Freelance Artist

Chapter 332: Lord Variety Star? The Spirit of Mischief!

this day.

Jin Xiaofeng was contacting celebrities to participate in "The King of Masked Singer", when he suddenly saw an unfamiliar number.

"Another number without a name."

Jin Xiaofeng is responsible for inviting stars from all walks of life to participate in "The King of Masked Singer", and most of the numbers have ID notes.

However, individual numbers occasionally appear, and there is no note on the identity.

These numbers were given by Representative Jiang, and only Representative Jiang knew their real identities.

The director next to him said: "If you don't write your name, you don't need to contact them. Representative Jiang will be responsible for these people."

Jin Xiaofeng was a little curious: "I don't know who it is, but Representative Jiang is personally responsible. Could it be the king of songs and the queen of songs?"

The director said with a smile: "Don't inquire about it, anyway, they will go to the stage to audition first."

Jin Xiaofeng nodded.

And the other side.

Lin Zhibai thought for a long time, and finally decided to use a white mask.

Just wear this simple white mask and go to "The Masked Singer".

After all, his real name is "Lin Zhibai".

And the stage name is "Bai Di", all with the word "white".

The meaning is full.

As for the name of this image...

Lin Zhibai thought it would be better to just call him "Variety Star Lord".

Why use this name?

One is because Lin Zhibai liked Xing Ye in his previous life, and the other party happened to have a movie called "The Variety Star";

The second is because Lin Zhibai has an ever-changing voice, and his voice is destined to change ever-changingly. He doesn't want to use Chu Ci's voice to participate in the competition. It will directly expose his identity and lose a lot of suspense.

The third is because Lin knows that there are so many white vests!

Isn't he just a "variable star king"!

When Chu resigns from Ma, everyone will know the deep meaning of "Variety Star".

After finalizing the plan, Lin Zhibai contacted Jiang Cheng and asked him to order related masks and costumes.

Jiang Cheng: "Lord Variety Star? This name sounds like Taishang Laojun."

Lin Zhibai: "You can't be called Yuanshi Tianzun, right?"

Jiang Cheng: "Yuanshi Tianzun is also good."

Lin Zhibai: "..."

Jiang Cheng: "If the mask is white, what about the clothes?"

Lin Zhibai: "Just keep it simple. Let the designer look at the design. The requirement is to cover the whole body and block all the features."

Jiang Cheng: "Then it looks like you won't be able to wear overalls."

Lin Zhibai: "What the hell are the overalls?"

Jiang Cheng: "It's very popular among young people to wear this now."

that's all.

in a few days.

Jiang Cheng sent the things over.

Lin Zhibai put on the mask and clothes, looked at himself in the full-length mirror, and felt quite satisfied.

Even if the family members saw his appearance, they would never guess who he was.

It just so happened that the program group had to audition first to see the general effect, so Lin Zhibai simply wore this suit and a white mask, and took the car arranged by Jiangcheng to the program group.


It's afternoon, and "The King of Masked Singer" will be recorded on Tianguang TV.

Lin Zhibai arrived at the program group by car, and it was Jin Xiaofeng who greeted Lin Zhibai at the door.

When Jin Xiaofeng saw Lin Zhibai, he knew that this was recommended by Representative Jiang, so he couldn't help but smile and said:

"Hello, teacher, shall we go to the backstage for a cup of tea?"


Jin Xiaofeng's eyes were full of inquiry, "Which teacher are you?"

"Lord Variety Star."

"I know, I mean your real identity."


Lin Zhibai didn't say anything, before he revealed himself, it was enough for Jiang Cheng to know his true identity!

"it does not matter!"

Jin Xiaofeng still didn't give up, and said with a smile: "I'm the program producer of "The King of Masked Singer", it's absolutely fine if you tell me!"

"Is that what you should ask?"

Lin Zhibai rolled his eyeballs under the mask, and suddenly developed a bad taste, and even used Jiang Cheng's voice directly.

With Lin Zhibai's ever-changing voice, it is not difficult to imitate Jiang Cheng's voice!

Ninety-nine percent similarity!

Jin Xiaofeng's smile froze for an instant, and he looked at Lin Zhibai in surprise. This is the voice of Representative Jiang! ?

In Kunpengjiang City, he is the number one leader.

So Jin Xiaofeng was instantly bluffed!

But it's not right, representative Jiang is only 1.7 meters, and this guy is obviously 1.8 meters. Could it be that representative Jiang is wearing height-enhancing shoes?

"What are you doing in a daze?"

Seeing Jin Xiaofeng's terrified appearance, Lin Zhibai was overjoyed. He hummed coldly on purpose, and continued to imitate Jiang Cheng's voice:

"Not leading the way?"

"You are really Jiang..."


"I, I, I understand, you you you you you you come with me!"

Jin Xiaofeng panicked, especially after hearing Baibian Xingjun's cough, he became more and more convinced that this person was Representative Jiang!

Although I don't know what happened to Representative Jiang.

Could it be that Representative Jiang is going to make his debut in "The King of Masked Singer" as a star king! ?

Jin Xiaofeng didn't dare to ask clearly, fearing that Representative Jiang would become angry, so he carefully led Lin Zhibai into the backstage lounge.

close the door.

Jin Xiaofeng turned his head and ran out.

The director was directing and arranging the scene at the side of the stage. When he saw Jin Xiaofeng rushing all the way, he was a little surprised and said:

"Damn you? Why are you running in such a hurry?"

"Representative Jiang!"

Jin Xiaofeng was out of breath and said, "I just found out that Jiang represents him..."

"What's wrong with me?"

A voice came from the side.

Jin Xiaofeng saw that it was Jiang Cheng, and his expression was instantly confused. At this moment, the CPU of his brain almost burned out!

"Isn't Representative Jiang in the lounge?"

"What lounge?"

Jiang Cheng couldn't figure it out, and asked concerned: "Did you not rest well these two days? You don't have to work too hard, you have to combine work and rest."

Jin Xiaofeng: "..."

He was already convinced that he was tricked by that Variety Lord!

But who is that Variety King in the lounge!

Why is his voice so similar to Representative Jiang's!

"Representative Jiang has a younger brother or something?" Jin Xiaofeng asked tentatively, although the voices of even brothers would not be similar.


Jiang Cheng Fei explained: "Why are you so weird?"

Jin Xiaofeng didn't want to say that he was being teased. After all, it was an embarrassing thing and it was embarrassing. He said awkwardly, "I'll just ask..."

And in the lounge.

Lin Zhibai laughed so hard that his stomach hurts.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Lin Zhibai stopped laughing and said, "Please come in."

It turned out that the staff came to bring tea to Lin Zhibai.

Lin Zhibai hadn't played enough, rolled his eyes again, and said directly in the voice of the program director:

"When does the audition start?"

The staff was taken aback, thinking they had heard wrong.

Taking advantage of his daze, Lin Zhibai raised his voice slightly, and said in the tone of a program director: "The work of all departments should be ready, right?"

"Ah! You are the director!?"

The staff are very familiar with the voice of the director of the program group, "What is your outfit like?"

"I'm not a director."

"Good director, we are ready!"

The staff nodded quickly, but couldn't help scratching their heads while nodding, "Do you want to experience the sound audition yourself?"

All right.

The staff thought that the director wanted to personally experience the effect of the stars on the stage.

"Well, let the various departments be more efficient and arrange an audition for me."

Lin Zhibai sat down in an official manner, and sat down with a leadership style, drinking tea through a straw.

No details?

You can't take off your mask and drink tea.

The staff nodded quickly, but not long after leaving the house, they bumped into the director who was busy on the stage, and the whole person was in a mess.


Probably because of wearing a mask, Lin Zhibai couldn't help but let himself go after becoming the Variety King.

After a while.

Jin Xiaofeng brought another person in one after another.

"Little Jin..."

Lin Zhibai switched Jiangcheng's voice.

Jin Xiaofeng almost cried, "Teacher Baibian Xingjun, please stop teasing me, I saw Representative Jiang outside just now..."

Lin Zhibai laughed, well, I can't pretend anymore, so I just changed the subject:

"Who is this?"

Lin Zhibai looked at the people around Jin Xiaofeng.

This guy in a frog suit feels like he should be walking down the street handing out flyers instead of running to The Masked Singer.

"My name is Frog Prince, and your name is Lord Variety Star?"

It was a man's voice, obviously suppressing his throat, not wanting to reveal the original timbre, but Lin Zhibai still heard a trace of familiarity in it.

"That's right, my name is Lord Variety."

Lin Zhibai behind the mask narrowed his eyes slightly. Is this frog prince someone he knows?

"The two teachers are chatting first, I will continue to pick up people."

Jin Xiaofeng ran away after saying hello, mainly because he was embarrassed when he saw this Variety Star.

The other party was recommended by Representative Jiang, and he might be a singer, but in my impression, there is no such skinny singer!

After Jin Xiaofeng left.

The atmosphere was inexplicably awkward.

The Frog Prince approached Lin Zhibai, "Are you a professional singer?"

Lin Zhibai said, "I'm a student, what about you?"

"King of singers."

The Frog Prince smiled.

Lin Zhibai nodded: "I have admired you for a long time, how old are you this year?"

"Eighteen years old, how about you?"

"Slightly bigger than you."

The two of them didn't want to talk anymore, both felt that the other was running the train with his mouth full.

There was a moment of silence.

Jin Xiaofeng brought the two of them in again.

One is dressed like a cat and calls himself "Maine".

One dressed up like a flower, and called himself "Evening Fragrance".

at last.

There was also a buddy dressed like a panda named "Giant Panda".

There are many people.

The scene became lively.

The main character of the giant panda is very enthusiastic and unrestrained, and he said loudly: "Ming people don't say dark words, I really want to take off your masks to see who you are, but it seems impolite, so it's not as good as this, each of us How about giving out a piece of identity information? Let me say first, I have won the first place in the season list."

"I took it too." Maine said.

"I took it too." Ye Laixiang said lightly.

"I took it too." The Frog Prince followed suit.

Lin Zhibai: "..."

The four couldn't help looking at the silent Lin Zhibai.

Lin Zhibai felt as if he had awakened the spirit of mischief, and said in a deep voice, "I have never won the first place in the season list."


Maine chuckled, and she couldn't help but proudly said: "I know who you are now, don't pretend, have you ever won the first place in the season list? I'm afraid it's a soft hand!"

Ye Laixiang also laughed, "The voice is revealing, it still won't work without a voice changer."

Panda got up instantly, and said respectfully: "I didn't expect you to come to participate in the competition with an identity like King Zhou Ge!"


Lin Zhibai used Zhou Hanjin's voice, and used it very skillfully, deliberately imitating only seven images!

The three seem to have been tricked.

Lin Zhibai immediately said, "My surname is not Zhou."

It can only be said that Lin Zhibai knows how to be stubborn, and that slight sense of shame is just right.

And the frog prince next to him looked at Mr. Variety Star in some confusion...

He is Zhou Hanjin?

Then who am I?

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