Freelance Artist

Chapter 328 Blue Star's No. 1 Calligrapher!

Calligrapher Wang Xizhi's "Lanting Preface" has content ranging from joy to sorrow and from sorrow to joy. Its techniques are magnificent and unparalleled in the world. Running script!

Countless calligraphers in previous lives tried to copy "Lanting Preface", but no one was able to copy it.

At this moment, Lin Zhibai can do it!

Because Lin Zhibai has now reached the perfect calligraphy realm of the unity of man and nature, and has also obtained the complete inheritance of Wang Xizhi. In a sense, he is now equivalent to the god of calligraphy, and the word "god" is not an exaggeration at all. That, so the scene was quiet.

All the audience watching the live broadcast fell silent.

In the deathly silence, the shots at the scene fully displayed this calligraphy from different angles.

The amateur viewers stared blankly at the various angles of the camera, and felt that the words were really magical, as if they were written by a fairy. It was shocking to see, but they could make specific comments on the content, but each of them didn’t know. Where to start.

But what the insider sees is structure, structure, structure!

Baidi's calligraphy has achieved the ultimate in that unique style, which is especially reflected in the structure!

There are many characters in which the structure is simply unexpected!

Calligraphers can't figure out why they write like this anyway!

But after Baidi wrote it, it made all calligraphers suddenly enlightened!

Especially the word "zhi"!

At this time, Zhuge Qiuliang's attention was almost entirely on the word "Zhi"!

The structure of this character can be called the scariest part of Baidi's calligraphy!

Because in this calligraphy, the word "Zhi" appears 20 times!

These 20 "Zhi" characters are like a beautiful and moving dance!

Because each character "Zhi" is written in a different way, symbolizing different postures and aesthetics.

For example, "At the Beginning of Late Spring"——

The dots are similar to horizontal painting, the dots are drawn horizontally, the folds are folded and circled, the brush strokes are restrained and the front is restrained, and the white and white are well-proportioned.

For example, "meeting in the Lanting Pavilion in Shanyin"——

The horizontal strokes overlap almost a line, the strokes of the strokes make a turn, the strokes of the strokes are light, and the white cloth is tightened at the top and loosened at the bottom.

For example, "Looking up at the vastness of the universe"——

The handling of the horizontal writing is similar to the third one, and the pen is pressed down to draw it out.

Another example is the "virtue of quality hair", pointing horizontally, folding and moving the pen lightly, until the probe pen becomes more stable, and the forehead pen is firmly received, the fullness and harmony are in contrast to the lightness and agility of the beginning of the pen, and so on.

The same word appears 20 times and the writing is not the same!

How did this Baidi do it! ?

Zhuge Qiuliang's face turned pale, his eyes were in a trance, and to describe it in a somewhat mysterious way, "the heart of Dao has collapsed". He has always boasted that he is the number one person in Blue Star calligraphy, but today he was defeated by such a young calligrapher!

Zhuge Qiuliang didn't understand!

Even if this young man has been practicing calligraphy since his mother's womb, he shouldn't have such a perfect calligraphy level!

Is this a talent?

God is not fair!

Zhuge Qiuliang couldn't accept it, but the facts before him made him have to accept that he had indeed lost to the young man in front of him!

The other party is the real first person in Blue Star calligraphy!



The stunned host swallowed and asked, "What's the name of this calligraphy?"

Lin Zhibai said: "Preface to Lanting Pavilion."

The host nodded, "What's your starting price?"

The rules of the charity auction, the starting price, is determined by the supplier of the auction items, and Lin Zhibai decides as much as he likes.

"Sixty-five million."

Lin Zhibai uttered an astonishing number!

Zhuge Qiuliang's face darkened immediately when he heard it, how he stepped on the willow bank just now, how this Baidi stepped back——

If you come out to mess around, you have to pay it back!

But if the starting price is so high, are you afraid of overturning?

What if no one buys it?

Zhuge Qiuliang gritted his teeth, and could only secretly hope that the people at the scene would be ignorant.

If "Orchid Pavilion Preface" fails to shoot, I can barely save some face today!

The host gasped.

Zhou Tai beside Lin Zhibai was also terrified when he heard that the starting price of Baidi's work was surprisingly exactly the transaction price of Zhuge Qiuliang's work!


The host took a deep breath in silence, and then announced loudly:

"Attention everyone at the scene, next is the last auction item of our charity auction today, the running script work "Orchid Pavilion Preface" created by Mr. Baidi just now, the starting price is 65 million!"

Live audience:"……"

Live audience: "..."

The starting price set by Baidi is not to save Zhuge Qiuliang any face!

Will the rich buy it?

Sixty-five million is not a small number!

However, the facts at the next moment proved that Baidi's price has a huge market!

"Seventy million!"

A rich man in Qizhou directly raised his placard without the slightest hesitation, and his face was even a little fanatical!

"Eighty million!"

A certain rich man in Chuzhou directly increased the price by 10 million!

"Ninety million!"

There is a rich man in Korea who is not to be outdone!

"One hundred million!"

A rich man in Weizhou said loudly after quoting the price: "Everyone, do me a favor, I really like this picture!"

It's a pity that all of you here are top rich people, and everyone doesn't care about him, especially a certain rich man in Yanzhou who added 30 million in one go:

"One hundred and thirty million!"

The delegations from all continents were dumbfounded!

twice as much!

The current price is twice that of Zhuge Qiuliang!

The key is that the deal has not yet been made!

Look at Zhuge Qiuliang is completely autistic!

All luck was completely lost, and there is no shortage of people who know the goods among these rich people.

Even if some rich people don't know their own goods, someone will tell them the value of this painting!

The Qin Zhou delegation is all in a daze!

Zhou Hanjin exclaimed in shock: "Is it just a picture!"

Zhang Xiyang sighed: "To you, this is just a picture, but to some people, it is more than just a picture!"

Chen Ling was numb: "Teacher Baidi is hiding something!"

Liu An's head was dizzy: "Teacher Baidi obviously has such a level, but he didn't show it off before. Instead, he let me take the title of the so-called number one calligraphy person in Qinzhou. Now that I think about it, I'm really ashamed..."

"Teacher Baidi can always surprise you."

At her age, Mrs. Zhao has seen many storms and waves.

But after meeting Baidi, this old lady who lived most of her life realized that her previous experiences and knowledge were not enough!

And beside Lin Zhibai.

Zhou Tai felt like he was going to float up!

I owe a lot of credit to this writing!

I study ink, I study ink!


The bidding was still going on, and a rich man in Zhaozhou raised his placard, "150 million!"

"Can you hurry up, two hundred million!"

The tycoons of Zhongzhou also participated in the bidding, which was beyond everyone's expectations. After all, this matter somewhat involved the calligraphy dispute between Qinzhou and Zhongzhou. In theory, the tycoons of Zhongzhou should support Zhuge Qiuliang unconditionally, just like Qin Zhou just now It’s as if the rich people in Zhou didn’t bid on Zhuge Qiuliang’s works, at least they should take into account the emotions of the local people, but this rich man from Zhongzhou really likes the words "Preface to the Lanting Pavilion" so much, after holding back for a long time, he finally paid for it. Can't hold back!

Someone take the lead!

Seeing that someone took the lead, soon there were several rich men from Central Continent who couldn't bear it anymore, and made a strong move one after another, and the price increase started at 30 million!

"Two hundred and thirty million!"

"Two hundred and sixty million!"

"Two hundred and ninety million!"

"Three hundred and twenty million!"

The rich man in Qinzhou was not happy, and immediately shouted: "You Zhongzhou people, why are you joining in the fun? This is our calligraphy work of Qinzhou!"

"What is Qinzhou Zhongzhou, art has no continents!"

The tycoons in Central Continent are confident and confident, and have already thought up their rhetoric!

The audience in Central Continent didn't know what to say. Should these rich people be to blame for not persisting?

But this matter can really be big or small, and the saying that "art has no continents" is indeed true, and there is no deep hatred between the continents.

Depend on!

The tycoons of Qinzhou instantly shared the same hatred, "This calligraphy cannot fall into the hands of the people of Zhongzhou, this is the treasure of our Qinzhou!"

We haven't shot Zhuge Qiuliang's work before!

Now you are also worthy to compete with us for Baidi's works?

"Three hundred and forty million!"

"Three hundred and seventy million!"

"I'll pay 400 million!"

This group of rich people seemed to be crazy. In just a short while, "Lanting Preface" has already called 400 million!

And in the crazy bidding, a voice suddenly sounded:

"Five billion."

This number stunned other rich people.

Who the hell is so sloppy, we all add 20 to 30 million, you just add 100 million! ?

Turning their heads to look at the bidders, all the wealthy people in Qinzhou laughed so hard that their stomachs ached, because the bidder at this moment was indeed Baidi's own grandfather Lin Zhaomu!


"Director Lin!"

"Why are you joining in the fun!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Bai Di is your grandson, Mr. Lin, you have to spend 500 million to buy your grandson's calligraphy?"

"Just save yourself!"

"Let your grandson write another picture for you later!"

"Don't take this picture from us!"

"Don't be able to grab it at that time, how embarrassing it is, when the news says that you can't even afford your grandson's calligraphy!"

The wealthy people in Qinzhou know each other well.

Lin Zhaomu suddenly participated in the bidding, instantly making old friends laugh like crazy, and everyone was burying him!

And not even just the rich.

Qin Zhou's audience felt that this scene was too magical!


"What kind of family drama is this!"

"Bai Di: Do you know how valuable my calligraphy is? My grandfather would have spent 500 million to buy it!"

"Hahahaha, you're killing me!"

"The whole family is filial to the family!"

"I've seen someone asking for money from their parents, but I've never seen Baidi asking for money like this hahahahaha!"

"Can five hundred million be won?"

"It might work!"

"This price has broken the record!"

Everyone thinks that 500 million may be the limit.

Because after Lin Zhaomu, everyone did not continue to bid.

The host started counting down, "500 million for the first time, 500 million for the second..."

The second time is not finished yet.

Qin Zhou's No. 1 Internet person said with a smile: "I'll pay 510 million, Lao Lin, you can rest, that's your grandson, you're not at a loss anyway."

Not much added.

But Lin Zhaomu was suppressed.

There wasn't much expression on Lin Zhaomu's face, but if someone knew micro-expressions, they would see the corners of the old man's eyes twitch slightly.

this moment.

Lin Zhaomu was in a delicate mood.


Lin Zhibai's home.

Lin Xi laughed till he rolled, "The old man can't afford it!"

Lin Shengtian was also amused, "The highest record for the works of contemporary calligraphers is only tens of millions, and Xiao Hei's is directly a few hundred million!"

Mom thought about it: "Do you still have Xiao Hei's homework at home?"

Dad said: "Let the nanny deal with it."

My mother's mentality collapsed in an instant, "How many billions will be lost!"

Dad didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You think that Xiao Hei's random writing is worth so much money, and besides, his previous writing was all nonsense, and he is not as good as today!"

I don't know what happened to this kid!

How many surprises he still has waiting for his family!


Lin Zhaomu did not increase the price.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but because those rich people have gone crazy, and the 500 million is not over yet!

"530 million!"

"Five hundred and forty million!"

"Five hundred and fifty million!"

Although everyone's price increase has gradually begun to restrain, it is indeed still rising!

Until a voice suddenly sounded:

"Six hundred million."

The bidder this time is the first person in Qinzhou Real Estate and the richest man in Qinzhou!

This Qinzhou real estate tycoon was taken by Lin Zhaomu last night to have a meal with Lin Zhibai.

"Everyone knows the friendship between me and Lao Lin. Lao Lin's grandson is my grandson. I hope you can save face?"

asked the real estate tycoon with a smile.

The wealthy people in Qinzhou hesitated for a while, and did not continue to increase the price.

The 600 million rich people here can afford it.

But spending 600 million yuan to buy a pair of calligraphy works is too exaggerated!

It's so exaggerated that everyone thinks it would be too much to continue to increase the price!

Of course, everyone also wanted to sell this real estate tycoon a face, after all, business cooperation is inevitable in many cases.


The wealthy people in Qinzhou didn't continue to increase their prices.

After a little hesitation, the tycoons from other continents also reluctantly gave up.

"One time for 600 million, two times for 600 million, three times for 600 million!"

The host's voice was trembling!

After confirming that no one raised the price, the little hammer hit it down hard!

"600 million, "Lanting Preface" sold!"

Lin Zhaomu looked at the real estate tycoon with something wrong in his eyes.

The real estate tycoon smiled and said, "I won't treat this picture badly. I will hang it in the study every day when I get back home. Also, what do you think about what I said yesterday? My granddaughter is so beautiful!"

"Tsk tsk!"

"Do you want to get married?"

"Don't listen to Lao Lin, I have a granddaughter too!"

"Your granddaughter is only twelve years old!"

"What's wrong with twelve years old?"

"Director Lin's grandson is not very old either!"

"It's just a matter of cultivating their relationship for a few years!"

"Get married when you're old enough!"

"Then why don't you just go to Weizhou, you can get married at the age of fifteen, and make a three-year agreement."

"Ha ha……"

Listening to the ridicule of these people and capturing the envy in their eyes, Lin Zhaomu finally showed a smile.

In the stands again.

Lin Zhibai is expressing his thanks.

Lin Zhaomu's eyes softened a little bit.

If it wasn't for the embarrassment of his situation today, this kid should still plan to continue hiding, right?

I just lost some face.

But as soon as this good grandson made a move, he immediately got back his face a thousand times over!


The sky-high price of 600 million has shocked the whole world!

same moment!

The Internet of every continent is blown up!

Audiences from all continents went crazy!

"My God!"

"Six hundred million!"

"After this battle, Baidi will completely secure his position as Blue Star's number one calligrapher!"

"The works of contemporary calligraphers are only worth more than 20 million yuan. How many times has he raised it in one breath!"

"This is directly comparable to those top calligraphers in ancient times!"

"The representative works of those top calligraphers in ancient times can be sold for hundreds of millions, but they are all of historical value. Even the works recorded in history books are out of print and have antique attributes!"

"But Baidi is a contemporary calligrapher!"

"He is still so young, calligraphy has no historical value at all!"

"Is Bai Di angry for Qin Zhou today?"

"No, no, I feel that Baidi is mainly for his grandfather Lin Zhaomu!"

"Zhuge Qiuliang stepped on the willow bank, which made Lin Zhaomu's situation awkward. As Mr. Lin's most beloved grandson, Baidi came to the stage to slap his face in a fit of anger. As a result, the slap was too loud. I guess Mr. Lin himself I didn't expect that he couldn't buy the calligraphy work of his own grandson for 500 million yuan!"


Lin Zhibai's home.

Lin Shengtian's eyes turned green, "Just two or three hundred words, six hundred million!?"

Lin Xi became ruthless, "When Xiao Hei comes back, lock him up and let him write, keep writing!"

Dad laughed, "You are more black-hearted than your grandpa, a big capitalist chaebol."

My mother was feeling uncomfortable, "Why didn't Xiao Hei say that his calligraphy is so valuable, and we don't have any other calligraphy from him?"

"I have an idea."

Lin Xidao: "You can buy him a house, write his name on the real estate certificate, and ask him to sign it. That signature is definitely worth more than the house."


Uncle's house.

Lin Chun was dumbfounded, "Six hundred million!"

Lin Gong's temples throbbed wildly, "Why is this little evil so powerful!"

Lin Jing's eyes were red and frightening, "Why should he, those words, what's so great about those words!"


Erbo's house.

Lin Xia's heart was ashamed, "That little bastard has won the favor of the old man now!"

Lin Hu shivered, "Now the old man really wants to pass the Shinhwa Group to him?"

Lin Bao asked: "If he writes more, can he buy a mythology publishing house by himself?"

Lin Feng's fingers had already pierced into the flesh.

It is the body that hurts, but the heart hurts more than the body.


Sanbo's house.

Lin Qiu sighed, "There are not many opportunities left for us."

Lin Mu gritted his teeth, "The old man must treat him like a baby now!"

Lin Liu couldn't say a word.

Lin Sen thought blankly, if he were an old man, he would also consider handing over the company to this person's descendants, right?


The families of Lin Zhibai's uncles were a little desperate at the moment.

Everybody knows:

What a bonus this Bo Lin Zhibai's performance is for the old man!

Before the charity auction started, the old man had already revealed his intention to let Lin Zhibai take over.

Plus this time.

I'm afraid the balance in the old man's heart is about to be settled.


on site.

Lin Zhibai stepped down after expressing his thanks.

After stepping down.

Turning his head, he found that Zhou Tai's state was not right.

When this guy stepped down, he walked with the same hands and feet. Lin Zhibai was concerned, "What's wrong with you?"


Zhou Tai acted like a fool, "I'm going to post it now!"

Baidi's "Orchid Pavilion Preface" is worth 600 million yuan, and I still have two calligraphy manuscripts by Baidi.

One is the poem "A few branches of plums in the corner".

The other is the same running script work as "Orchid Pavilion Preface":

That song is called "Bu Suanzi Yongmei"!

If you are willing to take it out and sell it, how much is it worth?

Zhou Taiguang couldn't help but tremble all over just thinking about it. In a sense, he would have nothing to worry about eating and drinking for the rest of his life!

Although Zhou Tai didn't plan to sell them, these two pieces of calligraphy, as family heirlooms, will definitely increase in value in the future!

"Teacher Baidi! Can I sign my name!?"

Back under the stage, Zhou Hanjin had already leaned over, his face full of flattery, and he didn't even want the face of a dignified singer.

Li Xiao, the girlfriend next to him, wanted to pretend not to know him.

Qin Lian looked at Lin Zhibai pitifully: "Mr. Baidi, after you become the chairman of Shinhwa Group, can you give me a raise?"

Lin Zhibai: "..."

Your queen's contract is good enough.

Zhang Xiyang gave Lin Zhibai a thumbs up.

Chen Ling and Liu An looked at Lin Zhibai, and suddenly bowed deeply!

"You guys are..."

Lin Zhibai was a little embarrassed. Today, this realistic pretense was too big, and he actually made "Lanting Preface".

The top calligraphy work in the previous life sold 600 million yuan, which is really not an exaggeration!

It can only show that these rich people are quite knowledgeable!

In fact, if you really want to talk about the value, "Lanting Preface" is far more than 600 million!

If there was an auction of the original "Lanting Preface" in the previous life, Lin Zhibai didn't even dare to think how much it would sell for!

However, the "Lanting Preface" from the previous life has historical value.

The kind that goes down in history.

Lin Zhibai is still a contemporary calligrapher after all, even if he produced "Lanting Preface", 600 million is already a very extreme price.

It's a pity that Lin Zhibai couldn't get the 600 million.

In charity auctions, all money is donated.

This is also one of the reasons why Lin Zhibai made such a big effort today.

Although I am a civil servant, the structure still needs to be bigger. This kind of charity should be done as it should, and it is good to help as many people as possible.

"You deserve this prayer."

Chen Ling said, "Today, the entire Qinzhou calligraphy community should thank you."

Liu An also excitedly said: "If it wasn't for Teacher Baidi's action, I would really feel ashamed today. I really don't know how you practiced this calligraphy."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "I have a good teacher."

"Do you have a teacher?"

"Yes, his name is Wang Xizhi, the real god of calligraphy."

Wang Xizhi.

There is no such person in this world.

That's all Lin Zhibai could say, to comfort himself.

At this time.

The amount of donations Qin Zhou raised for this charity auction is already the first in the fault line.

Lin Zhibai alone is worth a continent's worth of donations, and the power it causes can be called a nuclear bomb!

on stage.

The host has already begun to make a final summary, "Thank you for your efforts, especially Teacher Baidi, who raised 600 million yuan for our charity auction, because of Teacher Baidi's "Lanting Preface", this year's charity auction The total amount of donations has already broken the highest record of the past 20 charity auctions!"

Clap clap!

There was a wave of applause at the scene!

On this day, the whole world witnessed the birth of the world's first running script, and also witnessed the birth of Blue Star's first calligrapher!

The ID card has expired, and I went out for half a day to go through the formalities today, so the code word time is a bit late.

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