he never expected that "The Voice" would contact him and want him to be the host!

Huang Li was of course excited to be so happy!

The wife soon became excited, "Isn't the salary a lot? Isn't it such a big show!"

"Why do you only think about remuneration? The money is still secondary. The main reason is that once this show becomes popular, my career will officially start sailing! At that time, all viewers who have watched the show will remember that there is a host named Huang Li in "The Voice" !"

"Yes, yes, when will you sign the contract?"

"I have to sign the contract tomorrow, but they said they want to send me an advertisement first, so I can memorize it first."

"Has it been sent yet?"

"Let me see."

Huang Li turned on his phone and took a look.

Kunpeng has already sent the advertisement.

"Authentic chocolate, authentic good voice, Lanfu chocolate enjoys silky smoothness at this moment. We invite you to officially watch the large-scale self-made music and singing talent show TV program Qinzhou good voice organized by Kunpeng Video. The juice thousand flavors help every dream. Shake it before drinking Shake the better-flavored Qianwei Orchard and cheer for the good voice. The proud disciples of the four mentors of the good voice this year will embark on the Yida chewing gum music dream that cares about teeth and cares more about you. Send text messages to interact and support your favorite contestants. Get a 30% discount coupon provided by the brand company that loves you and hold you in the palm of your hand, and you will also have the opportunity to get a free membership of Kunpeng Video. If our good voice students are recognized by three or more mentors You have the opportunity to receive a 100,000 yuan music dream fund provided by Kunpeng Video Website!"

Good guy.

The advertisement is quite long, and the four major brand sponsors are all mentioned.

Huang Li was about to reply "No problem", when the other party suddenly sent another sentence:

"You have to finish reading within fifteen seconds, and you can't slur your words, otherwise we might not be able to sign this contract."

Huang Li: "..."

Read more than 200 words in fifteen seconds?

Even Huang Li, who is very confident in his speaking speed, is breaking out in a cold sweat at this moment. Is this program group trying to save time reading commercials?

Too cruel!

Seeing that Huang Li's face was not right, his wife leaned over to take a look, then couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Isn't this trying to embarrass you on purpose?"

"It's not embarrassing me, maybe that's why they chose me!"

Huang Li gritted his teeth and began to recite the advertisements. After more than an hour of continuous recitation, he finally became proficient.

"Look at the effect!"

Huang Li called his wife to time him.

After crackling the advertisement, Huang Li asked, "How many seconds?"

"Eighteen seconds!"

The wife was frightened, "You speak too fast!"

Huang Li smiled and said: "In the past, what I was most interested in learning rap was fast speaking, which required technique very much. It should not be my limit to read more than 200 words in 18 seconds. Maybe I can really achieve the goal of 15 seconds."

Tut tut!

Compared with others, Huang Li dare not say that he is better than the first-line hosts, but he must speak faster than others and maintain a clear articulation. Huang Li dares to call himself the number one person in Qinzhou, even if he is compared with those top hosts, he is not afraid at all!


the next day.

As soon as Jiang Cheng saw Lin Zhibai, he sighed, "How can someone's mouth be so fast, crackling like a machine gun, he finished speaking more than 200 words in 14 seconds, the key is that I can still hear what he said clearly!"

"Oh? Huang Li signed?"

Lin Zhibai knew he had found the right person.

"It must be signed, this guy's tongue is too smooth." Jiang Cheng said with a smile: "I signed him directly to Kunpeng, and in the future we will try to provide him with as many opportunities as the host for our self-made variety shows. A good host is also needed. A good program keeps training."

"It's up to you."

Lin Zhibai said: "Advertising should not only pursue speed, but speed is mainly to drive topicality. But when advertising alone later, it must be slowed down appropriately so that the audience can focus on the product rather than the speed of speech." Simple In other words, it is to use the speed of speech to hype, and when the hype effect comes out, there is no need to pursue the ultimate speed of reading advertisements.

"I see."

Jiang Cheng was about to chat with Lin Zhibai about when the recording of the show would officially start, when the phone rang suddenly, and he didn't know what the other person said after he connected, his face was getting ugly anyway.

"Is something wrong?"

Lin Zhibai asked.

Jiang Cheng was a little depressed and said, ""Master and Apprentice" has the rhythm on the Internet, saying that the quality of our "The Voice" contestants is very poor, and they have already won all the high-quality contestants."

"Is it."

Lin Zhibai looked online, and there are many media that are bringing this aspect of the rhythm.

"Contestant Competition! Master and apprentice seize the opportunity! "

"A Good Voice Meets a Player Shortage? The good players are all taken first by the teacher's program team! "

"School girls and school girls from major music colleges and universities have signed up to participate in the master-apprentice class!" "

"Good Voice audition, the level of contestants is worrying! "

"In the case that the level of mentors is not much different, the quality of the players of Good Voice is completely defeated by the master-apprentice program group! "

"Make bricks without straw! A good voice can't find a good player! "

No need to think about it, you know that these media are all recruited by Lin Feng, the purpose is to make netizens bad-mouth "The Voice".

This is part of the propaganda war.

It is constantly emphasized that the quality of the contestants of "Master and Apprentice" is higher than that of "The Voice".

In this way, when the show starts, the audience will be more interested in "Master and Apprentice".

This trick is bad, but also very useful.

Many netizens have been affected.

"How do you feel that "The Voice" suffered a big loss?"

"The main reason is that the "Master and Apprentice" project was established earlier, so it has been in contact with outstanding students from major music colleges and universities. For talent shows, the best students are undoubtedly those who have a certain professional level in singing. The good-looking group of people, such talents are basically from the major music academies in Qinzhou, no matter what kind of talent show they participate in, they are all very high-quality contestants, but every year the major music academies are suitable to participate The number of high-quality students in the draft is limited, and "Master and Apprentice" has eaten them all, so "The Voice" will naturally worry about the contestants."

"Do you have to find someone from the Music Academy?"

"That's for sure. Isn't it that the talent shows are those handsome guys and girls who are good at competing? Otherwise, why do you think that the final selection of those talent shows are all handsome men and beauties? It's because they are very capable. Are they strong? Their ability is good, but appearance is also a very important factor, and may even become a decisive factor."

"You can also find trainees, but the number of trainee companies is limited, and there are special debut plans."

"Besides, this is a mythical program. Trainees from other companies may not have the opportunity to participate."

"So "The Voice" is hard to find great contestants. Wouldn't the viewability be greatly reduced? After all, if the contestants perform poorly in talent shows, no matter how good the instructor is, I don't think it's interesting."

"Then let's watch "Master and Apprentice" then."

"The instructors on both sides are equally good, so the rest is just better than the quality of the players."

Watch the public opinion develop.

Lin Zhibai frowned slightly.

Jiang Cheng sighed and said, "At least one thing about "Master and Apprentice" is indeed correct. In the major music colleges in Qinzhou, those students who are not bad at the level and also have good looks are basically given by Lin Feng first, because we During the audition, I also went to various colleges and universities to promote it, and encountered some obstacles for it.”

"But they got one thing wrong."

Lin Zhibai felt that it was a difference in draft thinking.

Lin Feng's "Master and Apprentice" wants to create young idols, so the priority of appearance is far greater than the strength of the players themselves!

Why can't the optional show escape the idea of ​​handsome men and beautiful women?

Variety artists in this world, such as Liu Hua, Lin Feng, etc., are obviously trapped by the concept of "beautiful men and beautiful women", as if confined in a cage.

It is for this reason that Lin Zhibai is more and more convinced that "The Voice" will become popular.

Because this show is the opposite of the conventional draft concept.

Of course, this is not to say that "The Voice" does not have handsome men and beautiful women participating.

Lin Zhibai has the information of the contestants in his hand, and knows that there are handsome men and beautiful women among these contestants, but the key to these handsome men and beauties entering the program group to participate in the competition is not because of their appearance, but because of their good voice and singing songs , although the proportion of these people is very small.

after all……

One of Lin Zhibai's original intentions for "The Voice" was to really select some people with outstanding professional ability, but because of various reasons, they have never had the opportunity to show themselves.

To put it bluntly:

Lin Feng snatched those so-called high-quality players ahead of time and blocked all Lin Zhibai's escape routes, which was not the way Lin Zhibai wanted to go!

We are not on the same track at all.

So Lin Feng's arrangement is destined to be in vain.

"I even suspect that in order to let those handsome men and women who have the potential to become stars choose to participate in "Master and Apprentice", Lin Feng may have promised some players some conditions in advance, such as being selected by a certain song king and queen as an apprentice. "

"Like her style of doing things."

Lin Zhibai curled his lips, this is also a very common situation.

After all, many talent shows in the previous life also did the same, so there were so many shady scenes in the later stages of the competition.

Do you really think those judges are stupid?

The audience thinks it's good, but the judges think it's not good?

In many cases, it is not the judges' ears that have problems, nor their high aesthetics.

It is purely because of certain rankings, which have been determined before the start of the game.

Otherwise, when Mao Buyi won the championship in "Tomorrow's Son" in his previous life, the entire Internet would not have lamented that "talent defeated capital".

"Then what shall we do?"

"Cold salad."

Lin Zhibai does not think that this level of rhythm will affect "The Voice".

"Send a statement emphasizing the gist of our show."


Jiangcheng started to make arrangements.


that night.

Kunpeng issued a statement:

"Our "The Voice" is not pursuing handsome men and beautiful women. On our stage, no matter your height, no matter how good-looking you are, no matter how old you are, no matter what job you do, as long as you have a pair of Good voice, as long as you have a heart that loves music, our stage will give you this chance to realize your dreams!"

There is no grandeur.

The text of this statement is as simple and unpretentious as the name of the program "The Voice".


The comment section is buzzing!

"I just like Kunpeng's attitude towards variety shows! I've wanted to complain for a long time. Isn't music talent show more about singing? Why is it like a beauty contest! This is why I like "I Love to Remember Lyrics", How can there be any handsome men and beautiful women, most people in this world are very ordinary, can't they like music because they are ordinary?"

"Let's be an outsider, let me, an insider, analyze it with you."

"The concept of Kunpeng's show is indeed no problem, but if the people participating in "The Voice" all look ordinary, what is the highlight of the show? Do you listen to singing skills? Then I might as well watch "I Am a Singer". The singer's singing skills are definitely better than those who participated in the audition. Some people may not care about the appearance of the contestants, but such people are absolutely rare. If "The Voice" does this, it is destined to win word of mouth and lose ratings!"

"Wake up, this idea is probably just a gimmick."

"Some people really believe that "The Voice" only listens to the voice and doesn't look at the appearance of the contestants? You can open any music talent show and watch. Which program has contestants who look different, even if they are not handsome or beautiful? Compared with ordinary people It must be more attractive, and then you will find out that the more attractive you are, the more popular you will be in the draft competition, this is the choice of the market!"

"Kunpeng Pill!"

"I feel that Kunpeng is being stubborn now. After finding that the quality of the players is really not comparable to that of "Master and Apprentice", he emphasizes in various ways that he does not look at the face and only listens to the voice. In fact, there is no way. Players who look good and have good strength are basically rounded up by other people's mythology videos."

"Ha ha!"

"It is estimated that "The Voice" only found some crooked contestants, so they can only claim that they don't care about appearance but only care about voice."

"Classic bad-mouthing of Kunpeng."

"It seems that the success of Kunpeng's previous variety shows still hasn't made some people sober. With the King's Landing brand, I don't believe that "The Voice" will hit the street because of the contestants!"

"that is!"

Today is different.

Now there will no longer be a situation where the whole network bad-mouths Kunpeng's new variety show!

Because of Kunpeng's previous variety shows, the accumulated reputation is already high enough!

The reason why there are still many negative voices on the Internet this time is that Kunpeng has encountered such a powerful enemy as "Master and Apprentice".

Moreover, Lin Feng was taking the rhythm crazily.

Under various rhythms, those supporters of "Master and Apprentice" can't wait to step "The Voice" into the soil.


Lin Zhibai didn't pay much attention to it. After the show aired, everyone would know whether the statements and publicity of "The Voice" were a gimmick.

As for bad-mouthing?

Those who should watch the show will still watch it. Lin Zhibai already has experience, and many people's words are not consistent with their actions.

On the other hand, Zhou Hanjin was a little restless.

At the recording site today, I couldn't help asking Lin Zhibai for news, "Is the quality of our players really bad?"

"Which one are you talking about?"

"Sing for sure!"

"You can rest assured about that."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "Why aren't you worried about your appearance?"


Zhou Han had a great time, "After we have so many singers in Tianguang, I have the best appearance, and the others are at the level of passers-by."

That's enough.

It really depends on the appearance, how did those people become the king of singers and queens of songs?

Besides, Zhou Hanjin is just an ordinary handsome guy, and those young idols can beat any of them.

For example, standing next to Lin Zhibai at this moment.

Zhou Hanjin's appearance is very ordinary.

Of course, this comparison is not fair to Zhou Hanjin, because even if some idols compare with Lin Zhibai, they will inevitably feel "ordinary".

"It's good that you can think so."

Lin Zhibai felt that Zhou Hanjin was actually quite an interesting person, with a more realistic personality, and he didn't play tricks on his head.

No wonder the director kept complaining to Jiang Cheng in private, saying that Zhou Han was not easy to serve.

Those who can become the king of singers have a bit of a temper, Zhang Xiyang's kind of modest and low-key is too rare.

"I'm fine, but you're fine."

Zhou Hanjin took out his mobile phone, "You haven't read the news just now, have you?"


Lin Zhibai's face darkened when he saw the news.

The headline of the news was "Suspected Voice Audition Live Video Exposure, Bai Di, who is the music director, looks ugly. "

Below the news is a video.

It was the time Lin Zhibai went to the audition site before.

At that time, Lin Zhibai listened to a few songs and was very dissatisfied, so even a fool could see the displeasure on his face.

Unexpectedly, it was photographed.

Lin Zhibai didn't think that the ordinary staff there had the guts, not only filmed it, but also put the video on the Internet to catch the rhythm.

Liu Hua?

Most likely it's this guy.

Lin Zhibai ignored Zhou Hanjin, turned around and sent a message to Jiangcheng to scold him, who was he chosen?

"I'll find evidence and sue him!"

Jiang Cheng hadn't been scolded by Lin Zhibai much, he had always done a good job.

But because of this Liu Hua, it was the second time he was bullied by Lin Zhibai, so he naturally hated this guy to death.

As for the sneak shot of the audition scene?

Jiang Cheng had no doubt that it was Liu Hua who did it. That guy was masturbated by him, and he deliberately took revenge on Kunpeng.

The proof is that...

Under this news, there is an anonymous revelation.

The person who broke the news claimed to be a former staff member of "The Voice", and said that he was fired by Kunpeng because he couldn't find high-level players in the audition.

Then there are all kinds of complaints that I don't blame myself for this.

It's really a good player who has already been taken down by "Master and Apprentice".

In the end, this person also revealed that he knew some of the students who were finally selected by "The Voice", and their standards were very poor, and they had no chance to stand out in other talent shows.

"Be careful when choosing and employing people next time."

Lin Zhibai didn't lash out too hard. Anyway, it's such a rhythm now, and it can't change the overall situation.

But those supporters of "Master and Apprentice" are happy!

"Are you still stubborn?"

"Bai Di is obviously angry because of the player's level, why is he only focusing on the sound!"

"That's it?"

"The evidence is conclusive!"

"But Baidi looks so handsome when he's angry..."

"Why don't you fight for me, what are you doing!"

"It's really handsome..."

"Damn it! If he were my husband, even if he was so fierce to me every day, I wouldn't resist. He's so handsome!"

"How can someone look so good-looking when angry!"

"Although I support "Master and Apprentice", this does not prevent me from admiring Baidi's looks!"

"Hey, if Baidi is the mentor of "The Voice", I saw that he betrayed on the spot, Baidi's angry look is more attractive than usual..."

"Bai Di: How angry!"

"I don't care about you, uncle, you made all the emojis?"

How to say.

Maybe Liu Hua had the support of Lin Feng, so he dared to play this kind of revelation, and even the live video leaked a little bit.

Can result.

Both those who supported "The Voice" and those who did not support "The Voice" were silenced.

Because public opinion doesn't care about the contestants at all, everyone is discussing why the angry Baidi is so handsome!

Even Baidi's angry emoji in the sneak shot quickly became popular all over the Internet!

Jiangcheng said quietly:

"Sure enough... There is a reason why Lin Feng insisted on choosing handsome men and beautiful women to participate in "Master and Apprentice"..."

The enemy hit hard.

In the end, Baidi's "angry face" became popular all over the Internet. How can there be any fucking reason for this?

"I'm mad at you!"

Lin Zhibai glared at Jiang Cheng angrily, but he didn't know that Zhang Xiyang and the other four mentors were watching him quietly.

"He's angry, he's angry again!"

Zhou Hanjin took a peek, feeling a little jealous, "You're really handsome when you're angry..."

Qin Lian and Li Xiao nodded approvingly.

After these two female singers, I saw a lot of handsome guys in the entertainment industry, but Lin Zhibai was almost rare!

"I want to make him angry." Li Xiao muttered.

Qin Lian followed and said, "I also..."

"I advise you not to." Zhang Xiyang rolled his eyes.

"Isn't it too much to take a picture?"

Li Xiao took out his mobile phone and began to snap shots at Lin Zhibai who was angry with Jiang Cheng.

Then Zhou Hanjin became angry.

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