Freelance Artist

Chapter 334 Crimson adds points again, song king Lin Zhibai!

"Teacher Baidi, let me tell you, the most dangerous place is often the safest place. When I officially compete, I intend to show a little bit of my original voice, and give the audience a sense of authenticity that is difficult to distinguish from falsehood." I feel, because other singers participating in this show are trying to hide their voices in various ways, so even if I don’t hide, many people will subconsciously think that I am hiding, and it’s in the way of imitating Zhou Hanjin’s voice to hide myself..."

Zhou Hanjin and Lin Zhibai were still on the phone.

He was sharing his tactics with Lin Zhibai.

From Zhou Hanjin's point of view, it has nothing to do with Baidi.

Anyway, Teacher Baidi won't participate in "The King of Masked Singer", so it doesn't matter if he knows his identity.

Lin Zhibai tried his best to hold back his laughter, and was a little thankful that he was fortunately making a voice call.

Otherwise, Zhou Gewang would see that Lin Zhibai showed the same smile as Sa Beining at this moment.

After hanging up the phone.

Lin Zhibai's eyes flickered slightly, and he suddenly said:

"Crimson, add more!"

Lin Zhibai now only has ten skill points left, this wave of stud is really painful.

However, in order to get a good result in "The King of Masked Singer", Lin Zhibai had to make a decision. After all, he wanted to reveal his face on this stage, and he hoped that he could go as far as possible.


For these ten skill points, Lin Zhibai added all of them to vocal music.


Lin Zhibai felt a tickle in his throat.

Even the chest position resonated slightly.

Swish Swish Swish!

Add some success!

A subtitle appeared in front of Lin Zhibai's eyes: [Congratulations to the host for gaining singing skills at the level of a singer! 】

Lin Zhibai's vocal music has officially reached 80 points, which also means that his current singing level has reached the level of a singer!

Although he has just stepped into the threshold of the king of singers, he is not as interesting as Zhou Hanjin, Zhang Xiyang and others, but the difference is not too big. After all, Lin Zhibai also has a variety of voice skills.

It's a pity that I didn't get the hidden reward this time.

It seems that the hidden reward can not be triggered every time.

Let's try the voice effect of the king of singers first.

Lin Zhibai showed his singing voice directly, and sang a few extremely difficult songs, and the result was very smooth all the way.

"Is this the realm of the King of Songs?"

Feeling his progress, Lin Zhibai felt his heartfelt joy. Now his singing skills have improved by leaps and bounds compared to before!

Because the songs he sang were very difficult before, but now they are very easy!

This feeling is very subtle and cannot be described in accurate words. Lin Zhibai made more attempts with excitement.

treble area.


bass zone.

False voice and even head voice and so on.

Music and calligraphy are different.

In terms of calligraphy, Lin Zhibai got the inheritance of Wang Xizhi's calligraphic sage after all, and later improved the relevant level to the extreme, so he can show his due level without practice!

Vocal music is different.

After all, Lin Zhibai has only just entered the level of singer king, which requires him to keep trying, to better understand his own vocal range, and the limit of his voice. The King of Singers is not omnipotent, and there are people who are good at something and not good at it. After all, "The King of Masked Singer" is a competitive competition. It does not mean that whoever sings better will definitely win. There are many factors that affect the result of the competition.

Song selection.



Etc., etc.

Only by grasping all these factors well can the stage effect be brought into full play, so Lin Zhibai had to consider many issues, and he had to take care of all aspects as much as possible.

that's all.

After a few days.

Kunpeng officially released a promotional video.

"Put down the halo, put on the mask, and return to the battlefield like a newcomer!"

"The strong are gathered, why do you need to leave a name? Use music to have a fair contest!"

"Legends need to be seen!"

"Perfection can only be achieved through conquest!"

"Let us set off a storm of music with the hottest hearts!"

"King of Masked Singer, here I come!"

Because of the successful production of "The Voice", Kunpeng's variety show team is now very mature.

Especially in terms of suspense. For example, in this promotional video, a total of tens of seconds before and after, one after another masked figures flashed away in front of the camera.

The background music is like a rainbow!

The competitive atmosphere is passionate!

The audience's eyes widened, and they became more and more aware of the gameplay of this show, and they were fully mobilized with great anticipation!

"What an interesting program!"

"Those flashing figures in the promotional video are the contestants, right?"

"I just watched it frame by frame, and I couldn't tell who these people were. The celebrities covered themselves up tightly, and there was no way to judge their identities!"

"It's visual, tsk tsk."

"Let go of the halo, put on the mask, and return to the battlefield like a rookie. This slogan is also applicable to "I Am a Singer"."

"I love the idea of ​​guessing the celebrity!"

"If you can't tell from the outside, then we can only judge who these singers are through their voices!"

"I heard that the program group has hired a lot of big names!"

"I'm really looking forward to the time when these stars reveal their masks!"


And amidst the various discussions, the "Masked Singer" program group held an advertising sponsorship signing conference that day.

Three Bluestar top brands jointly named "King of Masked Singer"!

Total naming fee: 300 million!

The competition for naming rights is fierce this time!

Several Blue Star top brands want to be named exclusively.

In the end, Jiangcheng asked various merchants to bid, and finally settled on three top brands.

These three top brands, each with a price of 100 million, jointly participated in the title of "The King of Masked Singer".

No way, "The Voice" is too successful!

The brands that have succeeded in sponsoring "The Voice" have all received huge publicity!

This kind of publicity effect has made countless brands jealous, so as soon as the news of Kunpeng's new variety show was released, countless merchants waved money and offered to provide sponsorship!

In fact.

If Jiangcheng is willing to let more advertisers in, the naming fee can be even higher!

However, if there are too many advertisements, it will affect the audience's experience, so Jiangcheng only let three companies in in the end.

Rao is so.

The joint naming fee of 300 million yuan is enough to shock countless people with a little bit of Kunpeng!

Brands from all walks of life complained one after another!

The first-line brands that sponsored "The Voice" before are about to vomit blood, they are a little bit immobile!

"Oh My God!"

"Too curly!"

"Three brands, one of them will pay 100 million yuan!?"

"The co-author can't spend 100 million now, so he's not worthy of sponsoring Kunpeng's variety show?"

"The total cost of Kunpeng's show is less than 300 million yuan. They are doing variety shows now without any cost!"

"Release a variety show plan at will, as long as it is named Kunpeng King's Landing, there will be people who are willing to pay and sponsor them to produce it!"

"It's not that people in the capital world have a lot of money. The main reason is that Kunpeng has a good reputation. Look at the many merchants who have sponsored Kunpeng's variety show. Up to now, which one of them has made a loss-making business, and they all made a profit in the end!"

"Before "The Voice" sponsorship was only 200 million!"

"This wave of direct 300 million is another record high, and "The Voice" is jointly sponsored by four companies, this time there are only three of them!"

the other side.

Variety show circle.

Even the entire Qinzhou entertainment circle was shaken.

"So Kunpeng's current variety show is completely invincible?"

"There is no opponent!"

"I heard that in order to snatch the sponsorship rights of "The King of Masked Singer", the big brands are all out of their minds. Representatives of several top-tier brands almost staged a full-scale martial arts in the negotiation. In the end, the three winning brands are almost soft and hard. Jie Shi, this opportunity was won..."

"If Kunpeng is a little darker, the 300 million can be directly ignorant!"

"Haha, Kunpeng won't do this kind of thing. It's easy to make a choice after a full meal. They have to do well after they get a sky-high price title for this variety show."

"The only one who can defeat Kunpeng is Kunpeng!"

"It's Kunpeng's own program that breaks the record for the highest sponsorship fee in The Voice!"


"Jiangcheng seems to have revealed some gossip!"


After the advertising sponsorship signing conference.

Jiang Cheng was interviewed by reporters and released some news.

"Many people are concerned about the strength of our "King of Masked Singer" and who are the celebrities invited. I will definitely keep the details of who will participate, but I can promise you one thing here! "

"King of singers? Yes!"

"Queen? There are too!"

"Even regardless of whether the singer is the king or the queen, we have invited more than one, and they have all confirmed that they will participate!"

"Want to know who they are?"

"Then everyone, watch the show well and take your time to guess. It's time to test the fans' familiarity with their idols!"

"Ha ha."

"Of course not only the king of singers, but also first-tier, second-tier, third-tier and even fourth-tier stars will also appear on our stage. This masked music duel will definitely have stories that you didn't expect!"

The King of Singers will come!

The queen will come!

And more than one!

Jiangcheng's revelation successfully ignited the enthusiasm of the entire network!

"This lineup!"

"Love love love!"

"Will King Song of Zhou come?"

"No way, Zhou Gewang is the mentor of "The Voice"!"

"A mentor-level person, will he become a contestant in "The King of Masked Singer"?"

"That may not be the case. After all, Zhou Gewang and Kunpeng have already collaborated on "The Voice", and the cooperation between the two parties was so successful. Besides, Representative Jiang said that there are more than one singer and queen this time!"

"Which singers and queens are they?"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

"And those first- and second-tier stars, who are they?"

The audience was so excited!

Because Jiang Cheng's meaning is obvious, the stars invited by "The King of Masked Singer" are by no means lacking in big names!

This is Kunpeng!

With a naming fee of 300 million yuan, they are really willing to spend it!

Who doesn't know that the bigger the star, the harder it is to hire, and the higher the appearance fee that needs to be paid?

That statement is true:

You can always trust Kunpeng.

In the Qinzhou entertainment industry, including the Big Three, there is no company with a better reputation and image than Kunpeng!

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