Freelance Artist

Chapter 295: The Hottest Variety Show in Qinzhou History!

The Qinzhou Variety Show Popularity Ranking that was updated at this time has a large amount of information. The first thing that makes people amazed is that the top two are all programs produced by Kunpeng!

That is to say:

The variety show plans for the champion and runner-up are all from King's Landing!

You must know that "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" is also a current phenomenon-level program, and it is still on the air and has not ended.

"The popularity directly exceeds that of "Sister Lang"!"

"I didn't expect "Sister Lang", which has been sitting firmly at the top of the variety show popularity rankings recently, was finally killed by its own show!"

"Old urchin Zhou Botong: Kunpeng knows how to fight left and right!"

"Have you noticed the funniest thing? Sister Lang and the staffing of "The Voice" have a high rate of repeat checks."

"Bai Di is not only Sister Lang's music director, but also the music director of "The Voice"!"

"There is also Zhang Xiyang, who is not only the judge on Sister Lang's side, but also the mentor of "The Voice"!"

"Sister Lang is already popular enough, but "The Voice" is even more popular!"

"I feel that Kunpeng is completely invincible in the variety show circle!"

"Don't forget that "The Voice" is Kunpeng's first self-made variety show!"


The show with the top two being Kunpeng is not over yet.

What's even more frightening is that the popularity value of "The Voice" is as high as 1.5 billion!

Ordinary viewers are not very sensitive to this point, and they don't realize what this data means. They only pay attention to the ranking of variety shows, and don't care much about the specific data.

But the people in the variety show industry are crazy!

Because "The Voice" created a new record!

Before "The Voice", Blue Star's most popular variety show happened to be 1.49 billion!

"How many records is this show trying to break!"

"Advertising sponsorship fee has broken the highest record, Waizhou has broken the highest record for copyright purchase fee, and now even the popularity of the program has broken our highest record in Qinzhou!"


"Oh My God!"

"King's Landing is crazy!"

"Now we can confidently publicize that "The Voice" is the most popular variety show in Qin Zhou's history!"

"Thinking about the lineup of "The Voice" is so outrageous, it seems understandable to become the most popular variety show in history. The planning is Junlin's music director is Baidi, and the four instructors are all super-first-line. You can't find it in the industry. The second lineup like this comes!"


"What about "Master and Apprentice"?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone inside and outside the circle fell silent.

That's right, the lineup configuration of "The Voice" is indeed against the sky, and it seems that it is not incomprehensible to achieve this result.

But don't forget that the lineup of "Master and Apprentice" is similar!

Even in terms of investment, "Master and Apprentice" spent more!

Someone even calculated that the investment cost of "Master and Apprentice" should also be the highest record in the variety show circle.

The results of it?

The two programs were broadcast together, but the popularity of "Master and Apprentice" was only 400 million.

Compared with the 1.5 billion in "The Voice", it didn't even get a fraction of it, and it was directly crushed into scum...

Blood loss!

Even if you can't see the financial statement of "Master and Apprentice", everyone knows that this show must be a blood loss!

this moment!

Those fans who support "The Voice" are crazy!

The fans of "Master and Apprentice" were all kinds of arrogant before, but everyone was very angry. This wave must be severely whipped to relieve their anger!

"Where are the fans of master and apprentice?"

"Get out, Lao Tzu!"

"Didn't you dance very much before?"

"Is this gap enough for you to be sober?"

"1.5 billion to 400 million, more than four times the gap, why do you step on "The Voice", who gave you the courage?"

"Before @Xiao Hani was the most popular!"

“And @I love Yunshang!”

"This @Ah You is not a good thing either!"

"Hey, @Meimei Yang, don't pretend to be dead, crawl for me!"

The current netizens already have a wealth of tearing experience. They used to fight against whoever was the most powerful, and then they were slapped in the face. They just pulled them out and walked around. It can be said that the gameplay is very advanced.

The result was absolutely unexpected.

In addition to some people choosing to play dead, some netizens replied directly:

"Stop scolding, stop scolding!"

"Brothers and sisters!"

"We are all our own people!"

"I supported "Master and Apprentice" blindly before."

"After watching "The Voice", I rebelled right away!"

"That's right, I'm now the number one fan of The Voice!"

"I really like Luo Yan!"

"Tian Wei is awesome!"

"Goddess Zhao Youyue!"

This scene directly made those netizens who firmly supported "The Voice" dumbfounded, can you stand up?

How did you become your own person?

We are so embarrassed to continue spraying.

But the fact is that this is true, after all, there are only a few who are stubborn.

Most of the fans of "Master and Apprentice" changed course decisively after watching "The Voice".


at the same time.

Myth video.

All the staff were silent at the moment.

A website executive of a certain Shinhwa video pointed at Lin Feng's nose and cursed in the meeting room: "What's going on, what's going on! Why did you want to fight "The Voice"! You spent 400 million to get in, You just gave the website a popularity value of 400 million? I don't care whose daughter you are, you are solely responsible for this loss!"

The leader of Shinhwa Video is Lin Xia!

Lin Feng's own father!

But my own father can't protect Lin Feng anymore.

This wave of losses is too great, and the senior executives of the Shinhwa Video website are all anxious!

Faced with such public outrage, even Lin Xia had to choose to calm down.

In fact.

At this moment, Lin Xia was also terribly disappointed with her daughter, and said word by word: "Lin! Feng! Resign! Resign!"

This daughter has always been smart.

Since he was a child, he was smarter than Lin Hu Lin Bao.

But the smartest daughter brought her the biggest loss, Lin Hu Lin Bao is not as good as her!

Lin Feng's back molars were about to be crushed, but she couldn't say anything, she could only endure the humiliation and was criticized by all her colleagues!

This wave cannot be washed.

If I didn't insist on fighting "The Voice", the ending wouldn't be so miserable!

In other words.

As long as I change the time and broadcast "Master and Apprentice" earlier or later, this show will not be so miserable.


the other side.

Lin Gong's current situation is not necessarily better than Lin Feng's.

"What are you messing with Lin Feng!"

It is his own father, Lin Chun, who is scolding Lin Gong at this moment.

"Let you be in charge of those brands, so you can do a good job in sales, but Lin Feng fooled you into investing in variety shows, and even ran to fight Kunpeng's variety shows. I should have shot you on the wall!"

Lin Chun was really angry this time.

Otherwise, it would not be indiscriminate.

Lin Jing couldn't help but chimed in: "My brother was also deceived by Lin Feng, who knew she was so unreliable, Dad, calm down, let's find a way to keep the project in my brother's hand."

"I can't keep it!"

Lin Chun said coldly: "Since last night, the brand value of the four sponsors of "The Voice" has greatly increased, and sales have skyrocketed overnight. On the other hand, the sales of several brands owned by your brother Lin Gong have all been affected. An unprecedented shock, this loss is not just as simple as 200 million, do you know?"

It's a trade-off.

Take chewing gum as an example.

The two chewing gum brands with the highest sales volume in Qinzhou are Yida and Xuanmai.

These two brands are typical trade-offs. Yida sells more Xuanmai and sells less.

Now that Yida is sponsoring "The Voice", the show has become popular, and the product has naturally exploded, which is just right.

Xuanmai, in charge of Lin Gong, sponsored "Master and Apprentice". The program hit the market, so the advertising effect was limited, and because the sales volume of competitors exploded, the market was directly seized by others!

What else is there to say?

Lin Gong's eyes were red at this time.

It's really over now, Lin Feng misunderstood me! ! !


In terms of pain and regret, in fact, the four mentors of "Master and Apprentice" are not too far behind at this moment.

Zhang Yunshang's mentality is about to collapse!

Because of the Spring Festival Gala incident, Zhang Yunshang and Zhang Xiyang became completely hostile, and the entire circle knew that the mythical "two Zhangs" were incompatible.

But this time I really lost miserably!

I am a mentor in "Master and Apprentice", and the show hit the street!

He was a mentor in "The Voice", and now his popularity has skyrocketed again, and he has become one of the most beautiful characters in Qinzhou King of Songs!

We all belong to the same company.

When meeting each other again in the future, Zhang Yunshang felt unable to hold his head up!

In a similar mood, Zhu Wenju, as one of the mythological singers, intends to team up with Zhang Yunshang to target Zhang Xiyang.

Results now.

Zhang Xiyang alone was more powerful than Zhu Wenju and Zhang Yunshang combined!


I'm afraid Zhang Xiyang will become the first brother of the Shinhwa music department in the future, how will he live his life!

All right.

Chen Yi is also struggling with the same life.

Chen Yi is the queen of Shinhwa, and the only competitor in the same company is Qin Lian.

As a result, Qin Lian went to "The Voice". As one of the four mentors, her popularity has skyrocketed now!

And as the mentor of "Master and Apprentice", there are not many news reports at all...

Obviously "The Voice" invited me back then!

If I had chosen "The Voice" at the beginning, what would have been the result?

That was the hottest variety show in Qin Zhou's history, so I just missed it!

Even if Chen Yi is the queen of the song, her heart hurts so much that she can't breathe at this moment!

What made her even more unacceptable was that there was also a gap between the king of singers and the queen of songs. In the past, she was the one who suppressed Qin Lian!

And after "The Voice" became popular, Qin Lian might be the one who suppressed her in the future. It's really a turn of events!

The only one who is still in a calm mood is probably Cao Yue.

Cao Yue is the queen of Nathan's song, and she came to be this mentor because of her husband Zhu Wenju's face.

The show hit the street and it hit the street. Although I felt a little uncomfortable, I had a fierce fight with Zhu Wenju, but the couple fought at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed. Isn't that what the entertainment industry is like, every choice, there will be countless possibility.

"It's really not possible, come to us Nathan."

Cao Yue said to Zhu Wenju: "In the music department of Shinhwa Entertainment, Zhang Xiyang should be the most powerful in the future. It's not a long-term solution for you and Zhang Yunshang to fight against this person. Wouldn't it be better for us to join forces in Nathan?"

"Let me think about it."

Zhu Wenju really started to consider whether to leave Shinhwa Entertainment.

Zhang Xiyang's current momentum is too strong, and Zhang Yunshang is another pig teammate, he doesn't look very reliable...

Although Zhu Wenju knows that the competition he will face will only be greater when he arrives in Nathan, but with Cao Yue, the empress wife, maybe the situation will be better than staying in Shinhwa.


It's all because of The Voice!

In this battle of the century, everyone thought it would be a shocking scene where sparks collided with blue stars, but who knew that the opponent of "Master and Apprentice" would be the hottest variety show in Qinzhou's history!

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