Freelance Artist

Chapter 323 The Emperor's Grandson in Qinzhou's Entertainment Circle?

To choose which continent to go to, you must first analyze the characteristics of each continent.

Qizhou culture is a bit like Xiangjiang in the previous life. The so-called Qi language songs are actually Cantonese songs in the previous life.

Chuzhou culture is a bit like the neon in the previous life, Chu language is a library of Yamei butterflies, and the animation industry over there is extremely developed.

Korean culture is a bit like the stick in the previous life, and the Korean word is Smecta, where small fresh meat and girl groups are popular, and the phenomenon of fans is serious.

Weizhou culture is a bit like Europe and the United States in the previous life, the local dialect is English, and the technology is quite developed.

Yanzhou culture is a bit like the fighting nation in the previous life.

Zhaozhou's culture is quite close to that of Qinzhou's. The dialect is also Mandarin, but it is very old-fashioned there.

As for Central Continent, it is more integrated and has no special features, but its status is very special. After all, it is the official headquarters of Blue Star.

Lin Zhibai had enough time to think about which continent to go to first.

And also in the near future.

The most popular variety show "The Voice" is finally over.

The overall champion of The Voice in the first season was a male contestant named Han Bo in Li Xiao's group.

This person's performance during the blind selection period was mediocre, but later on he became more and more courageous, and he can be called a super dark horse!

Zhou Han put all his heart and soul into defeating Zhang Xiyang in this show, but neither team won the championship.

It's a bit of a twist.

And the finale night of "The Voice" sparked a huge amount of discussion!


"This is my favorite variety show!"

"Thank you for the company of Good Voice these past few months!"

"Watch it every week, never miss an issue!"

"It's a pity that Luo Yan only took second place in the end!"

"Tian Wei number four, what did I say, woo woo woo!"

"Zhao Youyue made a mistake in her performance, otherwise she would have entered the semi-finals!"

"Korean Bo champion is well deserved!"

"Grandpa Jixiang is in the top fifteen!"

"This show is so real!"

"I feel that there will never be any new music competition program that can surpass "The Voice" in the future!"

"This is a pinnacle!"

"Milestone for Blue Star Music Program!"

"I feel that even King's Landing itself will have a hard time planning a second super music show like this!"




Everyone has everyone's feelings!

Speaking of which, this program also resolved a period of grievances. Zhou Han has absolutely no hostility towards Zhang Xiyang, and the two have even become good buddies. It was too intense, and besides, the two were not from the same company.


Lin Zhibai and Zhou Hanjin have become friends. After all, Baidi used New Year's songs to rush to the second line, and Zhou Songwang performed very hard.


At the end of the show, the four mentors were also very reluctant, and even Lin Zhibai felt a little emotional.

In the second season, I hope that the lineup of mentors will remain the same, but the schedule of singers and queens is very tight, so this goal may not be achieved.


It's hard to say when the second season will start, after all, it's hard to find excellent students.

In the previous life, "The Voice" became less and less popular. On the surface, its model has lost its freshness, but in the final analysis, it is because there are fewer and fewer outstanding players, because what the audience really cares about is the stage quality of the students.


With the official ending of "The Voice", Lin Zhibai returned to a leisurely life in the following days.

this day.

Lin Zhibai took the time to look at his panel data.

【Calligraphy: 80】

【Vocal: 70】

【Piano: 60】

【Guitar: 50】

【Painting: 36】

Following the stud last time, calligraphy is a latecomer, and it has directly become his best art type. At the same time, Lin Zhibai still has 30 skill points in his hand. As long as he wants, he can stud again at any time Once, but I have to hold back for the time being, anyway, this thing takes effect immediately after adding points, so it is more useful to save it in your hand first.

Lin Zhibai has discovered some patterns.

Perhaps adding more than ten points at one time will trigger a special reward with a certain probability.

For example, before Lin Zhibai, he added ten points to the vocal music in one breath, and then he was rewarded with [Variable Voice Lines].

In order to improve calligraphy, Lin Zhibai also received some of Wang Xizhi's inheritance rewards from [Sage of Calligraphy]. The common point of these two trigger rewards is that there are more points added in a single time, especially the second time. Of course, it may be just a coincidence , but Lin Zhibai would rather believe it.


finish class.

Lin Zhibai was about to go home when he suddenly received a phone call from Zhou Tai. As soon as the call came up, the caller said, "Teacher Baidi, I have something I want to discuss with you."

"What's up?"

"The official is going to hold a Blue Star Charity Auction in our Qinzhou next Saturday, and there will be a charity dinner at that time. The above attaches great importance to this charity event. As the leader of the Poetry Association, I need to be responsible for inviting some Everyone in Qinzhou's poetry participated in the charity auction with their works. Of course, the money from the auction of the works will be donated. Then I thought that Mr. Baidi is now the number one talent in Qinzhou, and his calligraphy is so good. Come over to participate? The process is not complicated, just go to have a meal and take out an auction item, after all, it is also good for our personal image."

charity dinner?

Lin Zhibai thought for a while and said, "There should be no problem next Saturday."

"You promised!?"

Zhou Tai couldn't help being overjoyed, "Then I've submitted the name of Teacher Baidi! By the way, there are also the auction items you prepared, and you have to submit them in advance. Of course, whether you want to take out calligraphy or something else to participate in the auction Baidi The teacher decides for himself, and we don’t interfere.”


Zhou Tai smiled and said: "Your situation is quite special, not only is Qin Zhou the number one talented person, but also a super popular star, even if you take out your own clothes for auction, there will be rich people cheering, but we still Try to come up with some auction items that are easy to fetch a high price. After all, this charity auction is organized by Bluestar continents in rotation. This year it is our turn to hold it in Qinzhou. If the donation amount of our Qinzhou delegation is not as good as other continents , somewhat lacklustre."

Lin Zhibai said, "I see."

Zhou Tai helped himself to argue for his reasons at the previous poetry conference. Lin Zhibai did not forget about this, so he did not refuse the other party's invitation. Besides, doing charity is a good thing. First, it can help some people in need. Baidi is already a second-tier celebrity now, if he wants to hit the first-tier, it will definitely be beneficial to participate in this kind of large-scale official charity event——

Lin Zhibai pays great attention to personal image.

As his status gets higher and higher in the future, he must do more charity, no matter for selfish or public reasons.

As for the auction item?

Lin Zhibai was considering whether to write a piece of calligraphy.

But after thinking about it, Lin Zhibai felt that the calligraphy auction was not safe.

Because Lin Zhibai didn't know how much money his calligraphy works could fetch.

This thing is really not good. Although Lin Zhibai's calligraphy is good enough, it's a matter of whether those wealthy people participating in the auction know how to appreciate calligraphy. Honestly, take something with a real price to auction.

I remember my dad collected a lot of antiques.

go whole?

The corners of Lin Zhibai's mouth curled up.

That night, Lin Zhibai entered his father's collection room.

There are many antiques in the collection room. Lin Zhibai doesn't know the specific value of these things, so he looks around and finally chooses an incense burner.

"That's all."

Lin Zhibai went out with the incense burner.

Dad stood at the door, looking at Lin Zhibai resentfully, "You said you would go to the charity auction, why did you take my treasure in the end? This is an antique incense burner with a history of thousands of years. I spent three million to get it last year!"

"I'm doing charity, a good thing to accumulate virtue."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, an antique worth more than three million yuan is quite suitable.

My dad was in pain, "You are the daddy of Xiaoqu in the Qinzhou music scene. If you take out your favorite musical instruments and put them up for auction, you may get a lot of money. Maybe there will be rich fans of yours who are willing to pay a high price."

"That's so insincere."

Lin Zhibai felt that if the musical instruments he had used were put up for auction, what they bought would not be musical instruments.

It's the added value provided by the star himself.

Lin Zhibai feels that it is not as suitable as an antique, and the main price is more reasonable.


Dad has nothing to do with this youngest son, and it's not unacceptable for three million anyway.

Other family members also knew that Lin Zhibai was going to attend the charity dinner.

Lin Shengtian took a closer look at the incense burner in Lin Zhibai's hand, and said with a smile, "Dad is bleeding profusely."

"He should be made to pay."

Lin Xi booed: "Xiao Hei may be richer than our father now!"

The mother said happily: "That's right, based on the valuation of Mythology Publishing House in the tens of billions, plus the money he has made in music in recent years..."

The family laughed.

Amidst the laughter, Dad said, "This charity dinner is of a very high standard, and your grandfather will also attend it at that time. Remember to say hello if you meet at the scene."

"The old man also participated?"

Lin Zhibai heard about this incident only by accident.

"How rare! Your grandfather is also the top richest man in Qinzhou's business world. Isn't it strange to attend Blue Star's highest-level charity dinner? Not only your grandfather, but also the richest men in Blue Star's ranking will basically attend. Any rich man who doesn't do charity these days will be stabbed in the back." Mom said.

Lin Shengtian teased: "Don't let the old man take pictures of this incense burner."

Lin Xi muttered: "The possibility is quite high, and it is reasonable for him to praise his grandson."

"That's kind." Dad curled his lips and said, "I'll go to Xicheng Manor to ask for it after he takes the picture. I'm not afraid that he won't give it to me. Anyway, he doesn't like my little collection."

Lin Zhibai smiled.

Maybe it was because of himself, he felt that the relationship between his father and the old man had eased.

Dad didn't make such jokes before, even when he was sick, he didn't want to go to the old man's hospital to see a doctor.


the next day.

The official released the news of the Blue Star Charity Dinner.

"Blue Star Charity Auction will be held in Qinzhou Jingcheng! "

"Multiple literary circles have confirmed their attendance! "

"Qin Zhou Super A-list Stars Will Gather at Qin Zhou Charity Dinner! "

"Top rich people from all continents confirmed to participate in the Blue Star Charity Dinner! "

"At the Blue Star Charity Dinner, "Dads" Gathered Together! "

The "dad" here is a joke.

Because many netizens like to call those rich people "father".

Probably similar to what many netizens liked to call "Papa Ma" in the previous life.

This world is also the same, there are many "horse" level existences, and even richer tycoons will participate in this charity auction.


Every Blue Star Charity Auction will attract the attention of all continents, and it will be presented live in the form of a global live broadcast at that time!

Probably only the Bluestar official has the ability to conduct this kind of global live broadcast.

It is really difficult for the unofficial sector to engage in global live broadcasts, because there are restrictions between continents.

For example, if Qinzhou's movies or TV drama novels are to be released in other continents, the relevant departments of the continent need to nod their approval.

It's like a previous life.

If foreign works want to enter the domestic market, they also need to get through some joints. For example, the "Korean restriction order" is the product of this rule.

However, the cultural competition among the continents of Blue Star is very fierce.

Therefore, the entertainment market in each continent is basically different.

Anyway, the market plate is big enough, and self-digestion is completely fine.

If any culture from another continent wants to enter, it will be blocked by the official department of the continent and will not be released easily. This is a means of protecting the local market, and no one thinks there is any problem.

And in various news.

The Poetry Association also released rumors:

Baidi will bring the auction items to participate in this charity auction!


Aurora Platform Hot Discussion!

"Baidi wants to participate in this event too!?"

"I rely on it!"

"We in Qinzhou have some celebrities participating in this event, but the requirements must be top-notch!"

"Isn't the White Emperor second-tier?"

"Baidi didn't go there as a celebrity, he went as the number one talented scholar in Qinzhou, with the endorsement of the Poetry Association!"

"It's even better than super-first-line participation!"

"It's mainly due to the fact that a literati like the number one talented scholar in Qinzhou has a high profile!"

"Another way of thinking, in fact, Baidi can also participate as a top rich man. That will save even the auction items, and just raise the placard on the spot."

"Good idea!"

"Although Baidi is not as good as those fathers, he can definitely afford a few million."

"I don't know if our Qinzhou can raise the highest amount this year."

"Last year was the highest donation in Weizhou, right?"

"Every year, the charity dinner is a time when the continents compete for the amount of donations. This kind of competition is very healthy, and the benefits are those in need."

All parties are discussing.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

On Thursday, Lin Zhibai called Secretary Jin and wanted to borrow a plane to Jingcheng to participate in the charity auction.

Mainly because it is convenient to fly.

The last time I flew to participate in the poetry meeting, Lin Zhibai tasted the sweetness.

But last time I had the intention of pretending to be aggressive, this time it was purely to save trouble.

"no problem."

Secretary Jin said: "Then you come to Xicheng Manor the day after tomorrow."


the next day.

Lin Zhibai arrived at Xicheng Manor.

Secretary Jin took him to the private airport of Xicheng Manor.

Lin Zhibai looked at it and had a premonition, "Why isn't it the small plane from last time?"

What appeared in front of him was a private business jet. The last time Bilin Zhibai sat in it was too luxurious. There were a group of stewardesses providing services in the cabin alone. The maintenance cost of an aircraft of this level is estimated to be about 1 year. Up to tens of millions.

"This is fast."

Secretary Jin suppressed a smile and urged him to board the plane.

Entering the plane, Lin Zhibai thought it was true, the old man was sitting inside!

At this time, the old man was looking at a book with a serious expression, and there was a cup of steaming tea in front of him.

Is the co-author going to Jingcheng with myself?

After all, Lin Zhibai knew that the old man was also participating in this charity auction, but he didn't expect that the other party would set off with him.


Lin Zhibai took the initiative to speak up. The number of times he met the old man alone was very few, and he could not say that he was stiff, but it felt a little weird.


The old man didn't even lift his head.

Lin Zhibai found a seat at random, and just about to sit down, the old man turned his head and glanced at him.

Lin Zhibai smiled, understood what the old man meant, and simply sat across from him, and asked the stewardess for a cup of green tea by the way.


Lin Zhibai finished half a cup of tea while puffing, when the old man on the opposite side suddenly put down the book in his hand, and said:

"Are the auction items ready?"

"Ready." Lin Zhibai said.

"What?" the old man was curious.

Lin Zhibai said, "Dad stole the little antique."

The old man frowned and said, "Why don't you write calligraphy?"

This is not happy?

Lin Zhibai was baffled, but he still replied, "Be safe with antiques."

"It can be replaced with calligraphy." The old man said lightly, "It's more secure than your antiques."

Lin Zhibai was stunned for a moment, and immediately guessed the old man's intention. Is this to make himself famous for his calligraphy at the charity meeting?

Lin Zhibai could guess the old man's script.

As long as you take out your calligraphy for auction, there will definitely be rich people who will buy it at a high price!

It might even be a sky-high price!

And this rich man was 100% arranged by the old man in advance!

This is the same way that many rich people praise some artists, but the old man does not ask for anything in return, or what Lin Zhaomu wants is for the Lin family to produce a world-recognized great calligrapher with valuable calligraphy!

This is an honor to the entire Lin family.


Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "Please trust me."

The implication of this sentence is that I don't need this method to become famous in the calligraphy world.

It's not that Lin Zhibai is noble, it's just that he thinks that his calligraphy really doesn't need the old man to deliberately arrange people to cheer him on.

Now that I have obtained 70% of Wang Xizhi's inheritance, as long as I get all the inheritance of the calligrapher in the future, I don't have to worry about the value of calligraphy at all!

Lin Zhaomu rolled his eyes slightly.

So this is a rejection of your own arrangement?

Apart from this kid, no one in the family would dare to say "no" to him.

Lin Zhaomu didn't think that with Lin Zhibai's IQ, he would be so dull that he couldn't hear what he meant, so he looked up at his little grandson.

The eyebrows and eyes of this little grandson are very similar to when he was young.

In terms of appearance alone, Lin Zhibai should be the child who most resembles him among his children and grandchildren.

I don't know if it's because of this, even though Lin Zhibai didn't accept his arrangement, Lin Zhaomu wasn't angry, he just said casually:

"lets go."

"It's going to take off."

Secretary Jin nodded and informed the crew to arrange takeoff.


After the private plane landed, Lin Zhibai thought about whether to go to the hotel that the government had booked in advance, but the old man dismissed his thoughts with one sentence: "Come and have a meal with me."


Lin Zhibai didn't resist any more, since he followed the old man to Jingcheng, he would do his best to cooperate with whatever arrangements he had.

The old man has a bad temper.

After all, he is used to giving orders, even for his own family, he still likes to arrange according to his own will. This is the habit of being a patriarch, and he doesn't think too much about the younger generation's ideas.

After all, Lin Zhibai is the grandson of the old man.

Resistance is occasional, obedience is the norm.

What's more, this old man is a little serious on the surface, and his behavior is a little domineering, but he is actually paving the way for Lin Zhibai.

Because the old man's so-called "go to have a meal with me" is to participate in a high-standard dinner.

Those who come to the dinner are all the "fathers" in the mouth of the netizens.

A frequent visitor to Qinzhou Financial News.

There are a total of eight people including the old man.

There is a real estate tycoon in Qinzhou, the boss of Aurora Platform, the chairman of Fetion, representatives of top financial groups, and so on.

This group of people greeted each other when they met, but they were obviously surprised when they saw Lin Zhibai.

"Director Lin brought his grandson?"

The boss of Fetion said that this person is a Qinzhou Internet legend, "My grandson and granddaughter are fans of Baidi."


The boss of the Aurora platform also smiled.

The Qinzhou real estate tycoon said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "I've known you for so many years, and this is the first time you've brought out the younger generation. Is this going to choose an heir from the third generation?"

"Since you know each other, I won't introduce you."

Lin Zhaomu avoided the topic of "heir" and sat down with everyone.

Lin Zhibai waited for everyone to be seated, and then sat down with him. He could only be a junior in this kind of dinner.

Participated in the name of "the grandson of Lin Zhaomu".

When the waiter serves wine, he has to pour it for these people, and when someone asks himself, he has to answer it at any time.

Although these people talked wildly and unconstrainedly, they talked about semiconductors in the front and real estate in the back, and various business experiences, but this group of old foxes would say hello to Lin Zhibai from time to time.

Fortunately, Lin Zhibai pulled himself together to deal with it, and nothing went wrong.

Lin Zhaomu didn't talk much. I don't know if it was because Lin Zhibai was there, or because he was always like this.

In fact, Lin Zhaomu was secretly observing Lin Zhibai.

Seeing that Lin Zhibai had everything covered, he didn't have the slightest stage fright, and was even able to chat and laugh happily with his old friends, Lin Zhaomu raised his eyelids.

It is difficult to pretend a person's experience.

Lin Zhibai's behavior in dealing with people is not at the level he should be at his age!

Is it because you have suffered a head injury and experienced some misery, so you are more precocious than your peers?

Even if his sons were present, facing this group of people, it would be difficult to do better than him, right?

In fact, similar feelings also appeared in the hearts of everyone who participated in the dinner. How did Lin Zhaomu, a little grandson, teach him?



Talking is also important!

Thinking about some of Lin Zhibai's deeds and achievements, everyone was a little jealous. Lin Zhaomu had a good grandson.

Baidi's reputation is not small in Qinzhou.

Even if Qin Zhou is a real big shot, he will not be unfamiliar. Besides, he is Lin Zhaomu's grandson, so he usually pays more attention to him.


The meal lasted two hours.

At the end of the show, Lin Zhibai got the business cards of these old foxes.

Should I say it or not, socializing with these old foxes is really tiring, Lin Zhibai Khan is almost down.

sit in the car.

On the way back to the hotel.

Lin Zhaomu showed a rare smile, "Old Wang has a granddaughter..."

"Please forgive me soon."

Lin Zhibai doesn't reject marriage or anything, but the premise is that he has to see the right person. He said helplessly: "Our family can't still play finger marriage, right?"


Lin Zhaomu's smile faltered, and before he finished speaking, the kid rejected him again.

However, he was not angry. Lin Zhaomu could not be more satisfied with Lin Zhibai's performance today. Naturally, he didn't care about his attitude at this time. Besides, his grandson talked to his grandfather in such a tone, It's just a little warm, isn't it?

The only concern is:

The relationship between this kid and his uncles is too bad.

If this kid is the heir of the Shinhwa Group, when he is gone, will his uncles' families still have a way out in the future?

Maybe I should make some arrangements.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhaomu said: "I don't care about this matter, I just tell you that having such a choice can save you years of hard work."

Lin Zhibai smiled.

Indeed, with his own identity, his achievements, and even his good looks, even a chaebol who is richer and more powerful than the Lin family would probably want him to be his son-in-law.

In this regard, Lin Zhibai never underestimated himself.

Although the face value comes from the parents, the grades come from the system, and the identity comes from the Shinhwa Group...

But as a cheater, Lin Zhibai doesn't like to be hypocritical, so he can't feel inferior just because he cheated, right?

Seeing that Lin Zhibai was just smiling, Lin Zhaomu didn't persuade him any more. As long as the grandson is good enough, it doesn't matter whether he marries with other wealthy families. After all, the Lin family is also a wealthy family.

The car passed a stall.

Lin Zhaomu yelled to stop, and then asked Lin Zhibai:

"are you hungry?"

Lin Zhibai nodded resolutely. He really didn't eat much during the dinner just now, he just dealt with those old foxes.

"Then eat some."

Lin Zhaomu knew that Lin Zhibai hadn't eaten much just now, so he opened the car door, sat by the stall, and asked the boss to serve two bowls.

The boss looked at the car, then looked at Lin Zhaomu's demeanor, felt inexplicably nervous, and quickly turned around to do handwriting.

Boss Lin Zhibai also saw it, but didn't recognize it.

After all, Lin Zhibai is not a real traffic star, so he only showed his face in variety shows a few times. It is strange that the middle-aged man who set up a stall to make a living should be familiar with his face.

After copying is done.

Lin Zhibai added vinegar and spicy oil, and asked the boss to add some green onions and coriander, and then he ate it up. His taste is relatively heavy.

Lin Zhaomu is also eating, but he is more refined than Lin Zhibai, and the taste is lighter, with basically no additions.

Lin Zhibai was really hungry, but he didn't forget to communicate with the old man, and said vaguely: "Actually, I thought you wouldn't eat this kind of street food."

Lin Zhaomu said, "This is the first time."

Lin Zhibai was taken aback.

Lin Zhaomu did not explain.

It is not uncommon for the grandfather of an ordinary family to bring his grandson to eat a bowl of chaoshou on the street. Lin Zhaomu just wanted to experience it once.


Secretary Jin watched this scene silently.

Young master Bai, should be the chairman's final choice, right?


the next day.

The charity auction will officially start at six o'clock in the evening, but the scene will start to get busy in the afternoon, mainly arranging for some celebrities who offer auction items to walk the red carpet.

The old man did not let Lin Zhibai follow him today.

Lin Zhibai took the temporary assistant assigned by Secretary Jin to the rest place provided by the organizer, and entered after verifying his identity.


Lin Zhibai sent a message to Zhang Xiyang.

"This is the big dressing room." Zhang Xiyang replied quickly, "Is Teacher Baidi here?"


Lin Zhibai came here to wait for the charity auction to start, and also to meet Zhang Xiyang and other old friends.

There are only so many first-line stars in Qin Zhouchao, and they are all invited for this charity dinner.

But for such a large-scale charity dinner, it's strange that there are no big-name celebrities on the platform.

In the large powder room.

Zhou Hanjin, Zhang Xiyang, Li Xiao, Qin Lian and others were all there.

"Teacher Baidi!"

As soon as Lin Zhibai entered the big dressing room, Zhou Hanjin waved happily, his voice getting louder.

The dressing room is full of super A-list stars.

This group of people also looked at Lin Zhibai curiously when they heard "Teacher Baidi".

There were also a few super first-line stars who couldn't help standing up and saying hello, "Mr. Baidi, it's the first time we meet!"


Lin Zhibai responded, after all, this place is full of super stars, even if he doesn't know them, they are basically familiar.

Mainly because I usually watch TV and surf the Internet, and I can see these people occasionally.

But it was also because of unfamiliarity, after the super-first-line and Lin Zhibai greeted each other, they turned around and chatted about their own things.

"Your poems will be broadcast live and I'll watch them, handsome!"

Zhou Hanjin was very relaxed after getting acquainted with this person. As soon as Lin Zhibai approached him, he chatted about the poetry meeting, looking very excited.

"Teacher Baidi's talent scares me!"

Li Xiao next to her said with a smile, "I really like that poem about plum blossoms."

Qin Lian also covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Your poetry level, I think, seems to be better than your lyrics, but those literati are not very authentic."

"Most of those people act according to the wind, but it's not like there are no good people."

After Zhang Xiyang said something, he obviously also watched the poetry meeting, after all, there was a lot of trouble about it.

The works of Lin Zhibai's Poetry Conference have become even more popular on the Internet recently, and have been reprinted and analyzed by countless people.

Lin Zhibai smiled.

A staff member next to him stepped forward and asked Lin Zhibai if he wanted to make up.

"Need not."

Lin Zhibai shook his head, he doesn't like makeup, and removing makeup is very troublesome.

The staff asked: "Then you won't walk the red carpet for a while?"

Lin Zhibai shook his head, it was up to everyone to choose whether to walk the red carpet or not, and he was not interested anyway.

Several people chatted like this for a long time.

Suddenly, the entire dressing room fell silent.

Lin Zhibai was baffled, and didn't understand why everyone was so silent all of a sudden, even though they were chatting in full swing just now.

But the next moment.

Lin Zhibai knew the reason.

Because a familiar voice came from behind, "Walk the red carpet with me later."

It's the old man.

Lin Zhibai turned his head, looked at the old man, and said with some amusement: "Then do you want to put on makeup?"

Lin Zhaomu: "..."

Secretary Jin: "..."

All super first-line: "..."

Let's just say, even though he is your grandfather, isn't your statement a little too big or small?


Lin Zhaomu!

This is Lin Zhaomu!

God of the Qinzhou entertainment industry!

Even though this group of people has reached the pinnacle of their careers in the entertainment industry and become the so-called superstars, they are still silent in the face of Lin Zhaomu. The superstars are already trembling without showing any aura.

Especially the mythical superstars.

Facing the chairman, he didn't even dare to say hello, so he could only muster up his courage and say:

"Hi Dong Lin..."

It wasn't until Lin Zhibai accompanied the old man to the premium lounge that all the top stars in the big dressing room dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Scared me."

Everyone suppressed their heartbeats, even Zhou Hanjin and the others were too nervous just now.

Everyone knows that Baidi is the grandson of Lin Zhaomu.

But it wasn't until Mr. Lin really appeared next to Bai Di that everyone could truly feel what the relationship between the two meant.

"This is the aura of the top boss in Qin Zhou's entertainment industry." Zhou Han said enviously.

"Director Lin is not a top boss, he should be the emperor of Qin Zhou's entertainment industry." Qin Lian followed.

"Teacher Baidi still dares to joke with Lin Dong." Li Xiao said: "It seems that the relationship between grandpa and grandson is very good."

"It's understandable. Didn't the rumors say that Mr. Baidi is Mr. Lin's favorite little grandson?"

Chaoxian interjected.

But Zhang Xiyang suddenly said: "As far as I know, Director Lin has never brought a junior alone to make a public appearance on a large occasion."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone at the scene changed instantly.

Even people with less sensitive nerves can read some information from it.

"Is this a signal?"

Some super first-line stars who are familiar with each other look at each other in blank dismay.

If everyone's guess is correct, isn't Baidi now the crown prince of Qin Zhou's entertainment industry?

Oh no.

It should be the grandson of the emperor!

Lin Zhaomu has a lot of sons and grandchildren, who will take over is a concern of the entire entertainment circle.

At present, it seems that Baidi, Lin Zhaomu's youngest grandson, stands out from the second and third generations!

the other side.

Lin Zhibai was also wondering, what does the old man mean?

I flew with myself to participate in the event, dragged myself to the dinner party, and suddenly took myself to eat at a roadside stall. Today, I ran over out of nowhere and asked myself to walk the red carpet together.

It's not in line with the old man's behavior style at all!

Doesn't the old man know that walking on the red carpet with his grandson will give the outside world some signals about property inheritance?

For example, the signal that "Lin Zhaomu intends to let his grandson Lin Zhibai succeed Shinhwa Group".

After all, Lin Zhaomu never showed his face with the younger generation in the past.


The old man must know the meaning, so he did it on purpose?

Lin Zhibai looked at the back of the old man, and his mood was turbulent.

Sometimes he was a fan of the authorities, but Lin Zhibai finally came to his senses and read something special.

I'm afraid the old man is really starting to think about letting himself take over the Shinhwa Group?

From this perspective, the old man's behavior is reasonable. All he did was paving the way for himself.


ps: Thanks to the leader [Guiguizhigui] for the reward, the boss is generous, I wish the boss a happy life and all the best~!

Suddenly thought of the good grandson~

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