Freelance Artist

Chapter 298 Zhou Hanjin: Join if you can't beat it

Lin Xi didn't know that a deputy director of the music department was not enough...

The younger brother has already started planning to help him win the entire Shinhwa Entertainment music department.

In the next few days, there will still be a lot of news about "The Voice" on the Internet, but Lin Zhibai no longer has to keep an eye on it all the time.

After all, the battle of the century in the variety show circle has come to an end with the hit of "Master and Apprentice".

the next day.

After recording the third episode of "The Voice", Jiangcheng rented out a hotel, where the host invited the members of the program team to have a dinner. It could also be regarded as a celebration banquet. Of course, Lin Zhibai, as the music director of the program team, also attended .

"thanks everyone!"

"The four instructors have worked hard!"

"Teacher Baidi has also worked hard!"

"It should."

"Pleasant cooperation."

"We can't take it lightly in the future."

"There's still a lot of time ahead."

"To make "The Voice" better and better, let's make a toast together!"


The dinner was very harmonious.

Everyone drank it down.

Zhou Hanjin clinked glasses with Lin Zhibai a few times, but later on he didn't know if he had drunk too much. Zhou Hanjin blushed and raised three fingers.

"Three times, three times!"

Lin Zhibai was stunned, what the hell?

Everyone was also baffled, thinking that Zhou Han was just trying to get drunk, and he was targeting Teacher Baidi, so they couldn't help getting nervous.

"Because of you, I took second place three times in the season standings!"

Zhou Hanjin finally spoke out what was in his heart through the strength of the wine, everyone heaved a sigh of relief and laughed at the same time, it turned out that this is what happened after arguing for a long time!

"King Song of Zhou, don't cry."

"It's no shame to lose to Baidi."

"that is."

"We're all friends now. You even sang "True Heroes" composed by Mr. Baidi. This song is very popular now!"

Everyone comforted and laughed at the same time.

Zhou Hanjin's eyes were drunk and he said, "I'm not convinced easily, but I am convinced to you Baidi. You are really awesome, but I have to say, in fact, I also beat Teacher Baidi once!"

"There is such a thing."

Lin Zhibai also laughed, remembering that he participated in the season list for the first time and released "Sorrow" at the end of the month, but Zhou Hanjin ranked second.

"Looking back now, that was the pinnacle of your life."

Qin Lian teased Zhou Hanjin that it would be difficult for him to win Baidi again if nothing else happened.

The current Baidi is Xiao Qu's father, and last year's Spring Festival Gala Battle of the Gods suppressed several Qu's fathers to reach the top!

"Then I don't care, I won once, don't care how I won."

Zhou Han stuck out his tongue, took another sip of wine, and then suddenly said: "I knew that the price of winning once would be kneeling three times in a row. I shouldn't have released a song that month. Hey, are we friends now?" teacher……"


Lin Zhibai smiled.

Zhou Han had a great time, "As a friend, do you think you should compensate me for my spiritual loss?"

"Are you really drunk?"

Zhang Xiyang glanced at Zhou Hanjin, "I think your thinking is quite clear."

The mental loss or something is actually Zhou Hanjin's hint, everyone can tell that this song king of Zhou is asking for a song with a drink, maybe he can't put down his face at ordinary times?

"That's what I said."

Zhou Hanjin groaned and said, "Teacher Baidi originally said that he would write songs for some of us."

"I did."

Lin Zhibai naturally remembered this.

Li Xiao, who was taking care of Zhou Hanjin next to him, suddenly said: "Actually, Lao Zhou and I have been very annoying recently. Isn't the Spring Festival Gala coming soon? The director team wanted us to sing a love song duet, but we haven't found a suitable song. It will be troublesome if you don't settle down..."

"Urgent?" Lin Zhibai asked.

"Quite urgent."

Li Xiao glanced at Zhou Hanjin. If he wasn't really in a hurry, Lao Zhou, a face-saving guy, wouldn't talk to Baidi like this.


Lin Zhibai asked, "Who has a pen and paper?"

Everyone at the banquet was dumbfounded, and even Zhou Hanjin seemed to have regained consciousness, "You don't want Chuci to possess you again, do you?"

Lin Zhibai felt that this guy's words were dangerous, so he felt guilty for a moment.

"What Chuci possession?"

"You wrote songs on the spot before and created "True Heroes", isn't that just the possession of Chu Ci?"

Qin Lian smiled and said: "After all, everyone in the music world knows that what Chuci is best at is creating songs on the spot, and the speed of writing songs is scary!"

I see.

Lin Zhibai rarely had a bad taste, "Then who do you think is faster, Chu Ci or me?"

"Then it must be Chucikuai!"

Others dare not say it, but Zhou Gewang is more courageous, and said directly: "I have watched the live broadcast of Chuci, and the speed of writing songs is really fast, and the quality is not bad. You have performed live songwriting once, and said Maybe it's luck, unless you perform again and write songs for me and Li Xiao live!"

Lin Zhibai: "..."

Zhang Xiyang was right, it seemed that this guy was really not drunk, his thinking was too clear, and he knew how to use aggressive methods.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help laughing and said, "We Zhou Gewang's abacus, even if I go to Qizhou, I can probably hear it."

Everyone laughed.

While laughing, he didn't know who really brought the pen and paper, and placed it in front of Lin Zhibai.


Lin Zhibai was also a little drunk, and seemed to be in good spirits, so he wrote four words on the paper first.

"Because of love?"

Everyone took a closer look and couldn't help but read out.

Lin Zhibai started to write the lyrics, and after the crackling was done, he started to write the musical notation.

After everything was done, it took only five minutes for everyone's eyes to change.

Ah, Chu Ci is really possessed!

Only Jiang Cheng held back his laughter silently. When everyone knew that Bai Di was Chu Ci, how would they feel when they recalled today's scene?

Jiangcheng was quite looking forward to this.

Anyway, Jiang Cheng never thought that the secret that Bai Di was Chu Ci would be concealed forever, and sooner or later someone would find out, especially the boss's showy behavior like today increased the risk of exposure.

"Let me see."

Zhang Xiyang held the numbered notation lyrics curiously, and couldn't help singing:

"Give you a CD of the past, listen to our love at that time, sometimes suddenly forget that I am still in love with you..."


In this song, the melody line is very beautiful, and the emotion is also very in place. Just the first sentence, the feeling comes out.


The deputy music director of the program group also had his eyes lit up when he heard the first sentence. The melody is so beautiful that it doesn't look like a song created by Baidi on the spur of the moment!

Qin Lian couldn't help but lean over.

Because Lin Zhibai marked male and female voices in the lyrics.

Next came the female part, so Qin Lian sang along, just in time to catch Zhang Xiyang's last sentence:

"If I can't sing that kind of song again, I will blush and avoid it when I hear it, although I will often forget that I still love you..."

"It sounds good! It sounds good!"

The director of the program group was full of excitement, and applauded lightly along with the beat, and finally the whole audience joined in.

clap clap.

The applause beat the beat.

Qin Lian began to sing, "Because love doesn't make you sad easily..."

Zhang Xiyang followed closely behind, getting smoother and smoother, "So everything looks happy..."

that's all.

The two sang together.

"Because love grows simply, and can still be crazy for you at any time."

"Because love has vicissitudes, so we are still young."

"Because love is in that place, there are still people wandering there and people coming and going."

hear this.

Li Xiao was excited!

Zhou Gewang is awake!

This song suits them both so well!

Singing this song in the Spring Festival Gala this year will definitely become popular!

This is the professional judgment of the song king and song post-level figures. This song has the potential to become a big hit. Coupled with the Spring Festival Gala stage, there should be no doubt that it will be popular!

With that in mind.

Zhou Han put aside his rubbing hands, and said to Zhang Xiyang coyly, "This, mine, is for me..."

"I didn't rob you."

Zhang Xiyang teased him.

Lin Zhibai teased King Zhou Ge: "Which one is more beautiful, Duke Chu or me?"

This is a quote from a famous line in "Zou Ji satirizes the king of Qi and accepts advice".

From "Warring States Policy Qi Policy".

The original words are "Who am I and Xu Gongmei in the north of the city", so people in this world can understand it.

Of course, you have to be a good kid who is serious about studying to get it.

For example, Zhang Xiyang said directly: "Your majesty is so beautiful, how can Duke Chu match him?"

These are the original words of Zou Ji's wife in the original text, but "Xu Gong" has become "Chu Gong" here.

Zhou Han looked at Zhang Xiyang like a hopeless illiterate.

But Li Xiao also followed, "How can Duke Chu be as good as Jun Ye?"

These are the original words of Zou Ji's concubine in the original text, so it doesn't seem like flattery to say them here.

Besides, Zou Ji later saw Xu Gong with his own eyes, and felt ashamed to come, so it cannot be said that Bai Di swelled and belittled Chu Ci.

Those who understand it think it's quite clever.

Although Zhou Hanjin didn't understand, he seemed to want to say something, but he held back for a long time before he said:

"Chuci is not as good as you, just because you are so beautiful!"

The audience burst into laughter, obviously there was a sentence from the guest in the original text, "Xu Gong is not as beautiful as the king", but Zhou Hanjin seems to have never read this classical Chinese text.

"Anyway, thanks, let me know if you need help in the future!"

Zhou Hanjin patted his chest and said, he is very satisfied with this song "Because of Love", as for everyone's laughter, he just ignored it!

Join if you can't beat it!

Even if you invite Baidi to sing, are you still afraid of being laughed at?

Li Xiao naturally followed suit to express his gratitude, but Lin Zhibai waved his hand casually and said, "It was originally what I promised. Although it is a chorus of men and women, it is only a song after all, so it can be regarded as a gift to King Song of Zhou. .”

Li Xiao blinked, "So I will have a song in the future?"

"Me too?" Qin Lian also looked forward to it.

Zhang Xiyang was more reserved, Lin Zhibai didn't care if he gave it to him or not, after all he and Baidi had cooperated many times.


Lin Zhibai said with a smile.

After dinner for more than an hour, a song was delivered, and finally walked out of the hotel, a gust of wind blew outside, and Lin Zhibai instantly sobered up a lot.

When parting.

Everyone wanted to rush to send Lin Zhibai home.

Lin Zhibai waved his hand, "I'll walk back by myself." He asked Zhang Xiyang for a mask, which is necessary for celebrities to go out, so as to save the trouble of being recognized by passers-by.

"Be careful on the road."

Everyone parted, and Lin Zhibai went home wearing a mask. He thought the car ride was too boring, so he might as well walk back. Anyway, it was only three kilometers, and walking was no problem at all.

The problem is...

Because the Spring Festival is coming again.

All the shops and supermarkets Lin Zhibai passed by were playing the same song, and that song was called "Gong Xi Fa Cai".

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