Freelance Artist

Chapter 335: Zhou Hanjin Imitation Contest?

"On April 22, Mr. Baibian Xingjun came to Tianguang TV to rehearse for a day."

"On April 23, we officially started the recording of "The King of Masked Singer", and you are the starting contestant of the first phase."

"In the first issue, there are seven first-time masked singers."

"After the first episode, the two masked singers with the lowest votes will be eliminated."

Jin Xiaofeng contacted Mr. Variety.

On the phone, he told about the program rules that Lin Zhibai was already familiar with.

After all, the rules were set by Lin Zhibai, so why would Jin Xiaofeng need to introduce himself?

But the play still had to be performed, Lin Zhibai pretended to be just hearing about it, and said that there was no problem with his debut.

There are two versions of "The King of Masked Singer" in the previous life.

One is the Celestial Edition. To be honest, it was not particularly successful, and its influence is not as good as "I Am a Singer".

The second is the Korean version, which is the original version of "The King of Masked Singer", which was very successful and had a huge influence there, but the rules are somewhat different from the Chinese version.

After all, national conditions are different.

The main reason is that there are not so many stars willing to participate in "The King of Masked Singer" in China.

Even the masked singer's mask is very perfunctory. Comparing some exposed parts, you can still see the clues, and it is easy to be guessed by netizens.

And the guessing team is also a little bit smarter.

Obviously guessed the masked singer's identity, the audience knew they had guessed it, and they knew the audience knew they had guessed it.

But they just pretended they couldn't figure it out and talked nonsense.

The audience felt that their IQ was insulted, and the more they watched it, the more boring it became. Therefore, the good program ideas did not reach a certain level in the end.

Unlike the Korean version.

The masked singer's voice is well concealed, and the mask and costumes highlight a "mother can't recognize it".

And the Korean version is probably because Bangzi's country is small and has few resources.

Therefore, all the singers actively participated in "The King of Masked Singer", and in the end it was the effect of a hundred flowers blooming!

And Lin Zhibai's version of "The King of Masked Singer" is a combination of the two versions of the previous life, and at the same time incorporated a little change.

Rules are more flexible.

Very suitable for Qinzhou.

"By the way." Jin Xiaofeng said again on the phone: "After singing the song, our guessing team will communicate with you to test your identity. In order to prevent your voice from being revealed, we will prepare a voice changer for the teacher. What style of voice? There are many choices, uncle-type loli voice, Yujie voice, Zhengtai voice, etc. "

"I do not need."

Lin Zhibai said with a smile.

I am a humanoid voice changer.

No voice changer has its own ever-changing voice!

Jin Xiaofeng quickly said: "This is not very good. Although you may think that you can hide it well, some people will always be able to hear it. For example, the giant panda and Maine already know that you are the King of Songs. .”


Lin Zhibai directly imitated Jin Xiaofeng's voice: "Do you really think I need a voice changer?"

"You you you you you you..." Jin Xiaofeng's voice instantly became frightened!

what's up!

This week's song king!

Why does the voice of speaking suddenly become so similar to myself!

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "As long as I don't want to be heard, no one will be able to hear my voice."

These words were said by Zhou Gewang, and Lin Zhibai directly learned and used them flexibly, and he was still imitating Jin Xiaofeng's voice.

"So you're really not Zhou Gewang!?"

How can Jin Xiaofeng not understand now, this Variety Star Lord is a top imitation master!

He could imitate Representative Jiang's voice, and his own voice, most of Zhou Hanjin's voice was also imitated!

It is said that in ancient times, "good ventriloquists" could imitate various sounds.

The voices of old people, children and young people, etc., can be imitated without any sense of disobedience.

In modern times, there are also people who can imitate the sounds of various musical instruments, which can be called humanoid metronomes. There are many such ventriloquist masters in the music world.

There are also imitators who can imitate the voice of certain singers.

And this Variety Star Lord should also be such a "good talker", but his performance is more terrifying and more natural!

The kind that can easily fool everyone's ears!

"I said a long time ago that I'm not Zhou Gewang." Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "Now you think I still need a voice changer?"

"Your ever-changing voice is much easier to use than a voice changer. No wonder you are called Variety Star! Forget about the voice changer, you can play with your voice on stage... just please stop imitating my voice, I was terrified when I heard it..."

Jin Xiaofeng is convinced!

Completely convinced!

What kind of monster is this Variety Star Lord!

How can anyone's voice be imitated so well!

Jin Xiaofeng was scared to death, what kind of impact would such a person appear on the stage of "The King of Masked Singer"?

This Variety Lord is a guy who likes to play pranks very much!

Jin Xiaofeng was once severely deceived by Mr. Baibianxing with the voice of Representative Jiang, and he has already realized this. Now he seems to be expecting more people to be deceived?

that's all.

two weeks later.

It's rehearsal day.

Lin Zhibai came to Tianguang TV Station again.

Of course, it is to change into the image of Variety Star in advance.

Today is mainly rehearsal, Lin Zhibai needs to come up with his own songs and communicate with the band in advance.

It is impossible to directly play the accompaniment for this kind of program. There must be live cooperation between the band and the singer, so rehearsal is very necessary.

The band is Qinzhou's top.

Even the equipment is of the highest standard.

After Lin Zhibai communicated with the band, he started rehearsing again and again.

The purpose of multiple rehearsals is to get used to the stage, because although Lin Zhibai would sing in the studio as Chu Ci before, this is the first time for him to perform on this formal stage.

It's an official game after all.

Lin Zhibai has no stage experience, so let's take advantage of the rehearsal to quickly get acquainted.


"King Song of Zhou, don't act, we are just rehearsing today, not an official recording, so there is no need to pretend to be on stage for the first time."

After the fifth rehearsal.

The guitarist in the band said with a wry smile.

Because Lin Zhibai is still singing in Zhou Hanjin's voice today, the band insists that Baibian Xingjun is Zhou Gewang.

The annoying thing is:

This song king of Zhou loves acting so much!

You are a king of singers, you have so much stage experience, how could it be possible that on the stage, you can't even find the camera seat, and you can't even grasp the position?

That's not how you pretend to be a newcomer!

Lin Zhibai was embarrassed, the corners of his mouth behind the mask twitched slightly and said, "I didn't act, I'm not Zhou Hanjin."

It really didn't work.

Lin Zhibai really has no stage experience!

How to find a seat, how to get a seat, these things are really not good without experience.

Unless Lin Zhibai is willing to stand in the center of the stage from beginning to end, singing like an earthbound spirit!

"Okay, okay."

The musician next to him said helplessly: "Even if you are not Teacher Zhou Hanjin, you don't have any stage experience, right? The stars invited by our program group, even if they are hosts, still have basic stage experience. ! Besides, with your singing skills, you can tell that you are a professional singer, what kind of professional singer has no stage experience at all!"

Lin Zhibai: "..."

The other party's analysis is well-founded, but my own situation is really special. After all, professional singing skills are not trained on stage.

Instead, it is hard-fed by the system.

Unable to explain to the other party, Lin Zhibai could only bite the bullet and say: "Continue to rehearse."


The band expressed their helplessness, but they still had to cooperate with Variety Star.

Until a few hours later, other singers came to rehearse.

The band is not for Mr. Variety alone, other people have to rehearse, so Lin Zhibai gave up.

Get out of the rehearsal room.

Lin Zhibai walked towards a man wearing a Tibetan mastiff mask...

Anyway, looking at the body, it should be a man.


The Tibetan Mastiff took the initiative to say hello: "Variety King?"

Lin Zhibai blinked: "You know me?"

The Tibetan Mastiff smiled and said, "A friend of mine said that King Zhou Ge is here pretending to be the King of Varieties."

"I'm not."

"Of course you are not."

Tibetan mastiff said: "Because I am Zhou Hanjin!"

Lin Zhibai: "..."

It's okay if you are Zhou Hanjin, pretending to be on my head?

Ignore you.

Lin Zhibai didn't want to chat with this Tibetan mastiff.

The game hasn't started yet, but Ya has already put on a voice changer, which is boring.

Can you stop using the voice changer?

Be honest like me?

But although he didn't want to chat with the other party, after all, he couldn't get any useful identity information, but Lin Zhibai still stayed at the door of the rehearsal room for a while, mainly wanting to hear how the other party's singing skills are. Incredible!

"Put a bomb on life!"

"Blow up all the depression!"

"Corruption and stagnation have nothing to do with me!"

"I carnival in the blazing sun!"

"Maybe it's been a bit of a mess lately!"

"But my sky is still blue!"

Depend on!

Isn't this Zhou Hanjin's song?

Isn't that Zhou Hanjin's voice?


This guy must be imitating Zhou Hanjin!

Although the imitation is only six images, but the taste has come out, the most important thing is that the other party sings very well, maybe he is the king of singers! ?

Lin Zhibai was a little shocked.

What the hell is this? It's fine to imitate Zhou Hanjin myself, but this Tibetan mastiff is also imitating Zhou Hanjin!

And this Tibetan mastiff came to rehearse today, which means that it is also tomorrow's starting singer.

Lin Zhibai was thinking about whether to change his voice to imitate.

This is too fucked!

A good "The King of Masked Singer" can't be turned into a Zhou Hanjin imitation contest, can it?

But after thinking about it, Lin Zhibai felt that there was no need to change his voice, at worst, he was more like someone else.

Who is afraid of whom?

so be it.

Imitate Zhou Hanjin, I am a professional, can a little Tibetan mastiff compare to me?

And in the rehearsal room.

Listening to the very "Zhou Hanjin" voice, the band was stunned as a whole, staring blankly at the Tibetan mastiff on the stage.

who I am?

where am I?

what am i doing

They were suddenly worried that when they went to bed tonight and lifted the quilt, they would see Zhou Hanjin at a glance.


ps: It's the end of the month, and the monthly pass is expired and invalidated. Everyone, please vote!

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