Freelance Artist

Chapter 327 Lanting Preface is shockingly born!

In a moment, Lin Zhibai appeared on the stage.

In the close-up of the camera, he is tall, tall and handsome, as if he came out of a cartoon.

rich area.

Rich people who met Lin Zhaomu spoke one after another:


"Is this Dong Lin's grandson?"

"He also wants to temporarily increase the auction items?"

"And you also want to create calligraphy on the spot?"

"Director Lin has a good grandson, this is to save face for Director Lin."

"As far as I know, Dong Lin's grandson is also very good at calligraphy."

"I've heard about it."

"The child's intentions are good, but this situation is not easy to deal with."

"The level of Zhuge Qiuliang..."

The eyes of those wealthy people who were brought by Lin Zhaomu to have dinner with Lin Zhibai yesterday flashed.

The child looked very stable yesterday.

I didn't expect to lose my temper when I saw my grandfather suffer a loss today.

But it was a filial piety at last, so these few didn't say much, just thinking about cheering for a while.

Even if Lin Zhibai's calligraphy is not as good as Zhuge Qiuliang's, for Lin Zhaomu's sake, everyone will try to raise the price as much as possible.

Think of it as selling Lin Zhaomu's favor.

Of course, the rich people from other continents didn't know Lin Zhibai, and the delegations from other continents were also a little unfamiliar with Baidi, and many people were whispering to each other.

"Who is this young man?"

"do not know."

"Qin Zhou's calligrapher?"

"I have heard that this is a great talent in Qinzhou. I heard that his poetry and calligraphy are not bad. He seems to be the grandson of Qinzhou's entertainment tycoon Lin Zhaomu."

"Hehe, are you venting your anger on his grandfather?"

"No matter how good this young man's calligraphy is, he is not worthy of challenging Zhuge Qiuliang, right?"

"Liu An, as the number one calligrapher in Qinzhou, is a grade lower than Zhuge Qiuliang!"

"It's just young and vigorous."

"The young people nowadays still don't know what the sky is high and the earth is thick."

"I just want to show it in front of his grandfather."

"It's a pity, this will only make his grandfather's situation more embarrassing."



The audience in Qinzhou was stunned. Everyone didn't expect that Baidi would suddenly appear on stage, and he would also create calligraphy works on the spot!

"What is this for?"

"Baidi is too impulsive. Although I know he has good intentions, his calligraphy is really good, but how can it compare with Zhuge Qiuliang!"

"Should it be to win the game for Mr. Lin Zhaomu?"

"I understand the truth, but you have to know your weight!"

"Liu An ended in a disastrous defeat, what can Baidi change if he goes up?"

"This is a wave of meng!"

"Bai Di may not realize how high Zhuge Qiuliang's level is."

"The result of this wave may be embarrassing. I just hope the gap is not too big."

"The gap will definitely not be small!"


Zhongzhou netizens.

"Look at the handsome guy!"

"Is it Qin Zhou's idol star?"

"The host just said that he also wants to create on the spot?"


He can't be so arrogant even if he is handsome, he also deserves to learn from Mr. Zhuge Qiuliang to create calligraphy on the spot?


Qi Zhou.

"Is this handsome guy crazy?"

"Challenge Zhuge Qiuliang?"

"He doesn't really think he can turn the tables, does he?"


Sure enough, the heavens are fair, maybe this buddy only has good looks, but no brains?



"So handsome!"

"Are you trying to be Qin Zhou's hero?"


"It can only be embarrassing!"

If Lin Zhibai wasn't so young, everyone might think that he is really capable, but why should he be so young to provoke Zhuge! ?


All continents were discussing this scene, and Lin Zhibai's family also saw the live broadcast of course!

Lin Shengtian: "Xiao Hei is this?"

Lin Xi: "Does he want to go up and vent his anger on the old man?"

My mother was worried: "But his calligraphy should be less interesting than Zhuge Qiuliang's?"

Dad laughed and said, "Xiao Hei and our family all know that he is not impulsive. If he is not sure, he will not force himself into this. Let's see what this kid wants to do."

And on the spot.

Zhuge Qiuliang narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the strange young man in front of him, his thoughts moved slightly.

The White Emperor of Qinzhou?

Zhuge Qiuliang knew that there was such a person in Qinzhou.

Because some time ago, a friend suddenly sent me a calligraphy photo written by a Qinzhou native.

It's running script!

Very well written!

So good that Zhuge Qiuliang was amazed!

That's a whole new style of calligraphy!

Zhuge Qiuliang remembered that a friend mentioned that the author of that calligraphy was called Baidi.

Unexpectedly, on this occasion today, when the entire calligraphy world in Qinzhou was overwhelmed by him, he would actually meet Baidi.

So this Baidi is going to show his head?

This son's running script is a bit good, but it's a pity that he is not his opponent, and it can only be ridiculous to be on stage at this time.


Zhuge Qiuliang smiled, and just looked at the young man in front of him, unabashedly admiring...

and contempt!

Lin Zhibai didn't look at Zhuge Qiuliang, he was waiting for the pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

The staff quickly finished the preparations, and the rice paper shop was right in front of us, but it was a pity that there was no Zhou Tai to help grind it today.


To Lin Zhibai's surprise, Zhou Tai rushed forward after all, and while grinding himself, he whispered:

"If you want to be ashamed today, I will accompany you."

This tone seemed to be in front of a dragon's pool and a tiger's lair, and he already regarded death as home, "If something goes wrong, tell the outside world that I pushed you to come on stage."

Lin Zhibai laughed.

Should I be touched, or should I be angry that you don't trust me?

In a short while, the ink was finished, Lin Zhibai didn't say anything, writing requires concentration and calmness.

When calligraphy reached the perfect state of harmony between man and nature, Lin Zhibai felt a magical power in his wrist just by picking up the pen!

Of course this could be an illusion.

But the feeling that the brush is in the hand like an arm, can't be deceived.

So what should I write about?

By the way, what Liu An wrote was the records of ancient experiences.

Isn't that a coincidence, Wang Xizhi has an ancient record, which is known as the best running script in the world!

With that in mind.

Lin Zhibai wrote the first character on the rice paper.


As soon as the word came out.

A calligrapher from the Yanzhou delegation chuckled and said:

"Running script."

"Whether he writes running script or not, he won't lose too much face for a while."

"Challenge Zhuge Qiuliang..."

"I can only say that this young man from Qinzhou is very courageous."

"How about this word?"

"Of course, but we'll have to look again."

In fact, just one word really doesn't make much sense.

However, Zhuge Qiuliang stared at the first word written by Lin Zhibai, but his heart jumped suddenly, and he became a little nervous for no reason.

This word is wrong!

Others can't see too much, but Zhuge Qiuliang can see that the Taoism in this word is unfathomable, and the style of writing is very special!

Focus again.

Zhuge Qiuliang suddenly felt that Lin Zhibai seemed to exude a very mysterious aura!

This breath is indescribable!

But it made Zhuge Qiuliang startled!

It seems that the young man who is waving his brush at this moment is an extremely terrifying existence!

Such a subtle and metaphysical feeling is really inexplicable. Zhuge Qiuliang himself thinks it is outrageous, but this feeling really exists!

the second.

The third.

the fourth.

Lin Zhibai wrote more and more words!

"In the ninth year of Yonghe, at the age of Kuichou, at the beginning of late spring, we will gather at the Orchid Pavilion in the shade of Kuaiji to repair the temple. All the sages will come, and the young and old will gather. There are lofty mountains, lush forests and bamboos, and clear streams. Reflecting on the left and right, it is thought that the flowing water is flowing, and the sitting is next. Although there is no prosperity of silk and bamboo orchestras, one cup and one chant are enough to express the quiet feelings."

This is "Orchid Pavilion Preface"!

The so-called "Nine Years of Yonghe" written by Lin Zhibai also exists in this world. Of course, it is different from the previous life, but the year name just happened to collide. This kind of description of ancient knowledge records is itself a diary-like thing. When you see it, you will only think that it is a passage you have read in some ancient classics, and you will not think about it, including the one written by Liu An and Zhuge Qiuliang just now. The content is similar to this. Anyway, what everyone pays attention to is not the content, but the calligraphy itself!

How about calligraphy itself?

The Han Zhou delegation, watching Lin Zhibai write the first paragraph, a calligrapher here suddenly widened his eyes!

Running script! ?

traditional! ?

What I have seen and heard! ?

Ancient background! ?

Zhuge Qiuliang's calligraphy deliberately wrote the same content as Liu An!

And although the content of this young man's calligraphy is different from that of Zhuge Qiuliang and Liu An, the form is exactly the same!

The most terrifying thing is this word!

Such a word, how is it possible!

Someone nearby noticed the reaction of the calligrapher master in the team.

"What's wrong?"

"Teacher Wong?"

"Why don't you speak?"

"Is this word very powerful?"


Zhaozhou delegation.

A certain calligraphy everyone stood up suddenly!

Immediately more and more calligraphers got up!

Pairs of calligraphers on site stared at the screen!

Baidi waved his brush at will: "It's the day, the sky is bright and the air is clear, and the wind is smooth. Looking up at the vastness of the universe and looking down at the abundance of categories, so wandering your eyes and bosom is enough for audio-visual entertainment. Believe in Coca-Cola, my wife's acquaintance." , look up to the whole life, or take all the arms, and understand the words in the room; or because of the entrustment, let the waves go away!"

Those eyes are starting to change!

The bodies of these people began to tremble!

The companions also noticed the strangeness of the calligraphy masters, and couldn't help but look at each other.

what's the situation?

A similar scene also happened in the Weizhou delegation.

To be exact, the calligraphers in the delegations from all continents couldn't sit still at this time!

But Lin Zhibai was completely involved in it at this moment, and he didn't care about other things at all, as if he touched the mood when the calligrapher wrote "Lanting Preface".




Free and easy!

It is said that Wang Xizhi drank some wine before writing the "Preface to the Lanting Pavilion", so when he created this calligraphy, he was slightly drunk. Lin Zhibai didn't drink alcohol before going on stage, but he felt a little intoxicated. Is it the realm of human unity?

Is this the realm of perfect calligraphy?

Lin Zhibai no longer knew whether what he wrote was calligraphy or not.

Lin Zhibai even forgot that he was writing. He hung his wrist high, and the pure black color fell into his eyes, and it unexpectedly interpreted thousands of wonderful colors.

Flowing clouds and flowing water.

"Although the taste is very different, the restlessness is different. When you are happy with what you meet, you get it for yourself temporarily, and you are happy and self-sufficient. You don't know that old age is coming; and when you are tired, your feelings change with things, and you feel it. Xiangzhi Su Xin, between looking up and down, it is already a thing of the past, I still have to be happy with it, let alone repair the short and follow the change, and the end will be exhausted! The ancients said: Death and life are too big. Isn't it painful!"

It hurts!

Hurry up!

It turns out that writing can also be a kind of enjoyment. Lin Zhibai enjoys it and almost forgets everything outside of him. He has already transcended himself. This is the realm of a calligrapher!



Not everyone knows calligraphy.

Therefore, the calligraphers from the delegations from all continents were the first to respond.

However, as Lin Zhibai wrote more and more characters, even those who did not understand calligraphy were gradually shocked!

Very subtle!

It's amazing!

Very weird!

That is a kind of shock from art!

Inexplicable but directly to the depths of everyone's heart!

The delegations from all continents began to collectively change color, especially the Central Continent delegation!

The rich people from all continents in the audience showed through the close-up on the big screen, their eyes staring at the calligraphy gradually became hot, and each of them even began to breathe harder!

One on site counts as one!

No matter if you know calligraphy or not, you will be shocked!

They actually realized the charm of this calligraphy!

In other words, the charm of Baidi's calligraphy, the more complete it is, the more unstoppable it is, just like a ray of light in the dark!

"Oh My God!"

"This is impossible!"

Why is this happening? What are these words? Why does it make people get goosebumps!

Also getting goosebumps, there are countless viewers from all continents who are watching the live broadcast, and of course the most excited ones are the viewers from Qinzhou!


"This calligraphy!"

"I want to kneel!"

"Obviously I have seen Baidi's calligraphy at the Poetry Association! Why is the feeling completely different this time! It shouldn't be!"

"Too shocking!"

"My scalp is numb!"

"This word feels magical!"

"Has Baidi's calligraphy improved?"

"Why do I feel that last time Baidi slapped those literati in the face with calligraphy and didn't use their full strength? This is his true strength, and this is his true calligraphy level!"

It must be hidden clumsiness!

Baidi finally hid his clumsiness last time!

Obviously his calligraphy level is even more perverted than what he showed at the poetry meeting, but the opponent is too weak, he just made a small move, and it is already the limit that those literati can't reach in this life!

From Qin Zhou's audience's point of view:

This is the only explanation!

And Lin Zhibai on the stage was still flying around, not knowing that the netizens had improved his calligraphy again, so he came up with an explanation that sounded very reasonable!

Let's start finishing.

"Every time I look at the reasons for people's excitement in the past, if they are united in one agreement, it is not without mourning in the text, which cannot be described in my heart. I know that death and life are false, and Qi Pengshang is false. Looking at the present, it is still the same. The present looks at the past. Sad husband! Therefore, I list the people at the time and record what they said. Although the world is different, things are different, so I am happy, and they are all the same. Those who read it later will also feel the gentleness."



When Lin Zhibai signed the signature, he suddenly felt a little wet on his back. Obviously, the full text of this ancient experience record is only 324 characters, but he actually consumed a lot of energy, because this is the representative work of the calligrapher Wang Xizhi!

Because this is "Lanting Preface"!

Because this is the legendary running script in the world!

But after finishing writing, Lin Zhibai suddenly found that the scene at this moment was so quiet that it was terrifying.

All the people around and even the whole audience looked at him, their eyes seemed to be looking at some monster.

Even Zhuge Qiuliang, who is recognized as the first person in Blue Star Calligraphy, seems to have lost his soul at this moment, his whole body is stiff, and he just stares straight at "Orchid Pavilion Preface".


Lin Zhibai felt a little guilty.

Maybe this guy is a little too big today?

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