Freelance Artist

Chapter 297 Take down the Shinhwa Entertainment Music Department!

Seeing that the finale of the second episode turned out to be an old man, the audience in Qinzhou had seen how Kunpeng kept his promise——

It is agreed that if you don't look at your appearance, you don't look at your appearance!

Say yes regardless of age, really regardless of age!

There will be similar publicity in other programs. Why do we have no prejudice against the objective conditions of the contestants, but no one really does this!

Just talk.

It's like the beef in Master Kong's beef noodles. The picture is for reference only. Do you really want to find the beef in it?

"Kunpeng is too real!"

"Exactly as advertised!"

"Some people said that Kunpeng's publicity was a gimmick before."

"But then again, this old man is so old, can he really sing?"

"The program category is barely enough!"

"I know you guys are real, but you still have to guarantee the level."

"Listen and see."

"Maybe it's to give the old man a chance to encourage and encourage others."

"makes sense."

Just as everyone was discussing this, the music suddenly rang!

This song is called "Bomb". It is a rock song released by Zhou Hanjin three years ago. The very violent music style shocked the audience instantly!


This song?

How could it be this song! ?

From everyone's point of view, the old man is auspicious, and he should be singing that kind of very old song. The main thing to show is the story in the voice, which is the precipitation brought by the years, but he never expected that the song chosen by the other party is so young. change!

"Playing so big?"

"I can't sing this song after learning music for three years!"

"My lord is so fierce!"

"It's really brave to choose this song!"

"Can he sing this song?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"This song is a ktv nightmare for many people!"

"The main reason is that when people get older, their voices will also degenerate. Many singers and queens retire because of their age."

"Fuck, he really sings!"

Amidst the shock of the audience, the verse part began, and Jixiang slammed his voice loudly when he came up:

"Put a bomb on life!"

"Blow up all the depression!"

"Corruption and stagnation have nothing to do with me!"

"I carnival in the blazing sun!"

"Maybe it's been a bit of a mess lately!"

"But my sky is still blue!"

"Maybe a person feels lonely occasionally, but life is like a lakeside, there is always someone waiting on the other side, meeting all your expectations!"

"A person is truly defeated only when he gives up. I want to be as brave as a bomb!"

The audience was stunned!

This old man is full of spirits!

It is simply unbelievable that he is already sixty years old this year!

"This state!"

"Can I be in this state at the age of sixty?"

"It's almost impossible. In reality, how many sixty-year-olds can still soar and sing such high-pitched rock and roll!"


"The old man is too good!"

"This performance really surprised me!"

"I love this treble!"

"Turn around!"

In the audience's exclamation, Zhou Hanjin turned around. After all, this song "Bomb" was his own song, but our Song King Zhou never expected that the singer would be an old man who could almost be his father. Suddenly blurted out:

"Beep (down) beep (groove)!"

In the later stage, Zhou Hanjin was directly silenced, but all the audience saw that this guy's mouth shape was "fucking", and they burst out laughing instantly!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

This week the King of Singers has become more and more genuine, and the program crew is scared. If he is not silenced, it is estimated that this episode may not be officially broadcast.


Qin Lian turned around!

Li Xiao turned around!

Zhang Xiyang turned around!

The auspicious old man actually won the fourth rank!

It's just that the other three mentors were also frightened when they turned around!

Li Xiao screamed: "How big is he!"

Qin Lian's face turned pale: "At least fifty or sixty years old!"

Zhang Xiyang was dumbfounded: "I almost didn't get scared out of a heart attack!"

Zhou Hanjin actually sang along: "I am a bomb, I am that bomb!"

Really like the bomb!

The whole audience was blown up!

The second episode is almost over here, but the netizens who watched the show were blown up one by one!

Aurora platform.

There are countless related topics.

"Whoever said that the good players of "The Voice" are all placed in the first issue, and the second issue of Ma De is also a fierce yuppie, okay?"

"I'm sorry I was wrong!"

"I dare not question Kunpeng's variety show anymore!"

"The contestants in this second round are no worse than those in the first round, especially the old man Jixiang at the end, who really scared me!"

"The old saying is true!"

"Uncle Ni is still your uncle!"

"This show is completely invincible!"

"It's not in vain that I waited for a week. It's really cool. The last rock song exploded!"

"This show is a bomb!"

No surprises, the second issue of "The Voice" is also popular, and the popularity is even higher than the first issue, because the popularity of the show is still accumulating and growing, now no one dares to question it anymore!

Even the die-hard fans of "Master and Apprentice" shut up!

How can this attack "The Voice"? The whole Internet is praising it!

Now no one is discussing "Master and Apprentice" at all, and the discussion is much darker, even though that program also has four super first-line mentors.

But compared to "The Voice", other programs of the same type are not even a meal replacement for the audience. There is really no comparison, the gap is too big!


the next day.

Jiang Cheng called Lin Zhibai, "Tell the boss good news. The market share of the brands that Lin Gong is in charge of has been suppressed by our competitors from The Voice."


Lin Zhibai smiled.

It just so happens that this year is coming to an end, and it's time for the second and third generations of the Lin family to hand in their test papers for the first time. The old man will definitely fail Lin Gong's test paper.

"Lin Gong is finished."

Jiang Cheng said with some emotion.

Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "Not only Lin Gong, but also Lin Feng is almost finished. It should be difficult for them to get the opportunity to independently control certain projects in the future."

"Congratulations to the boss first."

Jiang Cheng said with a smile: "If you want to say that it's over, Lin Hu is almost over. The live broadcast of the myth is in his hands, and he hasn't made a serious profit this year. On the contrary, it's Lin Bao who is quite interesting. This guy is in charge of the comic industry. , It's really strange to do it so vividly..."

"Leave him alone."

Lin Zhibai suffered a head injury back then because he was bullied by the third generation of Mythology. In fact, what he hated the most was the person who secretly pushed him.

That person should not be Lin Bao,

Because Lin Bao has a bluffing personality, he belongs to the one with a lot of thunder and little rain, and in his impression, this guy was far away at that time. Lin Zhibai's main suspects are Lin Mu and Lin Sen of Sanbo's family, which is why he hates it. Lin Liu's reason.

Who told Lin Liu to be Sanbo's daughter?

Besides, in the years when Lin Zhibai was injured, Lin Liu was among the most ruthless group of people who squeezed out his family. Will not be soft.

At this time, my sister's phone came in.

Lin Zhibai talked to Jiang Cheng, and then connected to his sister's phone. Lin Xi's excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

"good news!"

"What good news?"

Lin Xi smiled and said, "I'm now the deputy director of the Music Department of Shinhwa Entertainment. My aunt promoted me, and she really did as you ordered!"


Lin Zhibai followed suit with a smile. Ever since his aunt begged him to be noble last time, he had ordered the Mythology Publishing House to loosen restrictions on his uncle's printing companies, and the profits here were quite large.

My sister's promotion is my aunt's reward.

After chatting with my sister for a while, there was a third phone call. Lin Zhibai raised his eyebrows slightly. This time it was Aunt Lin Wei.

After informing my sister.

Lin Zhibai answered Lin Wei's call.

Aunt Lin Wei seemed to be here to ask for credit, and said with a smile, "My good nephew, have you received the news that Aunt has given your sister the second-in-command position in the music department."

Good nephew?

Lin Zhibai felt chills for a while, but he didn't show it on his mouth. He also smiled and replied: "Thank you for the promotion, aunt. We have a good cooperation. If there is nothing else, I will hang up first."


Auntie seems to have something to do, "I want to talk to you face to face about something, it's related to me, and it's also related to your sister..."


Seeing his aunt's seriousness, Lin Zhibai was also curious about what the other party wanted to say, so he directly arranged with the other party to meet at a certain coffee shop.

half an hour later.

The two meet.

Lin Wei said: "The old man assigned different projects to everyone last year, and it took a year to see how the second and third generations performed. Your performance was the best, so you handed in the papers in advance and got Myth Publishing House, but my aunt's performance is quite satisfactory..."

"You can say whatever you want."

Lin Zhibai was not too polite to this aunt.

Lin Wei didn't care about Lin Zhibai's attitude towards her, she said seriously: "I ask myself how capable I am, but the music department is not suitable for me, so I'm considering whether to hand over the music department to Lin Xi..."

"Are you willing?"

Lin Zhibai slightly raised his eyebrows.

Lin Wei said: "I can negotiate with the old man to take charge of another project, but this is my own business, but Lin Xi needs my nod if he wants to be the head of the music department."


Lin Zhibai cut to the chase.

Lin Wei quite likes the character of this nephew. Although he is not very polite and polite, and does not have much respect for his elders, at least the other party does not play tricks. If you have any problems, you can directly discuss them in the open: "The condition is The printing cooperation list of Myth Publishing House, I will share more with your uncle in the future."

Lin Zhibai said, "Thirty percent."

Lin Wei shook her head: "Fifty percent."

The two looked at each other, and finally Lin Zhibai said calmly: "Then 40% is fine, I hope my uncle can eat it, if the workmanship is not up to standard, I will change my mind."

"Don't worry about that!"

Lin Wei knew that the matter was almost done, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "In the future, if you master the Shinhwa Group, I hope you can give my aunt's family a way to survive."


Lin Zhibai said so.

Lin Wei was a little distracted. She meant her words more as a joke. She didn't expect Lin Zhibai to respond directly. Does this guy really think he can inherit the Shinhwa Group?

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