Freelance Artist

Chapter 333 Brother Frog, you imitate very much!

Jin Xiaofeng's voice came: "There are still people who haven't arrived, but the audition can start now, teachers who will come first?"

"Let me go first." The frog prince spoke first, "How do you try?"

"You can sing whatever you want."

"Then I'll just sing a cappella."

The Frog Prince immediately walked out of the lounge and went to the front desk to sing a classic old song.

I didn't use any accompaniment throughout the whole process, but the voice performance is very good, at least only the first-line singers have this level!


"This voice!"

"Who is this?"

"I do not know either!"

"These teachers are all wearing masks, covering themselves tightly!"

"It feels like it's at the first-tier level, maybe even at the singer's level. After all, it's just an audition, so it's easy to come to this level!"

"It's a pity that only producer Kim and the director know their identities."

"Haha, I heard that even the director and producer don't know the identity of some teachers."

"Is it so mysterious?"

The staff members were discussing enthusiastically.

While Lin Zhibai and the others were in the background, they also heard the Frog Prince's audition, and the sense of familiarity became stronger and stronger.

"Could it be Zhou Song King?"

It's a pity that Lin Zhibai didn't pay much attention to the frog prince's reaction when he pretended to be Zhou Hanjin.

And when the Frog Prince sang, he obviously didn't use a normal voice. To put it in a more fashionable way, the other party is a male hooker today.

It's over.

The Frog Prince returned to the waiting room.

Maine smiled and said, "Amazing!"

Ye Laixiang followed and said, "You won't be the king of singers, will you?"

The giant panda also said: "Anyway, this level is at least first-line!"

The Frog Prince smiled without saying a word.

Secretary Jin's voice: "Who is coming second?"

Lin Zhibai stood up and said, "I'll do it."


Lin Zhibai took the stage.

Today is a sound audition, not a formal recording, so the singing is relatively random, and the order of appearances is also completely random.

Staff: "How do you perform?"

Lin Zhibai: "Play me the accompaniment of "Dissipating Sorrows"."

The staff confirmed: "Is it "Sorrow" written by Teacher Baidi?"


Lin Zhibai nodded.

After a while, the music started.

Lin Zhibai wanted to test the identity of the frog prince, so he continued to use Zhou Hanjin's voice.

"When you walk into this joyous place

Carry all dreams and dreams

makeup on different faces

No one remembers what you look like..."

I have to say that Zhou Gewang's singing voice is still very recognizable!

As soon as Lin Zhibai's voice came out, all the staff members' eyes widened suddenly!

"It's him!"

"It must be him!"

"No mistake!"

"Hahahahaha this voice is too familiar to me!"

"I'm his fan, it's impossible for a ten-year-old fan to admit it wrong!"

"King of Songs of Zhou!"

"Speaking of which, the King of Songs of Zhou is also true."

"At least put it on, you, as soon as the voice comes out, the audience can hear it immediately!"

"Maybe it's not easy to pretend, after all, the voices of some singers are so distinctive!"

Everyone was discussing excitedly.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Hanjin came to participate in "The King of Masked Singer"!

And Jin Xiaofeng's eyes widened at this moment, it turned out that the Variety Star Lord who just played with him was actually Zhou Hanjin! ?

Yes, it must be Zhou Hanjin!

When recording "The Voice" before, Zhou Gewang let himself go, and he could do such things as playing himself!

Clap clap clap clap.

After Lin Zhibai sang, the audience applauded like a wave, and even when he stepped off the stage, a staff member took the initiative to ask for his autograph.

"Please sign me!"


Lin Zhibai signed the words "Variety Star Lord".

"Aren't you going to sign your name?"

"My real name is kept secret."

"I already know who you are!"

"It's possible that you guessed wrong."

Although Lin Zhibai was pretending to be Zhou Songwang, he was embarrassed to actually sign the other party's name.

"Stop pretending!"

Jin Xiaofeng who was next to him groaned and said, "You played pranks on me before, except you Zhou Gewang, who else would be so naughty."

"Is Zhou Han exhausted?"

Lin Zhibai quickly shook his head and said, "I'm not."

Jin Xiaofeng was very resentful, "Then who are you, Representative Jiang?"


And in the lounge.

After listening to Variety Star Lord's singing, Maine laughed loudly and said, "He also said that he is not Zhou Hanjin, once his voice comes out, he can't hide it at all!"

Ye Laixiang also laughed, "This show is not suitable for him, and it will be revealed as soon as it comes up."

The giant panda muttered, "It turns out that Zhou Gewang can't even change his voice..."

Listening to the words of the few people, the Frog Prince became short of breath.

"He's not Zhou Hanjin!"

"This is clearly the voice of King Zhou Ge." The giant panda said.

The Frog Prince shook his head vigorously, and said with reason: "You really are the King of Songs of Zhou and you can't change your voice. If Zhou Hanjin is real, would he let you recognize his voice so easily? He is a top singer. Wang's level, if you don't want you to guess your identity, you will never be able to guess it just by listening to the voice!"

Maine nodded, "It makes sense."

Panda also hesitated, "Is this Lord Variety deliberately pretending to be the King of Songs to play tricks on us?"

"It must be. He was imitating Zhou Hanjin on purpose. I have to admit that his imitation is indeed a bit similar, but if you listen carefully, it is not very similar."

The Frog Prince speaks with certainty.

Ye Laixiang suddenly laughed and said, "Is there a possibility that Zhou Hanjin knew that we all would think so, so he purposely did the opposite and used the original tone to audition? There is a saying that the most dangerous place is The safest place, so the more he sings in his original tone, the more people feel that he cannot be Zhou Hanjin."


The Frog Prince was stupid.

Can you still explain it like this?

The most dangerous place is the safest place?


That's how you play, right?

The Frog Prince gritted his teeth and said, "Don't you know that some people's voices are naturally good at imitating others, and I can also imitate Zhou Hanjin's voice. If you don't believe me, listen to it."


The Frog Prince sang a few lines of Zhou Hanjin's song.

Maine's eyes lit up, "Yes, Frog Prince, your imitation is very similar!"

Ye Laixiang also nodded and said, "It's true, I almost thought you were Zhou Hanjin himself."

The giant panda added: "If there is no Variety King..."

The Frog Prince stared: "What do you mean! What are you talking about! Can I live without him? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The three said in unison: "Really not."

Frog prince:"……"

The giant panda patted the Frog Prince on the shoulder: "Brother, you have already imitated it very much, but what you imitated is the shape. No matter how similar it is, it has no soul. In his voice, he sang the true charm of King Song of Zhou!"


Maine said, "You can't imitate that charm."

Ye Laixiang also agreed: "Frog Prince, you can only take second place in the Zhou Hanjin imitation contest."

The Frog Prince suddenly became angry, "I'm not pretending anymore, I'm showing my cards, in fact I am Zhou Hanjin!"

Maine: "Yeah."

Ye Laixiang: "You are Zhou Hanjin."

Giant Panda: "Brother, don't say anything, I believe you."

Can you be more perfunctory!

The Frog Prince was suddenly sad and angry!

Just at this time, Lin Zhibai came back, speaking in an authentic Zhou's voice: "I'm done, who will come next?"


The Frog Prince looked up at Lin Zhibai.

Still learn!

Lin Zhibai was a little terrified by him.

The eyes were resentful, as if he owed him millions, and there was a high probability that Zhou Gewang himself hadn't run away.


Before the show started, I saw through a mask by myself!

The Frog Prince?




giant panda.

The three of them also completed their sound auditions one after another.

Everyone is hiding their original notes, singing relatively casually, but the level also shows a part, and it feels like they are all professional.

Especially that tuberose.

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone was shocked!

"It's so strong!"

"Could Ye Laixiang be the queen of the song?"

"This is the level of a queen!"

"But I don't remember any queen with this voice!"

"It must have changed the voice line!"

Lin Zhibai was also surprised, there is a certain probability that this Ye Lixiang is the queen of the song, but he doesn't know if he recognizes her or not.

And after the audition.

Lin Zhibai left without changing his clothes.

After returning to Shui Yuntian's villa, Lin Zhibai changed into his normal clothes.

During the program, he reckoned that he couldn't go back to the East Lake Villa, otherwise he might be bumped into by his family.

"Let's customize some songs first."

Lin Zhibai called out the system and began to customize a large number of songs.

To participate in "The King of Masked Singer", Lin Zhibai will definitely sing a lot of new songs.

After customizing a large number of songs, Lin Zhibai suddenly wanted to tease Zhou Gewang again, so he called him directly.

"Teacher Baidi?"

"King Zhou Ge, good afternoon, I heard that you participated in "The King of Masked Singer"?"

"How does Teacher Baidi know?"

"I pried it out of Representative Jiang's mouth."

Lin Zhibai was talking nonsense, but Zhou Hanjin didn't doubt it.

"Okay, this representative Jiang clearly told me to keep it a secret, but he actually slipped it to you. Don't say it, it's meaningless to say it."

"Well, by the way, can you hide your voice?"

"It's not me bragging, Teacher Baidi, as long as I don't want people to recognize me, no one will recognize me!"

Zhou Hanjin is very confident.

But after being confident, Zhou Hanjin said a little depressed again: "But today I encountered a particularly bad thing. A guy who came out of nowhere also participated in "The King of Masked Singer" and imitated me. The voice sings, and the key is to imitate it very similarly!"

Zhou Hanjin was very upset.

All right.

Now Lin Zhibai can be 100% sure that the frog prince is King Zhou Ge.


ps: The update in the past few days has been slower than before, mainly because the thinking is not as clear as before, and hard writing is prone to problems, but basically 6,000 words per day can be guaranteed. When the plot is reorganized and clear, we will continue Update 9,000 words every day, and then at the end of the month, if you don’t vote for this monthly ticket, you don’t vote for nothing, or come a few ideas?

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