Freelance Artist

Chapter 307 The White Emperor is in charge of the Music Department of Mythology, and Su Dingbo, Chai

On the sixth day of the lunar new year, the flavor of the new year is still strong. When Lin Zhibai got up and had breakfast, he found that the family was very well organized today, and it was rare that no one slept late.

"Is there a problem?" Lin Zhibai asked.

Dad said seriously, "We're going to Xicheng Manor at noon."

Going to Xicheng Manor?

Lin Zhibai's eyes flashed.

Lin Xi muttered, "The old man will officially close the paper."

The mother said, "Maybe it's about the split of the company. The group headquarters has been preparing for a long time."

Lin Shengtian asked, "Are all the other houses going?"

Lin Dong nodded.

After breakfast, at noon that day, Lin Zhibai's family arrived at Xicheng Manor, but just as they entered the living room, they ran into several members of the uncle's family who were talking together.

"You four are here."

The uncle and Lin Dong nodded. Although there were many conflicts, they still greeted each other normally. The third uncle didn't speak, but he also nodded. Only the second uncle didn't say anything, as if he didn't see anyone, and sat in the corner of the sofa. while smoking.

at this time.

There was a coughing sound in the distance.

Everyone turned their heads, their faces changed drastically!

I saw Lin Zhaomu sitting in a wheelchair at this time, being pushed by Secretary Jin.

"Dad, why are you in a wheelchair?"

The second uncle quickly stood up and extinguished the cigarette in his hand, and then everyone also chattered.

"Your body?"

"It doesn't look good."

"are you sick?"

Lin Zhaomu waved his hand, "I can still walk, but my energy is low recently, the doctor said it would be best to walk less."

"You have to pay attention to your health, this family is still supported by you." The uncle was full of concern.

"I can't be a family for a few years."

When Lin Zhaomu said this, he coughed a few more times, and then said: "One year is up, last year I gave each of you a chance to display your abilities, some did well, and some did a mess."

The uncle paused when he heard the words, Lin Gong and Lin Jing's two sons were also silent.

The second uncle was guilty and silent, his son Lin Hu and daughter Lin Feng also bent down and lowered their heads, as if to avoid the old man's gaze, but Lin Bao held his head high and his chest was full of complacency.

The third uncle smiled all over his face, and the two sons also smiled in the same way, only Lin Liu bit his lip.

The old man looked around, and after such a comparison, it seemed that the fourth child's family was the calmest.

Cleared his throat.

Lin Zhaomu said, "Boss, the movie is doing pretty well. I've read the financial report. I'll leave it to you. I can rest assured, but your two sons are really useless."

The uncle hurriedly said: "I have already criticized them, do you think you should give them another chance?"

"Opportunities are won by ourselves." Lin Zhaomu said lightly: "Let Lin Wei be responsible for the brands this year."

"Little sister?"

The uncle's face changed, and he said, "Isn't my little sister in charge of the music department now?"

Lin Zhaomu said: "The music work will be transferred to Lin Zhibai in the future. Do you have any opinions?"

Everyone was silent.

It is difficult for anyone to say "no" to this arrangement.

Because Lin Zhibai is Baidi, the famous Xiaoqu's father!

It seemed a logical thing for the music department to be handed over to Lin Zhibai.

The old man looked at Lin Zhibai, "What do you think?"

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "Grandpa asked me to take over and I will take over, but I will hand over the specific work to my sister."

"This is your business."

The old man has no objection to this.

But the second uncle couldn't bear it anymore, "Lin Zhibai already has a Myth Publishing House..."

The old man raised his eyelids, "Do you have an opinion?"

Erbo's face darkened, he took a deep breath, and finally said in a muffled voice, "How dare I have any objection to Dad's decision."

The old man nodded and said: "That's it. Lin Gong is dismissed, and Lin Jing is also dismissed. From now on, the boss will arrange the work of these two boys. Now you are in charge of the movie. Arrange some work for them that is."

Lin Jing became anxious, "Grandpa, my work performance is not that bad..."

Lin Gong's dismissal is justifiable, his work is indeed a mess, but he is in charge of TV artists and there is no major problem!

"Not bad performance?"

The old man's tone was a bit cold, "The artists you are in charge of are about to rebel, saying that you forced them to arrange jobs, either to endorse the products your brother is in charge of, or to drive traffic to Lin Hu's live broadcast platform, but nothing was done. Isn't that called bad performance?"


Lin Jing was so angry that he was cheated by his brother and Lin Hu!

The old man announced: "In the future, the TV artist will be in charge of the fourth brother."


Lin Dong nodded.

The old man continued: "Let's do it like this, everyone, and then the second child. Last year, both Shinhwa Video and Shinhwa TV did not perform very well. Maybe the burden I gave you is too heavy. In this way, you will be in charge of Shinhwa Video in the future." Alright, Shinhwa TV will give you the third brother."

"Dad, give me some more time!"

Er Bolin Xia panicked, "The TV station is fine in my hands, but I just misjudged the drama "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"!"

"Second brother, are you still worried about me?"

Sanbo Linqiu smiled and said: "I will manage the TV station well. If you have feelings for someone down there, you can transfer to the Shinhwa video. I have no objection."


Lin Xia was a little annoyed, "Do you understand TV stations!"

Lin Qiu still smiled and said: "If there is anything I don't understand, I will ask my second brother for advice, and I will ask my second brother to teach me more when the time comes."

"You stole it from me, right?"

Lin Xia stared at Lin Qiu, the old man only left himself a mythical video, isn't this the rhythm to let himself stand aside?

"No one robbed you, it was you who didn't keep it."

The old man said, "Your eldest son didn't hold on to the Shinhwa live broadcast, so let's give up after the live broadcast market. Lin Hu and your father went to find a job in the Shinhwa video, and so did Lin Feng. From now on, stay at the Shinhwa video. Don't worry about it." Tossing around."

This sentence directly announced the "death sentence" of Lin Hu and Lin Feng.

Lin Huna didn't dare to speak out, his work is really difficult to describe in one word, and the live broadcast market can't compete with carp live broadcast at all!

Lin Feng gritted his back molars tightly, and also remained silent.

"As for Lin Bao, if you continue to be in charge of the comic industry, I will give you 50% of the comic company's shares."

Only Lin Bao in Erbo's family got real benefits!

"Thank you grandpa!"

Lin Bao was overjoyed, smiling all over his face, but he soon realized something was wrong. After all, his family members had been reduced in power, and he shouldn't laugh because of emotion or reason. Thinking of this, Lin Bao began to hold back his laughter, expressing sadness In just a few seconds, he recalled all the sad things in his life.

"After the third child, you will be in charge of the TV station."

Lin Zhaomu said: "The propaganda work you were in charge of will continue to be in your hands. Let your son Lin Mu help you more. As for Lin Sen, he will be responsible for a few more theme parks..."

After such a circle arrangement is completed.

Lin Zhaomu looked at Lin Dong: "You and your children have done a good job. This year, you will add a little burden and serve as the deputy general manager of Shinhwa Entertainment..."

that's all.

The reallocation is complete.

Of course, some people will be dissatisfied with the old man's arrangement, but there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

Judging from the results, the third and fourth families gained the most, after all, they performed the best last year.

"I also asked Secretary Jin to make arrangements for the split of the company. First, the Shinhwa Film Department will be spun off to become an independent Shinhwa Film Company, and then the specific distribution of some shares will be made. Secretary Jin will let them have a look."

After talking so much, the old man seemed a little tired.

Secretary Jin quickly showed the second and third generations of the Lin family the distribution of shares this year.

First of all, the uncle will get 30% of the shares of Shinhwa Films.

Erbo's family will get 40% of the shares of Shinhwa Video.

Sanbo obtained 20% of the shares of Shinhwa TV.

Lin Zhibai's father, Lin Dong, obtained 30% of Shinhwa Entertainment's shares.


On the way home, Lin Xi was in a good mood, "Erbo's family has been marginalized. Although Shinhwa Video is highly valued, it's just a video website after all. It's just his son Lin Bao and some extra comics. industry……"

"The uncle's family will only have to go to the movies in the future."

Lin Shengtian said: "However, it's not too bad for him to take the shares of the film company, but Sanbo's family has benefited a lot."

"That's not as good as our home."

My mother smiled and said, "In the future, Shinhwa Entertainment, apart from the film department that was spun off, will be our world in the future."

"Not yet, I only have 30% of the shares."

Dad Lin Dong said: "The remaining 70% don't know how the old man plans to arrange it. It probably depends on our follow-up performance."

"That's what you need to worry about, Dad."

Lin Zhibai is quite satisfied with today's results, "In the future, my sister will take care of the music department, and I'll just hang up."

My sister has worked in the music department for many years and has rich experience.

Lin Zhibai's energy will still be put on Kunpeng.

He wants to use Kunpeng to deal with several uncles, first of all, the film industry. The old man seems to want to completely hand over the mythical film industry to the uncle's family.

It's easy to deal with.

Lin Zhibai plans to let Kunpeng also enter the film industry.

As for the mythical video of Erbo's family, this piece of Lin Zhibai also has calculations. Sooner or later, he will let Kunpeng's video seize the market!

As for Sanbo's family, they are quite powerful now and difficult to deal with.

Lin Zhibai plans to start with the TV station and strengthen cooperation with Tianguang TV station in the future.

that's all.

go home.

Lin Zhibai talked with Jiang Cheng on the phone and talked about today's affairs.

Jiang Cheng was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "How do I feel, Mr. Lin started to change his strategy this year, turning to fight, and no longer let each family hold each other back..."

"Because he's old."

Lin Zhibai recalled the state of the old man today, it seemed that there was something wrong with his body, and it was hard to pretend that kind of weakness.

In this situation.

The old man finally began to think about how to properly resolve the conflicts between his children and grandchildren.

The best solution is to let the four families do their own work without interfering with each other.

However, Lin Zhibai did not intend to let those uncles go. Of course, there is no way to kill and set fire in modern society, but he can let the three uncles' families experience what it means to fall to the bottom.

"I see."

Jiang Chengdao: "In this way, things will become simpler."

Lin Zhibai smiled.

A large number of job changes in the second and third generations of the Lin family of the Shinhwa Group were implemented one after another a few days later.

The news that Shinhwa Group spun off Shinhwa Entertainment Film Division and became an independent film company quickly spread throughout the industry.

Lin Zhibai transformed himself into the head of the music department of Shinhwa Entertainment!

Within the company.

There was no resistance for Lin Zhibai's appointment in the music department.

Because he is not only the young master of the third generation of the Lin family, but also Xiaoqu's father, Baidi!

However, Lin Zhibai had already planned to hand over the management of the music department to his sister who was the vice minister, so he showed his face after taking office and it was over.

that's all.

Time came to the tenth.

Just when Lin Zhibai was thinking about how to deal with his uncles in the future, a news that shocked the entire Qinzhou entertainment circle suddenly came out!

Su Chan's grandfather!

Chairman of Tianguang Group!

A legend in the entertainment industry!

Su Dingbo, who was almost as famous as Lin Zhaomu of Mythology and Yin Tianchou of Nathan Entertainment, passed away on January 10th!

transition period

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