Freelance Artist

Chapter 350: True and False Lin Shouzhuo!

Participating in "The King of Masked Singer" as a star king, Lin Zhibai really had a good time, the most important thing is that he hasn't played enough!

Then keep playing.

Play rehearsals and games.

Highlight a "willful act".

And Lin Zhibai has already thought up the song to be prepared for the third issue. This time it is not based on popular searches, although the ultimate goal is to play.

that's all.

In the blink of an eye, it came to the recording day of the third phase of "The King of Masked Singer".


The masked singers arrived at the TV station and entered their respective lounges.

At this time, the devil fish is very nervous, because according to the results of the lottery in the previous period, his opponent today is Mr. Baibian Xingjun!

Although Variety Star likes to play pranks, but every time this guy sings, he can enter the top three with Tibetan Mastiff and Frog Prince, which shows that his strength is truly terrifying!

Pk with such an opponent.

The devil fish must do everything!

Lin Shouzhuo secretly said in his heart: "It's best if I win Lord Variety, and he reveals his face today, so that I can get rid of the scapegoat."


There is another way to dump the pot.

That is, when he loses the game and reveals his face, and everyone finds out that it is Lin Shouzhuo, the scapegoat is naturally thrown away...

All right.

It seems that the second method of dumping the pot is more feasible. After all, Lin Shouzhuo is also a smart man. Knowing that his level is not as good as the Variety Star Lord, he can only bet on his performance and the variables of the game itself.

And once you lose pk.

Of the three in the loser group, only one can continue to advance, and the remaining two will be eliminated. Lin Shouzhuo is already mentally prepared.

What is it called?

This made me prove my innocence by "death". As long as Lin Shouzhuo reveals his face, the rumors will be self-defeating!


on site.

The recording has not yet started, the equipment is being adjusted, the audience has already entered, and those who know each other and those who don't know each other are chatting enthusiastically.

"The last issue was really exciting!"

"This show is getting better and better, so I specially asked someone to get the live tickets!"

"It's fun off the field too. Lin Shouzhuo was arrested by Zhou Hanjin and Zhang Xiyang haha, that photo made me laugh so hard, it looks like a criminal being caught by the police."

"Do you think that Lord Variety is really Lin Shouzhuo?"

"It can only be said that the probability is not small. After all, Lord Baibianxing has personally denied that he is Zhang Xiyang, and even claimed that he is not the king of singers, although it is difficult to distinguish the truth of the latter sentence."

"I'm more curious about what song Variety Star will sing today!"

"Hahahaha, Lord Variety Star's song, from the very name, makes people want to laugh!"

"They are all strange songs, and I don't know how he created them!"

"Today will be very interesting, because it is a pk match, and the opponent of Lord Variety seems to be a devil fish."

end of last period.

The result of the draw has been announced to the audience.

This is also to raise everyone's expectations for the third issue.


Guess the jury here.

It was the group headed by Li Xiao.

Han Bo said, "I went back yesterday and compared the voices of Lord Variety Star and Lin Shouzhuo, and found that there is still a slight difference."


Everyone became interested, "We can't even tell the difference."

Han Bo smiled and said, "If you listen to it dozens of times in a row, you will probably be able to hear it. Instead, in the end, I suddenly discovered that the voice of the devil fish is a bit like Lin Shouzhuo."


Li Xiao's eyes lit up, "You seem to mean something when you say that."

Tian Weile said: "That's a good idea. Let's pay close attention to the performance of the devil fish today. If we can't guess Lord Variety, let's focus on guessing where this fish comes from!"

"It's about to start!"

Yingwei looked up and saw that the host was already on stage.


When the audience saw the host appearing on stage, they all became excited, and the crowd was extremely loud!


"It's about to start!"

Amidst the waves of applause, Huang Li read a part of the advertisement, and then said with a smile: "Everyone knows that today is a pk match, and the first group of pk will be between Mr. Frog Prince and Mr. Chu Liuxiang who joined this issue as a replacement! "


The audience laughed.

What the hell is Chu Liuxiang?

This is a new TV series produced by Kunpeng and Nathan.

In the TV series that has only been popular for a few days, there is a replacement masked singer who uses the identity of "Chu Liuxiang", which also shows how deeply Kunpeng's martial arts are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

"Congratulations to Mr. Baibian Xingjun, you are finally no longer alone!"

"The Masked Singer Zoo has finally ushered in a second visitor!"

"I'm sweating for this tourist, why did he run into such a stubble as the Frog Prince as soon as he came here?"

"Is this the rhythm of a round trip?"

The audience joked that the Frog Prince is very powerful, which is obvious to all!


When this "Chu Liuxiang" began to sing on stage, the audience was shocked!

"I showed up at the beach that day."

"You stand on the edge of the rainbow."

"The setting sun will get lighter little by little."

"Disappeared with your voice."

This Chu Liuxiang's level is unexpectedly strong!

Especially in the climax part, the treble was so penetrating that it almost bombarded the audience!


"Who is this person!"

"Looks like Chang Zhehao!"

"First-line singer Chang Zhehao?"

"I can't hear it from the front, but this treble does have the taste of Chang Zhehao!"

"not him."

"It doesn't sound like that."

"But this level is really not bad!"

"The Frog Prince's game is a bit hanging this round!"

Before, everyone thought that the Frog Prince would win, and even sympathized with the rhythm of this "Chu Liuxiang" who was likely to have a round trip.

But at this time, he turned his head and worried about the frog prince.

On the other hand, Lin Zhibai in the waiting room couldn't help showing a smile. Of course, there was a mask blocking it so no one could see it.

This "Chu Liuxiang" is very strong!

Unfortunately, your opponent is Zhou Hanjin.


After Chu Liuxiang sang, the host launched a vote, and then the guessing group shouted "Chang Zhehao"'s name.

Everyone feels alike!

And Chu Liuxiang himself naturally denied it.

After interaction.

When it was the Frog Prince's turn to take the stage.

The audience was still faintly immersed in Chu Liuxiang's singing.

Until the Frog Prince spoke in the dimming light.

"It turns out that you are my paradise. Dreams are endless hope. Forgive me for wandering until the dark clouds disappear into the sun and rainbows fly in the sky. Life is all about finding a direction..."

This is Zhang Xiyang's early masterpiece.

Also a very high pitched song.

Especially the chorus part, there is no lyrics, to be precise, it is a head voice singing, showing off skills to the extreme, and the treble is also played to the extreme!





"Oh la la oh!"

The audience at the scene felt hot all over, and their faces were flushed. They undoubtedly shouted, but they couldn't cover the singing of the Frog Prince!




The strong emotions pushed the song to a climax, even Lin Zhibai was terrified by the high pitch, Lao Zhou was a bit bombed this time!

It exploded!

Not only the audience was blown up!

All masked singers were blown up too!

As the opponent of the Frog Prince, Chu Liuxiang stood up suddenly, her eyes widened!

Good guy!

The Frog Prince himself had investigated before participating in the competition, and his strength was indeed very strong, but it was probably on the same level as himself.

The result was unexpected!

This time, he actually crushed himself, cooperating with this guy's previous game, he has been hiding his strength!

What a fuck!

How the hell do you hide your strength and still maintain the level of taking second place in almost every game?

What kind of game is this!

Why did I encounter this monster the first time I came here?

This is more than a fart, I want to go home, I want to go home!

As a veteran of Qin Zhou's music scene, Chu Liuxiang had already faintly heard the true identity of the Frog Prince. He really wanted to go home now!

Is that the guy?

Definitely that guy!

He absolutely can't win this man!

Chu Liuxiang's analysis was not wrong, he lost, and the votes were crushed directly.


The audience was blown away by the Frog Prince!

"Why do I feel that the Frog Prince is no weaker than the Tibetan Mastiff!"

"Are the frog princes hiding their strength?"

"It must be hidden!"

"This time he has shown his true level!"

"This singing skill, King of Songs!?"

"This treble sound sounds familiar!"

"Does it look like Zhou Hanjin?"

"Like it! Really like it! This high-pitched voice has the demeanor of Zhou Gewang! So he is Zhou Hanjin?"

"No, no, don't forget the Frog Prince and the Tibetan Mastiff. In the first issue, I imitated Zhou Hanjin's voice with Lord Variety, so it's normal to look like Zhou Gewang, but I bet he is not himself!"

The audience frantically discussed.

The guessing group was also excited.


"Who are you, Mr. Frog Prince!"

"Why does it sound like Zhou Gewang to me?"

"What did Miss Xiao say?"

Everyone began to test Li Xiao.

Li Xiao smiled generously: "Is that you, Lao Zhou?"

The Frog Prince also smiled: "Sorry, my surname is Zhang, Zhang Xiyang's Zhang."


Tibetan mastiff: "..."

Can you sing a song with Zhang Xiyang's voice first, and then say that your surname is Zhang, like Baibian Xingjun?

And when the pk between Frog Prince and Chu Liuxiang ended.

Huang Li opened his mouth and said: "The group that will appear next is Mr. Devil Fish and Mr. Baibian Xingjun. Let's hand over the stage to Mr. Devil Fish..."

The voice fell.

The devil fish enters.

As a result, he opened his mouth.

The audience's eyes widened!

The guests of the guessing group were also dumbfounded!

Even the masked singers were all dumbfounded!

This is……

Lin Shouzhuo's voice!

The devil fish is Lin Shouzhuo! ?

Or is it that the devil fish is imitating Lin Shouzhuo! ?

But Lord Variety Star used Lin Shouzhuo's voice last time, didn't he?

Everyone is guessing, what is the probability that Lord Variety is Lin Shouzhuo!

So what's the situation now?

Is this the genuine Lin Shouzhuo? ?

This pk involved the relationship between Lord Variety and Lin Shouzhuo, so everyone started to go insane again!

Originally, there was obviously no suspense in this pk.

At this moment, because the stingray made Lin Shouzhuo's voice like the Variety Star Lord in the previous issue, it even became suspicious!

And in the background.

Lin Zhibai actually laughed.

It turns out that the devil fish is a small bracelet.

Facing the camera camera in the lounge, Lord Variety said calmly, "He's very similar, but unfortunately I'm the real Lin Shouzhuo."


Today I will let you see what the "true and false Monkey King" is...

Oh no.

It is "true and false Lin Shouzhuo"!

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