Freelance Artist

Chapter 306: Grandfather of New Year Songs!

At this time, the outside world didn't know what Baidi had done, and there were heated discussions about it on the Internet.

"White Emperor is so fierce!"

"Although I didn't rush to the second line, I wrote three New Year's Eve songs in a row, and also arranged and recorded them all in one day. This efficiency is amazing!"

"It's not much worse than Chu Ci!"

"Top geniuses all have something in common, right?"

"It's really awesome, even a die-hard Chuci fan like me admires it!"

"The key three songs are so good!"


"Why don't you think that Baidi will release the fourth song?"

"He hasn't rushed to the second line yet."

"I reckon Baidi has been squeezed dry by now, not a drop left."



"I wipe it!"

"Bai Di is really crazy!"

Just when everyone thought that Baidi had been exhausted and could not write the fourth New Year's song, Shinhwa released the news——


That is the fourth day!

Baidi will release three more New Year's songs!

Netizens who saw the news were all dumbfounded!


the other side.

At a music party.

Several musicians got together.

"Bai Di is too fierce!"

"I didn't rush into the second line so fiercely."

"It seems that Bai Di will really be suppressed by Chu Ci for a while."

"On the way I just came here, I heard that many shops are playing Baidi's "Go Home and Have a Look."

"Now the playlists of major stores are enriched."

"In the past, only "Gong Xi Fa Cai" was played on a loop."

"This year not only has Chuci's "Good Luck Come" added, but also three new New Year's songs by Baidi."


One of the musicians was surfing the Internet while chatting, and suddenly he saw the news that Baidi would release three new New Year songs tomorrow, and immediately exclaimed: "Baidi has three more New Year songs to release tomorrow!"

"I wipe!"

"Do you want to continue?"

"Isn't this already three songs!"

"This person has no limits!"

"Who said there can't be a fourth song?"

"This is the fourth, fifth and even the sixth capital!"

This group of people in the industry were all stunned, but Baidi was completely insane and no one could stop him!

the next day!

Nine p.m!

Three songs are coming out one after another!


First, the song "Good Day" was released!


"Today is a good day!"

"Anything you want can come true!"

"Today is a good day, let's open the door to welcome the spring breeze..."

Countless listeners tune in!

"Sounds good!"

"This is the fourth song, why is the quality still so high!"

"How does Bai Di have such a brain!"

"I downloaded all these songs!"

"Hahaha, this is another wave of playlists for major stores!"

"It should be done now!"

"There's still a fifth and a sixth!"


The song "Love each other as a family" is released!

"Because we are family!"

"A loving family!"

"Only by destiny can we get together, and only by heart can we cherish. Why let the sky be full of dark clouds to cover your eyes!"

a very nice melody!

Catchy lyrics!

Just like the previous songs, it instantly conquered the ears of countless people!

"You can always trust Bai Di!"

"Ahhh, this song is too much for my appetite!"

"Hahaha, Baidi posted so much in one breath, there is always one you like!"

"How to break all likes?"

"Would you like to have such a good time for Chinese New Year!"

"Bai Di wrote the New Year's song, I feel that he has already reached perfection!"


The last one!

It is also the sixth New Year song released by Baidi recently, "Unforgettable Tonight"!

This song is bel canto!

Some viewers are not used to it.

But the overall rating is the highest one!

"It's really amazing!"

"Baidi's New Year's song is invincible!"

"I suddenly remembered a title of Chu Ci!"

"What title?"

"Wedding Song Patriarch!"

"Now the White Emperor should also have a title!"


"New Year's Song Patriarch!"


Lunar New Year Song Patriarch!

This is the "glory title" Baidi won after releasing six New Year's songs in a row!

But this is not Lin Zhibai's goal!

Lin Zhibai's goal is for Baidi to enter the second line!

All eyes are on the star rating ranking list at the same time!

"Can it be done?"

"It should work this time, right?"

"In order to attack the second line, Baidi has become the master of New Year songs!"

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, this title is really down-to-earth!"

"It's really unreasonable if you don't enter the second line!"

"It's really a show!"

"On the same theme, writing six songs in a row, the first one is a classic, how can ordinary people do this!"

"I even suspect that Father Qu doesn't have this ability!"

"It's easy to write a New Year's song, but it's really not easy to write a high-quality first song!"

"Oh shit!"


Someone updated the star rating ranking list.


Everyone subconsciously looked for Baidi in the third-line list, but they didn't find it for a long time.

Until someone looked at the second-tier list and finally saw Baidi!

"It's done!"


"It's not easy!"

"For this second line, Baidi wrote a total of six songs, and they are all New Year's songs written now!"

"Thank you Chuci!"

"If it weren't for the stimulation of Chuci, we wouldn't be able to hear the six songs of Baidi!"

"Hahaha, I will support Chu Ci more in the future. It is best to help Chu Ci advance to the front line. I don't know how crazy Baidi is then!"


"If it wasn't for Chu Ci's coercion, I really didn't know that Baidi was so obsessed with writing New Year's songs!"

"Alright, congratulations to Baidi too!"

In the past few days of the Chinese New Year, everyone watched Baidi rush to the second line all the way, so they felt relieved to see him succeed.

Instead, some Baidi fans started to joke:


"If Baidi has not entered the second line, will he continue to post New Year's songs?"

"I'm sure it will!"

"The six capitals have been released, who dares to say that he can't write the seventh one!"


"At first, I thought that three songs were his limit, but when the fourth, fifth and sixth songs came out, I was completely stupid!"


This wave of rushing to the second line is exciting for fans, and the whole process is high-energy!

The main reason is that this scene is too spectacular. There are so many stars in Qinzhou who will hit the star rating rankings, but no one has ever been as aggressive as Baidi, who just sings without thinking Song……

Until the second line!

Sounds easy, right?

But if it's any second-tier star, who else can be like Baidi, who can't write so many good songs even if his brain cells are dead!


Lin Zhibai's family.

Lin Zhibai smiled when he saw that he had succeeded, and finally he could breathe a sigh of relief.

My mother was frightened by Lin Zhibai, mainly because she felt sorry for her son, how many brain cells would die from writing so many songs, "Did you work hard these days?"

"I'm fine."

Lin Zhibai admits that he is a little bit over the top, but the problem is actually not that big of a deal.

Because the songs written are all New Year's Eve songs with simple melodies. Although the scenes are a bit shocking to some people in the industry, they are still within the comprehensible range.

"Chu Ci is possessed?"

Lin Xi smiled and said, "I didn't know before that your songwriting speed is so ridiculous!"

Dad said: "I know, he completed the soundtrack of "Hurricane" in a short time, and the speed is faster than all the soundtrack composers I have ever seen!"

"Congratulations, you are finally on the second line."

Lin Shengtian also laughed, and couldn't help asking: "If six songs are not enough, will you continue to write the seventh song?"


Lin Zhibai shook his head decisively.

Lin Zhibai has almost exhausted the New Year's Eve songs of the Great Heavenly Dynasty.

Of course, there are still some songs that are barely usable, but in fact, most of them are not as influential as the six songs that have been released. These six songs have almost wiped out all the songs that were popular during the Spring Festival in the previous life, which is the so-called bald wool!

But it's worth it.

Because the Spring Festival Gala is not a stage where Lin Zhibai can release songs as he wants, he will keep these New Year's songs, so it is better to release them all at once, so as to help him become a second-tier star.

Now Baidi is on the second line.

Chuci is also second-line.

Lin Zhibai thought that if Chuci's vest was exposed, and the two vests merged, maybe he could directly enter the first line, or even hope to surpass the first line?

Of course I also think about it.

Lin Zhibai was not ready for Chu Ci's fall, he needed a suitable opportunity, but this matter had to be planned.

Lin Zhibai narrowed his eyes.

Perhaps this year Chu Ci will lose his horse.


Not to mention when Chu Ci was about to fall off the horse.

In the next few days, because Baidi released six New Year's songs in one go, the streets and alleys during the Spring Festival were finally no longer monotonous!

On the fifth day of the lunar new year.

Lin Zhibai also deliberately went out for a walk.

Some stores are playing "Good Luck", some are playing "Gong Xi Fa Cai", some are playing "Gong Xi Gong Xi", and some are playing "The God of Wealth Arrives" and so on.

As a netizen put it:

With his own power, Baidi has enriched the playlists in the streets and alleys!

"Finally, I don't have to be brainwashed by the cycle of singles!"

"Thank you Chuci, thank you Baidi!"

"Suddenly I feel sorry for the singer who will sing the New Year's song in the Spring Festival Gala next year..."

"This year, Baidi released six New Year's songs in one go. How can we play the New Year's songs in next year's Spring Festival Gala?"

"These New Year's songs can't be surpassed!"

"Baidi, the patriarch, has just come to the end of the road of New Year's songs!"

"It doesn't matter."

"I will only listen to Baidi's New Year's songs during the Spring Festival, plus Chuci's "Good Luck Comes" is enough."

It is worth mentioning that:

Because Baidi's current wave is to catch up with Chu Ci and enter the second line, so he made the feat of releasing six New Year's golden songs in succession.


It's rare that Baidi's fans didn't cash in on Chuci's fans.

The relationship between the two sides has even become rare and harmonious.

Baidi powder is very polite:

"Teacher Chuci, please do your best!"

"Bai Di relies on Teacher Chu Ci to spur him on!"

"Without Teacher Chu Ci, Bai Di would be too lazy to lose his temper!"

"Yes, only when Chuci writes songs well can he arouse Baidi's desire to win!"

Chu Ci fans are modest:

"Teacher Baidi is also Chu Ci's mirror. Without Baidi, Chu Ci probably wouldn't have so much motivation to start a career."

"Promote each other!"

"Competition second, friendship first!"

"Thinking about the past two or three years, either Baidi chased Chu Ci, or Chu Ci chased Baidi. Isn't the end result very good?"

The two sides are in harmony.

Netizens began to get used to it.

It's Chinese New Year, did Baidi and Chu Ci's fans shake hands and make peace?


ps: Before I know it, this book has already reached a million words. Next, I may have to consider how to write the plot of Chu Ci’s losing the horse. Once Chu Ci loses the horse, the plot will enter a new rhythm.

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