Freelance Artist

Chapter 294: The Voice Breaks Records Consecutively!

Lin Feng and Lin Gong gradually realized that things were not simple. When "Master and Apprentice" was broadcast, the two had been paying attention to the reactions on the Internet.

As a result, this attention, the situation is not good!

Netizens on the Jiguang platform are discussing "The Voice" overwhelmingly!

In contrast, there is much less discussion about "Master and Apprentice", and the content is empty and single.

Those people kept saying things like "Little brother xx is so handsome", "Miss xx is so beautiful" and so on.

Unlike the audience of "The Voice", there are all kinds of discussions, the content is varied, and there are a lot of hot topics!

The two couldn't sit still anymore, so they simply opened "The Voice" and started watching.

At this time, the TV station has finished broadcasting the first episode of "The Voice", and now only Kunpeng's video website can watch it. Lin Feng and Lin Gong resisted their nausea and registered as members.

These two people invested hundreds of millions in "Master and Apprentice" and nothing happened.

On the contrary, when I spent more than a dozen yuan to sign up as a Kunpeng video member, I felt uncomfortable as if I had lost hundreds of millions.

But the more uncomfortable thing is yet to come.

After the two finished watching the first issue of "The Voice", the room fell into a deathly silence.

Lin Gong's expression turned extremely ugly, he stared at Lin Feng coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "That's what you said, the quality of their players is not good?"

"This shouldn't be..."

Lin Feng was like a mourning concubine, her face was pale and she was lost.

Lin Gong was furious, wanting to kill Lin Feng, and furiously said: "You killed me, do you know that!"

Two hundred million!

I took a huge risk and invested 200 million yuan in "Master and Apprentice", but in the end, there was no splash on the Internet.

Obviously the two programs were broadcast on the same day and at the same time!

As a result, "The Voice" was being discussed everywhere, and Lin Feng, a variety show of the same type, ended up being ignored, which meant that Lin Gong could already predict what it meant, so he could be as irritable as he was in his mood at the moment.

"No, no!"

Facing Lin Gong who was already furious, Lin Feng seemed to be stunned, "High discussion rate does not necessarily mean high ratings. Our players are all so good-looking. Their looks are more ordinary than the other, which only shows their More gimmicks..."

"Why is my teammate such a waste like you!"

Lin Gong felt that he had lost his mind. It was almost the end of the year. When the old man inspected the performance of the third generation of the family, he saw that he had spent a total of 200 million yuan in Lin Feng's variety show. What is the reaction?

"There is still hope!"

Lin Feng said so, but her eyes were gradually becoming desperate. She couldn't fool Lin Gong, let alone herself. The "Master and Apprentice" project seemed to be really going to fail.

But is this variety show bad?

In all fairness, "Master and Apprentice" is not bad, it is the best talent show in Qinzhou!

If there is no comparison with "The Voice", such an evaluation is actually not an exaggeration!

But compared with the same type of programs, "Master and Apprentice" is obviously not enough to watch. This kind of competition of ebb and flow is the most terrifying!

Let's just say it.

Everyone who watched "The Voice"...

It is difficult to arouse interest in "Master and Apprentice" again.

If you use Lin Feng's concept of "face value is king" as an analogy, then this wave is like a class flower, standing with a good-looking female star for you to choose, almost everyone will choose the latter.

It's over!

I'm going to die, and Lin Gong is going to die too. The old man is a person who doesn't look at the process but only the results. After this wave of fiasco, the projects that the two of them are in charge of this year may have to be handed over next year!

this moment.

The two were heartbroken.

This is the night of "The Voice", the excitement belongs to others, Lin Feng and Lin Gong only feel chills all over.


Lin Zhibai had a good night's sleep.

The next day, Lin Zhibai lay in bed for a while, turned on his phone and played for a while.

at this time.

The entire Internet is full of news related to "The Voice"!

Qinzhou Daily: "The Battle of the Century in the Variety Show Circle, The Voice is far ahead in popularity on the Internet!" "

Entertainment Online: How is the ratings of The Voice? The industry is optimistic about it! "

Tiantian News: "Good Voice Swivel Chair Mode: A Great Innovative Design of the Talent Show! "

Today's headline: "Luo Yan leads the Voice student popularity skyrocketing!" "

Shinhwa Daily: "Master and Apprentice Contestant Appearance Awards! "

Tianguang Daily: The new variety show "Baidi and Kunpeng" was aired on Tianguang TV and became popular overnight! "

Nathan Daily: "King's Landing Variety Show Planning Talent Shocks the Industry Again! "

Good guy.

Except for "Mythology Daily", which is naturally closer to mythology programs.

Almost all major media reports focused on Kunpeng's "The Voice".

Also this day.

The latest issue of "Entertainment No Circle" is on the air!

This show, which has always been known for its "venomous tongue", did not let "Master and Apprentice" go.

The show just started.

The male host said teasingly: "I watched "Master and Apprentice" yesterday, and the biggest feeling is that the technology is so advanced now!"

The hostess asked knowingly: "Where did you say that?"

The male host smiled and said, "I just feel that the faces of the contestants in "Master and Apprentice" are full of sense of technology."

The audience smiled knowingly.

Indeed, among the handsome men and women in "Master and Apprentice", there are quite a few facelifts, which cannot escape everyone's eyes.

The hostess laughed, "That's why I chose "The Voice". When I woke up this morning, I asked myself a question..."


The hostess imitated Zhou Hanjin's voice and said, "What is my dream?"

Zhou Hanjin was in the "The Voice" program, and when he caught the contestants, he asked "what is your dream", which was really brainwashing.

The male host was also very cooperative, playing along with Zhou Hanjin's jokes, "My dream is to listen to Zhou Hanjin's 32 concerts this year."

The two sang together, making the audience laugh again.

Today's guest on the show is Jin Xiaofeng. As the person in charge of the "The Voice" audition, he has now become the middle management of Kunpeng under the instruction of Lin Zhibai.

After all, Tian Wei and Luo Yan were discovered by Jin Xiaofeng in a sense.

If it wasn't for Jin Xiaofeng, Lin Zhibai would have almost missed these two contestants, and he deserved his credit.

The male host looked at Jin Xiaofeng, "Can Director Jin reveal some inside information that we don't know? For example, information about the contestants in the second round?"

"I still want to keep my job."

Jin Xiaofeng smiled and said: "But if you want to say, if there is any interesting gossip, there really is one."

"Tell me?"

"There is a contestant who will appear in the second phase. When he just passed the audition, he said something to Teacher Baidi, Teacher Baidi, I like your "Broken Bridge and Remnant Snow" very much."


The audience burst into laughter!

Who doesn't know that this song is Chu Ci's debut work!

The host was amused. This is similar to Tian Weichu's "Unfortunately Not You" on stage to pay tribute to Baidi to express his gratitude.

"Is there any other inside story?"

After bursting with laughter, the host continued to dig deeper, trying to get real news out of Jin Xiaofeng's mouth, so as to increase the ratings of the show.

"There really are."

Before Jin Xiaofeng came to participate in the show, Jiangcheng had already greeted him, and he knew what he could and couldn't say.

"Tell me?"

The two hosts suddenly looked gossip.

Jin Xiaofeng said with a smile: "We all know that the advertising sponsorship fee of "The Voice" is as high as 200 million yuan, and it took less than a few hours to set a new record after breaking a certain program..."

It's a competitor anyway.

Jin Xiaofeng's energetic connotation "Master and Apprentice".

When everyone was overjoyed, Jin Xiaofeng suddenly broke the news that made everyone dumbfounded: "But what everyone doesn't know is that a top entertainment company in Qizhou offered 100 million yuan to buy the adaptation rights of "The Voice". This is also the highest record for variety show adaptation rights sold in the variety show circle, and the contract should have been signed by now..."


There is a company in Qizhou who also wants to make "The Voice", and is willing to bid 100 million yuan to win the local adaptation rights of the Kunpeng King's Landing show!


As soon as this inside information came out, the two hosts were dumbfounded, and there was an uproar at the scene. All the audience of the show, including many people in the industry, were shocked!


"This is the rhythm of how much money Kunpeng wants to make with "The Voice"!"

"Kunpeng's wave is a wave of cultural output on behalf of our Qinzhou. The show was just broadcast last night. Today, Qizhou Company wants to buy the right to adapt it, and it directly offered a price of 100 million yuan. It's so decisive. If you shoot, you don't wait and see!"

"Another new record, King's Landing is awesome!"

"The key point is that "The Voice" has a high degree of discussion, but the specific data has not yet been released. Isn't Qizhou Company afraid of losing the business?"

"This family must have thought about it. If they are not optimistic enough, they will directly spend so much money?"

"Suddenly I feel that "Master and Apprentice" was born at an untimely time. To compete with similar programs with such abnormal quality, I really want to die in the toilet with the lights on!"

"Huh? Take a look! The popularity ranking of variety shows has been updated!"

"How much data?"

"Oh my god, this heat!"

"This data, what the hell is too outrageous!"

Just when this episode of "Entertainment Has No Circle" ended, the Qinzhou Variety Show Popularity Ranking was officially updated. Countless netizens paid attention to it, and countless industry insiders frantically refreshed the list. But when the final statistical results appeared in front of everyone, everyone still Was severely frightened!

Qinzhou program popularity list!

First: "The Voice", with a popularity value of 1.5 billion!

Second: "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" has a popularity value of 900 million!

Third: "Cloud Song Club" has a popularity value of 800 million!

Fourth: "Entertainment No Circle" has a popularity value of 500 million!

Fifth: "Master and Apprentice" has a popularity value of 400 million!

This so-called heat value calculation formula is controlled by the official. The outside world does not know how the official calculates it. They only know that it is probably a combination of the webcast popularity of the video website, as well as the TV station's program ratings, topic discussion, and other data. calculated comprehensively.

But it doesn't matter how the official figures are calculated!

As long as you compare the data, you can find the terrible information contained in it!

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