Freelance Artist

Chapter 322 Transition

in the room.

Lin Zhibai was about to go to bed.

Suddenly the system beeps:

"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations to the host, the long-term mission [Battle of Inheritance] has made a breakthrough!"

"Reward the host with 30 skill points!"

Lin Zhibai was shocked, and all drowsiness disappeared in an instant!

Why is the system so generous all of a sudden, and I have obtained so many skill points!

All the skill points that Lin Zhibai had accumulated before had already been studded on calligraphy at the poetry conference. I thought it would take at least a year and a half to accumulate so many skill points in the future.

Unexpectedly, the blood returned to 30 points today!

Lin Zhibai narrowed his eyes and noticed the prompt from the system:

"Congratulations to the host, the long-term mission [Battle of Inheritance] has made a breakthrough..."


How did it make a breakthrough?

I just wrote some poems.

By the way, he showed some calligraphy talents.

This level should not be rewarded with so many skill points, right?

You must know that when Lin Zhibai took all the shares of Shinhwa Publishing House, the system only rewarded him with 30 points.

Is it because of the old man?

Lin Zhibai remembered the phone call with the old man today.

The old man on the phone spoke in a different tone than in the past, and even smiled and mentioned something like "the Lin family has a Wenqu star".


Could it be because of my glorious ancestors?

After all, the Lin family is a chaebol, and there really hasn't been any great talents.

There is a high probability that this is the reason. Sure enough, stud is a kind of wisdom. If you don't raise your calligraphy to 80 points in one go, maybe you won't get such a generous reward this time.

Lin Zhibai thought happily.

Keep saving these 30 skill points.

Only with skill points can we achieve "point where you don't know".

At this time, the phone rang suddenly, Lin Zhibai glanced at it, it was Zhou Tai calling, and the two left each other's contact information when they parted ways.

"Brother Zhou?"

"Teacher Baidi, thank you..."

What Zhou Tai said was general, but Lin Zhibai understood that it meant that he was now the president of the Qinzhou Poetry Association.

"You are welcome."

Since it was the old man's arrangement, Lin Zhibai simply put it on his own head, after all, it was the energy of the Shinhwa Group that was operating.

"See you next time, let's have a few more drinks."

Literati are still relatively reserved, and Zhou Tai just silently remembered this kindness in his heart.

Without the energy of the Lin family, Zhou Tai would not be the president of this Poetry Association.

It's not that I'm not qualified enough.

But he has no relationship in this regard.

He is not as smooth as Yun Lan, nor can he be as treacherous as Huang Yulou or as selfish as Jiang He.

In order to speak for Lin Zhibai, he even offended most of the literary world, but he did not expect to get great honor and benefits in the end.

However, although Zhou Tai is considered a man of integrity, he is not unreal.

Zhou Tai was really happy to be the president of the Poetry Association.

The two chatted for a while before hanging up, and Zhao Ru's call came back quickly

The meaning is similar to that of Zhou Tai. It is to thank Lin Zhibai. This old lady really wants to do something for the Qinzhou literary world.

And this promotion gave her this condition.

At the end of the phone call, Mrs. Zhao said with emotion: "The atmosphere in Qinzhou's literary world has really gone wrong in the past few years, and it needs to be cleaned up."

Lin Zhibai smiled.

He agrees with this, the group of poetry clubs have lost the integrity of literati.

As for talent, Lin Zhibai really didn't feel that those people were inferior. After all, he was a sucker, and it was normal that they couldn't compete with him in poetry.

However, Lin Zhibai didn't bother to care about how the old lady Zhao cleaned up the atmosphere in the literary world.

Anyway, after this wave, there should be no one in the Qinzhou literary world who would dare to offend him.

the next day.

After Lin Zhibai got up, he looked at the trending searches and news. He was surprised to find that the literary world in Qinzhou had almost changed, but there were not many related news reports on the Internet, and the discussion among netizens was not high.

This is unreasonable.

Mythology overwhelms the news!

The old man guessed that he didn't want to leave the outside world with the impression that the Shinhwa Group retaliated against Jiang He and Huang Yulou for the White Emperor, and this could be regarded as protecting himself in a disguised form.

But in the literary world.

In the minds of many literati, like a bright mirror, the end of Jiang He and Huang Yulou must have something to do with Baidi. This is the first time that the Qinzhou literary world has faced the influence of the Shinhwa Group!

Jiang He and Huang Yulou hit an iron plate this time.

They can ignore the Myth Publishing House controlled by Baidi.

After all, with the status of top literati, they are not afraid of publishing houses at all, but they ignore the influence behind Baidi.

Maybe it's because they didn't expect the Shinhwa Group to do this for Baidi.

They didn't even expect that the Shinhwa Group's reaction would be so strong that it would pour out thunderous anger for Baidi.

Someone said: "It is rumored that Baidi is Lin Zhaomu's most beloved grandson. It seems that it is not groundless. In the past few days, Alei Pavilion, Wu'an, An'an, Xin Zhao and others are too scared to show their heads."

Some people also sighed: "In the future, there should be no room for these few people in the literary world."

In fact, in the final analysis, it was because Baidi's performance at the poetry meeting was so perfect.

If there is no perfect performance of Baidi in the poetry meeting, it will not lead to public dissatisfaction with Jiang He and Huang Yulou. In the public opinion, Jiang He and Huang Yulou's style has been judged as a problem, and Shinhwa Group can easily let Jiang He and Huang Yulou It's over.

And after this battle.

The entire Qinzhou literary world then withered a bit, and those who targeted Baidi at the poetry meeting were more or less sanctioned.


that's all.

After a few days.

March is coming.

The influence of the Poetry Association gradually dissipated.

Lin Zhibai didn't publish any new poems, and his performance at the poetry conference was enough.

Lin Zhibai will still write poems in the future, but he will definitely not be able to continue in the short term, otherwise it would be too monstrous.

And soon there are new hot spots.

That's when a big-budget new drama from Shinhwa TV aired.

Tianguang TV broadcast a new drama in the form of sniping at the same time!

The title of the play is "The Legend of Condor Heroes"!

This drama Bu Yehou was the first novel written, so once it was broadcast, it attracted the attention of countless people. Everyone knew that this drama was bound to be a hit!


I understand everything.

When "The Legend of Condor Heroes" was officially broadcast, the director restored the story of the little dragon girl's humiliation, and it was time to break the defense...


"I finally forgot about it, but when I watched the drama, all the memories that died back then came back!"

"I hate you at night!"

"It's been so long, I thought I had accepted it, but it's still so depressing to see it filmed on TV!"

"I've already made a TV series, so the director can't change the plot!"

"I was so angry that I stomped my feet!"

"Brothers, go and scold Bu Yehou with me!"

"Thanks to my wit, I knew this episode was coming and just skipped it, hahahaha, anyway, it doesn't affect my reading of the following content."

"Aside from this paragraph, this drama is still very exciting!"

"The male and female protagonists are both first-line actors, and the casting of the lineup is very suitable!"

"I think the songs in this show are amazing!"

"These songs are all written by Chu Ci!"

The Shendiao TV series was broadcast, and the songs written by Chu Ci for this drama were naturally released. Among them, the most popular song was the theme song "There Are Lovers in the World" composed by Chu Ci for this drama!

Male and female duet.

The man is Zhou Hanjin.

The girl is Han Yueshuang.

"Love is how to do it, how it is wrong, how it is difficult to look at, how it teaches people to live and die. Love is a taste that cannot be said but tasted. After trying it, it will not be drunk and will not return. It will still be so perfect when the beauty fades away. When will we be together? able to understand

Love is a snowflake that falls from the sky in June. It has withered before it bears fruit.

Love is a drop of tears that cannot be wiped dry and burnt out, and have turned to ashes before they solidify..."


For the TV series produced by Kunpeng, Buyehou is in charge of the script, and Chu Ci is in charge of the original soundtrack of the TV series OST. It has become a common practice. This is an invincible combination!

Drama fire songs are also popular!

Just like the previous "Legend of the Condor Heroes"!

However, for the industry, the popularity of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is foreseeable. This time, the industry's main concern is the grievances between Skylight TV, Kunpeng, and Myth TV.

Because "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is too strong!

Shinhwa TV's big-produced new drama with high expectations was directly crushed by "The Legend of Condor Heroes", and even stole a large number of viewers!

Everyone can't help but think of:

The previous drama "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was supposed to be broadcast on Shinhwa TV, but Shinhwa TV gave up because it was not optimistic about itself, so that drama was finally broadcast on Tianguang TV. As a result, Shinhwa TV stumbled!

"So this wave is Kunpeng's revenge?"

"Kunpeng is indeed holding a grudge!"

"Hahaha, the leaders of Shinhwa TV Station have changed, but Kunpeng still didn't let them go!"

"The new director of Shinhwa will pay for his predecessor."

"Originally, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" should be a Shinhwa project."

"Yeah, if they haven't given up on "Legend of the Condor Heroes."

"In the current Qinzhou TV circle, I feel that there is no one who is the opponent of Bu Yehou."

"With Kunpeng becoming a shareholder of Tianguang TV, I feel that Tianguang TV will overwhelm Shinhwa and Nathan in the future."

"It is said that the Kunpeng wins the world."

"The current Tianguang TV station is a good proof of this sentence."


Myth TV.

Lin Qiu's expression turned ugly.

He has just become the director of Shinhwa TV Station, and he is full of ambitions and wants to do a big job. As a result, the first big production that he is optimistic about is sniped by Tianguang TV Station with "The Legend of Condor Heroes"!

What do you mean?

It is Lin Xia who has a grudge against you Kunpeng!

I'm new here, why are you retaliating against me!

If you have any grievances, go to Lin Xia, he is at the Shinhwa video!

All right.

Lin Qiu also knew that complaining was useless.

He can also bear the loss of the show being sniped.

What Lin Qiu is really worried about is whether Kunpeng and Tianguang's attack on Shinhwa TV will become the norm.

If this is the case, then I, the new director of Shinhwa TV Station, will have a hard time in the future.


It was Lin Zhibai's idea to use "The Legend of Condor Heroes" to attack Myth TV. This was a tacit agreement he reached with Su Chan after he became a shareholder of Tianguang.

Regardless of whether the boss of Shinhwa TV Station is Lin Xia or Lin Qiu, Lin Zhibai will never let it go!

Having a bad day?

In the future, the life of Shinhwa TV Station will not be as simple as that.

Kunpeng has almost ruled the Qinzhou TV drama market, and has formed a gold-lettered signboard in the hearts of the audience.

Just compared to TV dramas, the three major signs are not as loud as Kunpeng!

It can be seen from the fact that before the broadcast of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", there was no negative voice in the industry:

It's not what it used to be!

What surprised Lin Zhibai was:

With the popularity of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", Bu Yehou has officially rushed to the ranks of second-tier stars!

It's been discussed online!

"Depend on!"

"Master Hou is on the second line!"

"I'm so angry!"

"Shen Diao has just finished broadcasting the story of Xiaolongnv's humiliation, and he is second-tier!"

"Doesn't this mean that the matter of Xiaolongnv didn't affect him at all?"

"Ma Dan!"

"Forgive him this time, if he dares to write this kind of plot in the future, I will be black all my life!"

"Don't put up the flag, buddy."

"What kind of pervert like Bu Yehou can't do anything, he doesn't tell you about his reading experience in his novels!"

Netizens are depressed.

The main thing is that this wave of Sleepless Hou was promoted to the second line, which happened to be the part of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" where the little dragon girl was humiliated, which is really ironic.

Lin Zhibai thought it was a coincidence.

Now all three vests have entered the second line.

The next three vests will start hitting the front line.

The priority of Baidi and Chuci is higher, because when Lin Zhibai formally explores the outer continent market, he needs to arrange these two vests to charge forward first!

It's March.

After the summer vacation, Lin Zhibai plans to go to war.

You can make some preparations now, because the summer vacation is in July, and Lin Zhibai has to convince his father and Kunpeng to explore the Outer Continent market together. Of course, Jiangcheng must be the first to come forward...


at home.

My mother said unexpectedly: "You said that Kunpeng's representative, Jiangcheng, wants to pull our Shinhwa Entertainment to cooperate and develop the market in Outer Continent together?"

Lin Zhibai snickered.

Jiangcheng arranged for his father to find him.

Dad had a family meeting about it as soon as he got home in the evening.

However, when my father mentioned this matter, my elder sister Lin Xi hesitated and said, "Is it too risky? Markets in every continent have barriers, and the essence is somewhat xenophobic."

"I think you can try it."

Lin Zhibai said: "Although it is very difficult to open up markets in other continents, Myth Entertainment has grown to the current scale, and there is not much room for improvement in Qinzhou's entertainment industry."

"That's right."

Lin Xi frowned and said: "But we are not familiar with the foreign continent market, such as Qizhou. Qizhou also has season charts, but the most popular songs on Qizhou season charts are basically Qiyu songs, including the ones from the film and television dramas over there. The class and style are also different from ours, and we don’t know enough about it.”

"I think it's doable."

Lin Shengtian suddenly said: "With Shinhwa Entertainment's strength alone, it may be almost meaningless to open up markets in other continents, but isn't there Kunpeng?"

The mother participated in the discussion: "Whether Kunpeng can still be so powerful when he goes to the outer continent, that is a question."

Lin Zhibai said: "Dad, why don't you try it? It's a good thing if this matter comes to fruition, even if it doesn't cause a loss, it should be within the acceptable range."

For the sake of his family, Lin Zhibai also broke his heart.

Obviously, he wanted Kunpeng to bring Shinhwa Entertainment to make money.

After all, Mythology Entertainment is now in the hands of my father.

In fact, Lin Zhibai can handle the foreign continent market with Kunpeng.

The main reason for bringing Shinhwa Entertainment in is to prevent internal friction.

"Then try!"

Dad gritted his teeth and finally said.

Lin Zhibai's current family status is still very high, and his father will seriously consider what he says.

Seeing that Lin Zhibai was very supportive, the brothers, sisters and mother didn't say anything more in the end.

It's done.

After convincing his father, Lin Zhibai smiled. Next, he should consider which continent to conquer first.

Qin Qi Chu Yan Han Zhao Wei...

Pick one first.


ps: It's a transitional chapter again, and the following plot needs to be carefully conceived. Next, I recommend a very good-looking new book to everyone. There is a link below!

If you can't break the Dao weapon or hold the flying sword, how can you be called a cultivator? As long as my painting style is higher than yours, this is called cultivating immortals!

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