Freelance Artist

Chapter 351: The devil fish reveals its face!

The song sung by the devil fish at this time is a typical love song.

He sang very affectionately, anyone who has heard Lin Shouzhuo's songs will recognize this voice!

But no one forgot that Variety Star had sung with exactly the same voice before, so everyone fell into the confusion of foolishness and indistinctness again!

After all, no one can guarantee whether the stingray is an imitator.

Although judging from Mr. Variety Star's previous record, this guy is more likely to be a counterfeit.

When the stingray finishes singing.

The audience at the scene was extremely lively.

"Let me just say this is a brain-burning program!"

"No, no, this is obviously a parody show!"

"Suddenly remembered the first episode, Tibetan Mastiff, Frog Prince and Variety Star imitated Zhou Hanjin's voice together!"

"This devil fish, maybe it's because Lord Variety used Lin Shouzhuo's voice in the last issue, so this issue is following You Yang's example?"

"It's possible, but it's too similar!"

"It does!"

"I feel that the devil fish is really Lin Shouzhuo!"

"Is this the rhythm of the righteous master personally coming to slap the face?"

"I want to know now, how Lord Variety is going to deal with it?"

Guess the jury here.

Tian Wei was dumbfounded and said, "Why is there another Lin Shouzhuo!"

Han Bo didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Are current singers so good at imitating others?"

Yingwei sighed and said, "Now I feel more and more that the netizens are right, we can only be sure that Mr. Variety is a person."

Li Xiao looked at the devil fish: "Are you Lin Shouzhuo?"

The devil fish said, "Anyway, Lord Variety is definitely not Lin Shouzhuo."

Everyone laughed!

Is this an admission in disguise?

And with the audience voting and the end of the interactive session.

Host: "Thank you for the wonderful performance of Mr. Devil Fish, and then let us all welcome Mr. Baibian Xingjun with warm applause!"

Clap clap!

There was a wave of applause at the scene!

With the performance of the first two episodes, Lord Variety is now a very popular contestant of "The King of Masked Singer"!


Lin Zhibai walked to the center of the stage.

The lights were already dimmed.

The big screen behind the stage showed the song information.

The name of this song is, "I am a fish"!


Guest: "..."

Are you a fish okay?

With the popularity of the show, now everyone is talking about this Variety King, and now the only information that can be confirmed is:

He is alone!

In the end, I didn't expect that this guy didn't even want to be a human anymore, and the title of the song was directly called "I'm a Fish"!


You want to join the zoo too, don't you?

What makes everyone feel dumbfounded is:

The opponent of Lord Variety this time is the devil fish!

"on purpose!"

"The precipice is intentional!"

"The title of this guy's song is really troublesome!"

"Do you have this song?"

"There is absolutely no such song!"

"This is another original creation of Lord Variety!"

"The lottery drew a manta ray, so you wrote a song about fish?"

"You are not a human being!"

"Sooner or later, Lord Variety Star will laugh me to death!"

The audience roared with laughter, and everyone in the guessing group couldn't help laughing. The Variety Star once again managed to amuse the audience with just the title of the song!

The devil fish waiting in the audience twitched wildly at the corner of its mouth!

Good guy!

are you a fish

It's all right if you pretend to be me, Lin Shouzhuo!

Now you even want to snatch my "fish" status, right?

With so many spectators present, do they know which of the two of us is the "fish"! ?


Really convinced this guy!

And in the midst of countless complaints and laughter, the singing of Variety Star began:

"May I miss you?"

"I need to cheer myself up."

"The weather in July, August and September is like me and you need a rain."

"need you."

"I'm a fish."

"Air in water."

"It's your narrow-mindedness and bad temper."

"Without you, like a fish out of water, it can hardly survive and cannot swim together."


This song was originally sung by Ren Xianqi.

It is a love song like the work that the stingray just sang.

Of course the song is very nice, and the lyrics have always been inseparable from the fish, but what the audience pays most attention to is the voice of Mr. Variety——


It was Lin Shouzhuo's voice again!

The audience pricked up their ears!

"Can you wake up, love is a happy thing, I only have my heart, I will not leave at the end of the world, I need you!"

"I'm a fish..."

No matter how you listen to it, it's exactly the same as Lin Shouzhuo's voice!

At the same time, this is exactly the same as the voice sung by the devil fish just now!

It's obviously a love song, not a bombshell work, but the atmosphere at the scene was a little boiling!


"Dizzy, dizzy, dizzy!"

"Who the hell is Lin Shouzhuo!"

"These two people have exactly the same voice!"

"Even though Variety Star, Frog Prince and Tibetan Mastiff imitated Zhou Gewang's voice together, everyone can tell that Variety Star is the most similar!"

"But this time I can't tell the difference at all!"

"I don't even dare to say who is more similar to Lord Variety Star or the devil fish!"

"Those who didn't know thought it was Lin Shouzhuo who participated in "The King of Masked Singer" and sang two songs in a row!"

"No matter what, there must be Lin Shouzhuo among these two!"


Backstage lounge.

The Tibetan mastiff listened in a daze.

"I'm a fish standing on the shore."

"How can I forget that I used to live in the sea."

"Once I was in your life oh yeah need you!"

"I'm a fish!"

This guy is definitely not Lin Shouzhuo!

I'm afraid the devil fish is the real Lin Shouzhuo!


Lounge next door.

The frog prince rolled his eyes to the sky, and he was slandering endlessly there!

"how did you do that!"

"Imitate Lin Shouzhuo's voice so much!"

"The devil fish is Lin Shouzhuo, right?"

"But the two are on the same stage, and the voices are hard to distinguish!"

There is no grievance between myself and Zhang Xiyang, this guy's ability to imitate is too enchanting!

Anyone who comes will be confused!



Variety Star's singing is over.

The whole audience was caught in the puzzle of "true and fake Lin Shouzhuo", but they did not forget to cheer and scream. On this stage, Mr. Variety has almost become synonymous with the effect of the show!

The moderator initiates a vote.

Li Xiao from the guessing group actually led the guests to sing in chorus: "Mr. Variety Star, you are so poisonous, you are so poisonous, you are so poisonous!"

The audience burst into laughter!

Li Xiao rubbed his stomach and said, "You laugh out my abs, you are so poisonous, why do you touch porcelain everywhere? I can't even imagine that you will be Lin Shouzhuo!"

"So who are you?"

The host couldn't help but ask, this guy is so capable!

Listening to everyone's tireless questioning, Lin Zhibai, the king of changeable stars, deliberately replied in Lin Shouzhuo's voice: "I am a fish."

"What kind of fish are you!"

Li Xiao rolled his eyes, "A devil fish? You don't want to be a human, you want to join a zoo?"

Next to him, the stingray who reappeared according to the pk rules made a helpless gesture of spreading his hands. This Variety Star Lord is simply a living treasure!

right in the interaction.

The results of the votes came out.

The host smiled and said: "Let us congratulate Mr. Baibian Xingjun for winning this pk. Don't worry about Mr. Devil Fish. You and the other two losers will still have a chance to compete for the last promotion spot!"

Sure enough, I lost.

The devil fish sighed inwardly.

Variety Star's songs are of high quality, and his performance is very stable, and his popularity is getting higher and higher. The audience likes him very much now, and it is normal for him to lose.


The devil fish can clearly feel that Lord Variety gave way to him, and that the opponent's real strength should be able to crush him, but in the end he chose the program effect. After all, it is really fun to have "real and fake Lin Shouzhuo" appearing on the stage at the same time, but Even so, I am not an opponent.


The game is still going on, and next is the duel between Cuckoo and another replacement singer, this replacement singer is called "Masked Man".

After singing a song each.

Cuckoo defeated Masked Man to advance!

In this concert, the cuckoo's voice was more exposed, a bit like a girl, so the guests were all guessing:

"It's Luo Yan!"

"The probability is very high!"

"The sound is really similar!"

"I'll see when you use your signature female voice!"

"Qin Zhou's male singers, there are not many female singers like Luo Yan!"

"As long as you use it, we can hear it!"

Luo Yan is a popular contestant who came out of "The Voice". His most well-known feature is that his voice is very similar to a female singer!

The cuckoo's singing has a bit of this meaning.

However, the cuckoo's voice currently feels relatively neutral.

Unless he used Luo Yan's signature female voice, no one could be sure that Cuckoo was the "The Voice" contestant.

So everyone is still in the guesswork stage.

In this way, the three players who lost the pk, the devil fish, Chu Liuxiang and the masked man, will compete for the last place to advance.

Because three people can only enter one.

So the confrontation between the three is very fierce.

Both votes were very close to each other.

In the end, Chu Liuxiang got the chance to advance to the second round.

This means that what will be revealed today will be the Masked Man and...

Devil fish!

The masked man didn't hesitate, and directly chose to reveal his face. He is a second-tier singer. Although he toured the stage of "The King of Masked Singer", he did not give up this rare exposure opportunity.


"It's him!"

"I said why the voice is so familiar!"

"Old Li!"

"Old Li hasn't come out for activities for several years!"

"The voice is more vicissitudes than before!"

"Lao Li is a second-tier singer!"

"Sure enough, it's hard for second-tier singers to survive on this show!"

"A few guys are really perverted!"

With the unveiling of the masked man, the guests on the scene screamed!

However, after a burst of emotion, the audience's attention shifted to the devil fish in an instant. He is the focus of today!

"It's the turn of the stingray!"

"Is the devil fish going to reveal its face?"

"The devil fish must reveal its face!"

"If he doesn't reveal his face, how can we be sure that Lord Variety is Lin Shouzhuo?"

on the stage.

The host also asked: "Will Mr. Devil Fish reveal his face?"

The audience looked at the Moon Gate.

A few seconds later, the stingray came out!


two steps.

It's minions.

It's the pace of a stingray.

At the third step, the devil fish reached out and took off the mask.


The audience is boiling!

Because at this time, it was Lin Shouzhuo's young face that was displayed in front of the camera and the audience!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Sure enough, the devil fish is Lin Shouzhuo!"

"The Lord is here to crack down on fakes!"

"Mr. Variety Star, you big asshole!"

"It's too bad!"

"You lied to us again and again, this guy!"

"The little bracelet is terrible!"

"This scapegoat has been wronged enough!"

"I can't believe Lord Variety's voice anymore. Who is this guy trying to trick? This is, poor bracelet!"

Guess the judges.

Everyone stood up!

Li Xiao yelled: "I just said that Lord Variety is poisonous!"

Han Bo was also shouting: "Teacher Baibian Xingjun, you fake!"

Yingwei winked: "Mr. Zhang Xiyang, Mr. Zhou Hanjin, did you see that you arrested the wrong person!"

Tian Wei laughed loudly: "Mr. Lin Shouzhuo's revealing of his face has cleared up a period of eternal injustice. Do you have anything to say now?"

Everyone stared at Lin Shouzhuo.

Lin Shouzhuo smiled and said: "I want to say, my two good brothers, yes, I am talking about you, Teacher Zhang Xiyang! Teacher Zhou Hanjin! Do you believe me now? You really arrested the wrong person! Then Lord Variety Star’s voice is poisonous! But don’t forget our agreement, when Master Variety Star reveals his face, let’s clean him up together!”

The audience laughed.

When the Variety Star Lord reveals his face, Zhang Xiyang and Zhou Hanjin will hang up the precipice and "beat" him. Thinking about it, everyone is looking forward to it!

How dare you play with two singers like this!



The Frog Prince coughed.

Mainly because of a guilty conscience, I really misunderstood the bracelet, and even collaborated with Zhang Xiyang to "arrest" him.


It's not my fault!

It's only because the Variety Star Lord is too cunning!

What the Frog Prince didn't know was that the Tibetan mastiff next door also coughed at the same time.

"It depends on Lao Zhou."

Zhang Xiyang under the Tibetan mastiff mask thought so.


Variety Star Jun lounge.

Xiao Yuyue couldn't laugh or cry: "Mr. Baibian Xingjun, you are too skinny!"

Before going on stage, he still put up the righteous words, saying that you are Lin Shouzhuo? I almost believed it!

You are so skinny, does your family know?

But Variety Star was not embarrassed at all, instead he said convincingly: "The program team asked me to try my best to pretend."

Xiao Miyue: "..."

staff member:"……"

Our program team will not take the blame, okay!

Obviously you, Mr. Variety Star, were having fun, but up to this moment, you were still talking in Lin Shouzhuo's voice so convincingly!

I've seen pits!

I've never seen you so stupid!

And under the mask of Lord Variety.

Lin Zhibai was thinking seriously, whose voice should be used in the next scene?

Just at this time.

Through the TV in the background.

Lin Zhibai saw that Li Xiao was still under the stage and shouted excitedly: "That's it, Lin Shouzhuo's identity is also fake, it seems that the only information we can be sure of is really only Mr. Baibian Xing It's a man!"

"Can't you?"

The other guests also nodded helplessly.

Lin Zhibai's heart skipped a beat.


Lord Variety is a man?

A smile flickered across the face under the mask.

Lin Zhibai rehearsed more than one song for the "King of Masked Singer" competition.

Among them are songs that require a female voice, or use it to slap Li Xiao in the face after the end!

Sorry, Zhou!

Who told you, a daughter-in-law, to call me "poisonous" every day?

One pit is a pit, and two pits are also pits. Let your family be neat and tidy!

According to the rules set in the previous issue, the four singers who were directly promoted in the first wave of pk need to compete for the first place, so Lin Zhibai will sing another song next.

Whether it is the first is not important.

Anyway, Lin Zhibai has already confirmed that he will not be eliminated, so he still has to implement the core idea of ​​"pranking" in the next game, and play tricks on Li Xiao!

How do you say that?

Play games with a smile!

As for who is the next blame man?

Lin Zhibai has already been selected, and Lin Shouzhuo revealed his face and dumped the blame, so someone must pass on the blame!

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